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Thich Doc 119







BEGUN and held at the Council-Chamber, in the city of Detroit, the fifth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight, in conformity with the Proclamation of the Governor of the Territory, convening said Council, dated the 25th day of February, 1828.

At 12 o'clock, M. the following Members of the Council appeared and took their seats:

John Stockton, Member for the District composed of the cour ties of Macomb and St. Clair.

Thomas J. Drake,

Stephen V. R. Trowbridge, S

for the county of Oakland.

William Brown,

Henry Connor,


Abraham Edwards,

John M'Donell,

Henry Rumsey,


Laurent Durocher,

Wolcott Lawrence,


Charles Noble,

Mr. Lawrence moved, that Abraham Edwards, be President of the Council, pro tempore; and the motion was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. M'Donell, John P. Sheldon was chosen Clerk of the Council, pro tempore.

On motion of Mr. Stockton, William Meldrum was chosen Sergeant-at-Arms, pro tempore.

The Members present, on the request of the President, having presented their certificates of election;

Mr. Stockton moved the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That a committee of two members be appointed by the President, to inform the Governor of the Territory that a quorum of the members of the Legislative Council is assembled at the Council-Chamber, and ready to receive such communications as he may deem proper to make.

Messrs. Stockton and Durocher were appointed the committee contemplated in the foregoing resolution.

On motion of Mr. Lawrence, the Council took a recess of half an hour.

2 o'clock, P. M. Mr. Stockton, from the committee appointed to wait upon the Governor, reported that the Governor would meet the Council tomorrow at 12 o'clock.

On motion of Mr. M'Donell, the Council then adjourned, to meet to-morrow, at 11 o'clock, A. M.

TUESDAY, May 6, 1828.

The Council met this day at 11 o'clock.

The proceedings of yesterday having been read,

The Governor of the Territory entered the Council-Chamber, and was conducted to the President's chair.

The Rev. Noah M. Wells, who had been invited for that purpose by the Members of the Council, addressed the Throne of Grace. The certificates of the election of the Members of the Council, presented yesterday, were then read; and the Governor adminis tered to the Members the following oath of office:

"You, and each of you, do solemnly swear, that you will support the Constitution of the United States of America, and that you will, to the best of your judgment and ability, discharge the duties of Members of the Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan, for the term for which you have been elected."

The Governor then rose and delivered the following Speech:

"Fellow-Citizens of the Legislative Council:

In the discharge of the duties to which you have been called by our fellow-citizens, I am not aware that any important change is required in the existing institutions of the Territory. Defects will doubtless be found from time to time in our statute books, however cautiously their subjects may be considered, and the progress of settlement and improvement in the country will render it necessary to provide, by special acts, for such objects of local concern, as may require legislative interposition. Our internal police, our schools, roads, and other subjects of importance, for the establishment and support of which our systems have not yet been matured and sanctioned by experience, will frequently claim the attention of

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