On motion of Mr. Trowbridge, the question "shall the bill pass ?" was then put, and was decided in the affirmative. So the bill passed; and Mr. Stockton having required the ayes and nays on the question, they were taken as follows: Ayes-Messrs. Drake, Durocher, Edwards, Irwin, Lawrence, Ruisey, Schoolcraft, Trowbridge-3. Nays-Messrs. Brown, Connor, 'Donell, Stockton-4. The following message from the Governor of the Territory, was received by the hands of Mr. R A. Forsyth: To the Legislative Council : By a resolution of the Legislative Council, of April 15, 1827, the Governor was authorised to cause an index and marginal notes to be prepared for the volume of Laws passed at that session, and to allow a reasonable compensation therefor, to be paid out of the contingent fund. William F. Moseley, Esq was appointed to. carry into effect the object of this resolution, and he has satisfactorily performed the duty assigned to him. The Index is, in general, well prepared, and the marginal notes judiciously digested; but there are no funds at the disposition of the Executive, from which Mr. Mose ley can be paid; and as it is therefore necessary for the Council to acupon the subject, I have thought it better to refer the whole matter to them, that they may allow such a compensation, for the performance of this duty, as may appear to them just. May 22d, 1828." LEW. CASS. On motion of Mr. Lawrence, said message was referred to the committee on Claims. Mr. Brown submitted the following resolution, which was laid on the table: Resolved, by the Legislative Council of the Territory of Michi gan, That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby respectfully requested, to cause that part of the Chicago Road, lying between Detroit and the River Rouge, to be opened and constructed out of the funds appropriated at the present session of Congress, towards the said road; the public interest, in the opinion of this Legislative Council, requiring this measure. Resolved, That the Governor be requested to transmit a copy of the resolution to the Secretary of War. Mr. Stockton gave notice that he should, to-morrow, ask leave to bring in "a bill to dissolve the bands of matrimony between Smith H. Yancey and Mary C. Yancey." Mr. M'Donell submitted the following resolution, which was laid on the table : Resolved, That the committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of amending the "act regulating the admission and practice of Attorneys and Counsellors at Law," so as to prevent any person from practising law, in any of the courts in this Territory, other than regularly licensed Attorneys." On motion of Mr. Irwin, the Council adjourned. FRIDAY, May 23, 1828. Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Richard. Mr. Trowbridge, from the committee on Territorial Affairs, to whom that part of the Governor's Speech which related to MillPonds, was referred, reported, "A bill relative to Mill-Ponds," which was read the first time aut laid on the table. Mr. Drake, from the committee of Enrolment, reported as cor-. rectly enrolled, bills with the following tides: "An act to organise the township of Clay, in the county of St. Clair;" "An act for the relief of Bethuel Farrand." And the President signed the same. The "bill to set off and connect township four, in range ten, in the township of Oakland and county of Oakland, to the township of Pontiac, in said county," was taken up, read the second time, and considered in committee of the whole. And said bill having been reported to the Council without amendment, was, On motion of Mr. Drake, Ordered to be engrossed and read a third time on Tuesday next. Mr. Stockton asked leave to bring in "a bill to dissolve the bands of matrimony between Smith H. Yancey and Mary C. Yancey." On motion, leave was given, and, Messrs. Stockton, M'Donell and Irwin, were appointed a committee to prepare said bill." The resolution submitted by Mr. Lawrence on the 17th inst. relative to the appointment of a committee to be called, a “ Committee on the Library," was taken up and adopted ; And the President announced Messrs. Lawrence and Schoolcraft, as the committee contemplated in said resolution. The resolution submitted yesterday by Mr. M'Donell, relative to the low for the admission and practice of Attorneys, &c. was taken up and adopted. The resolution submitted yesterday by Mr. Brown, relative to the application of the moneys appropriated during the present session of Congress, for the construction of the Chicago Road, was taken up and adopted. Mt. Drake submitted the following resolution, which was laid on the tle: Rooted, That the committee on Territorial Affairs be instructed to ingere into the expediency of enacting a law, which would exempi the property of ordained preachers or ministers from taxation; and that the commitee have leave a report by bill or otherwise. Mr. Schoolcraft submitted the following resolution, winch was Tail on the table: Rd, That the committee on Roads be directed to inquire into the expediency of authorising the Board of Supervisors el tbc to be ex county of Chippewa to raise a tax, not exceeding pended in exploring and marking a road, from the village of St. Mary, in the county of Chippewa, to point St. Ignace, in the county of Michilimackinac. On motion of Mr. M'Donell, the Council adjourned until Monday next. MONDAY, May 26, 1825. Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Coston. The President announced, that on Saturday last he presented to the Governor of the Territory, for his approval and signature, an act to organise the township of Clay, in the county of St. Clair,” and " an act for the relief of Bethuel Farrand." Mr. Lawrence presented the claim of Robert Abbott, as Treasurer of the Territory and Supervisor, of Territorial taxes, for services rendered for the year ending the 31st Dec. 1827. Read and referred to the committee on Claims. Mr. M'Donell presented the claim of Wm. Meldrum and Sainue! Sherwood, for services and expenses in going to the State of NewYork for certain horse thieves. Referred to the committee on Claims. Mr. Trowbridge presented the claim of Roger Sprague, for services on a committee of the First Legislative Council to contract for certain printing. Referred to the committee on Claims." Mr. Irwin, from the committee on Claims, made the following report: The committee on claims, to whom was referred the communi cation of his Excellency Gov. Cass of the 22d inst. in relation to compensation to William F. Moseley for preparing an index and marginal notes to the revised code of laws of this Territory, have had the same under consideration, and would report, that by the terms of the resolution of the Legislative Council, passed on the 13th April, 1827, the Governor was authorised to employ a competent person for the execution of the work, and to allow a reasonable compensation therefor, to be paid out of the contingent fund. Now, inasmuch as the business of determining the amount of compensation was expressly delegated to the Executive, your committee are of opinion that so far as regards the question of seuling the compensation they have no power, and unul this is ascertained by the proper authority they would not be warranted in recommending an appropriation. Therefore, they would ask to be discharged from the further consideration thereof, and that the subject be referred back to the Governor, in order that the amount of compensation may be settled in the manner contemplated by the resolution aforesaid. Said report was laid on the table. Mr. Drake, from the committee on the Judiciary, reported, "A bill to provide for the appointment of Masters in Chancery," which was read the first time and laid on the table. The bill to provide for the appointment of a Deputy Clerk of the Supreme Court of the Territory of Michigan," was taken up, read the second time, and considered in committee of the whole. Said bill was then reported to the Council without amendment; and, on motion, was ordered to be engrossed and read a third time to-morrow. L The "bill to amend an act, entitled "an act to incorporate the village of Monroe," and for other purposes,' was taken up and read the third time, Mr. Noble then moved, that the bill be amended by striking out the 3d and 4th sections thereof. The motion was decided in the negative. The question, "shall the bill pass?" was then put, and was de ided in the affirmative. So the bill passed. A message by Mr. R. A. Forsyth: Mr. President-The Governor on the 24th inst. approved and signed an act for the relief of Bethuel Farrand." The "bill to prevent forcible entries and detainers," was read the third time and laid on the table. Mir. M'Donell gave notice that he should, to-morrow, ask leave to bring in a bill amendatory to the act, entitled "an act allowing and regulating writs of replevin." On motion of Mr. Lawrence, the Council then adjourned. TUESDAY, May 27, 1828, Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Coston. Mr Trowbridge, from the committee on Territorial Affairs, re ported, "A bill to provide a standard for the weight of grain," which was read the first time and laid on the table. The "bill for holding a special session of the Circuit Court for the county of Crawford," was taken up, and, Mr. Schoolcraft moved that said bill be referred to the committec on the Judiciary. The motion was decided in the affirmative. The "bill to prevent forcible entries and detainers," was taken ap; and the question shall the bill pass ?" was then put, and was decided the affirmative. So bill passed.. engrossed The bill to set off and connect township four, in rance en, in the township of Oakland and county of Oakland, to the ownship of Pontiac, in said county," was taken up, read the thad trae and passed. 46 The engrossed "bill to provide for the appointment of a Deputy Clerk of the Supreme Court of the Territory of Michigan," was taken up, read the third time and passed. The bill concerning Grand and Petit Jurors," was taken up, and, on motion of Mr. Drake, was referred to the committee on the Judiciary. Mr. Schoolcraft submitted the following resolution, which was laid on the table: Resolved, That the committee on the Library be instructed to inquire into the expediency of ordering certain periodicals, for the use of the Council. The "bill to provide for the erection of a County Poor House (and for other purposes) in the county of Wayne," was, on motion of Mr. M'Donell, referred to the committee on Territorial Affairs. Mr. Stockton submitted the following resolution, which was laid on the table: Resolved, That the committee on Territorial Affairs be instructed to inquire into the expediency of establishing a Territorial Road, from a point at or near the Old French Church, on the bank of the Detroit River, to a point at or near Enoch Huntley's, on the Chinton River, in the county of Macomb. The resolution submitted by Mr. Noble on the 21st inst. relative to a road "from Port Lawrence, by Blissfield and Logan, to Tes cumseh," was taken up; And Mr. Durocher submitted as an amendment, that the following words be added, viz: "so as to intersect the United States' road, leading from Detroit to Chicago." Mr. Noble accepted of the amendment as a modification of his resolution; and the resolution was then adopted. Mr. Trowbridge submitted the following resolution, which was Jaid on the table: Resolved, That the committee on the Judiciary inquire into the expediency of a law, which shall require all tavern-keepers and all retailers of spirituous liquors, to take an oath, at the time of receiving licence, that they will not sell or give spirituous liquors to Indians; and that the committee have leave to report by bill or otherwise. Mr. Drake submitted the following resolution, which was laid on the table: Resolved, That the committee on Territorial Affairs be instructed to examine the situation of the Capitol, and to report, if any, what provisions are necessary, in order to preserve the building from decay, and particularly that part of it called the basement story; and that the committee have leave to report by till or otherwise. Mr Schoolcraft, from the committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred "a bill to provide for holding a special session of the Circuit Court for the county of Crawford," reported the same with amendments, which were accepted by the Council. Said bill was then read the second time; and being in committee of the whole, |