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tains to make and use the same, reference | locked during a greater period than twenbeing had to the accompanying drawings, ty-four hours. and to the letters of reference marked thereon, which form a part of this specification:

"The object of my invention is to construct a time-lock which shall dog and release the multiple bolt-work of a safe or vault at certain predetermined times; both the dogging and releasing being caused by the operation of the time mechanism. By this means the time when the lock will dog the bolt-work depends entirely on the adjustment of the internal mechanism of the lock, hereinafter described. I provide adjustable devices, so that the periods when the lock shall be locked and unlocked may be varied at will; and I also provide a device whereby, at certain intervals, say on every seventh day, the lock will remain locked during the time when ordinarily it would be unlocked. It will thus be seen that I have constructed a lock which will of itself dog and release bolt-work at a regular hour each day, except on certain predetermined days,-Sundays, for example,-when it will remain in the locked position all day. My lock, when once adjusted, is therefore absolutely automatic, requiring no attention except winding; and it is, so far as I am aware, the first time-lock which locks at a time determined by the time mechanism, while at the same time the hours for locking and unlocking can be changed without altering the construction of the lock. To diminish the chances of accident from the stoppage of the time mechanism, I provide two independent movements, both of which assist in rotating the dial to actuate the lock; but, should one stop, the other will continue to rotate the dial. The particular construction of my lock is that the two time movements rotate a graduated dial so arranged that its motion oscillates, at certain regular, determinable intervals, a pivoted bent lever, which in turn, in one instance, for automatic locking, lifts the free part of, and thus oscillates on its stationary pivot a metallic dog or obstruction, so as to cause it to rest in the way, and prevent the retraction, of the sliding bolt-work; and in the other instance, for automatic unlocking, it withdraws its support from under, and permits the dog to oscillate by gravity, so as to clear the way for the retraction of the bolt-work. The adjustability of my lock for locking and unlocking I obtain by means of my dial, which is so arranged that what I may call its 'bolt or dog-actuating points' can readily be changed from one position to another, so that they will actuate the dogging mechanism at any desired hours for locking or unlocking; and it is to be noted that in all continuously running dials the adjustability for unlocking or locking preferably will be obtained in substantially the same way, i. c., by varying the position of the dog-actuating points, because the dial itself should alway be run on correct time. I cause the lock to remain locked on Sundays or other desired days by means of a supplemental cam which temporarily assumes one of the functions of my dial, and by which I can at any desired time cause the lock to remain

"Referring now to the drawings in aid of a description of my lock in detail, Fig. 1 is a front view of my improved time-lock attached to the inside of a safe, adjacent to the hinge part of the safe-door; Fig. 2, a view of the same, partly in elevation and partly in section, on the line, 2, 2, of Fig. 1; Fig. 3, a horizontal transverse section thereof, on the line, 3, 3, of Fig. 1, with the upper time movements removed, show. ing a plan of the locking mechanism proper; Fig. 4, a horizontal transverse section through the center of the locking dials; Fig. 5, a perspective view of the interior of a safe, showing the door-bolts locked forward by the lever-dog; Fig. 6, a perspect ive view of the graduated dial, marked 'C' in Fig. 1; Fig. 7, a similar view of wheel, B, in Fig. 1; Fig. 8, a similar view of a seventh-day wheel, marked 'A' in Fig. 1. D and E designate two time movements fastened to the inside, F, of a safe, adjacent to the hinged part of the safedoor, G. These time movements, through the wheels and ratchets, K and L, propel the wheels, H and I, in the direction of the arrows thereon. These wheels, H and I, rotate once in twelve hours, and are both geared to the common wheel, M, which has twice as many teeth as either of them; and they propel it in the direction of the arrow thereon, so that, while wheels, H and I, are rotated once in twelve hours, wheel, M, is rotated only once a day. Ito will be seen that both time movements work together in turning the wheel, M, and thereby operate the lock; but, if either accidentally stops, the wheel, H or 1, of the other will alone continue to rotate the wheel, M, and operate the lock, because each ratchet will allow free motion to either wheel, I or H, in the absence of its normal impelling force. The toothed wheel, N, forming part of the wheel, M, is geared into and drives the toothed wheel, O. The toothed wheel, P, forming part of the wheel, O, is geared into and drives the seventh-day wheel, A, which turns loosely on the hub, a, of the wheel, M. This wheel, A, has twice as many teeth as wheel P; and wheel O has three and a half times as many teeth as wheel N. Therefore, while wheel M revolves once in a day, it only causes wheel A to revolve once in seven days. The wheel, C, which is graduated for the hours of the day, is fastened rigidly upon the hub, a, by means of the projection, b, and rotates with it. Loose on the same hub is the wheel, B, which may be fastened by friction to the wheel, C, in different positions, by the thumbscrew, Q, that is attached to, or forms part of, the wheel, B, and passes through the slot, c, of the wheel, C. p, p, p, p, p, designate pivots on which the several wheels revolve. The wheel, B, is cut away on its periphery, leaving the depression, d, and the cam projection, e; and the periphery of the wheel, C, is similarly cut away, leaving the depression, f, and the cam projection, g, of the same form and size as the depression and projection of the wheel, B. When these two wheels are fastened together by the thumb-screw, Q, side by side, they form one wheel or dial, hav

