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Thursday, April 4th, 1907.

The Senate met, pursuant to adjournment, at 9:30 o'clock. After prayer by the Chaplain, the Roll was called showing. Senators Chillingworth and Coelho absent.

The Journal of the Thirty-Sixth Day was read and, upon motion of Senator Hayselden, seconded by Senator Brown, approved as read.

A Communication (No. 153) from the House of Representatives, informing the Senate of its concurrence in the amendment made to House Bill No. 86, was read by the Clerk as follows:


Honolulu, T. H., April 3, 1907.

To the Honorable President and

Members of the Senate of the

Territory of Hawaii.

I have the honor to notify your Honorable Body that the House of Representatives of the Territory of Hawaii this day, on an Aye and No vote, concurred in the amendment made by the Senate to House Bill No. 86.


Clerk, House of Representatives.

The communication was ordered received and placed on file. A Communication (No. 154) from the House of Representatives, informing the Senate of its concurrence in the amendment made to House Bill No. 91, was read by the Clerk as follows:


Honolulu, T. H., April 3, 1907.

To the Honorable President and

Members of the Senate of the

Territory of Hawaii.

I have the honor to notify your Honorable Body that the House of Representatives of the Territory of Hawaii this day, on an Aye and No vote, concurred in the amendment made by the Senate to House Bill No. 91.


Clerk, House of Representatives.

The communication was ordered received and placed on file. A Communication (No. 155) from the House of Representatives, informing the Senate of its concurence in the amendment made to House Bill No. 104, was read by the Clerk as follows:


Honolulu, T. H., April 3, 1907.

To the Honorable President and

Members of the Senate of the

Territory of Hawaii,

I have the honor to notify your Honorable Body that the House of Representatives of the Territory of Hawaii this day, on an Aye and No vote, concurred in the amendment made by the Senate to House Bill No. 104.



Clerk, House of Representatives..

The communication was ordered received and placed on file. A Communication (No. 156) from the House of Representatives, informing the Senate of its concurrence in the amendment made to House Bill No. 109, was read by the Clerk as follows:


Honolulu, T. H., April 3, 1907.

To the Honorable President and

Members of the Senate of the

Territory of Hawaii.

I have the honor to notify your Honorable Body that the House of Representatives of the Territory of Hawaii this day, on an Aye and No vote, concurred in the amendment made by the Senate to House Bill No. 109.


Clerk, House of Representatives.

The communication was ordered received and placed on file. A Communication (No. 157) from the House of Representatives, informing the Senate of its concurrence in the amendment made to House Bill No. 137, was read by the Clerk as follows:


Honolulu, T. H., April 3, 1907.

To the Honorable President and

Members of the Senate of the

Territory of Hawaii.

I have the honor to notify your Honorable Body that the House of Representatives of the Territory of Hawaii this day, on an Aye and No vote, concurred in the amendment made by the Senate to House Bill No. 137.



Clerk, House of Representatives.

The communication was ordered received and placed on file. Senator Smith presented the Report (No. 128) of the Judiciary Committee on Senate Bill No. 5 as folows;

Honorable E. F. Bishop,

President of the Senate,

Sir: The Judiciary Committee report consideration of Senate Bill No. 5, entitled "An Act to amend Section 1217 of the Revised Laws of Hawaii, relating to Assessment of Persons' Interest."

The object of the Bill is to exempt from taxation public lands held under lease other than upon improvements on the land. We believe that the matter is deserving of consideration, but, as a Commission has been appointed to investigate and report upon the Tax Laws and Taxation System and make recommendations in regard to the same, we believe that this matter should be presented to that Commission.

We therefore recommend that the Bill be laid upon the table.

Respectfully submitted,




Honolulu, April 4, 1907.

The Report of the Committee was ordered received and laid on the table to be considered with the Bill.

Senator Smith presented the Report (No. 129) of the Judiciary Committee on Senate Bill No. 13, as follows:

Hon. E. F. Bishop,

President of the Senate.

Sir: The Judiciary Committee report consideration of Senate Bill No. 13, entitled "An Act to Amend Sections 37, 38 and 39 of Act 39 of the Laws of the Session of 1905, and Sections 67, 69 70 and 71 of the Revised Laws of Hawaii, and to Repeal Sections 72, 73 and 86 of the Revised Laws of Hawaii relating to Elections."

The Bill relates to elections and methods of voting. Sections 1 and 2 provide that the ballot boxes and ballots shall be furnished by the Secretary of the Territory instead of the Clerk of the County; and Section 3 provides that the Secretary of the Territory shall tabulate the election returns, which provisions we approve.

But the provisions of Sections from 4 to 10 inclusive do not meet with our approval. The main object of these sections is to provide a new system of ballots and voting and while

the plan proposed has features which are commendable, we believe that they will be found to be more complicated than the present system. And we therefore recommend that the Bill be amended by striking out of the Bill Sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 and amend the title so as to read "An Act to Amend Sections 37, 38 and 39 of Act 39 of the Laws of the Session of 1905.

With these amendments we recommend the passage of the Bill.

Respectfully submitted,




April 4, 1907.

The Report of the Committee was ordered received and laid on the table to be considered with the Bill.

Senator Smith presented the Report (No. 130) of the Judiciary Committee on Senate Bill No. 90 as follows:

Hon. E. F. Bishop,

President of the Senate,

Sir:-The Judiciary Committee have had under consideration Senate Bill No. 90, entitled "An Act to provide that all persons employed in the service of the Government of the Territory of Hawaii or County or Municipal Subdivision thereof, must be citizens of the United States of America," and we recommend that the Bill be laid upon the table.

The Bill provides that "all officers, deputies, clerks, assistants, interpreters, police, laborers and other persons employed in the service of the Government of the Territory of Hawaii, or in the service of any County or Municipal Subdivision of said Territory must be citizens of the United States of America," and we think that the requirement is too sweeping and would not be in the public interest.

Section 121 of the Revised Laws provides that no person shall be employed as a mechanic or laborer upon any public work carried on by this Territory, or by any political subdivision thereof, whether the work is done by contract or otherwise, unless such person is a citizen of the United States or eligible to become a citizen. Under these provisions it has been difficult at times to obtain laborers to do necessary public work, and to extend it as contemplated by the Bill

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