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ported the same without amendment; and said bill was laid on he table.

The "bill to amend an act entitled "an act to regulate and define the powers of justices of the peace and constables in civil cases," approved April 12, 1827," was taken up and read the second time; and said bill being in committee of the whole,

Mr. Lawrence moved that it be amended by inserting, after the word "Territory," in the 3d line of the 3d section, the words "not courts of record ;" and the motion was agreed to.

Mr. M'Donell then moved that the further consideration of the bill be postponed until Monday next; the motion was agreed to; and Mr. M'Donell requiring the ayes and nays, they were taken as follows:

Ayes-Messrs. Brown, Connor, Durocher, Edwards, Lawrence, M'Donell, Noble, Schoolcraft, Stockton, Trowbridge-10. Nays-Mr. Drake.

The "bill to amend an act, entitled "an act to provide compensation for criers in the county courts," approved April 19, 1825," was taken up and read the second time; and on motion, said bill was then recommitted to the committee on the Judiciary.

The "bill to amend an act entitled "an act to provide for the election of Coroners and County Treasurers," approved April 13, 1827," was taken up and read the second time; said bill was then considered in committee of the whole, and having been reported to the Council without amendment, was, on motion, ordered to be engrossed and read a third time on Monday next.

The bill appointing Ch. C. Trowbridge an agent for the Legislative Council," for certain purposes, was taken up;

And Mr. Schoolcraft moved that the blank in said bill be filled, by inserting the words the 12th of February, 1828;" and the motion was agreed to.

Mr. Schoolcraft then moved that the bill do now pass; and the question on its passage being put, it was decided in the affirmative. So the bill passed.

Mr. M'Donell submitted the following resolution, which was laid on the table:

Resolved, That the committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of amending the "act directing the mode of proceedings in Chancery," so that a judge, granting a writ of injunction, shall himself approve of the security, instead of the clerk of the court, according to the existing law.

The "bill to provide for the appointment of Masters in Chancery," was taken up and read the third time.

Mr. Drake then moved that the bill be amended by inserting, af ter the word "one," in the 2d line of the 2d section, the words "or more ;" and the motion was agreed to.

Mr. Noble moved that bill be further ended by sking out the words "judge or justice," in the 5th line of the 3d section, and

inserting in lieu thereof the following: "a majority of the court, or justices;" and the motion was agreed to.

On motion of Mr Lawrence, said bill was then laid on the table, to be taken up on Monday next.

Mr. Lawrence moved that the committee on the Judiciary be discharged from the further consideration of the subject matter of a resolution adopted yesterday, relative to the expediency of amending the act concerning appeals, and writs of error, certiorari, and habens corpus; the motion was agreed to; and Mr. Stockton having required the ayes and nays, they were taken as follows:

Ayes-Messrs. Brown, Connor, Drake, Durocher, Edwards, Lawrence, Noble, Schoolcraft, Trowbridge-9.

Nays-Messrs M'Donell, Stockton-2.

Mr. Lawrence, then moved that the Council rescind the order taken yesterday, on the motion of Mr. M'Donell, for leave to bring in "a bill concerning appeals, and writs of error, certiorari, and habeas corpus ;" the motion was decided in the affirmative; and мr. a'Donell requiring the ayes and nays, they were taken as follows: Ayes-Messrs. Brown, Connor, Durocher, Edwards, Lawrence, 'Donell, Stockton-7.

Nays-Messrs. Drake Noble, Schoolcraft, Trowbridge-4.

Mr. Lawrence then moved that the leave asked be granted; the motion was decided in the affirmative; and the ayes and nays being required by Mr. Drake, they were taken as follows:

Ayes-Messrs. Brown, Connor, Drake, Durocher, Edwards, Lawrence, м'Donell, Stockton, Trowbridge-9.

Nays-Messrs. Noble, Schoolcraft-2.

Messrs. M'Donell, Stockton, and Lawrence, were appointed the committee to prepare "a bill concerning appeals, and writs of error, certiorari, and habeas corpus."

On motion of Mr. M'Donell the Council adjourned to Monday


MONDAY, June 9, 1828.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Cadle.

Mr. Irwin presented the account of Henry Sanderson for work done on the furniture of the Council Chamber. Referred to the committee on Expenditures.

Mr Irwin, from the committee on Territorial Affairs, reported, "A bill to authorise the building of Court-Houses and Gaols in the counties of Brown and Chippewa," and,

"A bill to authorise the licensing of victualling houses, ordinaties and groceries, within the township of Green Bay."

Said bills were severally read the first time, and, on motion they were then read the second time and ordered to be engrossed and read a third time on Wednesday next.

The "bill supplementary to, and explanatory of



act con

cerning judgments and executions," was taken up and read the third time.

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M. M'Donell then moved that the bill be amended by striking out all after the word is," in the second line after the enacting elause, and inserting the following:

"That upon all judgments upon contracts or causes of action arising prior to the first day of January, 1828, the same articles shall be exempted from execution as were exempted by an act ap proved the 30th March, 1825, entitled "an act to amend an act subjecting real estate to the payment of debts, and concerning exe cutions ;" and executions issuing upon any such judgments shall be enforced for collection, in the like manner, and subject to the same provisions as if the act to which this act is explanatory had never been passed."

Mr. Schoolcraft moved that the consideration of the bill be inde finitely postponed ; and the motion was decided in the affirmative.