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open later, the clocks must be stopped until they are slow of the time as much as it is desired the lock shall open later than the set time, correcting the closing mark if desired. If the wheels, A, B, C, and M, are turned as described until the cam part, n, of the wheel, A, shall be in a position to come under the roller, S, and keep the lock from opening on Sunday, it will continue to do so on Sunday each week, if the time movements run on unchanged. Thus the necessity for setting the mechanism on every Saturday, so that it shall keep the safe locked over Sunday, is obviated, which is a great convenience to bankers, and is furthermore a security against neglect to set the mechanism weekly, which might sometimes occur. In case it shall be desired that the lock shall not open for a holiday or other day, the said wheels may be rotated until the cam projection, n, is in position to come under the roller, S, and hold up the lever, R, on such day. The lock is affixed to the side, F, of the safe, as described, to avoid derangement or stop

ing a depression, h, which may be enlarged or diminished by rotating the wheel, B, by means of the thumb-screw, and then setting it, and also having a cam or projection, i, which may be enlarged or diminished in the same manner. Pivoted near its middle to the lock-case is the bent lever, R, one arm of which carries the friction roller, S, and is lifted by the cam, i, revolving under the roller at the cam's inclined plane, k; and at the same time the other arm, T, of said lever lifts the dog, V, pivoted at 1, up behind the door-bolts, W, W, W, W, into the position shown in Fig. 5, thereby locking the bolts forward behind the jamb of the safe so that the door cannot be opened. In due time, when the cam, i, is rotated entirely from under the roller, S, the latter will drop into the depression, h, at the inclined plane, m, which allows the dog, V, to fall from behind the safebolts, when they may be retracted, and the safe opened. It will be noted that the dog always tends to turn on its pivot automatically by gravity, so as to present a free space for the retraction of the bolt-page of the time movements by concussion work; and it is held up only for predetermined periods, to be measured by the time mechanism, by the bent lever. The seventh-day wheel, A, has on its periphery a cam projection, n, which rotates once while the depression, h, rotates seven times, as described; and it is so arranged relatively to the depression, h, that, on every seventh revolution hereof, it is brought under the roller, S, and holds up the lever, R, while the depression, h, passes under it, so that every seventh day this projection, n, prevents the safe from being unlocked.

"From the foregoing description, the mode of operation will be obvious. The time-movements should be set to correct time by bringing the hour-mark on the dial, C, under the roller, S, which is readily done by turning the dial, as the wheels, A, B, C, and M, turn freely in the direction of the arrow on wheel, C, because the ratchets behind wheels, H and I, do not interfere with motion in that direction, but take up, and, through the force of the time movements, proceed with, whatever advance of said wheels may be made. The lock should then be set to lock up at any given hour by loosening the thumb-screw, Q, and turning the inclined plane, k, of the wheel, B, to the mark of the required hour, and then fastening the wheels, B and C, together by setting the thumb-screw, Q. The dial will then indicate the time of locking and unlocking, and the operation of the time movements will cause the oscillation of the dog into position to obstruct the retraction of the bolt-work in a little time, or at whatever time may have been decided upon; and it will be held there until the time arrives for unlocking, when the continued operation of the time movements will withdraw its support, and it will fall out of the way. "If it is desired to have the safe opened any given amount of time earlier than the set time, say 9 o'clock, the wheel, C, must be turned as described until the time indicated under the roller shall be that amount fast of the correct time, the closing mark being altered, if desired, to suit the case. If it is desired to


