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AN English officer asserts that he met one of Gen. | forward from out of the mêlée, and fell, sharply Johnston's aids in New York on Sunday, and that wounded, close beside him. The Georgian recoghe personally knew him to be such. The rebel spy-nized his uniform, though he was fatally hurt, and for he was nothing else-told the Englishman that feebly held out his hand. "We came into this batMessrs. Davis, Beauregard, Lee and Co. consider tle," he said, "enemies. Let us die friends. Faretheir victory at Bull Run as a defeat, in comparison well." He spoke no more, but his companion in diswith what they expected and ought to have made it. aster took the extended hand, and escaped to relate They had their lines so skilfully arranged as to draw this touching fact. us within and beyond their flanks-to catch us in the most deadly kind of trap, attack us with shot, and musketry, and horse, from every side at once, and enforce a wholesale surrender of the "grand army of the Potomac." They had been fighting, he says, all day, in such wise as merely to indicate a determined defence, and by a gradual retreat had nearly lured us into the desired position, when all their plan was defeated by the mistaken enthusiasm of Col. Kirby Smith. That officer brought on the railroad reinforcements from Winchester, and, instead of going straight to the Junction, as had been positively ordered by Beauregard, he stopped the cars near the battle-field, formed his men in solid squares, and marched superbly to the ground. This was the re-writes to the New Haven Journal: serve which our tired forces saw coming against them, and before which they retreated in time to escape the snare laid for them. Johnston's aid affirmed that Smith was in high disfavor for his error, which was the only movement that saved the Federal army.-N. Y. World.

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One of our riflemen had his piece carried away by a ball, which struck it out of his hands just as his company was in the act of advancing to storm one of the smaller rebel batteries. Unharmed, he sprang forward, and threw himself down on his face, under the enemy's guns. A Zouave lay there, wounded and bleeding, out of the way of the murderous fire. 'Lay close-lay close, old boy," said the latter to the new comer, "the boys 'll take this ole furnace 'n a minnit, and then we'll git up an' give the rebels fits ag'in." Three minutes afterwards the battery was carried, and the two soldiers were in the thickest of the fight again.

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A member of the Second Connecticut regiment

While at a halt, it was my lot to witness a very painful scene. I captured a prisoner, (a German,) belonging to the Eighth South Carolina regiment, and took him to Major Colburn for instructions as how to dispose of him. The prisoner requested one privilege as his last, which the Major very humanely granted. He said his brother lay a short distance off, in a dying condition, and he wished to see him. I bade him lead the way, and I followed.

He took me to an old log hut but a few rods from where our regiment was halted. On the north side, in the shade, we found the wounded man. The prisoner spoke to him-he opened his eyes-the film of death had already overspread them, and the tide of life was fast ebbing. He was covered with blood, and the swarms of flies and mosquitoes, which were fattening upon his life's blood, indicated that he had lain there for some time. They clasped hands to

In the thickest of the contest a secession colonel of cavalry was knocked out of his saddle by a ball from one of our riflemen. "There goes old Baker, of the Georgia First!" shouted one of our boys, in hearing of his chaplain. "Who?" queried the parson. "Colonel Baker, of the rebel ranks, has just gone to his long home." Ah, well," replied the chaplain, quietly, "the longer I live the less cause I have to find fault with the inscrutable acts of Divine Providence."-An unlucky private in one of the New York regiments was wounded in this fight, and his father arrived at the hospital just as the surgeon was remov-gether, muttered a few words in the German laning the ball from the back of his shoulder. The boy lay with his face downwards on the pallet. "Ah, my poor son," said the father, mournfully, "I'm very sorry for you. But it's a bad place to be hit in-thus in the back." The sufferer turned over, bared his breast, and pointing to the opening above the armpit, exclaimed, "Father, here's where the ball went in!"

