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Those who voted in the affirmative, aro,

Messrs. Bartow, Brown, Drake, Fletcher, Irwin, Kingsley, Le

Roy. M'Donell, Schoolcraft, Stockton-10.

Those in the negative, are,

Messrs. Durocher, Lawrence, Edwards-3.

Mr. Kingsley moved to reconsider the vote on the passage of the


The motion prevailing, and the bill being aga before the Council;

Mr. Kingsley moved to amend the bill, by inserting the following to stand as the 3d section thereof:

"SEC. 3. That all licenses heretofore granted by the Sheriff in any county, to individuals, to keep tavern agreeably to the laws relating to the assessment and collection of Territorial taxes, be and the same are hereby declared to be as valid and effectual in law, as if the same had been regularly granted, agreeably to the provisions of the act to regulate taverns."

The question being taken, the amendment was received.
On motion of Mr. Bartow,

Ordered. That the bill lie on the table.

Mr. Irwin moved to reconsider the vote taken on the motion for the engrossment and third reading of the "bill to amend an act, entitled an act to regulate taverns," approved April 12, 1827.

The motion prevailing, and the bill being then before the Council, on the question to engross;

Mr. Irwin moved for leave to withdraw said bill.
Leave being granted, and the bill withdrawn;

The bill to amend an act, entitled an act to regulate taverns, was again taken up.

On motion of Mr. Irwin, the bill was amended by inserting the following, to stand as the 5th and 6th sections thereof:

"SEC. 5. That if any person not licensed or permitted to keep a tavern, agreeably to the provisions of the act to which this act is an amendment, shall sell, barter, or deliver, for money or other articles of value, any wine, rum, brandy, whiskey, or other spirits ot strong drink, in any quantity equal to or exceeding one quart, or any strong beer or ale, in any quantity equal to or exceeding one gallon. and shall knowingly permit or suffer the same or any part thereof, to be drank in his or her house, store, out-house, yard or garden, such person shall, on conviction thereof, before any Justice of the Peace of the county where the offence may be committed. forfeit and pay, for every such offence, the sum of ten dollars. SEC. 6. That the 4th section of the act, entitled an act to regte late taverns, approved April 12, 1827, be and the same is hereby repealed"

Me Berw moved that the bill pass.

The question being taken, it was decided that the bill do now pass; and that the title thereof be,

"An act," &c.

The bill concerning District Surveyors, was read the third time. On motion of Mr. Lawrence, the bill was amended, by striking out in the last line, section 6, the word " ten," and inserting in lieu the word


Mr. Stockton moved that the bill pass.

The question being taken, it was decided that the bill do now pass; and that the title thereof be,

"An et, &c.

The bill establishing seats of justice, was read the third time. Mr. MDonell moved that the bill pass.

The question being taken, in was decided that the bill do now

pass; and that he tide thereof be,

"An act to provide for establishing seats of justice."

The bill to establish an Academy in the county of Washtenaw, was read the third time.

Mr. Kingsley moved that the bill pass.

The question being taken, it was decided that the bill do now ass; and that the title thereof be,

"An act," &c.

The bill to restore the jurisdiction and powers of the County Court of the county of Crawford, was read the third time.

Mo. Irwin moved that the bill pass.

The question being taken, it was decided that the bill do now

pass; and that the title thereof be,

"An act," &c.

The bill to dissolve the marriage contract between John Lawrence, late of the county of Monroe, and Lucy Lawrence, his wife, was read the third time.

Mr Lawrence moved that the bill pass.

The question being taken, it was decided that the bill do now

pass; and that the title thereof be,

"An act," &c.

Ayes, 9; Nays, 4.

Mr. M'Donell requiring the ayes and


Those who voted in the affirmative, are,

Messrs. Brown, Drake, Fletcher, Irwin, Kingsley, Lawrence,

Le Ray, Schoolcraft, Stockton-9.

Those in the negative, are,

Messrs. Bartow, Durocher, M'Donell, Edwards-4.

The bill to amend the several acts to organise the Militia, was read the third time.

Mr. Stockton moved that the bill pass.

The question being taken, it was decided that the bill do now pass; and that the title thereof be,

"An act," &c.

The bill for the relief of Lauront Durocher, was read the third time.

