Imágenes de páginas


Miscellaneous noti


Effective date and duration.


Approval by the President.


1. At the end of each quarter, each Administration makes up an account on the basis of the parcel bills.

2. These accounts, expressed in francs, accompanied by the parcel bills and, if any, by copies of verification notes relating thereto, shall be submitted to the examination of the corresponding Administration in the course of the month following the quarter to which they relate. 3. The recapitulation, transmission, examination and acceptance of these accounts must not be delayed, and the payment of the balance shall take place, at the latest, at the expiration of the following quarter.

4. The balance resulting from the adjustment of the accounts between the two Administrations shall be effected in the manner which may be mutually agreed upon by correspondence. The expenses of payment are chargeable to the debtor Administration.


Miscellaneous notifications.

The Administrations shall communicate to each other a summary of the provisions of their laws or regulations applicable to the parcels exchanged between the two contracting countries, and other items necessary for carrying out the exchange of parcels.

These Regulations shall come into operation on the day on which the Parcel Post Agreement comes into force and shall have the same duration as the Agreement.

Done in duplicate and signed at Washington, the 5th day of September 1937, and at The Hague, the 20th day of September 1937. [SEAL]

Postmaster General of the
United States of America.

Director General of Posts and
Telegraphs of the Netherlands.

The foregoing Regulations for the Execution of the Parcel Post Agreement between the United States of America and the Kingdom of the Netherlands have been negotiated and concluded with my advice and consent and are hereby approved and ratified.

In testimony whereof, I have caused the seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed.


By the President.


Secretary of State.

WASHINGTON, October 18, 1937.


Agreement between the United States of America and Mexico concerning the exchange of official journals and parliamentary documents. Effected by exchange of notes, signed September 9 and 24, 1937.

The American Ambassador (Daniels) to the Mexican Minister for
Foreign Affairs (Hay)



Mexico, September 9, 1937.

I have the honor to refer to Your Excellency's note No. 39838 of August 31, 1937, informing me that the Mexican Government is prepared to enter into an agreement with the American Government providing for an exchange of official journals and parliamentary documents. It appears that a draft of this proposed agreement has already been approved by our respective Governments which have agreed that it shall take the form of an exchange of notes incorporating the text.

My Government is, therefore, prepared to give immediate effect to the following agreement as soon as a corresponding note may be received from Your Excellency:

"There shall be an immediate exchange of official journals and parliamentary documents between the United States of America and the United Mexican States, which shall be conducted in accordance with the following provisions:

1. The Government of the United States of America shall furnish regularly, immediately upon publication, one copy of each of the following publications: (a) the Federal Register, or any other general official gazette that may be published; (b) the Congressional Record, containing the debates of the Senate and of the House of Representatives; (c) Bills printed for the use of either the Senate or the House of Representatives; and (d) Hearings before Congressional committees. 2. The Government of the United Mexican States shall furnish regularly, immediately upon publication, one copy of each of the following publications: (a) the Diario Oficial, or any other general official gazette that may be published; (b) the Diario de los Debates of the Senate and of the Chamber of Deputies; (c) Bills printed for the use of either Chamber; and (d) Other documents printed for the use of either Chamber or of the committees of either Chamber.

3. The sendings shall be received on behalf of the United States of America by the Library of Congress; on behalf of the United Mexican States by the Departamento Autónomo de Publicidad y Propaganda. Please accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest and most distinguished consideration.

His Excellency

Señor General EDUARDO HAY,
Minister for Foreign Affairs,

1 Not printed.



September 9, 24, 1937 [E. A. S. No. 108]

Mexico concerning the exchange of official mentary documents.

Agreement with

journals and parlia

The Mexican Minister for Foreign Affairs (Hay) to the American
Ambassador (Daniels)





MÉXICO, 24 de septiembre de 1987.

Tengo la honra de acusar recibo a Vuestra Excelencia de su atenta nota número 2408, fechada el 9 del presente, en la cual se sirve comunicarme que el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América está dispuesto a poner en vigor el Convenio con el de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos para el canje de periódicos oficiales y documentos parlamentarios, cuyas negociaciones se han venido llevando a cabo, y de acuerdo con el texto inserto en la misma nota, tan pronto como el Gobierno mexicano manifieste su aquiescencia por medio de la nota correspondiente.

En debida respuesta me es grato comunicar a Vuestra Excelencia que el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos está también dispuesto a poner en vigor desde luego el siguiente Convenio:

"Habrá intercambio inmediato de periódicos oficiales y documentos parlamentarios entre los Estados Unidos Mexicanos y los Estados Unidos de América, y se efectuará de acuerdo con las disposiciones siguientes:

1.-El Gobierno de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos suministrará regularmente, inmediatamente después de su publicación, un ejemplar de las siguientes publicaciones: (a) el "Diario Oficial" o cualquiera otra gaceta oficial general que se publique; (b) el "Diario de los Debates" del Senado y de la Cámara de Diputados; (c) los proyectos de ley que se impriman para uso de cualquiera de las Cámaras; y (d) cualquier otro documento impreso para el uso de cualquiera de las dos Cámaras o de sus respectivas Comisiones.

