Imágenes de páginas

61. A bill directing the Auditor to cause prosecutions to be instituted for the removal of certain Toll Bridges, &c. 84. A bill to amend the act concerning Judgments and Executions.

4. A bill to amend an act for the assessment and collection of county and township taxes.

26. A bill to raise a sum of money for the establishment of a Penitentiary.

76. A bill for the relief of Arlinda Stoddard.

13. A bill for the relief of Abigail Stead.

50. A bill to incorporate the Stockholders of the Lake Superior Mining and Trading Company.

41. A bill to amend an act entitled "an act to amend an act entitled "an act for the punishment of crimes." 24. A bill to establish a Penitentiary.

63. A bill respecting the compensation of Chief Justice, and Associate Justices of the Court of Common Pleas. 32. A bill to amend the act to provide for the assesment and collection of county and township taxes.

62. A bill to establish courts of Common Pleas Petition of Stockbridge Indians of Green Bay. Petition of Joseph Dozet and Alexis Loranger. Report of Select Committee appointed to inquire into the causes of the failure of the Monroe Bank.

Report of Select Committee appointed to confer with the corporation of Detroit, respecting a paved walk to the Capitol.

Report of Judiciary Committee on Births and Marriages. 14. A bill to dissolve the marriage contract between James Perrin and Harriet Perrin.

16. A bill for the relief of Louis Rouse and others." The Report was read and laid on the table.

Mr. Drake from the Select Committee appointed yesterday for the object, reported,

A bill for the relief of Delia Alvord.

The bill was read the first time and laid on the table. Mr. Le Roy from the special committee appointed yesterday for that object, reported,

A bill to amend an act entitled "an act to regulate and define the powers of Justices of the Peace and constables in civil cases."

The bill was read the first time and laid on the table. Mr. Le Roy from the Judiciary committee reported A bill establishing courts of common pleas in certain counties, and defining their powers and duties."

The bill was read the first time and laid on the table. The "bill for the relief of Luzon Tousey," and the "bill to dissolve the marriage contract between Ebenezer Stone and Sally Stone,"

Were severally read a second time by their titles, considered as in committee of the whole, and reported without amendment.

On motion of Mr. Lawrence,

Ordered, That said bill be engrossed and read a third time on Thursday next.

The bill for the relief of Clarissa Remington was read a second time by its title, considered as in commmittee of the whole, and reported without amendment.

On motion of Mr. M'Donell, the further consideration of the bill was postponed to Wednesday next. On motion of Mr. M'Donell,

Resolved, That the Auditor of the Territory be directed to furnish the Council with a statement of the receipts and expenditures of the Territorial Treasury for the year 1830, and the amount of liquidated claims against the Territory which remain unpaid; and also the amount of Territorial Taxes assessed for the year 1830, showing the portion assessed in each county, and what amount paid into the Territorial Treasury by such county, and the number of judgments obtained against persons for Territorial taxes, together with the number of suits pending, and against whom, and for what, and for what amount.

Resolved, That the Auditor of the Territory be directed to furnish the council with a statement of the amount of Territorial taxes paid into the Territorial Treasury since the year 1815; showing the aggregate amount of receipts and expenditures in every year separately, up to the first day of January 1831.

On motion of Mr. Le Roy,

Resolved, That the committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of reporting a bill to provide for the manner in which the records or judgments of justices of the peace within the several states may be proved here.

The Council adjourned.

FRIDAY, January 28, 1831.

A message was received from the Governor on Executive

business, by the hands of Mr. Rowland.

The President presented a petition from sundry citizens of White Pigeon, praying a division of that township, and the organization of a new one.

Referred to the committee on Territorial Affairs.

Mr. Bartow presented a petition of Charles Lafontaine, praying a divorce. Referred to the committee on the Judiciary.

Mr. Drake from the select committee appointed for that object, reported.

A bill for the relief of Martha Garlic.

The bill was read the first time and laid on the table. Mr. Stockton, from the select committee appointed for that object, reported,

A bill for the relief of David Ward.


The bill was read the first time and laid on the table. The bill to amend an act entitled "an act to prescribe the tenure of office of auctioneers, and to levy a duty upon at auction in certain cases," was read a second time, considered as in committee of the whole, and reported without amendment.

On motion of Mr. Lawrence,

Ordered, That the further consideration of the bill be postponed to Tuesday next.

