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heaven is represented as singing. Singing, l should be kept in perfect peace. Why too, is supposed to be the concord of many should a ripple disturb the calm flow of voices, and so it may be intended also to thy happy spirit ? Why should a cloud represent the happy harmony of the celestial hide the genial beams of the Eternal Sun state. Who can imagine what the heavenly from thy thriving heart? Why should a care, song will be as the deep swelling chorus of an anxiety, a disappointment cause the tear its melodious voices shall resound and re- to start, the sigh to heave, the breast to throb? verberate through the universe of God? | Dost thou not know that “the Lord thy Redeemed spirits will sing, angels will sing, God in the midst of thee is mighty?" &c. and our text tells us that God himself will | Do you know anything of this higher rejoice over his ransomed children with sing and nobler life? Do you know what ing. What joy, what ecstacy, what rap- it is to attain to an eminence of spiritual ture will then fill every soul! But God | life, from which you can look down with will sing, he will rejoice as the Infinite apparent indifference and unconcern upon Father over his restored and happy family. what is transpiring in this little world What thoughts does such an expression of ours ? Is your soul so absorbed with suggest? God will sing. What a voice! | the presence of God that your life is how sweet! how melodious ! how thrilling! | more heavenly than earthly, more spiritual What will be the song? what the theme? than material? Is your heart so attuned what the words ? Imagination would pic- to the music of heaven, that amidst ture the whole universe resting in profound the noise and din of life you can sing the silence, while the Great Jehovah breaks song of redeeming love? Is your soul so the silence of unutterable emotion, and re- fixed upon eternal realities that the events joices over you and me and his ransomed transpiring around, and which lash the heart ones with singing. But we must stop; we of the world into tumultuous waves and rois have striven to plume the pinions of our ing billows, produce but a slight ripple upon imagination, and to soar to the amazing your breast, soon to subside into heavenly heights to which these sublime expressions calmness ? Do you know anything of the would carry us, but the mind grows weary, rapture of the soul that throbs with the the eye dazzles and the spirit faints. We life of heaven begun? Strive, we pray you would forget for a moment that we were in for the blissful realisation. There is no reathe flesh and encumbered with this frail son why this enjoyment should not be body, but we cannot; as we spread our wings yours," For the Lord thy God in the midst We strike against the sides of our cage; the of thee is mighty,” &c. Let the work, let influences of earth are yet too powerful; the joy, let the singing be mutual. Be rewith submission we bow, but still with the solved that you will enjoy your share. poet we would ask

Honourably and faithfully fulfil your daily "When shall the day, dear Lord, appear,

duty as a man or woman, and leave the rest That I shall mount to dwell above,

with God. Repose in his loving heart. And stand and bow amongst them there, And view thy face, and sing, and lore "

Rest upon his omnipotent arm. Confide in Christian brother, Christian sister, what

his protection and guidance. Go forth to a happy life thine should be—how peaceful,

meet the world and to take your part upon how joyous ? Surely, “ thy peace should

| the stage of life with a smiling countenance, flow like a river"-deep, tranquil, and serene.

a cheerful heart, and a happy spirit. Surely, thy mind being stayed upon God,

cod: Poplar.

Tales and Sketches.


Mrs. Bernard has often read that the

very hairs of our head are all numbered;" A SKETCH.

but in her practice she ascribes every petty MRS. BERNARD is a very active Christian. annoyance to secondary causes. If the There can be no mistake about it. Does state of the weather even is inconvenient, she not take a personal part in every good while she dare not murmur against the work? Is there any news from any part Dispenser, she murmurs against the disof the Christian world which she has not pensation like any materialist. heard of? Is she not very decided in her Mrs. Bernard knows the precept, “ Let views upon all religious questions? Does your moderation be known to all men;" she forego any opportunity of giving good but in practice her humour varies with her advice ? All this is so true, that we envy inclination. the happy family which is blessed with her Mrs. Bernard confesses in theory that presence and living influence, and the con- "we have here no continuing city;" but gregation in all whose movements she must in her practice she lengthens the cords and surely be the heart and soul. In her strengthens the stakes of her earthly taberfamily and social circle, especially, she nacle, as if this life would last for ever, and must scatter continually the most precious wealth were the supreme good. benedictions.

