The traffic upon eighty miles of our road will be, for the first two years: 1. The importation and distribution of manufactures, stores, &c., into the interior. 2. Indian annuity goods, provisions, &c., furnished by the government to the Indians of Dakotah Territory, amounting to the annual value of half a million of dollars. 3. Supplies (other than United States property) for Fort Ripley and Fort Abercrombie. 4. Supplies of goods, agricultural implements, &c., for Selkirk and Hudson Bay Company possessions. 5. Return products from these different points, consisting of cattle, furs, buffalo robes, hides, peltries and horses; the trade of those places last year with St. Paul alone amounting to over a million of dollars; one hundred and forty reaping and threshing machines were taken to Pembina during last season. 6. The goods of the Hudson Bay Company, forwarded from England, amounting to about 1,000 tons the present year. 7. Emigrants to and from the Cariboo and Salmon River gold mines. ESTIMATED INCOME OF ROAD FOR FIRST YEAR. 45,000 tons merchandise from St. Paul to Minneapolis and St. Anthony, $1 50,...... $67,500 1,000,000 bushels wheat to St. Paul, 5 c.,... 50,000 10,000,000 feet pine lumber, $1 per M.,. 10,000 Wool, hogs, cattle, &c., ... 5,000 200 passengers daily, each way, from St. Paul to Minneapolis and St. Anthony, 40 cents,. .... 29,200 40 passengers each way to terminus, $3.,. 87,600 $346,300 Deduct fifty per cent. for government tax and 173,150 $173,150 66 Interest upon first mortgage bonds, $58,600 Surplus,. $30,550 Without resorting to sales of lands, which, by the terms of the mortgage, are pledged to pay interest and principal of the real estate bonds. At St. Paul and St. Anthony this road will connect with three other rail-roads running easterly, southerly and southwesterly. To convince any one that the bonds issued by this company should command a high price and take their place as among the best upon the market, the following statement of cost of road, value of lands, &c., must be sufficient: 1. The road, 80 miles from Saint Paul to Watab, with a very valuable property at Saint Paul, being about 30 acres water front, estimated at one hundred thousand dollars, with station houses, engine houses, shops, rolling stock, all complete, (of which has been contributed by the State and stockholders over $800,000,) costing about...... Is mortgaged, first, to secure the sum of.... $2,700,000 820,000 2. The company own 307,200 acres of land, selected along and near the road in 1857, which, by the charter granted by the State of Minnesota, are exempt from all taxation till sold and conveyed by the company, (see section 18 of chapter 1,) nearly all of which is very valuable; the average value of which is estimated by competent persons to be at least $10 per acre, amounting to...... Upon which the company have issued real estate bonds, and making them second upon railroad, for..... $3,072,000 1,200,000 The company, after paying for the entire cost of the road and equipments, will hold a surplus of over four hundred thousand dollars of its real estate bonds, and the surplus proceeds of the sales of the lands over and above the satisfaction of the bonds. EDMUND RICE, President. SAINT PAUL, July 1st, 1862. GRANT OF LANDS. AN ACT MAKING A GRANT OF LAND TO THE TERRITORY OF March 3d, 1857,Statutes MINNESOTA, ÎN ALTERNATE SECTIONS, TO AID IN THE CON- at Large, pp. lands to Min nesota for Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- Grant of tives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That there be, and is hereby granted to the rail-roads. Territory of Minnesota, for the purpose of aiding in the construction of rail-roads, from Stillwater, by way of Saint Paul and Saint Anthony, to a point between the foot of Big Stone Lake and the mouth of Sioux Wood River, with a branch via Saint Cloud and Crow Wing, to the navigable waters of the Red River of the North, at such point as the legislature of said territory may determine; from Saint Paul and from Saint Anthony, via Minneapolis, to a convenient point of junction west of the Mississippi, to the southern boundary of the territory, in the direction of the mouth of the Big Sioux River, with a branch, via Faribault, to the north line of the State of Iowa, west of range sixteen; from Winona, via Saint Peter, to a point on the Big Sioux River, south of the forty-fifth parallel of north latitude; also from La Crescent, via Target Lake, up the valley of Root River, to a point of junction with the last mentioned road, east of range seventeen, every alternate section of land designated by odd numbers, for six sections in width on each side of each of said roads and branches; but in case it shall ap- Grant in pear that the United States have, when the lines or routes lieu of lands of said roads and branches are definitely fixed, sold any or sold. sections, or any parts thereof, granted as aforesaid, or that the right of pre-emption has attached to the same, then it shall be lawful for any agent or agents to be ap pointed by the governor of said territory or future State, pre-empted to select, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, from the lands of the United States nearest to the tiers of sections above specified, so much land, in alternate sections, or parts of sections, as shall be equal to such lands as the United States have sold, or otherwise appropriated, or to which