on the door; but it is obvious that it may
be affixed to the door without modifying
its construction if desired, that being
merely a change of location. It is evident
that the dog, V, and the lever, R, may be
one and the same piece. The object of
making them in two parts is to save the
weight of the part, V, which depends upon
the pivot, 1, from adding to the labor of
the time movements, and also to make the
dog or obstruction entirely distinct from
the time mechanism. I am aware of the
patent granted to Williams and Cumming,
No. 17,245, and dated May 5, 1857, and do
not claim anything shown therein, but
intend to limit my claims to comprehend
only the improvements I have made over
the peculiar combinations shown in that
patent, whereby I reduce the number, mod-
ify the construction, change the relative
position and mode of operation of the
parts, and simplify my mechanical organi-
zation, as will fully appear by comparison.
"What I claim as my invention is:
The combination of independent multiple
bolt-work with the time mechanism and
locking or dogging mechanism of a time-
lock, automatically both dogging and re-
leasing the bolt-work at predetermined
times, substantially as described. (2) The
combination in a time-lock of a continu-
ously revolving adjustable device for de-
termining the time of operation of the ua-
locking mechanism, a pivoted arm orlever
actuated by said device, and a dog or ob-
struction movable directly by said pivot-
al arm, at regularly recurring periods, to
permit the retraction of the bolt-work,
substantially as described. (3) In a time
lock, the combination of time mechanism,
a revolving dial actuated thereby, a dog
and suitable connecting mechanism.
whereby the continuous revolution of the
dial causes the dog to move into the
locked and unlocked positions alternately,
substantially as described. (4) In a time
lock, the combination of a continuously
rotating dial and mechanism which causes
the lock to lock and unlock automatical
ly, substantially as described. (5) In s
time-lock, a continuously rotating dial

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provided with an adjustable device for artomatically determining the time of locking, substantially as described. (6) In a time-lock, the combination, substantially as above set forth, of the time movements, and an adjustable device for automatically determining the time of locking. (7) In a time-lock, the combination, substantially as above set forth, of the time movements and two adjustable devices,-one for determining the time of locking, and the other of unlocking. (8) In a time-lock, the combination with the time mechanism, and the locking or dogging mechanism, of an adjustable device which, through the continuous operation of the time mechanism, will periodicaly, or at reqiured times, cause the lock to remain locked during during a greater period than twentyfour hours, substantially as described. (9) In a continuously running automatic timelock, the combination, with the time mehanism and the locking or dogging mechanism, of an independent device adapted to be set to prevent, at any desired time, the unlocking of the lock for a greater period than twenty-four hours, substantially as described. (10) The combination, substantially as above set forth, of the adjustable mechanism for continuously locking and unlocking daily the time movements, and a device for preventing unlocking during a greater period than twenty-four hours. (11) In a time-lock, provided with two independent time movements, and an interlocking device common to both, the combination with each of said movements of a ratchet and pawl interposed between the last or driving arbor of each movement and the said common unlocking device, whereby the said device may be driven by either or both of the movements, and the stoppage of one movement will not necessarily cause the stoppage of the other, substantially as described. (12) The combination with the time movements, of the wheels, H and I, the ratchets, K, L, and the common wheel, M, arranged substantially as described, for the purpose set forth. (13) In combination with the dial, the seventh-day cam-wheel, A, adjustable, as described, to prevent the falling of the bent lever, R, and dog, V, either periodically or at required times, as described. (14) The combination, in a time-lock, of time mechanism, a revolving graduated dial actuated thereby, a bent lever oscillated by the revolution of the dial on an immovable pivot, and a dog or obstruction, also oscillated on an immovable pivot, the lever and dog being so arranged that, when one arm of the lever is pushed aside at a predetermined time by the revolution of the dial, the other arm withdraws its support from under, and permits the dog to turn by gravity, thereby leaving a free space for the retraction of the bolt-work, substantially as described. (15) The combination of multiple sliding bolt-work, a dog or obstruction oscillated on an immovable pivot, and tending by gravity to turn so as not to dog the bolt-work, a bent lever, oscillated also on an immovable pivot, for holding the dog in position against gravity, to dog the bolt-work, a revolving graduated dial, which, by its revolution at a predeter

