Imágenes de páginas

international: Alabama claims
award in files of, 166, extradition,
148, extraterritorial jurisdiction,
160, jurisdiction of cases re, 79,
85, naval forces on Great Lakes,
56, negotiations, 139, slave trade,
176, State Dept. reports on, 145,
unperfected, 2; international by
country: Great Britain, 24, 44,
56, 176, Netherlands, 2, Russia,
2; list, 160; preserved by State
Dept., 1, 2, 137; published, 3.
See also Conventions, Proclama-

Trenchard, Stephen D., 450, 453
Trent affair, diplomatic corresp.
re, 140

Trenton, N. J., 106

Trescot, William H., 137

Trespass, Ohio court cases, 108
Trigg, Connally F., 111, 112
Tripoli, extraterritorial jurisdiction,

Troops, claim re use of property,

44; inquiry into sanitary conditions,
587; transportation: 66, across
Panama, 142, investigated, 64.
See also Soldiers
Trowbridge, Rowland, 66, 67
Troy, Ala., 365

Troy pound, 229

Trumbull, Lyman, 25, 32, 34, 37,

Trusses, 310, 312
Tucker, Beverly, 393
Tucker, John, 35, 246
Tucker Act, 127, 129, 596
Tucson, Ariz. Ter., 118
Tugboats, naval, 28

Tyler, John, 32
Tyler, U. S. S., 195
Typhoid fever, 307
Typography, 561

Ullmann, Daniel, 257
Umpqua, U. S. S., 485
Underwood, John C., 113, 199
Unfinished Business, House Standing
Committee on, 61

Uniforms, 291; Navy, 442
Union, plan to preserve the, 52
Union Bank Note Co., 214
Union Fire Co., Lancaster, Pa., 36
Union Gas-Light Co., 23, 500
Union Indian Agency, Okla., 547
Union League Club, New York City,

Union Pacific Railroad, 513, 514
Unionists, Southern: admission to
House, 45, claims, 59, 594-596,
conduct, 128, escape from South,
21-22, purchase abandoned lands,
207, Southern trade permitted, 233;
Tex., 22; Va. : 22, ask territorial
govt., 31. See also Confederate

United Confederate Veterans, badge,

United Kingdom, 433. See also Great

United States, guarantees States a re-
publican form of govt., 68; lawsuits,
85; maps, 519, 525; nautical charts,
229; petitions re disturbed condition
of, 36. See also Citizens, Great
Seal of the United States

United States agents, claims commis-
sions, 164, 166, 167, 168, 173

Tunis, extraterritorial jurisdiction, United States and Mexican Claims

Turkey, Confederate vessels use

ports, 141; extraterritorial juris-
diction, 160; salaried consuls ap-
pointed to, 159

Turner, Levi C., 249, 327, 336,
337, 387, 496
Turner, Thomas, 496
Turner-Baker papers, 336, 337
Tuscaloosa, Ala., 365
Tuscaloosa, C. S. S., 164
Tuttle, E. B., 255

Tyler, Daniel, 334

Commission, 175

United States Arbitrator, Alabama
claims arbitration, 164
United States-British claims. See

Alabama claims, British and Ameri-
can claims

United States-Canadian border, smug-
gling, 185; U. S. controls traffic on,
147; violations of by Confederates,
United States Christian Commission,
590-592; papers re, 254

United States Colored Troops, 243,


384; appointments of officers, 262;
burial registers, 296; hospital
records, 311; records, 404, 405;
recruiting, 263-264; register of
deaths, 311

United States counsel, claims com-
missions, 164, 166, 167, 169,
170, 171, 173, 174

United States Government, alien
claims presented to, 162; alliance
with Confederate States urged, 19;
general records, 1, 132; House
committee's on economy in, 46;
leasing of office space, 57; money
due to, 46, 58; officials: commis-
sions, 146, Confederate officials'
corresp., 381, connived at Con-
federate seizures, 231, defaulted,
201, delivered up foreigners ex-
tradited, 148, disabilities imposed
on former, 38, letters to, 144,
395, protection from "local vin-
dictiveness," 53, take foreigners
in South prisoners, 162; operates
Southern railroads, 72; propa-
ganda in European countries, 141.
See also Expenditures, Federal
employees, and names of agencies

