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P. 7, 1. 23,-For fixing, read fixes.
P. 9, 1. 22,-For this, read their.
P. 29, 1. 2,-For 15, read 5. 1. 18,-For 1306, read 1307. The date is
as follows: "Anno Domini MCCCVII, anno regni regis Edwardi secundi
primo, litera dominicali A, luna currente per XVI, die Mercurii proxima post
festum Epiphaniæ, quarto scilicet anno papæ Johannis, capti sunt omnes fratres
de Milicia Templi per mandatum regis, per bullam papæ." The moon, which
was in its 16th day in Jan. 11, 1307, was new on Dec. 28, 1306.
P. 76, 1. 5,—For Hybernicised, read Hibernicised.

P. 94, 1. 21,-For Andrimmer, read Audhrimmer.


2 from bottom,-For Angel-cynna, read Angel-Cynnan.
P. 106,
20,-For Fœmineis Calendis, read Famineæ Calenda.
P. 107, 1. 5,-For Jour d'Etrennes, read Jour des Etrennes.
P. 114, l. 5 from bottom,-For Birceopar, read Birceopar.
P. 125, l. 12,-For itinerent, read itinerant.


29,-For age, read use.

P. 127, l. 13,-For Estum, read Estan.

P. 132, 1. 6,-For strenicas, read strenias.

P. 133, l. 8,-For newyeryests, read newyeryefts.

P. 137, 1. 2 from bottom,-Read Salmuth ad Panciroll.

P. 142, l. 22,-Insert a comma after precentor.

P. 155, l. 12,-For destruction, read abundance; and for geniht, read


P. 164, l. 17,-Insert to before Frisch.

P. 168, 7. 19,-For Kalenda, read Kalenda.

P. 206, 1. 9,-For He so, read Ho so.

P. 207, l. 8 from bottom,—For Hebdomadis, read Hebdomada.

P. 214, 1. 2 from bottom,-For Excepta, read Excerpta.

P. 234, l. 11 from bottom,-For Estre, read Entre.

P. 239, l. 15 from bottom,-For du, read de.

P. 250, l. 13,-For opposita, read apposita; and for canella, camella.


P. 254, l. 5 from bottom,-For Taauties, read Taautes.

P. 263, 1. 8 from bottom,-For Fyfeɲe, read ɲýfeɲ.

P. 264, 1. 12 from bottom,-For ue, read ut; for nyben & nýpen, read

P. 266, 1. 7 from bottom,-For freondrcipe, read freondrcipe.


6 from bottom,-For æzþen, read ægþeɲ.

P. 267, 1. 28.-For Marten, read Martenne.
P. 270, 1. 20,-For Invocation, read Invention.
26,-For domeres, read domeras.

32,-For Dissert., read Dissect.

P. 271, 1. 23,-For Bawn, read Baum.

ult.,-For Caltɲeppe, read Caltɲeppe.

P. 295, 1. 3 from bottom,-For bɲuce, read buce.

P. 333, 1. 5 from bottom,-For mærram, read mærran.
P. 348,-Dele reference, t

P. 374, 1. 4 from bottom,-For þu, read pa.

P. 378, l. 12 from bottom,-For Auseribus, read Anseribus.

P. 382, 1. 3 from bottom,-For deon peons tan, read deoppeopstan.
P. 406,-For the Golden Numbers, see the Perpetual Lunar Kalendar.
P. 413, Sept. 16,-For Eutemia, read Eufemia.

P. 419, Dec. 7,-For VII n., read vII id.

P. 421, 7. 20,-After Pope, read Felix II and the emperor.

P. 425, Apr. 5,-For XVIII, read VIII. See the Perpetual Lunar Ka-

P. 435, Jan. 10,-For Byɲhtpici Pulfrini D, read Bỳnhτrici Pulf-
rini D.

P. 437, Mar. 1,-For Bɲihτno di, read Bɲihτnoði.

30,-For Leorgýna, read LeofgÿƑa.

P. 439, May 19,-For ricto., read picto.

P. 449, Oct. 2,-Read Leodegarii.

P. 452, Apr. 25,-For Ew [angelista], read Ew [angelistæ].

P. 455, Jul. 1,-For Karilefi, read Karilelfi.

P. 457, Sept. 30,-For Jerononimi, read Jeronomi.
P. 476, l. 17,-For Conferreatio, read Confarreatio.
27, col. 2,-For Deva, read Devi.

[ocr errors]

P. 480, l. 18,-For Deva, read Devi.



P. 6,-Erra Geola. The former Yule.

For Erra Januaria, read Era Januaria.