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mined time, oscillates the bent lever and time mechanism that actuates the dial, substantailly as described. (16) The combination, substantially as before set forth, by means of suitable connecting mechanisin, of the following elements, adapted, as combined, so to secure the door of a safe or vault, and to automatically release the same at a predetermined time, viz.: First, the multiple sliding boltwork; second, the oscillating stop or dog, adapted to prevent the retraction of the bolt-work, and to be turned on its pivot to release the bolt-work at a time determined by the clock-work; third, the vibrating lever for holding the stop or dog in position to prevent the retraction of the bolt-work; and, fourth, the clock-work for determining the time when said lever shall be moved to permit the stop or dog to release the bolt-work. (17) In a chronometric locking mechanism, the combination, substantially as before set forth, of the following elements, adapted as combined, to guard or dog the bolt-work of a safe or vault door, and to automatically release the same at a predetermined time, viz.: First, the oscillating stop or dog, adapted to prevent the retraction of the bolt-work, and to be turned on its pivot to release the bolt-work at a time determined by the clock-work; second, the vibrating lever for holding the dog in position to prevent the retraction of the boltwork; third, the clock-work for determining the time when said lever shall be moved to permit the dog to fall to release the bolt-work; and, fourth, the graduated wheel or dial, rotated by the clock-work, and adapted to operate said lever, and to be set for varying and controlling the time when said lever shall be moved to permit the dog to release the bolt-work."

Only claims 1 and 7 of the reissue are alleged to have been infringed. They take the place of claim 2 of the original patent. They were before Judge SHIPMAN in the cases in 19 Blatchf. and 6 Fed. Rep., above referred to, and he held that they covered new inventions and patentable improvements. Judge LOWELL, in his opinion in the present case states that he fully agrees with the views of Judge SHIPMAN as to the novelty and patentability of claims 1 and 7. Although the defendants' lock has but one time movement to control the lever which controls the dog, Judge LowELL held that that did not affect the question of the infringement of claims 1 and 7. In September, 1887, in Yale Lock Manuf'g Co. v. New Haven Sav. Bank, 32 Fed. Rep. 167, in the circuit court for the district of Connecticut, Judge SHIPMAN had before him the question of a rehearing as to the validity of claims 1 and 7, and especially the question whether claim 7 was an enlargement of claim 2 of the original patent. He held that claim 7 "should be limited to the invention which was described and claimed in the original patent, which invention was not confined to a 'common cam,' or to a device which was connected with the compound wheel in the same way in which the cam was connected, but was broad enough to include equivalent means of connection with the dog." He held, also, that the owners of the patent had




not abandoned, by proceedings in the patent-office in respect to the two prior reissues of it, their right to claim, in reissue No. 8,550, a double or compound disk, and to obtain a valid patent therefor. Claims 1 and 7 were sustained, also, by Judge SAGE, in the circuit court for the western division of the southern district of Ohio, in May, 1889, in the case of Yale & Towne Manuf'g Co. v. Consolidated Time-Lock Co., 38 Fed. Rep. 917. This patent, as before stated, was reissued May 9, 1876, as No. 7,104, and again, January 8, 1878, as No. 8,035. The lock used by the defendants is made under letters patent No. 173,121, granted to Henry Gross, February 8, 1876, for an "improvement in time attachments for locks." This patent was issued prior to the granting of any reissue of the Little patent. While the original patent, No 146,832, had only 3 claims, reissue No. 7,104 had 8 claims, reissue No. 8,035 had 6 claims, and reissue No. 8,550 has 17 claims. On comparing the various reissues with the original patent, it is found that the drawings and the description of them are substantially the same in all, with some changes in nomenclature; and it is quite apparent that the original patent was not inoperative or invalid by reason of a defective or insufficient specification, within the terms of the statute, so as to warrant the reissues.

