Imágenes de páginas

Seamen's Rest and Retreat, Staten

Island, 222

Sears, E. H., 209
Sebago, U. S. S., 489

Seceded States, proclamations re
reconstruction, 1. See also Con-
federate States, Southern States
Secession, advocated by Howell

Cobb, 179; Md. Legislature tries
to pass act of, 153; progress, 4
Secor and Co., 483
Secret Service, accounts, 204;
agents' reports, 204; detective
executed, 555; military, 246
Secret Service Division, Treasury
Department, 202-204

Secret service operatives, claims
for compensation, 22. See also

Secretary of Agriculture, letters,

Secretary of State, 137, 422, 516;
appointed to British-American
Joint High Commission, 164; cen-
sored telegraph messages, 153;
census transferred from, 561;
circular re extraterritorial juris-
diction, 160; conditions in South
reported to, 142; corresp., 5,
149, 156, 157, 158, 503, 506,
514, 587; countersigns: pardon
warrants, 147, proclamations, 1;
distribution of public documents,
515; examines political prisoners,
153; instructions to Mixed Courts
of Justice, 176; issues: commis-
sions, 145, patents, 556; kept of-
ficial Senate records, 18; notified

re: Alabama Claims Court deci-
sions, 172, British-American
Claims Commission decisions,
168; passport responsibilities,
147; political prisoners, 386; re-
ports received: departmental af-
fairs, 145, shipping losses, 163;
reports to Senate, 19; requires
oaths of allegiance, 145; respon-
sibility for recommending par-
dons, 146; sends claims abstract
to Adams, 164; signs: exequaturs,
148, pardons, 423, passports to
pass through Army lines, 147,
ships' papers, 172, warrants of

surrender, 148. See also Seward,
William H., State Department
Secretary of the Interior, 519; ac-
count book of Indian expenditures,
541; apportionment of representa-
tives, 39; approves admissions to
Columbia Institution for the In-
struction of the Deaf and Dumb,
572; corresp., 522; distribution
of public documents, 515; func-
tions, 499-500; given supervision
of public buildings, 548; letters,
507, 510, 512, 514, 531, 532,
533, 543, 549, 550, 568, 574;
pension appeals, 505, 552; por-
traits, 504; recommends warden
for U. S. Penitentiary, 573; rec-
ords, 3, 502-505; reports to Sen-
ate, 19; responsible for prisoners
in District of Columbia, 573; su-
pervises Capitol construction,
566. See also Harlan, James; In-
terior Department; Smith, Caleb B.;
Usher, John P.

Secretary of the Navy, 197, 228, 234,

440-453; corresp., 467, 469, 470,
471, 481, 486, 494, 496, 498, 522;
endorsements on court-martial,
476; establishes blockade of South-
ern ports, 157; letters, 28, 33, 56,
144, 396, 455, 462, 464, 465, 475,
505, 514; orders, 473; reports to
Congress, 19; Treasury Solicitor's
report to, 202. See also Navy De-
partment; Welles, Gideon
Secretary of the Senate, records, 6,
18, 19; reports to Senate, 19
Secretary of the Treasury, 23, 178,
179-183, 190, 202, 203, 209, 210,
211, 212, 213, 219, 223, 224, 229,
232, 238, 239, 240, 241, 393;
abolishes Office of Construction
Engineer, 214; appointments, 179-
180; appropriation estimates, 186;
assigns revenue-marine officers to
Alabama Claims Court, 171; com-
munications to Senate, 19; counter-
feiting, 204; delay in printing re-
port of, 9; disposal of public land,
517; enemy products, 240; enemy
trade restrictions, 233; judiciary
accounts, 516; letters to, 144, 189,
229, 505, 510, 512, 568; mint mat-

ters, 217; organization of office,
180; Potomac reconnaissance,
222; Provost Marshal detailed to,
69; public buildings, 215; records,
180-183, 188; regulations, 234;
report to on compensation for
slaves in District of Columbia,
592; reports: banks, 9, marine
hospitals, 221; suspends tax sales,
207. See also Treasury Depart-
ment and names of Secretaries
Secretary of War, 209, 234, 245,
380, 381, 382, 393, 412, 516;
aliens discharged from U. S. Army,
145; appoints commissions, 386,
387, 388, 390, 391, 392; com-
munications to Senate, 24; cor-
resp., 522; dealings with con-
tractors, 52; directed to release
political prisoners, 155; estab-
lishes: commission on political
prisoners, 153, military commis-
sion, 385; jurisdiction over polit-
ical prisoners, 153; letters, 144,
154, 395, 510, 512, 532, 568;
military telegrams, 396; records,
246-248, 392, 394; release of
prisoners from parole, 145; re-
ports to Senate, 19; ships char-
tered by, 35; supervises Capitol
construction, 566; suppresses
report, 392. See also War De-
partment and names of Secre-

