Imágenes de páginas

Anderson, John B., 317
Anderson, Lucien, 67, 70
Anderson, Robert, 54, 244, 277
Anderson, Samuel R., 112
Anderson, William C., 45
Anderson, William L., 21
Anderson, S. C., 375
Anderson, Tex., 377

Andersonville Prison, Ga., 255,
291; burial lists, 13-14; claims
re supplies for prisoners, 21;
Clara Barton's testimony re, 14;
commander, 328; deaths of Union
prisoners, 321; inquiry re, 329;
listing of Union dead, 21
Andrews, Mrs. James P., 589
Andrews, Solomon, 27, 255, 269
Andrews, Timothy P., 302
Andrews, Addison F., U. S. reve-
nue cutter, 223

Andrews raid, 255
Andromeda, schooner, 81
Anglo-American relations, Cana-
dian border frictions, 47
Animals, disposal, 294; theft, 119.

See also Cattle, Horses, Mules
Annapolis, Md., 317, 372, 588;

Army medical board, 307; Mar-
chand Board papers found in, 484;
Union prisoners, 321. See also
Naval Academy

Anne, steamboat, 201

Anne Arundel County, Md., 366
Annie, steamboat, 220

Annuities. See Indians

Anthony, Henry B., 9
Anthony, Susan B., 36

Antietam, Md., battle, 270, 311
Antietam, U. S. revenue cutter, 223
Antislavery societies, British, 158
Apache Indians, 530, 547
Apalachicola, Fla., 240; custom-

house reopened, 219; oaths of al-
legiance administered at, 156
Apalachicola Arsenal, Fla., 283
Apothecaries, 361, 460, 461
Appalachian Mountains, 517
Apparatus, medical, 310
Appeals, admiralty cases, 90; al-

lowed from Territorial district
courts, 116; changes in jurisdic-
tion, 88; District of Columbia
courts, 96; procedure, 85

Appleton, Wis., 30
Applications for appointments, 133,
135, 145; Alabama Claims Court,
172; Architect of the Capitol, 567;
Attorney General's Office, 418;
Boston Navy Yard, 494; brigade
surgeons, 247; Indian Office per-
sonnel, 534; Interior Dept., 501,
504; military commissions, 243;
Patent Office, 560; Public Build-
ings Commr., 550; veterinary sur-
geons, War Dept., 247. See also
Appointments, Personnel records
Appointments, Ariz. Ter. officials,

118; Attorney General's Office,
421; circuit court, District of
Columbia, 97; court officials, 87;
Interior Dept., 502, 504, 505,
506, 514; Internal Revenue Office,
206; judicial, 418, 419, 421; Navy
Dept., 441, 443, 445; opinions re,
420; Patent Office, 560; Ports-
mouth Navy Yard, 497; Presidential:
132, 145, 146, 149, 150, 247, ac-
ceptances, 146, Army officers, 261-
262, 412, associate justices, 79,
81, Chief Justices, 80, 81, consuls,
159, Court of Claims, 128, 131,
Court of Commrs. of Alabama
Claims, 169, 171, district attorneys,
426, Federal judgeships, 96, 103,
110, 111-112, 113, French-Ameri-
can Claims Commission, 173, In-
dian agencies and superintendencies,
531, 534, land officers, 520, Light-
House Board, 230, Marine Corps,
442, marshals, 425, Military Acad-
emy Board of Visitors, 276, Naval
Academy, 445, naval cadets, 462,
naval engineers, 462, naval officers,
443, 462, 475, 489, naval surgeons,
460, ordnance officers, 281, peni-
tentiary inspectors, 573, postmas-
ters, 431, 432, 433, Public Build-
ings Commr., 549, railroad direc-
tors, 513, 514, recommendations
re, 145, Secretaries of the Treas-
ury, 179, supervising steamboat
inspectors, 224, surgeons, 26, tax
commissioners, 206; records, 145-
146; special agents, Commrs. of
Claims, 596; State governments,
413; Steamboat-Inspection Service,

225; Supt. of Congressional Docu-
ments, 515; Supt. of Public Print-
ing, 569, 570; supts. of wagon
roads, 512; Supreme Court, 80;
Supreme court, District of
Columbia, 97, 80, 82, 97; Ter-
ritories, 122, 144, 149, 504;
Treasury Dept., 182; Treasury
Dept. Special Agencies, 234.
See also Applications for appoint-
ments, Commissions, Personnel