United States Mail and Post Office
Assistant, 30

United States-Mexican border, U. S.
agent to watch Confederate activi-
ties on, 142

United States notes, 390; destroyed,

224. See also Treasury notes
United States Official Register, 137,

United States Penitentiary for the
District of Columbia, 573
United States Sanitary Commission,
291, 587-589; hospitals, 361
United States Sharpshooters, 384,

[blocks in formation]

Unlawful imprisonment, Court of
Claims cases, 129
Upson County, Ga., oaths of alle-
giance administered in, 156
Upton, Charles H., 40, 46
Urban, D., 209

Usher, John P., 501, 502, 504, 566,

Usury, Supreme Court cases, 81
Utah County, Utah Ter.,
Utah Indian Superintendency, 545
Utah Indians, treaty, 24
Utah Territory, 119, 122; admission
to Union of Deseret, 30-31; conven-
tion, 30; courts, 124; Governor: 48,
message to legislature, 30; records
re, 149; relief for Salt Lake City,
59; Supt. of Indian Affairs, 48; sur-
veyor general, 526; township plats,
526; troop supply, 297
Utica, N. Y., 107

[blocks in formation]

Vance, Philo, Confederates raided,

Vancouver Arsenal, Wash. Ter.,

Vancouver Barracks, 410

Vandalia, Ill., 98

Vandalism, investigation, 337

Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 35, 47, 64
Vandever, William, 45, 65
Van Dorn, Earl, 255
Van Dyke, Benjamin G., 450
Van Horn, Burt, 66


Van Rensselaer, Henry, 354
Van Trump, Philadelph, 16
Van Valkenburgh, Robert B.,
Van Wyck, Charles H., 14, 65
Varina, U. S. revenue cutter, 223
Varner's Battalion of Infantry, U. S.,

Vegetables, 580, 588


Venezuela, 159

Veniremen, 87

Vera Cruz, Mexico, 143, 144
Vergennes, Vt., arsenal, 284
Vermillion, Dak. Ter., 120
Vermont, volunteer regiments, 405
Vermont, U. S. S., 489, 495
Verree, John P., 45

Vessels, admeasurement of tonnage,
44; American merchants change
to "neutral bottoms," 163; amounts
of losses, 163; arrival and depar-
ture records, 143, 162, 185, 219,
239; British: captured, 141, watched,
139; building, 220; carry munitions
to Confederacy, 144; certificate
of inspection, 225; certificates of
value, 165; charter, 294; claims:
21, 28, 167, cases, 128, docu-
ments supporting, 164, 165, losses,
163, 170, of foreigners, 162, of
passengers, 165, of Unionists,
594; clearance, 187, 218, 219,
239; Coast Survey, 225, 228, 229;
Confederate depredations, 140,
148, 157, 163; engaged on west-
ern rivers, 295; foreign, 189;
give bonds to Confederates, 163;
inspection of, 220, 225; investi-
gation re, 64; Light-House Board,
232; list, 291; military use, 223;
operated by Quartermaster Dept.,
293; passage of destitute U. S. sea-
men, 199; protected by revenue
cutters, 222; Quartermaster Dept.,
288, 291; records, 160, 162, 189-
190, 220; regulations, 22; safety,
223; searched, 176; seized: 154,
234, by France, 173, suspected
of blockade running, 139, 159;
sold to British, 163; Special
Agents on, 234; statistics, 190;
steam-power experimentation, 56;
taxes, 60, 220; titles, 218, 232;
transfer to British registry, 22;
valuation, 170, 171, 172; War De-
partment use of, 34; wrecked on
foreign shores, 144. See also
Armored vessels, Carrying trade,
Confederate Navy, Enrollments,
Ironclads, Licenses, "Light-
vessels," Merchant fleet, Naval
vessels, Prize vessels, Ships,

Steamers, Transports
Veteran Reserve Corps, 243, 384,
405; admission, 307; applications
for, 344; appointments in, 262;
continuation of, 54; records, 404;
returns, 259; transfers from, 260;
transfers to, 343