Sectional prejudice, memorials
against, 36

Securities, U. S., counterfeited,
201; printing, 214
Seddon, James A., 386
Sedgwick, Charles B., 28, 55, 448
Seeds, cotton, 580; distribution,
579, 580

Seelye, S. Emma E. (alias Frank-

lin Thompson), 555
Segar, Joseph E., 40, 46
Segregation of public facilities,
proposed for District of Colum-
bia, 23
Seizures, 181, 218, 219. See also

Selfridge, Thomas O., 482, 483,
484, 491, 498
Selfridge Board, 482, 483, 484

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

Seminole Indians, 530; claims, 532,
533, 538; payroll of loyal, 541;
relief for in Kans., 48; under
Southern Superintendency, 545
Senate, 206, 224; admission of South-
ern members, 25; approves trea-
ties, 2; awards: loyal Creeks, 538,
Seminoles, 533; bicgraphical infor-
mation on Members, 7; Chamber,
17, 35; committees, 17, 18, 20-39;
contested seats, 25; credentials,
18, 25; disapproves U. S. - British
claims convention, 164; executive
nominations: confirmations, 132,
143, 146, 169, 504, investigations
re fitness, 19, messages re, 19;
expenses, 20, 31; House messages
to, 18; impeachment: 17, 37, 39,
charges against Johnson, 76, 77,
proceedings, 6; journals, 7; legis-
lative functions, 17; library, 8;
loyalty investigation, 33; mes-
sages from Cabinet, 19; nonlegis-
lative functions, 17; order in gal-
leries, 32; petitions re slavery,
35; precedents, 18; President of,
18, 28; Presidential messages,
132; records: 6, 17-39, 390, on
Territories, 149; revenue bills,
39; rules and practices in commit-
tee appointments, 20; tables peti-
tions, 19; treaty-making functions,
17; withdrawal of Southern senators
from, 6, 17. See also Clerk of the
Senate, Congress, President of the

Senate, Select Committee on Altering
and Changing the Construction of
the Chamber for the Use of the, 35
Senate, Standing Committee to Audit
and Control the Contingent Expenses
of the, 20, 31

Senators, election, 17; investigation,
25; political disabilities imposed
on, 38

Seneca, U. S. S., 489

Seneca Indians, 530; adjudication of
claims, 540; records, 547; under


Southern Superintendency, 545
Sengstack, Charles P., 574
Sequestration commission, 399
Servants. See Army, officers;
Indentured servants

Service pension law proposed, 50
"Service servants," 23
Session laws. See Laws
Sewall, S. E., 36

Seward, Frederick W., 137, 138
Seward, William H., 32, 137, 138,
147, 329; added functions to State
Dept., 153; appoints special agent,
153; attempted assassination of,
141-142; conducts loyalty investi-
gation, 145; examines political
prisoners, 153; letters to State
Governors, 157; orders arrests,
153; papers, 138, 143; sends
claims papers to Adams, 164;
signs ships' papers, 172. See
also Secretary of State

Seward, William H., U. S. revenue
cutter, 223

Seward Museum, Auburn, N. Y.,


Sewell's Point, Va., 222
Seyfert McManus & Co.,
Seymour, Silas, 568
Seys, John, 506, 507, 508
Shacklett, Thomas C., 101
Shallcross, John, 224
Shamrock, U. S. S., 28, 490
Shanklin, George S., 72
Shanks, John P. C., 66, 75
Sharpe, George H., 141, 330
Sharpsburg, Md., 588
Shawnee, Okla., 547

Shawnee Indians, 530; adjudication
of claims, 540; adjudication of
claims of loyal Indians, 538; pay-
ment to, 544; payroll of loyal,
541; under Southern Superintend-