A message was received from the Governor, on Executive business, by Mr. Rowland.

Mr. M'Donell, from the select committee appointed for that purpose, reported

A bill to aid the corporation of the city of Detroit, to open a street therein named, and for other purposes.

The bill was read the first time and laid on the table.

Mr. Fletcher from the committee on Enrolment, reported as correctly enrolled,

An act relative to oaths and affidavits; and

An act to establish and regulate social libraries. Mr. Lawrence submitted the following resolution: Resolved, That the committee on Territorial Affairs inquire into the expediency of authorising the Sheriff of Lenawe county to pay over to the commissioners of said county, the Territorial taxes to be collected for the two coming years, to aid them in the erection of a county jail.

Mr. Drake moved to amend the resolution, so as to authorise the sheriff of Oakland county to pay over to the supervisors of that county, all monies arising from Territorial taxes, for two years coming, for the erection of public buildings,

Mr. Kingsley moved to amend so as to extend the same provisions to Washtenaw.

Mr. M'Donell moved that the resolution lie on the table. The question being taken on Mr. M'Donell's motion, it was decided in the affirmative.

On motion of Mr. Schoolcraft,

Resolved, That the committee on the Library be instructed to inquire into the expediency of recommending the purchase by each organized school district in the Territory, of a copy of the Education Reporter, a weekly sheet, published at Boston, and devoted to the cause of schools.

Mr. Schoolcraft moved to recommit to the committee on Expenditures, the bill to fix the compensation of the officers of the Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan, and for other purposes.

The question being taken, the bill was re-committed.
On motion of Mr. Kingsley,

The Council went into the consideration of Executive business, and having disposed of the same, on motion, Adjourned to Monday.

MONDAY, January 31, 1831.

Mr. Kingsley presented a petition from certain inhabitants of township two, south of range five east, praying an organization of the township, as originally laid out, and a remonstrance from certain inhabitants of the same township, against the change prayed for.

The petition and remonstrance were laid on the table.

Mr. M'Donell presented a petition from sundry inhabitants of the counties of Wayne, Oakland and Monroe, for the establishment of a Territorial road, leading from Pontiac, by Simmon's on the Chicago road, to a point six miles above the village of Monroe.

Mr. M'Donell moved to refer the petition to a select committee.

The question being taken the motion was lost.
Ordered, That the petition lie on the table.

Mr. Drake gave notice that he should at a future day, ask leave to bring in a bill to establish a certain Territorial road, therein mentioned.

Mr. Drake presented a petition from sundry citizens of Auburn, Oakland county, praying the establishment of an academy in that town. Referred to the committee on Schools.

Mr. Durocher from the committee on Claims, to whom the subject was referred, reported

A bill to open and extend Jefferson Avenue, from the city of Detroit to the old French Church, on Church Farm, in the township of Hamtramck, and for other purposes.

The bill was read the first time and laid on the table.
On motion of Mr. Fletcher,

Resolved, That the committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of amending the act concerning mortgages, by repealing the last proviso of the fifth section thereof.

On motion of Mr. Schoolcraft,

Resolved, That the committee on Printing be authorised to receive proposals to contract for printing and publishing the laws and journal of the present session of the Council, and that they be directed to recommend such person or persons to execute the same, as may, in their judgmeut, be most expedient.

Mr. Schoolcraft submitted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the injunction of secrecy be removed from so much of the Executive journal as relates to the nomination of Thos. C. Sheldon as sheriff of Wayne county; and that the Secretary of the Council be directed to furnish a copy of the same for publication.

Mr. M'Donell moved to amend, so as to remove the injunction from all the proceedings.

Mr. Stockton moved to postpone the further consideration of the resolution to to-morrow.

The question on the motion to postpone being taken, it was decided in the affirmative. Ayes, 10; Nays, 2.

Mr. Le Roy requiring the ayes and nays, those who voted in the affirmative, are

Messrs. Bartow, Brown, Drake, Durocher, Fletcher, Kingsley, Lawrence, M'Donell, Stockton, Edwards—10. Those in the negative, are

Messrs. Le Roy, Schoolcraft-2.

On motion of Mr. Stockton, the Council went into the consideration of Executive business, and having disposed of the same,


TUESDAY, February 1, 1831.

The following papers were presented and severally re ferred to the committee on Territorial Affairs:

By Mr. Brown,

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