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" ... seek Thy honour and glory : and that we, and all her subjects (duly considering whose authority she hath), may faithfully serve, honour, and humbly obey her, in Thee, and for Thee, according to Thy blessed Word and ordinance ; through Jesus Christ... "
Old wells re-opened; a manual of devotion from forgotten sources: ed. by M. Dods - Página 50
por Old wells - 1881
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A Brief Account of Prayer, and the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper: And Other ...

Henry Stebbing - 1771 - 364 páginas
..... -- ., and for '1'hee, according to thy blessed Word and Ordinance, through JesusChrist our Lord; who with Thee and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth ever one God, World without End. Amen. ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, we are taught by thy holy Word, that the Hearts of Kings are in thy Rule...
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The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, D.D., Dean of St. Patrick's ..., Volumen10

Jonathan Swift - 1801 - 416 páginas
...manner. Accept these prayers, we beseech Thee, for the sake of thy dear Son Jesus Christ, our Lord ; who, with Thee and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth ever one God world without end. Amen. PRAYER USED BY THE DEAN FOR MRS. JOHNSON IN HER LAST SICKNESS. WRITTEN OCTOBER iy, 1727. merciful Father,...
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Sermons. Memoirs of Captain John Creichton.-v.11-15. Letters

Jonathan Swift - 1801 - 418 páginas
...manner. Accept these prayers, we beseech Thee, for the sake of thy dear Son Jesus Christ, our Lord ; who, with Thee and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth ever one God world without end. Amen. Vol. X. M PRAYER USED BY THE DEAN FOR MRS. JOHNSON IN HER LAST SICKNESS. WRITTEN OCTOBER \']\ IJ^J....
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The Christian guardian (and Church of England magazine).

1851 - 592 páginas
...REVISED COMMUNION SERVICE. according to thy blessed Word and ordinance ; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth, ever one God, world without end. Smen. Or, ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, we are taught by thy holy Word, that the hearts of Kings are...
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Thoughts in prison, [in verse] by W. Dodd. To which are added, his last ...

William Dodd - 1809 - 232 páginas ; in and for his sole and all-sufficient merits — the adorable Jesus; — who, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth ever, one God, world without end ! Amen and Amen, Lord Jesus ! LETTER TO THE REVEREND DR. DODD, Sent to Hun during his Confinement in Newgatr....
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The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacrements...

Church of England - 1810 - 466 páginas
...obedience of thy "Word, that in the end they may obtain everlasting life, through our Lord Jesus Christ; who, with thee and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth ever one God, world without end. Amen. O Almighty Lord, and everlasting God, vouchsafe, we beseech thee, to direct, sanctify, and goveni both...
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The works of Jonathan Swift, containing additional letters, tracts ..., Volumen9

Jonathan Swift - 1814 - 564 páginas
...manner. Accept these prayers, we beseech Thee, for the sake of thy dear Son Jesus Christ, our Lord ; who, with Thee and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth, ever one God world without end. Amen. ir. WRITTEN OCTOBER 17, 1727. MOST merciful Father, accept our humblest prayers in behalf of this thy...
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The Works of Jonathan Swift: Miscellaneous essays

Jonathan Swift, Walter Scott - 1814 - 558 páginas
...manner. Accept these prayers, we beseech Thee, for the sake of thy dear Son Jesus Christ, our Lord ; who, with Thee and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth, ever one God world without end. Amen. WRITTEN OCTOBER 17, 1727. MOST merciful Father, accept our humblest prayers in behalf of this thy languishing...
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The Book of Common Prayer: And Administration of the Sacraments, and Other ...

Church of England - 1815 - 450 páginas thee, and for thee, according to thy blessed Word and ordinance; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth, ever one God, world without end. Amen. Or, A LMIGHTY and everI\ lasting God, we are taught by thy holy Word> that the hearts of Kings are...
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Thoughts in Prison;: In Five Parts, Viz. The Imprisonment, The Retrospect ...

William Dodd - 1815 - 250 páginas ; in and for his sole and nil-sufficient merits, the adorable Jesus ; — who, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth ever, one God, world without end ! Amen and Amen, Lord Jesus ! A LETTER TO THE REVEREND DR. DODD, Sent to him during his Confinement in Newgate....
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