the rights of pre-emption have attached, as aforesaid; which lands (thus selected in lieu of those sold, and to which pre-emption rights have attached, as aforesaid, together with the sections and parts of sections, designated by odd numbers, as aforesaid, and appropriated as aforesaid) shall be held by the territory or future State of Minnesota, for the use and purpose Lands, how aforesaid; Provided, That the land to be so located shall, in no case, be further than fifteen miles from the lines of said roads or branches, and selected for and on account of each of said roads or branches; Provided, further, That the lands hereby granted for and on account of said roads or branches, severally, shall be exclusively applied in the construction of that road, for and on account of which such lands are hereby granted, and shall be disposed of only as the work progresses, and the same shall Act not to be applied to no other purpose whatsoever; And proapply to revided, further, That any and all lands heretofore reserved except as to to the United States, by any act of Congress, or in any right of way. other manner by competent authority, for the purpose of applied. servations Price of alternate sections doubled. grant. aiding in any object of internal improvement, or for any other purpose whatsoever, be, and the same are hereby reserved to the United States from the operation of this act, except so far as it may be found necessary to locate the routes of said rail-roads and branches through such reserved lands, in which case the right of way only shall be granted, subject to the approval of the President of the United States. SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the sections and parts of sections of land which, by such grants, shall remain to the United States, within six miles on each side of said roads and branches, shall not be sold for less than double the minimum price of the public lands when sold; nor shall any of said lands become subject to private entry until the same shall have been first offered at public sale at the increased price. Object of SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the said lands hereby granted to the said territory or future State shall be subject to the future disposal of the legislature thereof Rail-roads for the purposes herein expressed, and no other; and the to be a high-said rail-roads and branches shall be and remain public highways for the use of the government of the United States, free from toll or other charge upon the transportation of any propertv or troops of the United States. way for government. SEO. 4. And be it further enacted, That the land hereby Lands, how granted to said territory or future State shall be disposed disposed of. of by said territory or future State only in the manner following, that is to say, that a quantity of land not exceeding one hundred and twenty sections for each of said roads and branches, and included within a continuous length of twenty miles of each of said roads and branches, may be sold; and when the governor of said territory or future State shall certify to the Secretary of the Interior that any twenty continuous miles of any of said roads or branches is completed, then another quantity of land hereby granted, not to exceed one hundred and twenty sections for each of said roads and branches, having twenty continuous miles completed, as aforesaid, and included within a continuous length of twenty miles of each of such roads or branches, may be sold; and so from time to time, until said roads and branches are completed; and if any of said roads or branches are not completed within ten years, no further sale shall be made, and the lands unsold shall revert to the United States. tion of mails. SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the United TransportaStates mail shall be transported over said roads and branches, under the direction of the Post-Office Department, at such price as Congress may by law direct; Provided, That until such price is fixed by law, the PostmasterGeneral shall have the power to determine the same. to apply to their title is SEO. 6. And be it further enacted, That in case any This act not lands on the line of said roads or branches are within any lands in any Indian territory, no title to the same shall accrue, nor territory till shall the same be entered upon by the authority of said extinguished territory or State until the Indian title to the same shall have been extinguished. to Alabama. SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That there be and is Similar grant hereby granted to the State of Alabama, for the purpose of aiding in the construction of a rail-road "from the line of Georgia, on the Chattahooche River, to the city of Mobile, Alabama," through the counties of Henry, Dale, Coffee, Covington, Conecuh, Baldwin and Mobile, and a branch rail-road "from Eufaula to Montgomery, through the counties of Barbour, Pike, Macon and Montgomery," chartered by the State of Alabama by an act entitled "An act to authorize the Savannah and Albany Rail-Road Company to extend their rail-road from the line of Georgia, on the Chattahooche River, to the city of Mobile, Alabama, and to extend a branch road from Eufaula to Montgomery," approved December twentieth, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, alternate sections of the public lands to the same extent, and in the same manner, and upon |