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efter school. Ilurral! won't we have a ! There was a moment or two's whispered grand time, mother? How the stockings : discussion among the children, who had will be stuffed !"

listened with interest to their father's tale. The quiet little home of Mr. Forrest Then Charlie, as the spokesman, camo wore a truly holiday aspect that evening, forward. as the family eat in the red, flickering fire « Well, my son ?" light, waiting for the return of “father." “We had all rather that Mrs. Brown The walls were hung with wreaths of ever should have our money. We are willing green ; and even the sober face of the old to do without our presents this year." housebold clock was garlanded with dark “God bless you, my children," said the green iry, whose polished surface, varied father with deep emotion; "you have made with delicate emerald, seemed to reflect , a noble choice.” back the red glow of the grate. Little “And, father,” said Charlie, “we have Mary sat with her head in her mother's | all been saving up our pocket-money to lap, trying hard to realize that to-morrow make each other presents; there is about night was Christmas Eve; and George twenty-five shillings in all. Will you take and Charlie were in the farthest corner of that too? Indeed, we had a great deal the room, consulting in 'mysterious whis rather it should be spent so." pers as to whether the little Bible which Mr. Forrest made no reply, but the chil. all three had contributed finances to buy dren read in tbe eyes of both father and for “mother" should be bound in dark mother that they had done right. blue and gold, or simple crimson.

The hearts of the widowed and fatherless At length the long-expected footfall was were made joyful that night, and Christheard on the steps without; the children mas was indeed a season of rejoicing in ran in a body to open the door ; and Mr. that humble home; while Charlie, George, Forrest entered, shaking the snow from his and Mary, the three little heroes--for it wrappings and smiling a genial welcome to was an act of real heroism thus voluntarily the bright faces clustered around.

! to give up the anticipations of a full half When the evening meal was over, the year-never cast one regretful thought little group once more assembled around toward their unpurchased presents. But the fire, Charlie close to his father's knee, their dreams during the quiet, star-lighted and the conversation of course turned on hours of Christmas night were full of Christmas Day and the marvels it was 'sweet peace; they had already learned the expected to develop

sacred lesson, that “it is more blessed to - Children," said Mr. Forrest, looking give than to receive." kindly around upon them, “ before we talk about this any more, I want to tell you all a story I heard to-day." He related the simple recital of Eddy

THE DREAM ON CHRISTMAS EVE. Brown; told them of the poor ailing “ You will come over to-morrow, will widow about to be turned homeless into you not, uncle,” said a cheerful-looking the street; and mildly contrasted their lot : young man of about twenty-two to an old -happy children, surrounded by every man of some sixty-five suinmers, “and comfort and advantage—with the far dif spend the day with us? " . fereut fate of the patient, uncomplaining *“No, that I shan't," was the somewhat bos, whose slender earnings were not gruff reply. “What do you want me sufficient to keep the wolf Poverty from his mother's door.

“Why, uncle, it's Christmas to-mor“And now, my children," he said, “I row.” leave the decision of this matter entirely to “ Christmas-what of that? What's you. The money which I had purposed to that to me? I wonder your father and expend in Christmas presents for you will mother don't know better than go keeping just pay this poor woman's debts. It is! these expensive Christmas parties. I can't all that I can just now spare. But it is afford them; no more can they. I shan't already yours to all intents and purposes,' come over.” and the question is for you to decide. Do “But, uncle," persisted the nephew, just as you choose about it; I shall not ! “it's not an expensive party : only a few blame you if you had rather have your friends beside ourselves; and only once a presente. Go and talk it over among year, surely that's not extravagant. You yourselves,”

will come, won't you?”


