Resolved, That the committee on Territorial Affairs inquire into the expediency of regulating by law the standard weight of Wheat, Corn, and Rye, per bushel. Mr. Scho lcraft moved that the motion to lay the "bill to orgaaise the township of Plainfield, in the county of St. Clair," on the table until to-morrow, be reconsidered; and the motion was agreed to. The said bill then being before the Council; Mr. Law ence moved that it be amended by striking out all after the words. "same manner as if such," and inserting in lieu of the part stricken out, the following words: "Township had been organised previous to said election." And the motion was agreed to. The question, "shall the bill pass ?" was then put, and was de cided in the affirmative. On motion of Mr. Trowbridge, the Council then adjourned. WEDNESDAY, May 21, 1828. rayer by the Rev. Mr. Richard. The "bill for the relief of Bethuel Farrand," was taken up; and, en motion, was ordered to be engrossed and read a third time to morrow. The "bill to prevent forcible entries and detainers," was taken up in committee of the whole. Said bill having been considered in committee, was reported to the Council without amendment; and,. On motion of Mr. Noble, was ordered to be engrossed and read a third time on Monday next. Mr. Trowbridge submitted the following resolution, which was laid on the table: Resolved, That the committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of allowing Commissioners of Bail to take the acknowledgment of deeds, inorigages, and other writings; and that the committee have leave to report by bill or otherwise. The resolution submitted yesterday by ir. Trowbridge, relative to regulating the standard weight of Wheat, Corn, and Rye, was taken up; and, on motion of Mr. Connor, "Barley and Oats," were added thereto; and the resolution was then adopted. The resolution submitted yesterday by Mr. Stockton, relative to locks and sluiceways, was taken up and adopted. The resolution submitted on the 19th inst, relative to the act inosting the Clinton River Navigation Company, was taken up and adopted. he resolution submitted yesterday by Mr. Noble, relative to a rode, was taken up and adopted. Mr. Stockton moved to reconsider the vote taken yesterday on the passage of the bill to orgmise the township of Plainfield, in the county of St. Clair ;" and the motion was agreed to. Said bill being before the Council, Mr. Stockton moved to strike out the word "Plainfield," wherever it occurs therein; and the motion was decided in the affirmative. Mr. Stockton then moved to insert the word "Clay," in the blanks occasioned by striking out. On motion, the bill was then laid on the table until to-morrow. Mr. M'Donell submitted the following resolution, which was laid on the table: Resolved, That the committee on Roads be instructed to inquire and report, respecting the state of the public roads, and particularly the United States' Roads which lead from Detroit to Chicago, and from Detroit to the foot of the Miami Rapids of Lake Erie; and respecting the condition of the several bridges on said roads, whether they be safe for the passage of travellers, with their teams and other property; and also, respecting all those parts of said roads, that have been received as finished and completed, by the Superintendants appointed by the United States' authority; whether such roads are made good and permanent; and what amount of the several appropriations, made by the United States, have been expended on said roads. And, that the said committce may come to a correct conclusion in the prosecution of their inquiries, they are au thorised to send for persons and papers ;-they are also authorised to recommend such measures to the Council, in relation to said roads, as the result of their inquiries may justify. Mr. Noble submitted the following resolution, which was laid on the table: Resolved, That the committee on Territorial Affairs be instructed to inquire into the expediency of authorising, by law, the laying out and marking a road, from Port Lawrence, in the county of Monroe, by Blissfield and Logan, to Tecumseh, in the county of Lenawe. On motion of Mr. Rumsey, the Council went into the considegation of Executive business; and having disposed thereof, The resolution submitted yesterday by Mr. Durocher, was take up and amended, so as to read as follows: Resolved, That the laws of this session of the Legislative Counril, when approved by the Governor, be published (in addition to the Detroit Gazette) in the following newspapers, viz: the MichiCan Herald and the Michigan Sentinel. The resolution was then adopted. On motion of Mr. Drake, the Council adjourned. THURSDAY, May 22, 1825. Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Richard. Mr. Connor presented the petition of Ch. C. Trowbridge and others, praying for an appropriation from the Territorial Treasury, for the purpose of opening a road from Detroit to Grosse Pointe, in continuation of Jefferson Avenue. Read and referred to the committee on Roads. Mr. Lawrence, from the committer on the Judiciary, to whor the subject was referred, reported "A bill to provide for the appointment of a Deputy Clerk in the Supreme Court," which was read the first time and laid on the table. Mr. Schoolcraft, from the committee on the Judiciary, to whom the subject was referred, made the following report: The committee, to whom was referred the message of his Excellency Governor Cass, of May 19, 1828, relative to the Indian prisoners confined at Prairie du Chien, beg leave to report That they have given the subject the consideration, which its importance merits. A feverish excitement appears to have prevailed, for a number of years, throughout that portion of our Territorial frontier inhibited by the Winnebago nation, extending, partially, it is believed, mongst the bordering bands of Chippewas towards the north-with some further evidences of general concert among the Ruei Sioux,—and with still less equivocal, and continued proofs, of a concert in action and feeling, amongst the Pottowattemies of the Plains. These tribes occupy the middle grounds, between the waters of Lake Michigan and the Mississippi; thus separating the settlements of Green Boy and Prairie du Chien, by a line of about 400 miles in extent. And they are so situated and dispersed, over and around, this extensive tract-intersected as it is, by navigable rivers-and affor ling as it does, a ready supply for the wants and exigencies of savage life and warfare, that any general union of sentiment, for hostile purposes, must place at their mercy, the scattered and insolated settlements, both along the Upper Mississippi and the Lakes. We cannot hide from ourselves