P. 7, 1. 25,-After year, read occurs.

P. 8, l. ult.,-There are two errors in the following date: "Also in this yere (lijdo Edwardi 3') in the xij kal'. of Jull, that is for to seye on Seynt Albones even at Schene, deyde the moost excellent and doughted prynce Edward the thridde" (Chron of London, p. 71). St. Alban's Eve is 11 kal. Jul., as stated in the MS. just quoted. The editors of the Chronicle of London (Messrs. Norton and Tyrrell) have the following note on this passage: "He died in the 51st year, namely, 21 June, 1377. The commencement of his reign is always calculated from the 25th of January 1327, when his father resigned the crown" (p. 154). See Years of Crowning, p. 413.

P. 9, 1. 3 from bottom,-Read Cott. MS. before Cleop., and fo. before 103. P. 10, 1. 30,-"No such rubric." See Note, p. 56.

P. 13, l. 2,—John XVIII was not ordained before Dec. 26, 1003.

P. 14, after l. 2,-Andrewes Day: "Gode men ze schul haue suche a day seynt Andrewes day and fast þe evon. þe qwhech day ge schul come to god & holy chyrch to see pr god & do worschep to ps holy seynt, specyaly for þre virtues pt he had do, won for he hadde gret holynes & was holy in lyuyng. þe secunde for gret myraculus doying. þe þyrdde for gret passyon suffryng."Cott. MS., Claud., A. II, fo. 4.

P. 14, l. 40,—After Anniversary, read "Pro annalibus seu anniversariis celebrandis."-Spelm., Concil., t. II, p. 330.

P. 17, l. 18,-For 10 in 656, read XI in 656.

P. 19, l. 25,-After calculation, read-It is also the Paschal Cycle of 532

years. See Paschal Cycle.

P. 19, l. 42 & 43,-For Trabentionis, read Trabeationis.

P. 20, 1.8 from bottom,-For тоν кρɛαтоν, read тоν кρƐаTOV.

P. 25, l. 19,-For Augustura, read Augustum.

P. 27, l. 14,—After 826, read-The festival of St. Barnabas was not observed in all churches, as appears from the writers of homilies of the thirteenth century: "Gode men & women, such a day is pe feste of sent Barnabe, Cristes


holy apostull, but for he is not on of be nowmbur of þe xij apostulus perfore his day is not halowed but in certen places" (Lansdowne MS., 392, fo. 76 b.) Mirk has the same remark, and says that—“ in eueriche place it com an holy and plowes for goddes love."-Cott. MS., Claud., A. II, fo. 79 b. P. 33, l. ult.,-Add

Bonefyrenyght.-The night of a bon fire. See p. 266, 1. 7. P. 36,-After BRIGITTA, add


"It fell in tyme of þe gere, at saynt Brisce feste,
þat he had regned here, nyen ger it þe meste."
Robert of Brunne, p. 89.

P. 36,-Between BRITIUS and Bules, add

Bryme.-Midst of Winter, from the Latin bruma.

Brymlent.-On a recipe for a "Tart de Brymlent," Dr. Pegge has the following note: "Perhaps Midlent or High Lent. Bryme, in Cotgrave, is the midst of winter. The fare is certainly lenten. A.-S. bnýme, 80fennis; or beginning of lent, from A.-S. bɲýma, ora, margo. Yet, after all, it may be a mistake for Prymlent" (Forme of Cury, p. 75). It is the prime or Spring lent, distinguished from the Winter lent, before Advent. P. 44,-After Cedda, add

Celebritas Celebritatum.-Easter Day.

P. 45, l. 10,—After 17 b, read-His translation is Aug. 28.

P. 49, l. 18,-For 20, read.

P. 53, l. 19,-For Camgan, Canigen, read Coemgan, Coenigen.

P. 54, COLUMKILLE. After Colms Mass, add-Ikolumkille signifies the grave of Columba in Ionia, from kill, a grave.

P. 56, l. 12,-For Isiaci; or, read Isiaci, or.
26,-For Collyrians, read Collyridians.
30,-For 538, read 553.

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

43,-See Festum Immaculate Conceptionis.

P. 57, l. 7 from bottom,-For month, read moon.

P. 61,-CRISOGONUS. The orthography of these kalendars was that of the 8th century. A charter of Æthelbald, king of the Mercians, bears this date: "Hanc cartulam composui in quarta feria .VIII. kl. Decembrii Passio Crisogoni martiris."-Heming., Chartular. Wigorn., t. I, p. 16.

P. 63, 1. 29,-For c. 35, read c. 39.

P. 80,-After Dies Solis, add

Dies S. Spiritus.-Pentecost. See Festum S. Spiritus.

P. 81, l. 31,-For DIODORUS ALEXANDRINUS, read DIODORUS Alexandrinus.

P. 83, 1. 4 from bottom,-After July 14, add-(Ol. Worm., Fast. Dan., p. 138).

P. 87, l. 15,-For Samaritana, read Samaritano.

P. 87,-After Dominica Gaudii, add

Dominica Gestationis Ramorum.-Palm Sunday. Macri, 416.

P. 88,-After Dominica Jubilate, add

Dominica Judica.-The fifth Sunday in Lent.

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