Appomattox Court House, Va.,

parole signed at, 256
Appomattox Courthouse Memorial,


Apportionment. See Representatives
and Taxes

Appraisers of merchandise, 181,


Apprentices, 373; indentures, 377;
naval, 494; Negroes, 371, 372;
records, 372
Appropriations, accounts kept by
Register's Office, 186; bills,
42, 60; Coast Survey, 227; esti-
mates, 186; ledgers: 183-184,
188, 194, 215, Interior Dept.,
508, Indian Affairs Office, 540,
541, State Dept., 150, War Dept.,
192; Light-House Board, 231,
232; Marine Hospital Service,
220; Navy Dept., 28; proposed,
24; relief, 71; State Dept., 145,
150; State militia, 26; war claims,
59; warrants, 188
Appropriations, House Standing
Committee on, 42, 43, 49
Arago, Coast Survey steamer, 228
Arapaho Indians, 530, 547
Arapahoe County, Colo. Ter., 119
Arbitration, Supreme Court cases,

Arbitration boards, Freedmen's,

Arbitration boards, Military Dis-
tricts, 416

Arbitrations, international, 167,
169. See also Claims, arbitra-
tion of

Arbitrators, Mixed Courts of Jus-
tice, 176

Archer, C. S. S., 164

Architect of the Capitol, 548, 566-567
Architecture, public buildings, 215
Archive Division, Bureau of Refu-

gees, Freedmen, and Abandoned
Lands, 364

Archive Office, Adjutant General's
Office, 266-267

Archive Office, War Department,
380, 381

Archives Branch, Record Division,
Office of the Secretary of War, 267
Arinos, Baron de, 173
Arizona Territory, 118; census of

1864, 565, 566; Indian superintend-
ency, 545; mining camps, 115; pri-
vate land claims, 523, 525, 526;
records, 149

Arkadelphia, Ark., 373
Arkansas, 372, 390, 417; contested
Senate seat, 25; direct tax, 208;
Federal courts, 79, 87, 93; Fourth
Military District, 411, 416; Freed-
men's Bureau records, 373;
illegally-collected taxes, 208;
Legislature under "disloyal" con-
trol, 9; loyal govt. reestablished,
93, 156; loyalty investigation, 14;
map, 565; military forces in-
creased, 530; military govt., 411;
military railroads, 317; militia,
50; railroad lands forfeited, 73;
reorganization of, 25, 156; Special
Agency, Treasury Dept., 235,
236; surveyors' general records,
527; tax sales, 207; township plats,
526; tract books, 521; Union forces
in, 93; U. S. Senate seats vacated
during war, 18; U. S. Senator ex-
pelled, 17; volunteer regiments,
405. See also Army of Arkansas
Arkansas, C. S. S., 28, 448
Arkansas Expedition, 402
Arkansas River, 544
Arlington, Va., 57, 366

Arlington Cemetery, Va., 597
Arlington Heights, Va., 274, 367,

Armaments, 558; Barnard's notes,

275; claims, 126; storage, 244
Armies, U. S., 399, 402; army corps
in, 400; names, 398; postal ar-
rangements, 433. See also Army
of the Cumberland, etc.

Armories, 279, 405; accounts,

192, 281; captures and losses,
403; District of Columbia, 500;
documents published, 279; Har-
per's Ferry, 26; land titles, 420;
national, 54; ordnance stores at,
280; records, 283; removal of
arms, 63; west of the Alleghenies,
65. See also Harper's Ferry
National Armories, National
Armory, National Armory and

Arms, 396; furnished to Indians,
510, 511; investigation re, 64;
manufacture, 329; procurement,
514; road parties, 512; sent to
South, 245

Armstrong, James F., 33, 495, 496
Army, accounts, 184, 192, 193;

ages of men, 255; appointments,
26; appropriation bill for, 60;
arrests aliens in South, 162;
bakery in Capitol, 548; bands,
26, 257, 383; battle reports, 380;
"board of health," 26; board on
New Orleans riots, 74; buildings,
repair, 295; buys animals from
Indians, 538; chaplains, 54;
claims, 21, 41, 210; colors, 403;
commanding officers, 394; com-
mands, 270; companies, 382;
controls Ky., 100; court-martial
cases, 132; criminals enlist, 45;
deaths, 255; destruction of prop-
erty by, 21, 22, 173; disbursing
officers' receipts, 190; emigrant
escort, 512; engineer surveys,
225; engineers, 54; enlargement
beyond legal limit, 80; enlist-
ments, 552; field administration,
243; Garibaldi offered command
in, 141; geographical division,
396-400; granting of amnesty,
155; headquarters moves to Wash-
ington, 243; headquarters rec-
ords, 28; Indian policy, 48; in-
spections, 395, 396; legislation
re, 26; liaison with Special Agen-
cies, 239-240; liquor use by de-
nounced, 19; medical boards, 307,
308; merchant vessels in service
of, 220; muster rolls, 257-258;
naval cooperation, 486, 487;