One of the Zouaves was struck by a cannon shot, which tore through his thigh close to his body, nearly severing the limb from the trunk. As he fell, he drew his photograph from his breast, and said to his | nearest comrade, "Take this to my wife. Tell her I died like a soldier, faithful to my country's cause, and the good old flag. Good-bye!" and he died where

he fell.

guage, supplicating the Throne of Grace for their families at home, kissed, and bade each other a final adieu; the prisoner remarking as I took him by the arm to lead him away, for the column was moving, "Brother, you are dying, and I am a prisoner." The man was shot with a musket ball, in the back, just over the hip; from which fact I inferred that he was on the retreat when the deadly ball overtook him. N. Y. Express, Aug. 1.

WHY THE SOUTHERN ARMY DON'T MARCH.-The Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle and Sentinel of the 18th, has an article on the question, “Why don't our army move forward?" The editor says:



We claim to be the superiors of the Northmen in every respect, and we are; but we have got to prove An artillery man lay on the ground, nearly ex-it to their satisfaction before we can expect peace. hausted from loss of blood, and too weak to get out * It is the policy and fixed determination of the way of the tramping troops and horses that of our government to advance, and, if possible, to flitted about him. A mounted horseman came tow-bring the war to an end before the cool weather, the ards him, when he raised the bleeding stumps of both recruiting of the enemy, and his preparations of suffihis arms, and cried out, "Don't tread on me, Capt'n! cient transportation shall enable him to make an inSee! both hands are gone." The trooper leaped over vasion of the Carolina and Georgia coast. him, a shell broke near by, and the crashing fragments put the sufferer quickly out of his misery.

A rebel-one of the Georgia regiments-lay with a fearful shot-wound in his side, which tore out several of his ribs. The life-blood of the poor fellow was fast oozing out, when one of our troops came dashing

It is well known now that Gen. Beauregard's forces at Manassas, previous to Johnston's arrival, were comparatively small; and even after Johnston came, the combined army could not have exceeded forty thousand effective men. Since the battle, we have good reason to believe that Beauregard and Johnston

have under their command much more than a hun- | Their army was well appointed, well organized, and dred thousand men-enough for all practical pur-provided with a splendid artillery, the entire of which poses. It is not the want of men that has prevented fell into our hands. Wheat's battalion, to which I an advance, but the lack of means of transportation, was attached as a volunteer, consisting of only 400 and the lack of food, coupled with sickness. Beaure- men, sustained for an hour the shock of at least 8,000 gard has been almost wholly without means of trans- of the enemy, and only retreated when almost cut to portation for his vast army, and proper food in suffi- pieces. Every officer who was mounted had his horse cient quantity, as we have reason to believe. And shot under him. When carrying a message from men who fought the great fight on the 21st, and came Wheat to Gen. Evans, my own horse met with a simout of it without so much as a scratch, were in no ilar fate, and I escaped by a perfect miracle. I must condition to do military duty for several days. With confess that this command was the admiration of little food of suitable quality, fatigued, worn down, friend and foe. Formed in part of Irish, and the rest they were in no condition to advance. In fact, very the flower of Southern chivalry, the battalion covered many of them have been sick since the fight; and it itself with glory. Emotions of no ordinary character is but truth to say that they, as well as the wounded, thrilled through my breast as I found myself strughave not had proper attention from the medical de- gling on this terrible field of carnage, and advocating partment, which, so far as we can learn, was organized a righteous cause, surrounded as I was by so many of in the very worst manner, if, indeed, it can be said my own gallant island countrymen. You will be glad to have had any organization at all. to hear that I escaped the terrible ordeal of shot and shell, and was honored with the thanks of Gen. Beauregard for some slight service which I performed on the field. Poor Wheat seemed the genius of the fight-conspicuous by his great size and soldier-like mien, his flashing eye and glittering blade-he was seen everywhere in the hottest part of the struggle. Poor fellow! He was desperately wounded, but is now recovering. The loss of the enemy was 8,000 men, 57 pieces of cannon, and about 25,000 stand of arms. Believe me, very faithfully yours,

Months ago, we called attention to the impropriety of favoritism and politics in the organization of the army, and especially directed attention to the absolute necessity of having the best available ability in the quartermasters' and commissary department.

