Imágenes de páginas

materials used in the manufacture of the chewing gum, as shown by the sworn statement of the said company, dated June 6, 1914, which is transmitted herewith for filing in your office.



(T. D. 34638.)


Assistant Secretary.

Drawback on embossed and crystallized tin sheets.

Drawback on embossed and crystallized tin sheets manufactured by M. Gould's Sons & Co., of Newark, N. J., with the use of imported taggers tinplate.


SIR: Drawback is hereby allowed under paragraph O of section 4 of the tariff act of October 3, 1913, and the drawback regulations (T. D. 31695 of June 16, 1911), on embossed tin sheets and crystallized tin sheets manufactured by M. Gould's Sons & Co., of Newark, N. J., with the use of imported taggers tinplate.

The allowance shall not exceed the quantity of imported taggers tinplate appearing in the embossed tin sheets and crystallized tin sheets exported, as shown by the sworn statement of the manufacturers, dated June 17, 1914, which is transmitted herewith for filing in your office.

[blocks in formation]

T. D. 33705 of August 21, 1913, amended to provide for an allowance to compensate for waste resulting from milling and punching the hack-saw blanks and for identification of the imported steel used in manufacturing periods of three or six months.

TREASURY DEPARTMENT, July 15, 1914. SIR: The department's regulations of August 21, 1913 (T. D. 33705), providing for the payment of drawback on hack-saw blades manufactured from imported steel are hereby amended to provide for an allowance to compensate for waste in milling and punching the hack-saw blanks.

The sworn schedule of the manufacturer shall show the commercial designation (dimensions) of the saws of each size manufactured for exportation with benefit of drawback and the dimensions of the blanks used in the manufacture thereof. Original sworn schedules filed under these regulations shall be forwarded to the special agent for investigation and report. Supplemental sworn schedules shall be accompanied by a sworn sample of each size of hack saw blade cov

ered thereby and of the hack-saw blanks used in the manufacture thereof and such supplemental sworn schedules, with the samples, shall be forwarded to the special agent for verification in such manner as he may deem proper.

At the election of the manufacturer the imported steel used in the manufacture of exported hack-saw blades may be identified against the several import lots of steel used during a manufacturing period of three or six months, as the manufacturer shall prefer. In such case an abstract from the manufacturing record shall be filed with the collector of customs, which will show the usual import data covering the several lots of imported steel used during the period covered thereby, the value of such steel laid down at the factory, and the value of the waste during such period. In such case the drawback entries shall be liquidated on the basis of the lowest rate of duty paid on any of the steel used during the period in which the hack-saw blades covered thereby were produced.

The allowance shall not exceed the weight of the hack-saw blanks used in the manufacture of the exported hack-saw blades, such allowance to be reduced according to the quantity of imported sheet steel which the value of the waste, predicated on 7 per cent of the weight of the hack-saw blanks used, will replace.

For the information and guidance of collectors of customs in the liquidation of entries under T. D. 33705, as amended hereby, there is published below a schedule showing the standard weight of sheet steel per square foot by gauge.

Standard weight of sheet steel per square foot.

[blocks in formation]

(T. D. 34640.)

Drawback on veils.

T. D. 33987 of December 17, 1913, extended to cover ladies' veils manufactured by the D. Strauss Co. (Inc.), of New York, N. Y., with the use of various imported materials.

TREASURY DEPARTMENT, July 15, 1914. SIR: The department's regulations of December 17, 1913 (T. D. 33987), providing for the payment of drawback on ladies' veils manufactured by Martin Biavaschi, of New York, N. Y., from imported materials are hereby extended to cover veils in the piece and in the yard manufactured by the D. Strauss Co. (Inc.), of New York, N. Y., from imported veilings, nettings, chiffons, and mousseline de soie, marabout, and similar materials.

The sworn statement of the manufacturers, dated June 17, 1914, is transmitted herewith for filing in your office.

[blocks in formation]

T. D. 34498 of June 2, 1914, extended to cover smoking tobacco manufactured by J. S. Maloof & Co., of New York, N. Y., with the use of imported leaf tobaccos.


SIR: The department's regulations of June 2, 1914 (T. D. 34498), providing for the payment of drawback on smoking tobacco manufactured by Beshara Ganim & Co., of New York, N. Y., from imported leaf tobacco are hereby extended to cover smoking tobacco manufactured by J. S. Maloof & Co., of New York, N. Y., with the use of similar imported leaf tobaccos.

The sworn statement of the manufacturers, dated May 16, 1914, is transmitted herewith for filing in your office.




(T. D. 34642.)

Assistant Secretary.

Importation of viruses, serums, etc.-List of licensed manufacturing



To collectors and other officers of the customs:

The following table contains a list of the establishments holding, on June 30, 1914, licenses issued by the Treasury Department in

accordance with the act of Congress approved July 1, 1902, entitled "An act to regulate the sale of viruses, serums, toxins, and analogous products in the District of Columbia, to regulate interstate traffic in said articles, and for other purposes.'