Veteran Reserve Corps Branch, War
Department, 344

Veterans, bounties to, 54, 55; civil
service appointments for, 27;
compensation for wartime infla-
tion, 77-78; disabled: employment
for, 70, increased pensions to,
49, 55, 77, pensions, 49, 50, 78,
pensions to deaf, 50, pension to
naval, 70; enumerated in 1890
census, 553; headstones for graves,
43; lands for, 58, 78; pension reg-
ulations, 50; pensions to: 49, 78,
all Civil War, 50, dependents, 50,
manual laborers, 49, militia, 50,
prisoners of war, 49, 50; southern,
abandoned land for, 30; Vicksburg
Encampment, 43; welfare legisla-
tion, 78. See also Confederate vet-
erans, Widows, Widows and de-


Veterans Administration, records re
artificial limbs, 312
Veterinary surgeons, 338
Vibbard, Chauncy, 66
Vice-consulates, U. S.,
Vice President, 18; official papers
of, 135-136
Vickers, George, 37
Vicksburg, Miss., 235, 236, 299,
372, 416; Army officers' liquor
speculation at, 69; battle, 256;
Civil War semicentennial and vet-
erans' encampment, 43; Confed-
erate defenses, 464; convalescent
camp, 552; freedmen's disbursing
office, 266; freedmen's hospital,
357; marine hospital, 410; occupa-
tion of, 54; siege, 226; surrender,
399, 410; Treasury Dept. Special
Agent at, 373

Vicksburg National Military Park,
256; Civil War veterans' reunion,

Victoria, Tex.,
Vidal, M., 430



Viele, Egbert L., 222
Vigilantes, competition with Mont.
Territorial courts, 121
Vincent, Thomas M., 261, 357
Vinton, Samuel F.,
Virginia, 231, 486; Army posts in,
406; campaigns in, 275; citizens
imprisoned at Camp Chase, 254;
constitutionality of partitioning,
80; counties annexed to W. Va.,
53; direct tax, 208; Direct Tax
Commission, 210; Eastern Shore
mapped, 226; Federal courts, 79,
87; First Military District, 411;
forts inspected, 269; freedmen's
affairs in, 48; Freedmen's Bu-
reau: operations, 366, records,
378-379; Governors: corresp. re
John Brown, 31, letters to, 157;
gradual emancipation suggested
in, 65; in Dept. of Va., 413; incorpo-
rates Chesapeake and Ohio Canal,
583; lands redeemed, 208; letters
of citizens, 550; "loyal govern-
ment": at Alexandria, 113, 156,
recognized by U. S., 156; loyalty
investigation, 13-14; maps, 256,
272, 564, 565; men employed in,
270; military claims re W. Va.,
35; military govt. of, 411; mili-
tary land warrants, 520; military
railroads, 317; oaths adminis-
tered in, 254; pictorial records,
381; postal service, 431; post-
war fiscal problems, 413; pro-
poses Peace Convention, 32; pro-
visional govt., 412; rebellion in
W. Va., 35; reconstruction prob-
lems in, 76; representation in
Congress, 17, 40; Special Agency,
235, 239; tax sales, 207; Union-
ists ask territorial govt., 31;
volunteer regiments, 405; west-
ern section protests secession,
158. See also Alexandria, Ar-
lington, Army of the Potomac,
Norfolk, Potomac River, Wash-
ington, West Virginia

Virginia, C. S. S., 454, 555. See
also Merrimac

Virginia City, Mont. Ter., 121
Virginia State Library, court rec-
ords, 114

Virginia University Library, Chesa-
peake and Ohio Canal records,
Virginians, information about prom-
inent, 114; oaths of allegiance,

Vixen, Coast Survey steamer, 226,

Volunteer Infantry, 17th Iowa, 407
Volunteer Recruiting Branch, War
Department, 345-346

Volunteer Recruiting Service, 261
Volunteer regiments, histories, 260;
muster rolls, 257; records, 384,
404-405. See also under name of