Mrs. Bernard can quote Prov. xi. 29, But let us look a little closer, and we “He that troubleth his own house shall shall soon find that Mrs. Bernard is not inherit the wind," and can tell us that this regarded as an angel in the house she applies to those who do not rightly order dwells in. True, every one respects her their domestic concerns. No matter ; in and listens to her, but no one feels dis- practice, she scorns to attend to household posed to follow the route she indicates. affairs, and neglects the management of

It may seem strange, but the secret is her servants. She thinks her duty and her soon discovered. Mrs. Bernard leads two | interests merely require that she should lives, quite distinct and opposed to one į be very saving, and the consequence is another. She has chosen the Christian

that all goes wrong. part and heavenly things, but has not Mrs. Bernard professes to have renounced given up the worldly part and the things | the world, its maxims, and its favour, to which are of the earth. These are like two follow Christ. In practice she is more instreams which flow through one region, fluenced by the opinion and the favour of but never mingle. The Sunday dress is the religious world than by the example followed by the week-day garments. Her and precepts of the Lord Jesus. religion, in one word, is neither constant Mrs. Bernard says that our great concern nor complete; it is more showy than sub should be “to glorify God in our body and stantial; it rests in the head and feelings, spirit, which are his;" and she is right, no and words and outward display are its doubt. But in her practice she forgets, fruits. Hence her religion is full of con- " whether she eats or drinks, or whatsoever trasts and contradictions, reminding us she does, to do all to the glory of God." that “the double-minded man is unstable Instead of animating, as it were, all the in all his ways.” How can such a one do | material duties of life with love to him who good ? Instead of bearing the reproach of | enjoins them, she discharges them relucChrist, the name of Christ is reproached tantly, and avoids them when she can. through her.

They do not accord with her ideas of the Now let us illustrate all this by a few Christian life, which are that it is half talk facts.

and half opinion. Mrs. Bernard knows very well that Mrs. Bernard is very anxious for the ex6 godliness with contentment is great tension of the Gospel, and for the success gain ;” but her anxious look, and her con of all benevolent enterprises, and, so far as stant restlessness, prove that she forgets talk will do it, she renders aid and enthis in practice. We can say to her, “ Thou couragement. This, alas! is all, or nearly art careful and troubled about many things: all. To real Christian activity, and to selfbut one thing is needful."

sacrificing generosity, she is a stranger.

Mrs. Bernard knows perfectly what the more and more to learn of Christ, and to disciples of Christ ought to be and to do, be like him here, that when he shall appear for she reads her Bible, and attends at all we also may appear with him in glory, and the services. She gives a great deal of ex that when he sees what his grace has made cellent advice to others, but scarcely ever us, he may say to us, “ Well done!” * looks into her own heart, and, in consequence, those who know her best are sometimes tempted to think, “ Physician, heal

WAITING FOR A REVIVAL. thyself!” We do not wonder at this: her

On commencing my ministry in Jinfluence is lost through her inconsistency. I found the people had, for a long time, There are other deficiencies in Mrs. Ber

been divided into two parties, which agreed nard's character, but these must suffice.

in nothing but keeping up the flame of If the love of Christ really took possession contention. Prayer-meetings were almost of her heart, if that heart were wholly re

unknown. At the beginning of my labours, newed by Divine grace, and if her con

in the early fall, a prayer-meeting was comscience were quickened by the indwelling

menced. The congregation paid respectful Spirit of God, what a difference we should attention to the preached word, but the see! There would be inward peace and prayer-meetings were thinly attended, the harmony of life, instead of inward fretful party strife raged, and utter deadness ness, and restlessness, and outward con seemed to be resting on church and people. tradiction. Love, without which all outside

I proclaimed the truth as faithfully as I show and talk is vain, would produce its

knew how, but no good impression seemed proper fruits.

to be produced. Soon repeated attempts Those who surround Mrs. Bernard would

were made to discontinue the prayer-meetthen see in her the fruits of the Spirit; and ing; but we struggled on through the her example, by the Divine blessing, might

winter, matters continually growing worse, lead them to receive her good advice, both and my own heart almost ready to sink. in things temporal and in things spiritual. In May I was absent two weeks, and when Christian consistency is powerful preach