The number of the license of each firm is also given, together with the names of the several products for which licenses have been granted.


CHARLES S. HAMLIN, Assistant Secretary.

No. of license.




Parke, Davis & Co., Detroit, Mich..... Diphtheria antitoxin, antigonococcic serum, antimen

ingococcic serum, antistreptococcic serum, antitetanic serum, antitubercle serum, tuberculins, bacterial vaccines, erysipelas and prodigiosus toxins, antirabic virus, vaccine virus, normal horse serum, thyroidectomized horse serum, and modified bacterial derivatives (Schafer).

2 H. K. Mulford Co., Philadelphia, Pa... Diphtheria antitoxin, antianthrax serum, antidysen





teric serum, antimeningococcic serum, antipneu-
monic serum, antistreptococcic serum, antitetanic
serum, tuberculins, vaccine virus, normal horse
serum, bacterial vaccines, sensitized typhoid vac
cine, sensitized streptococcic vaccine, sensitized
staphylococcic vaccine, sensitized bacterial vaccines,
and antirabic virus.

Dr. H. M. Alexander & Co., Marietta, Diphtheria antitoxin, antitetanic serum, antirabic

Fluid Vaccine Co., Milwaukee, Wis....
The Slee Laboratories, Swiftwater, Pa..

The Cutter Laboratory, Berkeley, Cal.. 9 Frederick Stearns & Co., Detroit, Mich. Pasteur Institute of Paris, Paris, France.


[blocks in formation]

virus, vaccine virus, normal horse serum, antityphoid vaccine, and tuberculins.

Vaccine virus.

Diphtheria antitoxin, antimeningococcic serum, antistreptococcie serum, antitetanic serum, normal horse serum, and vaccine virus.

Diphtheria antitoxin, antistreptococcic serum, tuberculins, bacterial vaccines, and vaccine virus. Diphtheria antitoxin, streptolytic serum, and pneumolytic serum.

Diphtheria antitoxin, antidysenteric serum, antimeningococcic serum, antiplague serum, antistreptococcic serum, sérum antivenimeux, antitetanic serum, and antiplague vaccine.

Diphtheria antitoxin, tuberculin, antigonococcus vac-
cine, and antistreptococcic serum.

Diphtheria antitoxin, antitetanic serum, antirabic
virus, vaccine virus, tuberculin, antimeningococcic
serum, antipneumonococcic serum, normal horse
serum, bacterial vaccines, and antistreptococcic serum.
Diphtheria antitoxin, vaccine virus, normal horse
serum, and bacterial vaccines.
Diphtheria antitoxin, antigonococcic serum, antimen-
ingococcic serum, antipneumococcic serum, anti-
streptococcic serum, antitetanic serum, vaccine virus,
antirabic virus, normal horse serum, antity phoid

vaccine, and bacterial vaccines.

18 Burroughs, Wellcome & Co., London, Diphtheria antitoxin, antigonococcic serum, antidysenEngland.

[blocks in formation]

teric serum, anticolon-bacillus serum, antistaphylococcic serum, antistreptococcic serum, antityphoid serum, antimeningococcic serum, normal horse serum, tuberculins, bacterial vaccines, and antitetanic serum. Diphtheria antitoxin.

Diphtheria antitoxin, antidysenteric serum, antimeningococcic serum, antipneumonic serum, anti plague serum, antistreptococcic serum, antitetanic serum, tuberculins, and bacterial vaccines. Antidiphtheric serum and normal goat serum. Tuberculins.

Diphtheria antitoxin, antidysenteric serum, antime-
ningococcic serum, antipneumonic serum, antistrep-
tococcic serum, antitetanic serum, and tuberculins.
Sérum antivenimeux.

Antitetanic serum and tuberculin.
Bacterial vaccines.

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Drawback on siphon bottles and parts.

Drawback on siphon bottles, etched or sandblasted bottles, and capped siphon tubes manufactured by the Koscherak Siphon Bottle Works, of Hoboken, N. J., with the use of imported glass bottles and tubes.

TREASURY DEPARTMENT, July 15, 1914. SIR: Drawback is hereby allowed under paragraph O of section 4 of the tariff act of October 3, 1913, and the drawback regulations (T. D. 31695 of June 16, 1911), on siphon bottles, etched or sandblasted bottles, and capped siphon tubes, manufactured by the Koścherak Siphon Bottle Works, of Hoboken, N. J., with the use of imported glass bottles and tubing.

The allowance shall not exceed the number of imported parts used in the manufacture of the exported articles, as shown by the sworn statement of the manufacturers, dated June 6, 1914, which is transmitted herewith for filing in your office.




Assistant Secretary.

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