The sickness, from wounds and otherwise, in our Virginia army, is absolutely frightful, and the insufficiency and inefficiency of the medical department more frightful still. Only think of our noble boys suffering twenty-four hours after battle without being seen, and then attended perhaps by men unfit for their office, and four days elapsing before the department at Richmond sent any lint or bandages to Manassas, when an abundance ought to have been there a month before the battle.

THE POSITION OF THE CONFEDERATES.-A correspondent of the N. O. Picayune, writing from Manassas on the 10th instant, says:

There is not a single act of the Confederate States that could be so construed as to justify any reasonable man in coming to the conclusion that the South intended to take Washington. We have never claimed more than is embraced in the boundaries of the seceded States. That is the whole extent of our claim. Washington is situated in that part of the District of Columbia transferred by Maryland, and just as long as Maryland remains with the North, just so long we will refrain from any attack.

Late Major in the army of Italy,
-Richmond (Va.) Dispatch.

S. PHILLIPS DAY, Richmond.


They say the battle has been lost-What then?
There is no need of tears, and doleful strains :
The holy Cause for which we fought remains,
And millions of unconquerable men.
Repulse may do us good, it should not harm;
Where work is to be done, 'tis well to know
Its full extent; before the final blow,
Power, nerved to crush, must bare its strong right arm!
Rebels, rejoice then, while ye may, for we,
Driven back a moment, by the tide of war,
Re-gathered, shall pour on ye from afar,
As mighty and resistless as the sea!
The battle is not lost while men remain,

AN ENGLISH OFFICER ON THE BATTLE OF MANASSAS Free men, and brave, like ours, to fight again!


To the Editor of the Dispatch:

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DEAR SIR: The enclosed letter, which I have just "IT GROWS VERY DARK, MOTHER-VERY received from an English officer, who took part in the famous fight on the 21st ult., may be of interest to your readers. I have, therefore, great pleasure in placing it at your service.

Very truly yours,

Special correspondent of the London Morning
Herald and the Morning Chronicle.
JUNCTION, July 29, 1861.

BY "Z. R."

Our boys died game. One was ordered to fall in rank. He answered quietly, "I will if I can." His arm hung shattered by his side, and he was bleeding to death. His last words brought tears to the eyes of all around. He murmured, "It grows very dark, mother-very dark.” Poor fellow, his thoughts were far away at his peaceful home in Ohio.-Cincinnati Gazette.

The crimson tide was ebbing, and the pulse grew weak and faint,

But the lips of that brave soldier scorned e'en now to make complaint;

MY DEAR DAY: The accounts which you read in the Richmond papers about the great battle which has just come off, are not in the least exaggerated. You may give them verbatim to the London Press. I "Fall in rank!" a voice called to him-calm and could never have contemplated that such a terrible disaster would have befallen the Northern arms. "Yes, if I can, I'll do it-I will do it though I die."

low was his reply:

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We heard proud lips the deeds recount
Of valor stern and high,

We saw the star of victory mount

Above our clouded sky.
New hopes of peace and right restored
Each word of triumph breathed;
We read of conquest ere our sword
Had scarcely been unsheathed.

'Twas when we hoped our armed host
Were strong the foe to meet;
'Twas when we looked for victory most
We heard the word defeat.
"Disgrace," they said, "a perfect rout,
Our stricken army fled;

Our prisoners hear the traitors' shout
Above the loyal dead."

We dreaded, yet we longed to know
What homes had been bereft,
We feared to have the sunbeams show
The wreck the storm had left.

At last, one message to our hearts
A world of comfort gave,-
"Our soldiers acted well their part,
The vanquished still are brave."
We listened, holding in our breath,
How, while the conflict swelled,
A bravery that mocked at death
Our starry flag upheld.

