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" Rule. — Multiply the diameter of the driver by its number of revolutions, and divide the product by the number of revolutions of the driven; the quotient will be its diameter. "
Gas Review - Página 22
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Illustrated Catalogue of Wood-working Machinery

Ball, Richard & Co - 1869 - 102 páginas
...and revolutions of the Driver being given, to find the diameter of the Driven, that shall make any given number of revolutions in the same time. RULE...number of revolutions, and divide the. product by the number of revolutions of the Driven ; the quotient will be its diameter. PROBLEM III. To ascertain...
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Buyers' Guide and Mechanics' Manual: For the Use of Railway Officials ...

1873 - 324 páginas
...diameter and revolutions of the driver being given, to find the diameter of the driven that shall make any given number of revolutions in the same time. Rule—...number of revolutions* and divide the product by the number of revolutions of the driven ; the quotient will be its diameter. PROBLEM No. III. — To ascertain...
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The Artizans' Guide and Everybody's Assistant: Containing Over Three ...

Richard Moore - 1873 - 658 páginas
...REQUIRED IN A TRAIN OP WHKEL3 TO PRODUCE A GIVEN VELOCITY. Rule. — Multiply the number of teeth in the driver by its number of revolutions, and divide the product by the number of revolutions of each pinion, for each driver and pinion. Example. — If a driver in a train...
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A Catechism of High Pressure Or Non-condensing Steam Engines

Stephen Roper - 1874 - 222 páginas
...driver being given, to find the diameter of the driven that shall make a given number of revolutions: Multiply the diameter of the driver by its number of revolutions, and divide the product by the number of revolutions of the driven. The quotient will be the size of the driven. Example 3. To find...
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Leffel's Construction of Mill Dams: And Bookwalter's Millwright and Mechanic

Leffel, J., & Co - 1881 - 298 páginas find the diameter of the driven that shall make any given number of revolutions in the same time. Multiply the diameter of the driver by its number of revolutions and divide the product by the number of revolutions of the driven ; the quotient will be its diameter. To ascertain the size of the...
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The Architect's and Builder's Pocket-book

Frank Eugene Kidder - 1886 - 640 páginas
...given, to find the diameter of the driven that shall make any given number of revohitions in the name time. RULE. — Multiply the diameter of the driver...number of revolutions, and divide the product by the number of revolutions of the driven : the quotient will be its diameter. To uncertain the size of the...
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Morrison's Practical Engineer and Mechanics' Guide: Containing a Glance at ...

William A. Morrison - 1887 - 226 páginas
...diameter and revolutions of the driver being given to find the diameter of the driven, that shall make any given number of revolutions in the same time : RULE....number of revolutions, and divide the product by the number of revolutions of the driven ; the quotient will be its diameter. Problem III. To ascertain...
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The American Steam Engineer, Theoretical and Practical: With Examples of the ...

Emory Edwards - 1888 - 540 páginas
...quotient will be the size of the driven. Example 3. To find number of revolutions of the driven pulley, multiply the diameter of the driver by its number of revolutions, and divide by the diameter of the driven. The quotient will be the number of revolutions of the driven. The following...
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The Electric Railway

Fred H. Whipple - 1889 - 314 páginas
...87 105 122 131 153 174 196 218 speed of the driver being given, to find the diameter of the driven. Rule: Multiply the diameter of the driver by its number of revolutions, and divide the product by the number of revolutions of the driven; the quotient will be the diameter of the driven. . , Problem III....
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A Descriptive Treatise on Constructive Steam-engineering: Embracing Engines ...

Jay Manuel Whitham - 1890 - 970 páginas
...the revolutions of the driver being given, to find the diameter of the driven, that shall make any given number of revolutions in the same time : Rule....number of revolutions, and divide the product by the number of revolutions of the driven ; the quotient will be its diameter. Circumference. Ratio. Single...
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