“No; have your parties and don't, And with a heart full to bursting the bother me,” was the ungracious reply. man departed. And he remembered, " In

The youth departed, discouraged quite the world ye must have tribulation ;” and by the ungracious manner of his uncle. the thought of a Master whose yoke was

Then the uncle moved from his office easy cheered him on his way home. There stool to his office fire, if fire that could be his wife and little ones met him with called which consisted of a few cinders with smiling faces; and going to the couch of just enough life to keep each other hot ; the invalid the man was even happier than then putting it carefully together he mut the master. tered something like this : “ Yes, they There we leare the man, and return to want to get me over to their dinner parties, record yet another rencounter in that countdon't they ? and then help to pay for their ing-house where the master emphatically extravagance, no doubt.” Then buttonivg lived ; for he was thero from early morn up his coat he called to a man who, for the till late at night. munificent sum of fifteen shillings a week, After Richard's departure, the master acted as factotum-porter, clerk, errand called for his accustomed evening meal, and man, &c. &c.--and managed to subsist had barely finished it when two gentlemen thereon himself, wife, and five children, one were ushered in. They proved to be the of whom was a cripple. “Richard, here minister of the chapel at which Mr.M— copy those letters; I shall be back in an usually attended, accompanied by a deacon, hour.” So saying he went.

who said, “Ob, Mr. M i we have Richard went straightway to the coal called on you for a little donation. We scuttle, and took therefrom three of the six thought to give the poor of our place amall knobs of coal; then thwacking his something to keep the morrow with. We hands against his sides he commenced / have called on all our friends, and have slowly copying. From that word, “slowly," succeeded well; and we thought you the reader will see why he stayed there. would be able to close our list handLet him once ask for an advance of wages, somely." and there was the usual tirade of bad A short pause followed, and then the times, and “could not afford it," or " must usual complaint of hard times, and the get a lad."

etceteras wbich selfish minds can always The hour comes and with it the master. bring to their aid. “Oh, you are about the last, are you? The pastor spoke : “Sir, God, who is Well, finish that, and you may go home rich in mercy, hath this year, you know, and prepare for Christmas.”

given you a large increase in your business. Whether the words werə spoken in jest The question is, are you devoting to his or earnest we will not say, but to Richard's service what gratitude demands, and it is mind they brought to view the home away your duty to give ? Our Lord and Master there in St. Giles's, where, by dint of said, 'The poor ye have with you always;' careful management, hunger was kept at and what if by your withholding, one of the threshold ; wbere the mother, poor God's poor should suffer, want, or die ? " woman! to satisfy the children, was making "Let them die,” replied the selfish man. them something which she called a Christ “Get rid of the surplus population.” mas pudding, but where the raisins, could “Sir,” replied the minister sadly and they have spoken, might have cried, “Va solemnly, “what if you should be one of lencia, where are you?” They brought the surplus population? Remember the also to mind a little suffering child. These barren fig-tree.” And sadly they went on thoughts and memories made him pause their errand of mercy. after he received his accustomed money. The reader will bave seen that the miser

There was a dead silence for a brief space, was a misanthrope as well as a miser; but broken by the man.

a change was coming. For some minutes “Oh, if you please, sir, Annie keeps after the pastor and deacon left, he atrove to very ill, and I wanted to give her a treat, quiet his conscience, and in his striving being Christmas.”

fell asleep and dreamed; and as be " Treat her, then," was the reply; "or dreamed, a series of scenes passed before do you want me to ? I can't spare my him. hard earned money for everything that is First he was borne on imagination's asked for. It would be a good job if she wing to his nephew's house, and there the were to die."

junior members were proposing riddles, He listened and heard one proposed thus : | them best, and take it with you." Won“ Why is uncle like the dog in the deringly she departed ; and as she went he manger ?" A general burst of merriment went to his desk took from thence two followed this sally from all except the sovereigns. Again the temptation came, mother-his sister ; she smiled not.

“ Too much." Still determined to conquer, The scene changed. He was at Richard's he took three more, donned bis overcoat, home. The little suffering Annie appeared went to the pastor, sought an interview, to be not suffering then. Angels gathered gave him the money, related the dream round her and bore her spirit to the and its lesson, asked prayer for help; and Saviour. Many sorrowed for her, but then the pastor,gladdened beyond measure, not as those who have no hope. He and the new man, feeling somewhat of the stepped near the father, who was in prayer. blessedness of giving, knelt together, and The words he heard were, “O Lord, in sought help from on high. The pastor mercy remember master."