O, not in vain upon us came

Misfortune dark and dire,

If in our breasts, its piercing flame
Shall light a holier fire;-

If, gazing on our broken van,
Our blood-besprinkled sod,
We turn from confidence in man
And put our trust in God!
CONCORD, July 25, 1861.

-N. H. Statesman.



Ho! banded Freemen of the North!
Ho! Freemen of the East and West!
The fairest land upon the earth
By Traitors is possessed!
Hark! Freedom calls-rise! men of worth!
The hour of battle draweth nigh,
Now must the Traitors to the earth

Be crushed, or Freedom die!
Then rise! Freemen, and face the foe,
And strike, oh! stike the Traitors low!

We stand upon the side of right!

We bear the flag our fathers bore!
Oh! let us then for Freedom fight,

E'en as our fathers fought of yore!
And He who reigns throughout the world
As well as high in heaven,

Will see that, when death's bolts are hurled,
The victory to the free be given.

Then Freemen, up! and face the foe,

And strike, oh! strike the traitors low. FRANKVILLE, IOWA.

-Weekly McGregor Press.


"The Battle is the Lord's."-1 Samuel xvii. 47.


Great God, 'tis not from thee that spring Oppression, hate, and deadly strife, Yet from the time of Elam's King,*

In battle Thou hast been our life.

When Israel's foes, a numerous host,

Through years of conflict pressed their cause, Thy powerful arm was all her boast, Confederate rebels owned thy laws.

'Twas thy right arm, thy spirit's aim, That guided youthful David's hand; And lo! to Joshua's vision came

The sword-armed angel in command. Almighty God, who seekest life,

Not death, amid these dread alarms, Prepare us for this mortal strife

Lead thou the van-direct our arms.

Thine is the battle, mighty Lord;

The skill, the wisdom, all are thineThe fire that lit the sacred Word

Shall flash from out our battle line.

So shall our serried ranks move on,
With unseen armies from above,

And so shall victory be won,

Through deeds of death to deeds of love. Boston Journal, Aug. 7.



All men till now who bear the Christian name,
However hard their hearts, and fierce their strife,
Have satisfied their hate with taking life,
The worst respecting death, through utter shame!
Cowards now there be whose murderous hands are red
With our dead soldiers' blood; not shed in fight,
But crushed from their cold veins, when slain out-

Great God! they dare to mutilate the dead!
Virginia! thou shalt pay for this ere long;

Thy lips shall drain to the dregs the bitter cup;
The outraged spirit of the North is up,
Back to thy batteries, then, and make them strong!
Henceforth thy blood shall be upon thy head,
Though, unlike thee, we war not with the Dead!
July 24, 1861.
-Vanity Fair.

LIEUTENANT DICKINSON, of New Orleans, now in this city, and who was shot in the thigh with a Minié ball, in the battle on Sunday, says that he was a member of Major Wheat's battalion, and out of 400, which constituted that command, there were not more than 100 that escaped death and wounds. Wheat was shot through the body, and was surviving on Wednesday, although his case is exceedingly critical. Lieutenant Dickinson also says that the Catahoula (La.) Guerillas, Captain Bahoup, fought with desperation, and he thinks his command was nearly all killed and wounded. The captain, although for a long time in the hottest of the fight, escaped unhurt.

*The first war of which there is any record.-Gen. xiv.

He also says the Tiger Rifles, of Louisiana, in a perfect shower of bullets, bombs, and balls, threw down their rifles and charged upon the enemy's lines with their knives, and put them to flight.-Richmond Enquirer, July 26.

GALLANTRY OF BARTOW.-Bartow's gallantry upon the field was most conspicuous. When Beauregard pointed out to him a battery to be taken, he replied, "I will take it, if mortal man can do it." He first led up the Eighth Georgia regiment and took the battery; but finding himself unable to hold it, he retired. Almost immediately afterwards he led up the Seventh Georgia regiment, in the performance of which duty he was shot. The only words he uttered were: Boys, they have killed me; but never give up this field to the enemy."