numbers, 75, 242, 259; nurses'
pensions, 50; occupies Norfolk,
113; officers: accounts, 193, ap-
pointments, 257, 262, cavalry,
338, Coast Survey duty, 226, com-
missary, 313, 314, competitive
examinations for, 54, dismissals,
128, letters, 511, 532, letters
from, 237, liquor speculations, 69,
medical, 307, 308, 309, 310, medi-
cal examinations, 307, 308, mile-
age allowances, 297, negotiate
with Indians, 511, noncommis-
sioned, 384, 403, ordnance, 280,
281, 282, 283, papers, 257, quar-
termaster, 289, 297, 298, 299,
quarters, 295, relations with
Indians, 510, reports, 254, 381,
resignations, 242, 255, retired,
53, 262, returns, 259, servants,
27, serve under Freedmen's Bu-
reau, 356, signal, 350, staff, 399,
State Dept. letters to, 157; opera-
tions: Rio Grande, 175, South,
128, Tenn., 111; orders, 12; ord-
nance issued to, 283; passports re-
quired to pass lines, 147; patients
admitted to Govt. Hospital for the
Insane, 570; pay, 26, 27, 54, 129,
194; paymasters: 10, 54, 55, 301,
302, 303, accounts, 184, 192,
clerks' pay, 26, commissions,
262; personnel: Ku Klux Klan
murder, 417, papers re, 54;
posts: 406, construction, 407,
establishment, 534, frontier, 405,
hospitals, 373, inspections, 298,
354, list of hospitals, 311, medi-
cal officers, 309, medical rec-
ords, 311, records, 405-411,
U. S. Christian Commission ac-
tivities, 590; purchases investi-
gated, 64; rations, 26, 54; rec-
ords published, 43; regulations,
389, 394, 395; requests light-
house service, 232; returns, 259,
384; revenue cutter support, 222;
roadbuilding, 512; seizes private
property, 125; service records,
382, 384; slaves as servants, 54;
specialized troops, 54; subsist-
ence, 26, 193, 195; supplies, 59,
64; trains, 297; transportation,

128; treatment of civilians, 174;
withdraws from Indian terri-
tory, 530. See also Ambulances,
Armies, Artillery, Camps, Cav-
alry, Courts-martial, Depart-
ments, Fortifications, Forts,
Hospital corps, Hospitals, In-
fantry, Medical cadets, Medical
corps, Military commands, Mus-
ter rolls, Prohibition, Provost
Marshal, Recruiting, Reserve
Corps, Soldiers, Surgeons, Vet-
erans, Volunteer officers, Volun-
teers, War Department and bu-
reaus, Wars

Army, Confederate. See Confed-
erate Army

Army, French, 173

Army, Senate Select Committee to
Consider a Bill to Promote the
Efficiency of the, 35

Army Ambulance and Hospital
Corps, 41, 54

Army and Navy Claim Agency, 589
Army and Navy Survivors' Division,

Bureau of Pensions, 553

Army Corps, hospital records, 311;
organization, 260; records, 381,
400-403; reorganizations, 403;
statement re, 255

Army Corps, 1st, 262, 404; 2nd,
403; 5th, 591; 7th, 402; 9th, 591;
18th, 59; 20th, 256; 22nd, 402;
25th, 270

Army Hospital Corps. See Army
Ambulance and Hospital Corps
Army Medical Museum, 305, 306
Army of Arkansas, 255, 402
Army of the Cumberland, 270, 384,

Army of the Frontier, 334

Army of the James, 270; records,

Army of Kentucky, 54
Army of the Ohio, 255
Army of the Potomac, 255, 352,

396, 399; advance of, 227; Chief
Signal Officer, 348; Dana detached
to, 246; fortifications, 270; list
of officers, 270; messages, 350;
passes for, 247; postage stamps
supplied to, 430; records, 401;
report on, 10, 11; signal officer

examined, 349; telegrams sent,
249; U. S. Christian Commission
work, 591; U. S. Sanitary Com-
mission records, 588-589
Army of the Southwest, 304
Army of Tennessee, 255, 399
Army of the West, 304

Army Signal Corps Museum, Myer
papers, 352

Arnold, H. N. T., 450

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Arnold, Isaac N., 58, 65, 68
Arnold, Samuel, 329