I returned, found the prayer-meeting was ing, and few dare speak ill of it or despise given up. I said to my deacons, “ We it. Our professions and our talking, with must start the prayer-meeting again." out this, have little influence. Our real They replied, “No; we have never had a influence lies in what we are more than in prayer-meeting in the summer, and can't what we say. This influence always abides, sustain one." I answered, “We must whether we wish it or not. In the Chris have a prayer-meeting : I can't think of tian's life nothing is indifferent, nothing is doing without one." That meeting was lost; everything bears fruit. The world resumed, but during all the summer it sees us, and judges of the tree by the dragged heavily. My solicitude steadily fruit.

rose, and at length amounted to agony. You are very sorry for Mrs. Bernard, no In August, I prepared a sermon on the doubt, and think you would give her a text, “ Thou art not far from the kingdom little good advice, if you knew her. Alas! of God.” My study was witness of the your advice would probably be lost, as she prayers and groans with which that seris so impatient of counsel from others. It mon was penned. It seemed as if the is one of her weak points. She is so satis

question was to be decided whether I had fied with herself that she is indignant at

not mistaken my call to the ministry. I any hint, however gentle ; and yet she is preached the sermon, and went home, imanever weary of counselling and admonish gining I could see that no good had been ing others.

done. I was wellnigh in despair. But why stop at Mrs. Bernard ? Why Two or three weeks later, I was told of condemn her ? Certainly we must not three young ladies who were inquiring the pronounce sentence upon her till we have way of life, and would be glad to see me. looked at ourselves. The more closely we The news was almost too good to be creare united to the true Vine, the more holy dited. For twelve weary months I had and consistent we shall be. Truly, most toiled, and had seen no fruit of my labours. of us are too much like Mrs. Bernard in But at length the blessing had come. In one way or another. Let us, then, humble two weeks more the whole place was ourselves sincerely over our manifold short- shaken. In the village academy, containcomings and inconsistencies. Let us seek | ing about one hundred pupils, every child

* From The Quiver.

above ten years of age, and many younger, The words of that dear young disciple were were visited by the Spirit of God. Soon a like angels' food. God spoke to me through little band gave evidence of a saving change, her lips. Ever since, when the clouds look and began to work for the Master. Each

angry, my prayer is, “ Lord, increase my of them selected one or two of their com faith ; " and I have cherished the precious panions as the special subjects of prayer sentiment of one who had seen affliction : and effort, and where there was encourage “ It is good that a man should both hope ment, would bring them to my study for and quietly wait for the salvation of the religious conversation. I have never seen

Lord." another so faithful a corps of Christian labourers. The good work went on. Converts were multiplied. Two, three, and ST. JOHN AND HIS KITTEN. four were gathered in from a single family. And still that band of youthful disciples

AN OLD CHURCH LEGEND. kept on, unremittingly toiling and praying ST. JOHN had travelled through many for the salvation of their mates, and lead- lands, aud had converted multitudes to the ing them to the foot of the cross. For Gospel. And everywhere he went he taught eighteen months the little company kept at love to God, and pity and compassion for work, and the season of ingathering was all his creatures. Once, as he was passing prolonged, until one by one those youthful through a heathen country, he saw a cruel harvesters were nearly all scattered. sight. A crowd of blind heathen were

I was talking one day with a young lady, amusing themselves with the torments of a my first-born child in the faith, as I have poor kitten, which they had fastened to a reason to believe, and she gave me a more tree, as a mark for their arrows. St. John particular account of the dealings of God hastened into the midst of them, crying, with her than I before had. She told me “Stop this wicked sport! Know that all that she was solemnly impressed by the creatures have their share in nature as well first sermon I preached, but resisted the as man. They came from God; each, in blessed influence. A few weeks after, her its way, reveals to us his face; and all shall impressions returned with increased power, one day return to their eternal Source. and again she struggled with them and Your own wise men have so taught, as well subdued them. “ Then,” said she, “ you as we, who are the followers of Christ.” preached a sermon on the text, 'Thou art When they saw that he spoke reverently not far from the kingdom of God,' and my of their wise men, they gathered round him, convictions returned with tenfold power. and listened willingly to his words. He She then told me how she had confided in casts a joyful look to heaven, and gives her morality, and would not believe that free course to his speech. He tells them she was at enmity with God; but after of the Word, foretold by Plato, who has hearing that sermon, her whole heart rose reconciled man to God; who, by his holy in rebellion against the Almighty. She crimson blood, has quenched the flames of hated God, and hated the way of salvation, wrath, and to whom a second Divine world and hated me, and did not care what be has sprung from the Virgin's womb. The came of herself, if she only could get rid of heathen, gazing on the countenance of John, her distress. But the Spirit of God pre behold it beaming with the pure light of vailed, and soon she came to her pastor heaven, and, falling on their faces, the with the inquiry, “ What must I do to be | whole great multitude receive baptism at saved ?" It would be impossible to describe his hands. the effect which this simple narrative made One only remains unbelieving. “Why on my mind. I was amazed; I was con dost thou not work a miracle ?" he asks. founded; I was deeply humbled. My soul “Let me see thee, like a prophet, awaken magnified the Lord. I resolved that I the dead, then I shall know that thou art would never again distrust him. I had a true messenger of God." The apostle been unwilling to walk by faith; and yet stretches out his hand toward the poor the Lord had condescended to bless my | animal, which lies dead against the tree, poor labours, and was blessing them while pierced by a hundred arrows, and, with a I knew it not.