Volunteer Service Division, War
Department, 260

Volunteer troops, company histories,
279; N. Mex., 410; Oreg. Ter.,
408; recruiting, 246
Volunteers, accounts, 193, 194;
called up, 1, 158, 242; cavalry,
26; claims, 385; clothing, 292;
deaths among, 255; enlistment,
339; equipment, 292; histories,
382; medals of honor for, 55;
medical examinations, 347; medi-
cal records, 384; Navy, 443, 458;
Negro, 391; New York County,
552; officers: commissions, 383,
discharges, 260, Freedmen's Bu-
reau agents, 367, Navy, 56, pen-
sion rates for, 78, register pub-
lished, 252, retired list, 27, 55;
ordnance issued to, 283; pensions,
50, 551; quotas, 341; records re,
261; recruiting, 345; retired list,
50, 55; returns, 259; service rec-
ords, 383-384; stations, 406. See
also United States Volunteers and
names of units and States
Voorhees, Daniel W., 16, 68
Voter registration, records, 413;
Southern, 411, 414

Voting rights, District of Columbia,
23; Negro: constitutional amend-
ments re, 4, in South, 411, post-
war Southern laws, 4, to freedmen,
36; reestablished by pardon, 155

Wabash, U. S. S., 453
Waddell, Alfred M., 16

Wade, Benjamin F., 10, 30, 32



Wadsworth, William H.,
Wages, 482; navy yards, 472
Wagon roads, 502; construction,
31; land grants, 517, 521; maps,
526; records, 512; routes, 533
Wagon trains, 292

Wagons, 288, 297, 310; claims re
Govt. contracts for, 128; investi-
gation re, 64

Wainwright, Richard, 446

Waite, Morrison R.,


Walke, Henry, 450, 491

Walker, Charles M.,


Walker, Martin, 14

Walker, William M.,



Wallabout Bay, N. Y.,

Wallace, Alexander S.,


Wallace, John W., 65, 80, 83, 84,
544, 545

Wallace, Lewis, 257, 329

Wallach, Richard, 502

Walls, Josiah T., 46

Walter, Thomas U.,


Walterboro, S. C., 73
Wappich, Maximilian, 269
War, Joint Select Congressional
Committee on the Conduct of the,
9-12, 30, 245

War claims, 163, 195, 394; adjudi-
cation by War Dept., 244; British-
U. S. claims, 164, 167; jurisdic-
tion of Court of Claims, 125; of
foreigners in South, 162. See
also Alabama claims, Claims,
Property, Revolutionary claims
War Claims, House Standing Com-
mittee on, 42, 59, 163
War Claims Commission, 385
War Debts of the Loyal States,

House Select Committee on the,

War Department, 26, 145, 238, 398;

and records of Commission for
State Prisoners, 154; captured
property to Treasury Dept., 233;
charters transport vessels, 34;
claims: investigation of fraudu-
lent, 195, records, 162, 174;
commission on burning of the
Ruth, 224; control of Western
Gunboat Flotilla, 195; direction
of Indian affairs, 529; fiscal
agents, 194; House Appropriation

Committee papers re, 43; investi-
gations: freedmen, 390, ordnance,
387; letters, 511, 514; military
commissions, 384-394; misman-
agement, 47; orders, 257-258;
organization, 243, 399, 405;
places soldiers in U. S. Penitenti-
ary, 573; postwar responsibilities,
244; public buildings supt. trans-
ferred from, 30; receipts to Treas-
ury, 190; records: House Prisoner
of War Committee, 75, regimental,
403, Territories, 149; reports re:
N. C. disloyal organizations, 38,
prisoners of war statistics, 75;
resignations of Southerners, 242;
secret service fund, 337. See
also Army and names of offices
of the Department

War Department, House Standing
Committee on Expenditures in,

War Department Library, 382
War Department Telegraph Office,

operations, 248-249

War of 1812, pensioners of, 49

War of the Rebellion. See Official
Records of the Union and Confed-
erate Armies

War Records Office, 252; records,

Ward, George R. (Mrs.), 23
Ward, Hamilton, 74, 77

Ward, Samuel, 142, 143
Wardens, appointment, 421
Warder, J. M., 581

Warehouses, investigation re New
York City, 64


Warfield, Henry M., 154
Warmoth, Henry C., 237
Warner, Samuel L.,
Warranty deeds, land, 203
Warren, George F., 334
Warrington Navy Yard, Fla., 33
Wasatch County, Utah Ter., 124
Washburn, Cadwallader C., 62
Washburn, Henry D., 73, 76

Washburn, William B., 14, 70

Washburne, Elihu B., 13, 43, 64,
68, 72

Washington, George, 132
Washington, Ark., 373

Washington, D. C., 211, 225, 228,

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