General Beauregard did not lead the Hampton legion into action, as has been stated. He led a large body of troops in which the legion was included.— Charleston Mercury.

SPEECH FROM A WOUNDED REBEL.-The train from the East brought down Captain Wilson, of Atlanta, one of the wounded on the glorious battle-field of Manassas. Captain Wilson was in the whole of the hard-fought battle of the 21st, was wounded in the heel while on horseback, and received a contusion on the left shoulder from a cannon ball, which paralyzed his arm. Notwithstanding his sufferings from the pain of his wounds, he appeared on the platform of the cars, in response to the calls of the eager crowd assembled, and gave a glowing and eloquent description of the fight in which he had so gallantly participated. The statements of this brave eye-witness confirmed in the main the details of this great victory which we have received by the press and by the telegraph-a victory which has no precedent for completeness in the annals of war. Captain Wilson's narration moved the audience to alternate shouts of enthusiasm and tears of joy, as he graphically depicted either the noble conduct and gallant deeds of the brave defenders of Southern independence, and the almost incredible feats of the field. He confirmed the statements of the small loss routed Yankees in making their escape from the reported on our side, the immense slaughter of the Lincoln troops, and the great capture of arms, munitions, and prisoners made by our troops.

Captain W. was followed by a gentleman whose name we did not learn, but who was a chaplain in the Confederate army, just from Richmond, and who confirmed the captain's statements. The train moved off while the reverend gentleman was speaking.Knoxville (Tenn.) Register.

ESTIMATE OF THE REBEL Loss.-A letter from Manassas dated July 23, contains the following important admission:-From a very accurate report, just placed in my possession, it would appear that our loss in killed on the field was only between 500 and 600. This is a great loss, it is true, for they were the bravest of the army, and from the splendor with which they charged were the best targets of the enemy. Our wounded will number between 2,000 and 3,000. Very many of them are only slightly hurt in the hand, foot, arm, &c.-N. O. Picayune, July 27.

THE Richmond Whig suggests that the usual emblems of external mourning be dispensed with by

those who have lost relatives who were bravely sustaining their country's right, and in this met with a glorious death. The reasons for the suggestion are, that it would give the streets and churches a distressing and gloomy aspect, that many families cannot afford it, and the loss of father, husband, or brother, is not, under the circumstances, cause for that bitterness of mourning which attends the ordinary dispensations of Providence, because the gloom is brightened by the glory of triumph in the discharge of the holiest obligation of duty.

REBEL OPINION OF A PRISONER.-Among the thousand prisoners now in Richmond, one is a real prize. His name is Fairbanks, and he is the adjutant of the Michigan regiment. He hails from Detroit; by trade he is a shoemaker, and by nature he is one of the blackest-hearted abolitionists and haters of the South that is anywhere suffered to carry God's breath around in a wicked carcass. He is the same individual who was so urgent to have the clergyman arrested in Alexandria for praying for the Confederate States, thrown into the negro pen, and there confined until he repented. He was equally anxious to have several of the ladies of Alexandria hung as an example of the manner in which the abolitionists intended to treat secessionists. As you now have an excellent opportunity of allowing him to test the beauties of his theory, I would suggest that the fellow be kindly treated as long as he lives on bread and water, and that twice a day a committee of ladies call upon him, and, with a rope, stretch his neck until he is perfectly satisfied with the honor conferred upon him. Afterwards, I would exchange him for some miserable cur, and shoot the dog.-Richmond Enquirer.

HAVOC IN ALABAMA REGIMENTS.-The Montgomery Mail, of the 24th July, says :-We are truly sorry to hear of the sad havoc which befell these noble companies, members of the Fourth Alabama regiment, in the recent Manassas battle. Thirty-two, we learn, from both companies, are killed and wounded, seven of whom were instantly killed. The wounded were doing as well as possible up to yesterday.