* *

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more than a year before reissue No. 8,550
was granted, claim 2 of the original pat-
ent was abandoned by Little; and at the
same time he also abandoned claim 3 of his
application, after he had put it in such shape
that it became substantially the same as
claim 7 of reissue No. 8,550. Reissue No.
8,035 was taken out without those claims.
No one of the six claims of reissue No. 8,-
035 was infringed by the lock of the defend-
ants, which was applied to use during the
existence of reissue No. 8,035. A little over
nine months after it was granted, the ap-
plication for reissue No. 8,550 was filed,
and the present suit was brought eight
days after that reissue was granted. In
the specification of reissue No. 8,035, the
following statements were made: "The
object of my invention is to construct a
time-lock, and to combine it with the mul-
tiple sliding bolt-work of a safe or vault-
door, so that, by the continuous move-
ment of its time mechanism, locking and
unlocking will be effected daily or period-
The gist of my invention,
therefore, is the combination in a time-
lock of time mechanism revolving a grad-
uated dial, which serves to oscillate a piv-
oted bent lever. That, in turn, induces
the oscillation of a pivoted dog or ob-
struction to the retraction of the multiple
sliding bolt-work. Subordinate to this
main principle or chief organization of my
time-lock, I provide that my dial shall be
composite in its construction, whereby I
obtain what I term a 'differential cam' for
convenience of adjustment." These state-
ments do not appear in the specification
of reissue No. 8,550. In the latter specifi-
cation, what had been previously called
"a revolving graduated dial" is called
"adjustable devices." The dial is said to
have "bolt or dog-actuating points;" and
a statement is made that the lock of Lit-
tle "is, so far as I am aware, the first time-
lock which locks at a time determined by
the time mechanism, while at the same
time the hours for locking and unlocking
can be changed without altering the con-
struction of the lock." So that in this re-
issue, which was granted almost five years
after the date of the original patent, and
over three years after the Gross patent
was issued, the attempt is made by Little
to cover all devices for determining the
time of locking and unlocking, on the view
that he was the first to invent a lock that
would lock up, as well as unlock, at a
predetermined time. This attempt is em-
bodied in claims 1 and 7 of reissue No. 8,550,
which are here repeated: "(1). The com-
bination of independent multiple bolt-work
with the time mechanism and locking or
dogging mechanism of a time lock, auto-
matically both dogging and releasing the
bolt-work at predetermined times, sub-
stantially as described." "(7) In a time-
lock, the combination, substantially as
above set forth, of the time movements
and two adjustable devices, one for deter-

There is in the record a copy of the filewrapper and contents of reissue No. 8,035, applied for December 15, 1877, and granted January 8, 1878. The specification presented with the application contained only two claims, both of which made "a revolving dial" an essential element. On | the 18th of December, 1877, an entirely new specification and claims were put in, the claims being 10 in number. Claim 3 was as follows: "(3) In a time-lock, the combination, substantially as above set forth, of the clock-work and two adjustable devices for determining, respectively, the times of locking and unlocking." That claim 3 is very similar to claim 7 of issue No. 8,550. On the 21st of December, 1877, that claim 3 was amended by striking out the word "clock-work," and inserting the words "time movements," so that it became almost exactly the same as claim 7 of reissue No. 8,550. On the 26th of December, 1877, that claim 3 was erased. Claim 4 of reissue No. 8,035, as originally applied for, read as follows: "The combination with one or more time movements of one or more wheels, H, I, one or more ratchets, K, L, and a common wheel, M, arranged as described, for the purposes set forth." This claim 4 was erased with claim 3, and in their place there was inserted the following as claim 3: "The combination with the time movements of the wheels, H, I, the ratchets, K, L, and the common wheel, M, arranged as described, for the purpose set forth. Claim 5 of reissue No. 8,035, as applied for, was identical with claim 2 of the original pat-mining the time of locking, and the other ent, No. 146,832, as granted. That claim 5 was rejected by the examiner on the ground that it was old in valve-gear for steam-engines, with a reference to a prior patent; and on the 26th of December, 1877, it was erased and abandoned. Therefore,

of unlocking." Although the first reissue, No. 7,104, was applied for March 15, 1876, more than two months after the Gross patent was issued, no such claims as the above were applied for or taken; nor were they taken in reissue No. 8,035. Claims 3,

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