The bill to provide a standard for the weight of Grain," was taken up and read the third time; and the question on the passage of the bill was then put and was decided in the affirmative; and Mr. Stockton having required the ayes and nays upon the question, they were taken as follows:

Ayes-Messrs. Brown, Connor, Drake, Durocher, Edwards, I vin, Noble, Schoolcraft-8.

Nays-Messrs. Lawrence, M'Donell, Stockton, Trowbridge-4. Mr. M'Donell gave notice that he should, to-morrow, ask. leave to bring in a bill to amend "an act concerning judgments and exeGutions."

The bill to provide for the appointment of Masters in Chances ty," was taken up, the question being on the passage of said bill.

Mr. Lawrence moved that the bill be amended by inserting the following, as the Sth section thereof, viz:

"Sec. 8. That all the acts done and performed by any Master in Chancery in this Territory, appointed and commissioned under the "aet directing the mode of proceeding in Chancery," approved the 28th May, 1820, and an act to amend the same, approved the 1st of July, 1324, agreeably to the provisions of said acis, between the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and twenty-seven, and the passing of this act, be, and the same are hereby leg dised and declared valid, so far as the said acts, done and performed by any such Master in Chancery, have been in accordance with the provisions of said acts."

And the motion was agreed to.

On motion, the question "shall the bill pass ?". was then put, and was decided in the affirmative.

So the bill passed.

The "bill to amend an act entitled "an act to provide for the election of Coroners and County Treasurers," approved April 13,


18.7," was taken up, read the third time, and, on motion, agai■ laid on the table.

The hill to provide for the publication of the acts passed by the Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan, was taken up and read a third time.

Mr. Lawrence moved that the bill be amended by striking out the wordsTerritorial Treasury," at the close of the 28 section, and that the words "contingent fund," be inserted in lieu thereof; aud the motion was agreed to.

Mr. Drake then moved to postpone the further consideration of the bill until Thursday next; and the motion was decided in the negative. Mr. Drake having required the ayes and nays, they were taken as follows:

s-Messrs. Drake. Stockton, Trowbridge-3.


Nys-Messrs. Brown, Connor, Durocher, Edwards, Irwin, Lawrence, M'Donell, Noble, Schoolcraft-9.

The question on the passage of the bill then recurring, it was put and decided in the affirmative.

So the bill passed.

The "bill respecting Seals," was taken up, read the third time, and passed.

On motion of Mr. Irwin, the Council then adjourned.

TUESDAY, June 10, 1828.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Cadle.

Mr. Stockton, from the select committee to prepare a bill for the relief of Mahala Fowler," reported said bill, which was read the first time and laid on the table.

Mr. Schoolcraft, from the committee on the Library, to whom the subject had been referred, reported the following resolution:

Resolved, by the Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan, That the sum of fifty dollars be, and is hereby annually appro❤ priated, from the contingent fund, for the purchase of periodical publications, to be expended by the Librarian, under the direction of the Committee on the Library, or, in their absence, under the direction of the Governor of the Territory.

And said resolution was read the first time and laid on the table. Mr. Schoolcraft, from the said committee, also reported, "A bill to provide for the appointment of a Librarian" which was read the first time and laid on the table.

Mr. Irwin, from the committee on Territorial Affairs, reported, "A bill to restrict the jurisdiction of the County Courts of the counties of Michilimackinac, Brown, and Crawford," which was `read the first time, and, on motion, said bill was then read the · second time and lad on the ble.

Mr. Irwin, from the same committee, also reported,



"A bill to exempt the lerks, Officers, and Messengers of the Legislarve Council from serving on juries and from afihtia duty," which wa ead he is ime; and, on motion, said bill was read the second tm, and having been considered in commitee of the whole, it was ordered to be engrossed and read a third time to-morrow.

M. Schoolcraft, agreeably to previous notice, asked leave to bring in a bill to incorporate the Historical Society of Michigan." On motion, leave was given, and, Messrs. Schoolcraft, Noble, and Stockion, were appointed a committee to prepare said bill.


Mr. M'Donell, agree.bly to previous notice, moved for leave to bring in a bill to amend " an act concerning judgments and executions;" the motion was agreed to, and,

Messrs. M'Donell, Lawrence, and Irwin, were appointed a com mittee to prepare sad bill.

M. Drake, from the committee of Enrolment, reported as correcuy enrolled, bills with the following titles, viz:

Au act concerning Seals.

An act to provide for the appointment of Masters in Chancery. An act appointing Ch. C. Trowbridge au agent for the Legisla tive Council for certain purposes.

An act to provide for the publication of the acts passed by the Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan.

Au act regulating the standard weight of Grain.

And the President signed the same.

Mr. Drake, from the committee on the Judiciary, reported bills with the following titles:

A bill to amend an act, entitled "an act to provide for the ap pointment and to regulate the duties of District Attorneys," appro ved April 21, 1825.

A bill authorising Commissioners of Bail to take the acknowledgment of deeds and mortgages, and other writings.

A bill to amend an act, entitled "an act to regulate highways." A bill to amend an act, entitled "an act to regulate taverns," approved April 12, 1827.

A bill to amend an act, entitled "an act concerning mortgages," approved April 12, 1827.

And said bills were severally read the first time, and on motion of Mr. 'Donell, they were then read the second time, and laid on the table.

Mir. M'Donell, from the committee appointed to prepare "a bill to amend "an act concerning judgments and executions," reported said bill, which was read the first time; and, on mouon, it was then read the second time and laid on the table.

Mr. Schoolcraft, from the committee appointed to prepare a bill to incorporate the Historical Society of Michigan," reported said bill, which was read the first time; and, on motion, said bill was then read the second time and laid on the table.

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