touch, restores its life and heals its wounds. The lesson was invaluable. In many a Then the scoffer becomes a Christian, and dark day since, I have looked back to that cleaves to John as his disciple. interview, and have been strengthened. But now, wherever St. John goes, the kitten follows him. Night and day she stays close by his side, rubs berself fondly against him, leaps into his lap, and mews coaxingly for notice. The saint, well pleased, returns her caresses, strokes her arched back, and smiles to bear her contented purr. To him, embracing all things in his love, the love of no creature is worthless. Thus many a leisure moment is sported away with his dumb companion. This greatly afflicts the new disciple, and he chides the apostle roundly. “Master,” he says, “the people count thee a saint, and yet thy mind cleaves to such childish things. It passes my thoughts how such a wise, thinking man, to whom is given the vision of heavenly glory, can stoop to befool himself with a stupid cat."

“My son," replied John, “what hast thou there in thy hand ?”

"It is my bow," said the youth," wherewith I slay the beasts of the forest in the chase, and the whizz of its string calls down the birds of the air.”

“String thy bow," says John.

Quickly was the bow strung; but when the youth had gazed around far and near, and perceived no beast nor bird, he again slipped off the string.

“Wherefore do you that ?" asks St. John.

“Because, master, it is necessary to success in the chase. The string soon grows

weak when stretched, and the bow itself loses its spring. Should the hunter carry his bow always strung, it would fail him in time of need.

“Look you now, my son," says St. John, "the spirit of man is like the bow and string. Nature limits us on every side. Without sleep can nothing living live ; without rest no soul can raise itself to heaven. All things subsist by the alternation of day and night, of light and darkness. The flowers which charm thee by day, at evening bend their heads to the earth. Yea, the sun, which in the morning climbs the sky like a giant in his strength, sinks downward to the earth at night. So is it with the human spirit. The Divine spark cannot be ever glowing; for whatever weds itself to the earthly, must be weakened in heavenly splendour. Therefore has God imaged his glory to us in a thousand forms, that we may rejoice in his works, and in love to his creatures, and then turn from them, strengthened, to the holy mystery of worship. He would not that in the Master we should forget the Master's works; since it is through his work we learn to know the Master. And he who learns them rightly, beholds his power in the kitten not less than in the behemoth; he who seeks him only in the stars of heaven, shall never see the glory of his face."--Mrs. H. C. Conant.

Gems from Golden Mines.


prayed for a minister, and God has given A WELSH minister, invited to assist at you one to your mind, you have something an ordination, was appointed to deliver the more to do-you must take care of him ; address to the church and congregation, and in order to his being happy among and having been informed that their pre you, I have been thinking you have need to vious minister had suffered much from pray again.” “ Pray again ? Pray again? pecuniary embarrassment, although the What should we pray again for?" " Well, church was fully able to support him com I think you bave need to pray again." fortably, he took the following method of “ But for what?” “ Why, I'll tell you. administering reproof :

Pray that God would put Jacob's ladder “ You have been praying, no doubt," he down to earth again." " Jacob's ladder! said, “ that God would send you a man Jacob's ladder! What has Jacob's ladder after his own heart to be your pastor. to do with our minister?” “ Why, I You bave done well. God, we hope, has think if God would put Jacob's ladder heard your prayer, and given you such a down, that your minister could go into minister as he approves, who will go in heaven on the Sabbath evening after preachand out before you, and feed your souls ing, and remain there all the week; then with the bread of life. But now you have | he would come down every Sabbath morn

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