The motion prevailing, and the bill being again before the Council, On motion of Mr. Fletcher, the further consideration of the bill was postponed to to-morrow. The bill to dissolve the marriage contract between Ebenezer Stone and Sally Stone, was read the third time. On motion of Mr. M'Donell, the further consideration of the bill was postponed until Saturday the 12th inst. The bill for the relief of Clarissa Remington was read the third time. Mr. Lawrence moved that the bill pass. The question being taken, it was decided that the bill do now pass, and that the title thereof be, An act for the relief of Clarissa Remington. The bill for the relief of Delia Alvord was read the third time. Mr. Drake moved that the bill pass. The question being taken, it was decided that the bill do now pass, and that the title thereof be, An act for the relief of Delia Alvord. Nays-4. Mr. M'Donell, requiring the ayes and nays, those who voted in the affirmative are, Messrs. Bartow, Brown, Drake, Fletcher, Lawrence, Le Roy, Stockton, Edwards-8. Those in the negative, are Messrs. Durocher, Kingsley, M'Donell, Schoolcraft--4. The bill for the relief of David Ward was read a third time. Mr. Stockton moved that the bill pass. The question being taken it was decided that the bill do now pass, and that the title thereof be, An act for the relief of David Ward. Ayes-9. Nays-3. Mr. M'Donell requiring the ayes and nays, those who voted in the affirmative, are Messrs. Bartow, Brown, Drake, Fletcher, Kingsley, Lawrence, Le Roy, Stockton, Edwards-9. Those in the negative, are Messrs. Durocher, M'Donell, Schoolcraft--3. The bill for the relief of Martha Garlick was read the third time. Mr. Drake moved that the bill pass. The question being taken it was determined in the negative. Ayes-4. Mr. Schoolcraft requiring the ayes and nays, those who voted in the affirmative, are Messrs. Drake, Lawrence, Le Roy, Stockton-4. Messrs. Bartow, Brown, Fletcher, Durocher, Kingsley, M'Donell, Schoolcraft, Edwards-8. On motion of Mr. Durocher, Resolved, That the committee on Territorial Affairs be instructed to inquire into the expediency of altering the place of holding elections in the township of Erie, in the county of Monroe. On motion of Mr. Lawrence, Resolved, That the committee on Territorial Affairs be instructed to inquire into the expediency of making provision by law, against the practice of shooting hogs running at large on the commons and in the woods. On Motion of Mr. Kingsley, Resolved, That the committee on Territorial Affairs be instructed to inquire into the expediency of annexing the county of Calhoun to the county of Washtenaw. Mr. Fletcher moved a reconsideration of the vote taken on the rejection of the bill for the relief of Martha Garlick. The motion prevailing, and the bill being again before the Council, On motion of Mr. Fletcher, Ordered, That the bill lie on the table. On motion of Mr. Kingsley, Resolved, That the committee on Territorial Affairs be instructed to inquire into the expediency of changing the name of the township of Jacksonopolis, in the county of Jackson, to that of Jacksonsburgh. Mr. Kingsley submitted the following resolution, which was read and laid on the table: Resolved, That the committee on Territorial Affairs be instructed to inquire into the expediency of requiring the several Registers in the organized counties in the Territory, to keep separate books for registering deeds and other writings, coming from unorganized counties which are attached to those organized. On motion of Mr. Schoolcraft, Resolved, That the committee on the Library be instruct ed to inquire into the expediency of purchasing a set of maps and globes for the use of the Library. Mr. M'Donell submitted the following, which was read and laid on the table: Resolved, That the committee on expenditures be instructed to inquire into the expediency of purchasing some copies of the latest editions of John Farmer's Map of the Territory of Michigan, for the use of the members of the Council. Mr. Stockton moved that the Council adjourn to Tuesday next. Mr. Fletcher moved to amend by adjourning to Tuesday week. The question being taken on the amended motion, it was decided in the negative. The question recurring on adjourning to Tuesday, the motion was lost. Mr. Fletcher moved to adjourn to to-morrow. The motion was lost. On motion of Mr. Drake, The Council adjourned to Monday next. MONDAY, February 7, 1831. Mr. Stockton presented a petition for the incorporation of a Steam Mill Company at Mt. Clemens, in the county of Macomb. Referred to the committee of the Judiciary. Mr. Fletcher presented a petition of the Bank of Michigan, praying an extension of their charter. Referred to the committee on the Judiciary. M'Donell presented the petition from the officers of the first battallion of riflemen, of Michigan Militia, praying compensation