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Proposed Resolution of the

Navajo-ficǝi Land Commission

Asocinting a Negotiating Team for Aisition of Selected Lands Unce


1. The Navajo Natica made its final selections class urder FL 95-305 on June 24, 1903; and

2. There is need for a Negotiating Team to represent the. Navajo-Hopi Land Commission in negotiations for acquisition of the salesced lands.


1. The Navajo-Hopi Land Commission hereby appoints the following nated persons 25 a Negotiating Tean to represent the Navajo Hopi Land Commission in negotiations for acquisition of the lands selected under FL 96-305:

Mr. Freddie Howard, Chaiman
Navajo-cpi Land Commission

Mr. Willian G. Lavell, Special Counsel
Navajo Fation Department of Justice

Mr. Den June, Director.

Land Parcel Evaluation Project

2. The Negotiating Team is authorized to request assistance from cher Departments of the Navajo Nation as needed in these regatersions. The Teac shall be given secretarial and other staff spor: by tc Office ♬ Navajo-Hopi Development.

3. Negotiating Team shall report to the Navajo cpi Lari Commission on the ogress of negotiations on a regular basis.

4. Any agreement for the acquisition of selected lands shall be subject to approval of the Kavajo-Hopi Lani Comission and, whera required by Resolution C-69-63, by the Navajo Tribal Coursil.

I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was ¿ly considerei by the kavajo-Hoși Land Commission at a ċily called mesting

2: Kindɔw Rock, (Kavajo Nation), Arizora, at present and that same was mosed by a vote of 7 Opposed, this 30th day of

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in favor, and


Fresiding CraLTap




Rescinding Previous Selections in Arizona Dated July 8, 1982 and December 21, 1982


1. The Advisory Committee of the Navajo Tribal Council by Resolution No. ACAP-49-83 granted the Navajo-Hopi Land Commission power to speak and act for the Navajo Nation with respect to the land selection and land exclaişe provisions of Public Law 96-305 by making such selections and approving or disapproving any proposed exchanges, subject to the limitations set forth in Resolution CN-69−3·0; and


The former Navajo-Hɔpi Land Dispute Commission by Resolutions dated July 8, 1982 and December 21, 1982 requested the Tribal Chairman to forward description of certain lands in Arizona, under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management and private lands belonging to New Mexico and Arizona Land Company, to the Phoenix Bureau of Land Management Office and the Navajo-Hopi Indian Relocation Commission from withdrawal from disposition and to begin negotiations with the private land owners; and

3. Applications dated July 13, 1982 and December 21, 1982 requested that the final public land order Of transfer rot be effected until completion of further evaluation, analysis and land use planning is approved by the Navajo Tribe; and

4. After months of study by the Land Parcel Evalcation Team it has reported to the Land Commission that those lands described in Tribal Applications, dated July 13, 1982 and December 21, 1982 are not suitable for Navajos subject to relocation from the Hopi Partitioned Land; and

5. In crier to proceed, with the authority set forth under Public Law 96-305 (25 USC 640-d-10), in a manner that would be in the best interest of the relocatees it is cecessary to rescizà these previous selections in Arizona. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT:

The Navajo-Hopi Land Commission hereby rescinds the selections of land within Arizona made on July 8, 1982 and December 21, 1982 and requests the Navajo Tribal Chairman to request the Bureau of Land Management to cease any activity on those selections.


I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly considered by the Navajo-Hopi Land Commission of the Navajo Tribal Council at which a quorum was present and that same was passed by a vote of in favor and

opposed, this 24th day of

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Final Selection of Lands in Arizona as Authorized by Public Law 96-305


1. The Advisory Committee of the Navajo Tribal Council by Resolution No. ACAP-49-83 granted the Narajo-Hopi Land Commission power to speak and act for the Navajo Nation with respect to the land selection and land exchange provisions of Public Law 96-305 by making such selections and approving or disapproving any proposed exchanges, subject to the limitations set forth in Resolution CN-69-FN; and


2. On April 28, 1982 the Navajo Tribe consultation with the Navajo-Hopi Indian Relocation Commission selected for transfer 35,000 acres of lands urder the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management within the Paragon Resources Ranch within the State of New Mexico; and

3. For months the Navajo Tribe together with the Relocation Commission have been studying all available lands within the 18 miles of the Navajo Reservation as authorized by the Amendment Act, in the State of Arizona; and


In early June, 1983, approximately 60 relocatees and Tribal officials toured and conducted on site ́ inspections of approximately 1,000,000 acres of lands within the 18 miles strip; and

5. All affected Navajo Chapters and the Land Parcel. Evaluation Team recommended to the Navajo Tribe to select, for acquisition, transfer and exchange up to 365,000 acres in Apache County, Arizona; and


The ranches known as Wallace, Roberts, Spurlock, Fitzgerald, Kelsey, Chambers and Bar-N has good Gszing and resettlement potentials and owners of such lands have indicated their desires to engage in negotiation for fia:l disposition; and

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Studies of other lands available, or to become available, will continue so that lands will be available for substitution should this become necessary.

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