1.3517 INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT. 1. The Revised Statutes of the United States relating to Copyright, as amended by the Senate Act of May 9, 1888, with Proposed Alterations. 2. The Text of the Senate Act, with Suggested Amendments. 3. Reasons for the Changes Suggested. Submitted, by request, to the Joint Committee of the Copyright Leagues, Washington: MCQUEEN & WALLACE, Printers, 1889. THE BOSTON BOOK Co. CHAS. C. SOULE, PRES. Freeman Place Chapel, BOSTON, MASS. Boston, Jan. 8, 1090. Mr. W. C. Lane, Cambridge, Mass. Dear Mr. Lane: 18 Vide the International Copyright Bill, you may ing the pamphlet sent you by to-day's mail. You will find the prohibition of importation treated fr interested in see on pp. 16-18. My make yours, washington: MCQUEEN & WALLACE, Printers, 1889. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT. 1. The Revised Statutes of the United States relating to Copyright, as amended by the Senate Act of May 9, 1888, with Proposed Alterations. 2. The Text of the Senate Act, with Suggested Amendments. 3. Reasons for the Changes Suggested. Submitted, by request, to the Joint Committee of the Copyright Leagues, 1 |