Sheafe, Charles A.,


Sheffield, William P., 67
Shelby County, Tenn., 210
Shellabarger, Samuel, 72, 74
Shenandoah, C. S. S., claims awards,
169; claims re, 164, 171; de-
stroys whaling fleet, 487; Great
Britain responsible for damage
by, 164-165; petition re, 24;

preyed on U. S. shipping, 163;
U. S. purchase of journals and
papers of, 56

Shepherd, Oliver L., 365
Sheridan, Philip H., 12, 73, 370,
397, 416, 417

Sheriffs, Southern States, 414
Sherman, Charles T., 389
Sherman, John, 20, 33, 34, 35
Sherman, William T., 11-12, 21,
73, 226, 250, 257, 357, 564
Sherrod, William C., 46
Sherwood, Isaac R., 50
Sherwood Bill re pensions, 50
Shiloh, Tenn., battle, 256
Ship Island, Miss., base of West
Gulf Blockading Squadron, 492;
Confederate prisoners, 322, 324
Shipbuilders, claims, 481; corresp.,
455, 484, 485, 486; letters to
Secretary of the Navy, 442
Shipley, George S., 240
Shipmasters, 218; claims re losses
and unemployment, 163, 165; dep-
ositions on losses, 163; seaman's
tax, 220. See also Oaths of al-

Shipowners, claims, 163; papers
supporting Alabama claims, 165;
sold vessels to British, 163.
See also Claims

Shippers, papers re Alabama claims
of, 165

Shipping articles, 165, 219, 458
Shipping fees received by consuls,

Shipping marks, 238

Ships, British watched, 139; claims
cases re, 128; claims re, 126;
claims re detention, 128; clear-
ances: in Alabama claims papers,
165, needed for claims, 164; data
in logbooks, 463; deviation of com-
pass, 594; manifests: 219-220,
coastwise, 239; propeller im-
provement, 28; protection of bot-
toms, 594; registries: 158, 165,
187, 189, certificates, 189, 220,
foreign ships admitted to, 189,
in Alabama claims records, 170,
172, needed for claims, 164,
regulations, 218; Supreme Court
cases re cargo, 81. See also

Licenses, Logbooks, Naval ves-
sels, Vessels


Ships and shipbuilding, petitions re,

Ships Bureau, Navy Department,
455, 470

Ships' papers, in Alabama claims
papers, 165; whalers, 172
Shipwrecks, Fla. coast, 98
Shipyards, construction of naval
vessels, 454; corresp., 470;
steam machinery manufacture,

Shiras, Alexander E., 587
Shober, Francis E., 46
Shober, J. F., 450


Shock, William H.,
Shoenfelt, J. Blair, 538, 541
Shorelines, charts, 229
Shot, shipment of, 219
Shreveport, La., 101

Shubrick, William B., 231, 475,

Shubrick, U. S. revenue cutter, 220,

Shufeldt, Robert W., 142, 450, 490
Shugert, Samuel T., 558
Siam, 160

Sibley, Caleb C., 255, 368, 415
Sibley, Ebenezer S., 290
Sibley, Henry Hastings, 406
Sibley tentpoles, 64
Sickles, Daniel E., 45, 142, 413,
414, 555

Sierra Leone, 176, 506
Signal Camp of Instruction, George-
town, D. C., 348, 350, 352, 353
Signal Corps, 347-353, 384, 395;

corresp. re, 291; organization, 26
Signal Office, War Department, 585
Signal Officer, Office of the Chief,

Signal officer, records, 399
Signaling system, 347
Siletz Indian Agency, Oreg., 547
Silver, purchases, 217; U. S. lack

of, 216. See also Bullion
Simmons, James F., 28, 32
Simpson, Edward, 450
Simpson, George B., 29

Simpson, James H., 512, 513, 514

Simpson, William D., 46
Sims, C. S., 450

Sioux City, Iowa, 256, 521
Sioux Commission, 536-537
Sioux Indians, 196; atrocities, 25;
depredation claims, 25, 511, 541;
depredations, 536; outbreak in
1862, 630; relief, 536; removal:
541, from Minn., 13; restoration
of annuities, 127; trial, 537; trust
funds, 541; under Northern Super-
intendency, 545; uprising in Minn.,
511; valuation of lands, 521
Sketches, cemeteries, 296
Skipwith, ----, 235
Slattery, D. P., 450

Slave Claims Commission, records,

"Slave pen." See Military prisons
Slave trade, 420, 422; cases re, 80,
86, 110; petitions: 47, 52, reopen-
ing, 36, suppression, 24, 36, 52,
60, 176, 183, 499, 501, 506, 507,
508, 516; U. S. consul in Africa to
suppress, 159

[ocr errors]