again went forth, and gladdened yet more Again the scene changes. He is once the hearts of many. more in his office. The door opens, and The merchant again returned to his one like unto Death enters and approaches. | office, and there solemnly and earnestly Another enters more swiftly, like unto that sought forgiveness and help, fully deterwhich bore away the spirit of Annie, and | mived by God's blessing to live as be had appears to intercede. Their language he not heretofore. Next day he surprised his understands not, but these ominous words, sister and nephew by walking in imme“I am sent for one of the surplus popula diately after breakfast ; and surprised the tion." At this he fell on his knees beseech little ones by a Christmas gift each--the ing mercy, but Death appeared as deaf, and little riddler, moreover, having a double still advanced. Once more the door opens. portion. And that day all wondered at the It's the pastor tbat enters. Death stays change; for he emphatically enjoyed himhis hand; Mercy pleads again; both wait self; and not the least interesting Christas if for the verdict; and the now wretched mas story was his dream. If Richard was man looks back over a misspent life. The surprised on Christmas Eve, stiil greater pastor speaks at length: “Spare him yet, was his surprise the day after Christmas to perhaps his last days may yet be his best be told by his master that hereafter his days; he may even yet honour the Lord by wages would be a pound a week; and if his his substance, and remember tho widow eldest boy could come and help him, he and distressed."

should have half-a-crown a week. The "I will ! " he fairly shouted, and awoke. nephew was taken into partnership; and He sprang from his chair, summoned the all with whom he came in contact saw a housekeeper, surprised her with, “Hannah, change. Even the coalman wondered at get a cab; take this sovereign to Richard.” the extra load of coals he carried to him. Even then the temptation came. “It's Some said he would die soon ; but be lived too much : half would do as well." De- | many years to the praise and glory of God; termined to conquer, he thrust his hand | lived a pattern of what pure religion is. into his pocket, and took out yet another, Even men saw he had been with Jesus, " With this get what you think will please 1 and had learned of him.

Gems from Golden Mines.

SPIRITUAL ENJOYMENT. IN our pursuit of the things of this world we usually prevent enjoyment by expectation. We anticipate our own happiness, and eat out the heart and sweetness of worldly pleasures by delightful fore. thoughts of them ; so that when we come to possess them they do not answer the

expectation nor satisfy the desires which were raised about them, and they vanish into nothing. But the things which are above are so great, so solid, so durable, so glorious, that we cannot raise our thoughts to an equal height with them, we cannot enlarge our desires beyond a possibility of satisfaction. Our hearts are greater than the world; but God is greater than our

hearts; and the happines3 which we have laid up for us is like himself, incompraliensibly great and glorious. Let the thoughts of this raise us above this world, and inspire us with greater thoughts and designs than the care and concernments of this present life.Tillotson.

SAVIOUR! thy dging love

Thou gavest me,
Vor should I aught withhold,

Dear Lord, from thee.
My soul would bumbly bow,
My heart fulfil its vow,
Some offering bring thee now,

Something for thee.
O'er the blest mercy-seat,

Pleading for me,
My feeb'e faith looks up,

Jesus, to thee.

Help me the cross to bear,
Thy wondrous love declare,
Some song to raise, or prayer,

Something for thee.
Give me a faithful heart-

Likeness to thee,
That each departing day

Henceforth may see
Some work of love begun,
Some sinful wand'rer won,
A course with meekness run,

Something for thee.
All that I am and have,

Dear Lord, for thee ;
In joy, in pain, in li'e,

In death, for thee;
And when thy face I see,
My rangomed soul shall be
Through all eternity,

Something for thee.

Our Missions.

SILALL THE MISSIONARIES BE ) diversion of the liberality of friends into

WITHDRAWN FROM HEATHEN other necessitous channels, and partly from LANDS ?

an unusual diminution under the heads of “A DEFICIENCY OF SEVEN OR EIGHT donations and legacies. This last item THOUSAND POUNDS IS ANTICIPATED IN alone last year exhibited a deficiency of THE INCOME OF THE BAPTIST MISSIONARY £3,252. SOCIETY.”

