EVENING PRAYER. ALMIGHTY and Everlasting God, we render Thee most humble and hearty thanks, for that Thou hast vouchsafed, of Thy great mercy and goodness, to preserve us this day; and we beseech Thee also to preserve and keep us this night, in like manner, from all danger, as well of body as of soul, but especially so to enlighten the eyes of the latter, that we never sleep in sin to the end that we, being by Thee graciously preserved, may, if it be Thy good pleasure, rise again in health to praise Thy majesty, and joyfully serve Thee in thanksgiving, with chaste bodies and clean hearts, nor may fail finally of attaining Thy everlasting light; through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN. LITANY. GOD the Father, Creator of the World: O God, the Son, Redeemer of mankind : O God, the Holy Ghost, Sanctifier, Comforter, and Perfecter of the faithful: Have mercy upon us. O God, in whom we live, move, and have our being; who hast made the world for our use, and us for Thyself; who hast redeemed us by the death of Thy Son, and sanctified us by the grace of Thy Spirit: Have mercy upon us. O God, who hast prepared a glorious inheritance for them that love Thee and keep Thy commandments; who art Thyself that glorious inheritance, and the end and expectation of all our labours: Have mercy upon us. From all manner of evil, but especially from sin; from all occasions of offending Thy divine majesty, and from the particular temptations to which by time, place, or temper we are most exposed: Deliver us, O Lord. From the treachery of our own hearts, and the violence of our passions: Deliver us, O Lord. From all pride and obstinacy, from all blindness and hardness of heart, from all hypocrisy and superstition: Deliver us, O Lord. From all envy and hatred, from all uncharitableness and baseness, from anger and ill-will : Deliver us, O Lord. From gluttony and surfeiting, from luxury and uncleanness, from sloth, and worldliness, and vanity: Deliver us, O Lord. We, sinners, beseech Thee to hear us, O Lord, that it may please Thee to give us Thy grace; that we may worship Thee, our Lord God, in spirit and in truth, and Thee only serve: We beseech Thee to hear us, O Lord. That it may please Thee to give us a true and hearty repentance for all our past offences, and to work in us a sincere, firm, and effectual resolution to amend our lives for the time to come: We beseech Thee to hear us, O Lord. That it may please Thee to pardon the sins of our life past, and so to prevent and assist us with Thy grace while we live here, that we may not fail to be eternally happy hereafter: We beseech Thee to hear us, O Lord. That it may please Thee to have pity on the infirmities of our frail nature, and in all our dangers, trials, and temptations to strengthen and relieve us : We beseech Thee to hear us, O Lord. That, seeing our daily imperfections, we may quicken our diligence, humble our lofty thoughts, and learn to depend on Thee and love to pray unto Thee : We beseech Thee to hear us, O Lord. That acknowledging that all we have here is derived from Thy free bounty, we may delight. to praise and glorify Thee, and above all Thy benefits love Thee our Benefactor: We beseech Thee to hear us, O Lord. That believing Thou governest the world by Thy providence, we may humbly and thankfully accept of any condition of life Thou assignest us therein, and not murmur at the part Thou givest us to act, but strive to act it well: We beseech Thee to hear us, O Lord. That we may be perfectly true and just in all our dealings; that we may injure no man's life, |