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"That a sum not exceeding $120 be appropriated, to be expender under the direction of the President of the Connca for prepare an index and margin i notes, to the Laws and Journal the hist session of the Fourth Council, superintending the printing and correcung the proofs."

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On motion of Mr. Schoolcraft, the bill was further amended by striking out, line 81, section 3, the words "34," and inserting in lieu the word "50."

And by inserting, after the 88th line, section 3, the following:

"To Francis Van Antwerp, for making a key for the Governor's Room, one dollar.

To George Bowman, for painting label to Library Room, fifty


To W. L Newberry & Co. for conungencies, $2 06.

To Γ'. S. Wendelt for stationery, $5."

Mr. Schoolcraft moved to fill the blank in the 13th line, section

1, with the word "fifty."

Mr. Le Roy moved to amend, by substituting the word " 80."
The question being first taken on the amendment,
The motion was lost.

The question recurring on filling the blank with the word "afty," it was decided in the affirmative.

Oa notion of Mr. Kingsley, the blank in the 15th line, was filled with the word "50."

Ays, 8, Nays, 5.

Mr. M'Donell requiring the ayes and nays:

Those who voted in the affirmative, are,

Messrs. Bartow, Brown, Durocher, Fletcher, Kingsley, M'Do

nell, Stockton, Edwards-8.

Those in the negative, are,

Messrs. Drake, Irwin, Lawrence, Le Roy, Schoolcraft-5.

On motion of Mr. Drake, the blank in the 17th line was filled with the woras, " $120."

On motion of Mr. Schoolcraft, the blank in the 7th line, section 2, was filled with the words, "500."

The bill having been reported as amended, the question on agreeing to the amendments was taken, and decided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Schoolcraft,

Ordered, That the bill be engrossed and read a third time to


Mr. Le Roy moved that the Council go into the consideration of Executive business.

Mr. M'Donell moved that the Council postpone the consideration of Executive business until to-morrow.

The question being taken on the motion to postpone,
The motion was lost.

Mr. Drake offered the following resolution:

Resolved, That the further consideration of the nomination of any person to fill the office of Sheriff of Wayne county, be postponed; and that his Excellency the Governor be requested to authorise the citizens of Wayne county to hold an election for the purpose of recommending some individual by ballot to fill that office. Ordered, That the resolution lie on the able.

The question being then taken on Mr. Le Roy's motion, it was decided in the affirmative.

The Council accordingly went into the consideration of Executive business; and af er some time spent therein.

Mr. Fletcher, from the committee on Enrolment, reported as correcily emolled, bills with the following titles:

An act to amend an act, entitled an act to improve the navigation of the Huron River of Lake Erie.

An act for laying out and establishing certain Territorial Roads. An act to amend an act, entitled an act concerning Grand and Peut Jurors.

An act to organise the county of Kalamazoo,

An act authorising the alteration of the Territorial Road leading from Pontiac to Adrian.

An act relative to the county of Chippewa.

An act to amend an act, entitled an act relative to the duties and privileges of townships.

An act to authorise Lauret Parocher, Jr. ant.gelique his wife, to sell and convey cernam tands the rein mentioned.

The President having signed said bilis,

The Council adjourned.

FRIDAY, July 30, 1830.

Mr. Fletcher presented a petition from the Steam-Mill Company, of Detroit, for an act of appropriation. Referred to the committee on the Judiciary.

Mr. M'Donell presented an account of J. Truax, and an account of F. Gray, for stationery, &c. Referred to the committee on Expenditures.

Mr. Scholeraft, from the Judiciary committee, to whom the several subjects innd been referred, reported,

A memorat to the Congress of the United States, for the survey and laying an of a road from Saganaw to the Sault Ste Marie; and, A memorial to Congress for the establishment of a ight-house at Font De car or Dummond's Island; and,

A memorial for the establishment of a post-route, from Detroit to the Sault Ste Marie.

Ordered, That said memorials lie on the table.

Mr. Fletcher, from the committee on Enrolment, reported as correctly en Hed, bills with the following titles :

Atract to amend an acı, entitled an act to regulate highways. An act to authorise Pierre Gronda to choose a guardian. An act to amend an act, entitled an act to provide for and regu late Commo. Schools, approved November 5, 1829.

An act to amend an act, entitled an act to organise the township of Clay, in the county of St. Clair.

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