Slaveholders, census, 563
Slavers, 81; seized, 426
Slavery, 390, 391; abolished among
Indians, 530; abolition amendment,
41; cases, 92, 93; District of Columbia
abolishes, 23, 95; Fugitive Slave
Acts repealed, 4; in N. Mex. Ter.,
52; information on in claims cases,
128; Mo. abolishes, 373; obstructs
division of Territories, 115; peti-
tions re, 35, 36, 41, 53; petitions
re protection of, 36. See also
Abolition, Antislavery societies,
Fugitive Slave Act

Slavery and the Treatment of Freed-

men, Senate Select Committee on,

Slaves, and apportionment of taxes

and representatives, 39; census,
563; census in Indian Ter., 562;
claim re, 21; former as Army
servants, 54; freeing by purchase,
52; freeing of drafted, 391; fugi-
tives: 575, acts re, 35; number in
South, 564, 565; "rebel" owned
freed, 66; return of, 10; Senate

and, 34; status of drafted, 255.

See also Emancipation, Liberation,

Slidell, John, 17

[blocks in formation]

Smith, Albert N.,
Smith, Benjamin G., 448
Smith, Caleb B., 502; assigns con-
struction work to Walter, 566;
order re U. S. Penitentiary, 573;
papers, 504; recommends fed-
eralization of District of Colum-
bia police, 576


Smith, Charles H.,
Smith, Chauncey, 391
Smith, Delano T., 210
Smith, E. Peshine, 164
Smith, Franklin W., 447, 448
Smith, Green Clay, 55, 70
Smith, John E., 410

Smith, Joseph, 454, 455, 471, 478
Smith, Kirby, 237

Smith, Melancton, 450

Smith, Philip, 552

Smith, Robert K.,


Smith, Robert T.,


Smith, Thomas L.,


Smith, Truman, 176


Smith, Watton J.,
Smith, William, 111, 496
Smith, William F., 392
Smith, William J., 46
Smithers, Nathaniel B.,
Smiths, 497


Smithson, James, 584
Smithsonian Institution, 584-586;
fire of 1865, 8, 30; Indian por-
traits destroyed, 8; photographs
of Capitol, 567; regent, 225.
See also Library of Congress
Smoot, Samuel S., 539
Smuggling, 422; cases, 110; from
Paris, 220; Treasury Department
functions re, 185
Snowden and Mason, 485
Snyder, Oliver P., 46
Social history, Supreme Court files

as source of, 82
Social statistics, census schedules,
563, 565

Society of Friends, 255. See also

Soils, 581

Solano County, Calif., 30
Soldiers, additional homestead en-
tries, 524; admitted to St. Eliza-
beths Hospital, 257; arrested in
District of Columbia, 577; boun-
ties, 55; claims: 21, 192, 588,
freedmen's, 371; Confederate
treatment of corpses at Manassas,
10; confiscated rebel lands for, 36;
death statistics, 75; desertion,
329; discipline, 354; drafting, 247;
engineer, 268; enrollment bills,
26; fatigue work, 296; furnished
by States, 393; homes, 50, 552;
imprisoned in U. S. Penitentiary,
573, 574; medical history, 308;
missing, 27; Negro: 192, 193, 390,
accounts, 194, bounties, 360, 362,
claims, 360, deaths, 263, equal
pay, 41, families joined, 378-379,
medical care, 361, numbers, 263,
pay, 259, 419, 425, pensions for
widows, 551, petitions re, 54,
raising, 262, status, 27; nonin-
debtedness, 194; pay, 26, 41, 54;
racial equality, 26; raising, 254;
records, 252, 260, 261; refunds
on lands, 207; registers of de-
ceased, 260, 296; returns, 247;
testimony re outrages at Winches-
ter, Va., 254; training, 354; un-
known, 291; using marine hospi-
tals, 221; welfare promoted, 590.
See also Army, Bounties, Confed-
erate Soldiers, Prisoners of war,
United States Colored Troops
Soldiers' Home, Washington, D. C.,
records, 410-411; summer White
House, 410, 411

Soldiers in South Carolina, House
Select Committee on the Murder
of Union, 73-74

Soley, James R., 448
Solicitor, Court of Claims, 128
Solicitor of Customs, New York City,


Solicitor of the Navy, appointed, 447;

corresp., 447-448; letters, 444
Solicitor of the Treasury, 178, 239,
418, 425; crimes of U. S. seamen,
144; letters, 444; letters to, 513;

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