Arny, William F. M., 59

Arrest, mandate of, 148; warrants
of, 148

Arrests, 25, 153, 154, 162, 435
Arrick, Clifford, 280

Arsenals, 405; accounts, 192, 281;
Charleston, 62; documents pub-
lished, 279; District of Columbia,
573; expanded, 277-278; Fort
Leavenworth, 408; Fort Vancouver,
410; land titles, 420; manufacturing
at, 281; ordnance stores at, 280,
388; records, 283-287; removal of
arms, 63; reservations, 521; St.
Louis, 43, 53; seizure, 63
Art gallery, 584

Artesian well expedition, 273
Arthur, Chester A.,
Artificial limbs, 195; claims, 312;
factory, 571; list of applications,
310; patents, 558

Artillery, 12; animals for, 292; con-
gressional investigation, 15; in-
spection, 283; Laing's Battery, 27;
ordnance stores on hand, 280; regi-
ments, 403; report re, 11; returns,
Artillery, Chief of Dept. of the Gulf,

Artillery, Chief of, U. S. Army, 389
Artillery Regiments, 1st, 410; 3rd,
251; 5th, 251

Artillery School of Practice, Fort
Monroe, 408

Asboth, Alexander, 256
Ashland, Va., 413

Ashley, James M., 59, 65, 66, 68
Ashmun, George, 142

Ashton, J. Hubley, 418, 421
Ashuelot, U. S. revenue cutter, 223
Ashuelot, U. S. S., 483

Asia, 24

Aspinwall, William H., 452
Assault cases, Congress, 70, 72;
district court, Pa., 110; Terri-
torial courts: Colo. Ter., 119,
Idaho Ter., 120
Assay officers, 178, 215-217
Assays, coins, 217

Assessment lists, 206, 208, 209
Assessors of internal revenue, 181,
199, 205

Assistant Adjutant General, 54
Assistant Attorney General, 83
Assistant Attorney General for
Claims Cases, 424

Assistant Judge Advocate General,
Office of, 335

Assistant Postmasters General, 428,

Assistant Provost Marshals General,
Office of Acting, 346

Assistant Register of the Treasury,

Assistant Secretary of the Interior,

Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 446
Assistant Secretary of State, 137
Assistant Secretary of the Treas-
ury, 180, 240

Assistant Secretary of War, 35, 154,
245, 246

Assistant Surgeon General, Office
of the, 304

Assistant Treasurers, 181, 186,
190, 202, 213

Assistant U. S. Treasurer at New
York, 510

Associate justices, 79, 81, 85, 90
Associations, distribution of public
documents to, 515; memorialize
Senate, 36

Astor, John Jacob, Jr., 27
Astronomic observations, 41, 228,

Asylums, freedmen, 361
Atchison, Kans., 57
Athens, Ala., 235
Atkinson, Robert J., 193
Atlanta, Ga., 415; board to ex-

amine quartermaster officers,
289; campaign, 255; photographs,
272, 352

Atlantic Blockading Squadron, 486

Atlantic coast, 226; blockade, 486;
naval operations, 449; naval sta-
tions, 493; revenue cutters on,
439; ship construction, 484; sur-
vey, 225

Atlantic House, Newport, R. I., 465
Atlantic Ocean, naval operations,
487; U.S. shipping captured in,

Atlas to Accompany the Official Rec-
ords of the Union and Confederate
Armies, 380, 381

Atrocities in South Carolina, 73
Attorney General, 202, 418-427, 519;
addresses by, 83; amnesty pardons,
156; appointment papers, 132; com-
missions, 83; functions, 128, 425;
judiciary accounts, 516; legisla-
tion requested, 25; letters, 144,
506, 514; letters to, 508, 510;
opinions, 203, 212, 327, 448, 503,
514; papers, 60; pardons, 144, 146,
147; records re Territories, 149;
requisitions for pardons, 422.
See also Justice Department, Par-
don clerk, and names of Attorneys

Attorneys, 475; admissions, 83, 97,

112, 123; charges of malfeasance
against, 553; District of Columbia,
95; employed by: Attorney General,
420, courts, 516, Interior Dept.,
500, judicial districts, 426, Navy
Dept., 447; letters, 595; lists, 130,
421; loyalty oaths, 110; practice
before Pension Office, 505, 554;
Territorial supreme courts, 117
Atwater, Dorence, 14, 21
Atzerodt, George A., 329, 393
Auburn, N. Y., 138
Auditors, letters, 506
Auditors of the Treasury, 178, 179,
181, 183, 202; records, 184, 188,
191-201; First: 191, 232, account
for slaves freed in District of Co-
lumbia, 593, letters to, 507, 508,
records, 191; Second: 248, bounty
claims, 75, 76, letters, 532, 543,
records, 192-193; Third: 248, 288,
385, 393, records, 193-196, re-
ports on claims, 284, settlement of
claims, 126; Fourth: 444, 445,
corresp., 455, 458, records, 196-

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