the fact, that in all questions of a political character, these people are arrayed against us. And it requires no extraordinary foresight to predict, that whenever, and wherever, the American government shall be called upon, to enforce its rights against foreign power, by an appeal to arms, these tribes will be found, where they have ever been found-in the ranks of our enemies. They are opposed to the advance of our settlements. They neither appreciate our institutions, nor have they the means of estimating our power to overwhelm them. Aucient prejudices sill fostered; and situated as they are, in the vicinity of a foreign power, there are not wanting powerful stimulants to excite, and keep alive, the spirit of animosity. That they should evince a restless disposition under such circumstonces, is not surprising. It is believed, that scarce a year has elapsed, since the termination of the late war, in which blood has not been shed, or some gross outrage perpetrated, by one or the other of the tribes referred to. Nor is it difficult to trace the certr influence of these acts, within late years, to the Winnebago Temporary disturbances have sometimes admitted of a temporary remedy; but in far the greater number of cases, where actual murders have been perpetrated, the ends of justice have been wholly defeated by the remote situation of the parties, offending and defending, and by the difficulties attending the apprehension and conviction of prisoners,—the insecurity of prisons, and the nonattendance of witnesses. The delay thus caused, has permitted the local excitement to subside. What is not done promptly, is often not done at all. And with respect to the aboriginal tribes, it seems to be taken, by them, for granted, that the crime which is not specdily punished, is forgiven. Whether there is any thing in these procrastinations, and frequent failu es to convict, calculated to encourage the repetition of further outrages, we shall not stop to inquire. But, in reverting to the transactions in the Winnebago country, which marked the summer of 1827, there is evidence of a spirit of general disaffection and union of action, which could not fail to arrest the notice of every person acquainted with the Indian character. War messengers had traversed the whole length and breadth of that country. The portage of the Wisconsin-the natural key of communication, between the Mississippi and the Lakes, had been shut, and was guarded by a strong party of armed warriors And the murder of two persons of Gagnier's family-in open day-in the outskirts of a populous village, appeared to be the signal of general hostilities. The attack upon two keel boats descending the Mississippi immediately followed. The inhabitauts were driven into forts, and the whole country was in a state of commotion. The arrival of Gov. Cass, at the scene of these atrocities, unexpectedly, within a few days after they took place-his subsequent journey to St. Louis, and the consequent movement of a strong military force, overawed the boldest amongst the instigators to these incipient outrages, and resulted in the delivery of the Winnebago prisoners now confined in the jail of Crawford county. It is important that these men should be tried this season, that the final • decision upon their fate may be reported to their nation. It is an net of justice, due as well to them, as to us. Strong excitements still exist. It is evident that the causes of their animosity remain unabated, and that the same efforts which were last year resorted to, for the purpose of eulisting the sympathy and co-operation of adjoining tribes, have again been repeated. In this state of the question, the local legislature is called upon to authorise a special session of the Circuit Court for the trial of the prisoners, and to modify the provisions of the Jury law with a view to its application to the circumstances of Crawford county :" in conformity with which, the committee report, "A bill to provide for holding a special session of the Circuit Coun for the county of Crawford ;" And said bill was read the first time and laid on the table. E A message by Mr. R. A. Forsyth: Mr. President-The Governor yesterday approved and signed an act to amend an act, entitled “an act to incorporate the Stockholders of the Bank of Monroe." Mr. Trowbridge, from the committee on Territorial Affairs, to whom had been referred the petition of the Supervisors of the county of Oakland, upon the subject, reported, "A bill amendatory to certain acts relative to the duties and pri vileges of Townships;" which was read the first time and laid on the table. The "bill to amend an act, entitled "an act to incorporate the village of Monroe," and for other purposes," was taken up and read the second time; and said bill being in committee of the whole; Mr. Drake moved that it be amended by inserting the words "freemen and inhabitants of," between the words "the" and "said," in the 1st line of the second section; and the motion was agreed to. Mr. M'Donell moved that the bill be further amended by inserting the words, "if said by-laws have been in conformity with the act to which this act is an amendment," after the word "village," in the 4th line of the third section; and the motion was agreed to. Mr. Drake moved that the bill be further amended by adding at the close of the 4th section thereof. the following: "And the said act of incorporation is hereby declared to be as valid and effectual, to all intents and purposes, as it would have been, if the previous elections of its officers, and their proceedings, had been had and conducted in strict conformity to the said act of incorporation;" And the motion was agreed to. On motion of Mr. Brown, the bill was further amended by inserting the words, "qualified to vote at elections," after the word "inh-bitants," in the 1st line of the second section. The amendments, made in committee, were then reported to the Council, and were concurred in. Mr. Drake then moved that the bill be engrossed and read a third time on Monday next; and the motion was decided in the affirmative. The "bill to organise the township of Plainfield, in the county of St. Clair," was taken up; the question being on the motion to All the blanks occasioned by striking out the word "Plainfield," witha the word "Clay." The question being put, it was decided in the affirmative. Mr. Stockton then moved, that the bill do now pass; and the motion was decided in the affirmative. So the bill passed. The bill for the relief of Bethuel Farrand," was taken up and read the third bre Mr. M'Donell moved that said bill be referred to the committed on Territorial Affairs; and the motion was decided ip the negative. |