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* Since my last letter we have had two fights-one on Thursday last and one on Sunday; the battle on Thursday was four hours twenty minutes. We had two men killed, and Sunday we had three men killed, one wounded, and four missing. We were fighting from 6 o'clock in the morning until sundown in the evening, and a hard time we had of it. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon we had a charge of the rebels' cavalry. They were a regiment of what is called the Black Horse cavalry, and after a smart tussle we whipped them without the loss of a man on our side, and I should think there were at least seventy-five of them killed and wounded, for our boys fought like the devil. The Southerners have offered $25,000 for Sherman's battery, but they cannot have it yet. Our captain's name is Ayres-I forgot to mention his name in my last letter as you wished me to. At the time the cavalry charged they came up yelling, 'Now we have got Sherman's battery, let us give it to them!' Our captain said to us, 'Load

with grape and give them all they want.' You no doubt have seen in the papers that Sherman's battery was all cut up, but you must not mind what they say, for we arrived in Washington on Monday. The people received us with great joy, as the report was that there were none of us left."-Boston Journal, July 31.

THE "SHRIVER GRAYS."-A company with this designation, from the city of Wheeling, took part in the hottest of the battle at Manassas on the 21st inst. This company was formed at Wheeling in May, when the enemy's troops were collecting at that place, and made its way, in small detachments, almost from within the enemy's lines, to Harper's Ferry. Being attached to the Twenty-seventh regiment of Virginia Volunteers, forming part of the brigade of General Jackson, in General Johnston's army, the company has shared in much severe service with credit to itself, and finally, at Manassas, proved itself equal to the rest of our heroes in the desperate struggle of the left wing. The officers, Captain Daniel M. Shriver, First Lieutenant John S. Mitchell, and Second Lieutenant John B. Lady, led with great gallantry, and the men followed with the determined courage of veterans in a successful charge of their regiment and others on one of the enemy's batteries, after sustaining for hours a storm of shot and shell in supporting one of our batteries. The loss of the company was two killed, Sergeant George P. Wilson and John Fry, (son of Judge J. L. Fry,) two it is feared mortally wounded, William Quarrier and John Sweeny, sen., and seven others wounded, but not dangerously. Among the latter is Lieutenant Lady, who, with private Frederick, also wounded, is now in the city, well cared for in a benevolent family. They have each a painful flesh wound in the shoulder. The wounds of others are slight. Messrs. Fry and Quarrier were young lawyers of fine promise. Capt. Shriver, a young gentleman of fortune, has displayed as much gallantry in leading his men as he had displayed liberality and energy in raising the company.-Rich mond Enquirer.

STORY OF ESCAPED PRISONERS.-The following is the story of private Doherty, of the New York Seventy-first, who escaped from Sudley Church in company with Capt. Allen, of the Massachusetts Eleventh, and private Waldorf, of the Wisconsin Second:

"About 4 o'clock on Sunday afternoon, just as the chances of the field were beginning to turn against the national troops, and the Seventy-first had their hands full, a shell took off the foot of a comrade of Mr. Doherty, his rear man, in company A. Mr. D. immediately proceeded to carry the poor fellow to the hospital, and had hardly done so when the bugle sounded the retreat, and his regiment, with the rest of the troops, were retiring rapidly, leaving him far behind. He at once made a dash for his own freedom, and gained almost alone an open field, where a party of Confederate troops, under Capt. Barker, took him prisoner, and conducted him to the hospital at Sudley Church. Here he found Dr. Pugnet amputat ing the arm of a private of the Seventy-first, and as. sisted him to the best of his ability in the perform ance of various surgical operations the whole after. noon. Twelve surgeons were prisoners in the church, and these remained there for the relief of the wound. ed-nearly all of whom were nationals-all night. There were 286 wounded at this place, 70 being exposed in the open air for lack of accommodation, the

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