for serving at the execution of Simmons.Referred to a select committee. Messrs. M'Donell, Drake and Bartow were appointed that committee, On motion of Mr. M'Donell, The vote for the postponement of the consideration of the bill to dissolve the marriage contract between Ebenezer Stone and Sally Stone was reconsidered. The bill being before the Council, on motion, Ordered, That it lie on the table. The bill to repeal the act therein named, was read a second time and considered as in committee of the whole. On motion of Mr. Schoolcraft, the bill was amended, by adding thereto, to stand as the 2d and 3d sections thereof, the following: "Sec. 2. That if any person licensed to keep a victualing house, within this Territory, shall vend ardent spirits, either by the large or small measure, and thereby render himself obnoxious to the term of keeping a grog-shop, every such person, shall on conviction thereof, be subject to a fine, in the discretion of the Judge or Justice before whom complaint is made, in a sum not exceeding fifty dollars. Sec. 3. That no law of this Territory, shall be so construed by any Justice of the Peace, or Judge of the Supreme, Circuit, or County Courts, or by the Judge for the additional Circuit Court for the Upper District of the Territory, as to exclude any Indian, who believes in God, and in a future state of rewards and punishments, from giving his testimony, and being admitted as a competent witness, in any civil or criminal matter: Provided, That such Judge or Justice, shall in all cases decide who are entitled, and who are not entitled, to be received as witnesses under this pro-' vision: And provided also, That such judge or justice shall have power so to vary the ordinary oaths, as to bring the same within the full comprehension of the witness." The bill being reported with the amendments, they were on motion concurred in. On motion, of Mr. Drake, Ordered, That the bill be recommitted, to the Judiciary Committee. The bill to open and extend Jefferson Avenue from the city of Detroit to the Old French Church, or Church Farm, in the township of Hamtramck, and for other purposes, was read the third time. On motion Ordered, That the bill lie on the table. On motion of Mr. Drake, Resolved, That the committee on the Militia be instructed to inquire into the expediency of amending the law, so as to exempt the members of uniform companies from serving on juries. Resolved, That the committee on the Militia be instructed to inquire into the expediency of repealing the law exempting the members of the several fire companies and the hook ladder companies in the city of Detroit, from serving as Grand or Petit Jurors. Resolved, That the committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of amending the act concerning Grand and Petit Jurors, so that the assessors in the several townships shall return to the clerk's office, the name of every suitable person, to serve as a grand or a petit juror residing in the township. The Council adjourned. THURSDAY, February 8, 1831. Mr. Kingsley presented the petition from sundry inhabitants of the township of Panama, Plymouth, Ann Arbour, and Dexter, for the establishment of a certain Territorial Road. Referred to the committee on Roads. Mr. Fletcher presented a petition from certain citizens of Detroit, accompanied by a report, praying certain alterations in the existing laws, for the purpose of reducing the taxes of the county of Wayne. On motion of Mr. Fletcher, the petition and report were referred to a select committee. Messrs. Fletcher, Schoolcraft, and Brown, were appoint*ed that committee. Mr. Stockton presented a petition from sundry citizens of Macomb county, praying that the supervisors of that county may be required to deposit the records of their proceedings in a public office. Referred to the committee on Territorial Affairs. Mr. Le Roy presented a petition from sundry citizens of school district No. 4, in the township of Pontiac, praying authority to hold a school meeting, they having failed to comply with the provision of the existing laws on that subject. Referred to the committee on schools. Mr. M'Donell from the committee on Territorial Affairs to whom had been referred the reports of the Auditor of the Territory, furnished in compliance with the resolution of the 27th ultimo, reported a recommendation from the committee that the same be placed on the Journal of the Coun cil. On motion of Mr. M'Donell, The report was accepted, which report of the Auditor is as follows: AUDITOR'S OFFICE, Detroit 2d February 1831. To the Honorable the Legislative Council. Gentlemen: The enclosed documents will furnish you as far as circumstances will admit at present, all the information required by two resolutions passed the 27th ult. I have the honor to be very respectfully your most obedient servent, ROBERT ABBOTT, Auditor of Michigan. |