2.-El Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América suministrará regularmente, inmediatamente después de su publicación, un ejemplar de cada una de las siguientes publicaciones: (a) El "Federal Register" o cualquiera otra gaceta oficial general que se publique; (b) El "Congressional Record", que contiene los debates del Senado y de la Cámara de Representantes; (c) los proyectos de ley impresos para el uso del Senado o de la Cámara de Representantes; y (d) discusiones efectuadas ante las Comisiones del Congreso.

3.-Los envíos, se recibirán, por parte de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, por el Departamento Autónomo de Publicidad y Propaganda; por parte de los Estados Unidos de América, por la Biblioteca del Congreso." Aprovecho la oportunidad para renovar a Vuestra Excelencia el testimonio de mi más alta y distinguida consideración.

Excelentísimo señor JOSEPHUS DANIELS,

Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario

de los Estados Unidos de América.








MEXICO, September 24, 1937.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency's note No. 2408, dated September 9, in which you kindly advised me that the Government of the United States of America is prepared to enter into an agreement with that of the United Mexican States for the exchange of official journals and parliamentary documents, which negotiations have been in progress, and according to the text presented in the same note, as soon as the Mexican Government makes known its acquiescence by means of the corresponding note. In reply I am pleased to inform Your Excellency that the Government of the United Mexican States is also prepared to enter immediately into this agreement as follows:

"There shall be an immediate exchange of official journals and parliamentary documents between the United Mexican States and the United States of America, which shall be conducted in accordance with the following provisions:

1. The Government of the United Mexican States shall furnish regularly, immediately upon publication, one copy of each of the following publications: (a) the "Diario Oficial", or any other general official gazette that may be published; (b) the "Diario de los Debates" of the Senate and of the Chamber of Deputies; (c) Bills printed for the use of either Chamber; and (d) any other document printed for the use of either Chamber or of the committees of either Chamber. 2. The Government of the United States of America shall furnish regularly, immediately upon publication, one copy of each of the following publications: (a) the Federal Register, or any other general official gazette that may be published; (b) the Congressional Record, containing the debates of the Senate and of the House of Representatives; (c) Bills printed for the use of either the Senate or the House of Representatives; and (d) Hearings before Congressional committees. 3. The sendings shall be received on behalf of the United Mexican States by the Departamento Autónomo de Publicidad y Propaganda; on behalf of the United States of America by the Library of Congress."

I avail myself of the opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest and most distinguished consideration. EDUARDO HAY

His Excellency Mr. JOSEPHUS DANIELS,
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

of the United States of America,


Sept. 8, 20, Oct. 9, 1937

Mar. 2, 10, Aug. 17, Agreement between the United States of America and Canada regarding the exchange of information concerning issuance of radio licenses. Effected by exchanges of notes, signed March 2 and 10, 1937, August 17, 1937, September 8 and 20, 1937, and October 9, 1937.

[E. A. S. No. 109]

[blocks in formation]

The Minister of Canada (Marler) to the Secretary of State (Hull) No. 46:


Washington, March 2, 1937

I have the honour to refer to the Canadian Legation's Aide Memoire of January 7th, 1937, and the Department of State's reply of January 19th concerning the application of the Power City Broadcasting Corporation and the Niagara Falls Gazette Publishing Company of Niagara Falls, New York, for permission to establish a broadcasting station on a frequency of 630 kilocycles. This exchange of correspondence dealt with the possible interference which might be caused by the proposed station at Niagara Falls to Station CFCO operating on a frequency of 630 kilocycles at Chatham, Ontario.

It may be expected that from time to time the competent authorities of the Government of the United States will receive applications for permission to establish new broadcasting stations on frequency channels shared between Canada and the United States and for alteration in the assignment of such channels. In certain cases the granting of such applications might give rise to interference with Canadian stations operating on the same channel.

I have been instructed to enquire whether the Government of the United States would be agreeable to communicating with the Canadian Government in future before issuing licenses for new stations or altering the assignment of frequencies of existing stations on channels now shared between the United States and Canada, in cases where interference might be caused to the free and unrestricted use of such channels in Canada. The purpose of such a notification would be to give an opportunity to the Canadian Government of expressing their views in connection therewith.

I have the honour to be, with the highest consideration, Sir,
Your most obedient, humble servant,


Secretary of State of the United States,


'Not printed.

Washington, D. C.

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