For several years past the operations of Such is the annnoun:ement of the Com- ' the Society have been extending. The mittee; an announcement calculated to · Committee were encouraged by a rising awaken the deepest solicitude in the mind income to send out a large number of misof every disciple of Christ. Our readers are sionaries, to open new stations, and to already aware that the income of the strengthen old ones. In 1858 the income Society last year was several thousand of the Society was £22,943 : in 1862 it poundis less than the previous year; and had risen to £33,151. In the first of these but for the possession of £3,707, the bal years there were forty-eight missionaries ance in hand of 1862, the year must have employed : now there are sixty-three, with closed with a debt of nearly five thousand a proportionate increase in the number of pounds, instead of one of £1,176, the actual native agents and schoolmasters. Thus, sum due to the Treasurer in March last. I step by step, the Committee have been led If, then, the income of the present year, on to wider fields of usefulness, and to indoes not considerably exceed that of last cur an annual increase of expenditure. The year, a very large and oppressive debt must funds being provided, they could not do be incurred.

otherwise than expend them on the objects It is pleasant to know that this probable for which they were contributed. deficiency does not arise from any extrava The claims for more labourers have been Lance on the part of the Committee; for unusually pressing. The quelling of the there is no mission go economically con mutiny in India demanded fresh efforts, and chucted, or whose income is more carefully laid British Christians under stronger obliappropriated. It arises partly from the gations to give the Gospel to the idolaters cotton famine of last year, partly from the of an empire repurchased, as it were, by the blood of their countrymen. The mis. 3. Might not the teachers aud scholars sions in Ceylon, on the Western Coast of in the schools be more deeply interested Africa, in Hayti, and in Brittany, all' in the miesion, by more frequent instruction needed additional labourers. Above all, i and appeal ? China, at length opened to the Gospel, 4. it not possible to render the misuttered its cry, long unheeded by our sionary prayer-meeting more interesting churches, " Come over and help us." By and effectire ? the providence of God suitable agents pre- ! II. Each church might institute a special Bented themselves, and by general consent canvass for new subscriptions, or for the a mission was resolved upon, among the increase of old ones, both among its own teeming population of that ancient and , members, and among other liberal friends mighty empire. No one, we are sure, will to the cause of Christ. Every one should blame the Committee for listening to these be induced to give something, however calls of the perishing, nor can any one small the amount might be. Every addidoubt the ability of the churches to sustain tion to the subscription-list will be so much the operations thus set on foot.

added to the regular and permanent income Now unless the income of the Society can of the S.ciety. be caised to that of 1862, some of these III. Above all, let the churches make new fields must be abandoned, and many this important matter a subject of earnest of the missionaries must be withdrawn. I prayer to Almighty God. His are the

The Committee dare not take upon them- silver and the gold; and he alone can relselves the responsibility of doing this der eflectual the labours of his scrrants for without first solemnly appealing to their the salvation of men. Should he conde, friends for aid. If this be withheld, there icend to hear and answer the supplications is no alternative; but surely it should not be of his people, not only will present diili. thought of, until every effort has been made culties be remored, but the income rai-ed to avert so painful a sacrifice.

to a larger amount than ever. And why To meet the present emergency, the not raise it to £50,000 ? This would sectire Committee therefore suggest that an extra the efficient support of the present agency, collection be made some time before the end provide for its gradual enlargement, as end of the present missionary year, and Divine Providence inny indicate. Greater that special donations be solicited from the embarrassments than the present hare been more wealthy members of the denomi- met and orercome. From the fire at Seramnation.

pore, which destroyed the printing office But it is no lees necessary that efforts there, down to the great contest in Jamaica, should be wisely made to raise the annual and the destruction of the chope's in that income to an adequate amount, and for this island, God hath helped the Socieiy. Ani purpose a thorough organization of the many times since then, when in die day of churches should be accomplished, that by difficulty and trouble we have turned our combined and continuous action tbe in hearts to bim, he hutii delivered us. And creasiog demands of the heathen world may 80 now, if we humbly trust in him, and be met.

faithfully use all the means we bave at Some such plan as the following may command, he will again deliver and help well be adopted by the minister of every his servants. church:

: Already we hear from many parts of the I. Let each church be called together, in 1 country that the friends of the Society are order that the subject in its various bear. in motion. The churches in the West ings may be placed before the members. | Ridiog of Yorkshire have nobly taken the Such questions as these would naturally be initiative; London bas commenced to do discussed :

its part; and as we write we learn that 1. Might not existing auxiliaries and the brethren in Somersetshire are doing associations be rendered more effective ? ' their best to aid this important movement.

2. Are the lists of annual, monthly, and We earnestly solicit the assistance of our weekly subscribers, especially the latter, as readers, and their hearty sympathy in the large as they ought to be ?

good work.

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