" An act for the relief of the township of Tecumseh, in relation to Mill-Ponds;" and the President signed the same. On motion of Mr. Lawrence, the following resolution, laid on the table on Monday last, was taken up for consideration: Resolved, That a committee of three members be appointed, whose duty it shall be to contract for and superintend such priuting as may be required during the present session, and report such contracts as they may make, to the Council. Mr. Stockton moved that the resolution be amended, by adding thereto the following: "And also to procure the accounts of the several printers employed by the last Council." Mr. Lawrence accepted the amendment as a modification of the resolution, (he having originally submitted the same.) Mr. Noble then moved that the resolution be amended by striking out all after the word "Resolved," and inserting the following: "That a committee of three be appointed, who shall report to the Council the expediency of appointing a Printer or Printers to the Council, during the present session; and also to procure the accounts of the several printers employed by the last Council, and report thereon." The question on the amendment being put, was decided in the affirmative; and the resolution was then adopted. Mr M'Donell submitted the following resolution, which was laid on the table: Resolved, That the committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire if there be any provision by the existing laws, to authorise the Clerk of the Supreme Court to appoint a deputy; and if there be no such provision, that said committee inquire as to the expediency of amending the Judiciary laws, so as to give said Clerk the right to appoint a deputy. Mr. Trowbridge submitted the following resolution, which was laid on the table: Resolred. That the committee on Territorial Affairs be instructed to inquire into the expediency of repealing so much of the law regulating Mills, as authorises the proprietors of Mills to flow the lands 'of other persons. The resolution submitted yesterday by Mr. Connor, relative to a Master in Chancery, was taken up; and was amended by adding thereto the following:----" and that said committee report by bill or otherwise." The resolution was then adopted. The resolution submitted yesterday by Mr. Brown, relative to the Bank of Michigan, was taken up and adopted. The resolution submitted yesterday by Mr. Trowbridge, relative to Farmer's Map of Michigan, was taken up and adopted. The resolution submitted yesterday by Mr. Rumsey, relative to Bethuel Farrand, was taken up and adopted. On motion of Mr. Drake, the bill to amend an act entitled " an act : ! to incorporate the Bank of Monroe," was taken up and read the The bill having been considered in committee of the whole; The motion was decided in the negative. Mr. Lawrence moved that the bill be engrossed and read a third Mr. Lawrence then moved that the bill be engrossed and read Mr. Stockton moved to amend the motion by striking out "Satur day," and inserting "Monday." The amendment was accepted by Mr. Lawrence as a modification of his motion; and The bill was then ordered to be engrossed and read a third time Mr. Trowbridge submitted the following resolution, which was Resolved, That the committee on Schools inquire into the expe Mr. Connor submitted the following resolution, which was laid on the table: Resolved, That the committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of a law relative to forcible entry and detainer. On motion of Mr. Stockton, the "bill to organise the township of Plainfield, in the county of St. Clair," was taken up, and read a second time; and having been considered in committee of the whole, On motion of Mr. Stockton, said bill was ordered to be engrossed, and to be read a third time on Monday next. The President announced that the select committee to whom the petition and report, made during the late Council, relative to Bethuel Farrand, were Messrs. Rumsey, M'Donell, and Trowbridge. On motion of Mr. Lawrence, the Council then adjourned. FRIDAY, May 16, 1828. Prayer by the Rev Mr. Wells. Mr. Lawrence announced the arrival of Messrs. Henry R. School- Mr. Rumsey, from the committee on Territorial Affairs, to whom, i e the subject had been referred by a resolution adopted yesterday, nade a report, with the following resolution: Resolved, That the President of the Council be, and he is hereby authosed to direct the Sergeant-at-Arms to procure thirteen copies of Farmer's Map of the Territory of Michigan, for the use of the Members of the Council. On motion of Mr. M'Donell, the resolution reported by the com mittee was adopted. Mr. Trowbridge, from the select committee to whom had been referred the petition and report made to the last Legislative Council, relative to the claim of Bethuel Farrand, reported "A bill for the relief of Bethuel Farrand;" which was read the Erst time and laid on the table. The President announced the appointment of Messrs. Noble, Brown, and Irwin, as the select committee "to inquire into the expediency of appointing a Printer or Printers," &c. agreeably to the resolution adopted yesterday. Mr. Lawrence moved that an additional member be added to the committee on the Judiciary, and one to the committee on Territo rial Affairs; and the motion was agreed to. The President announced the appointment of Mr. Irwin as a member of the committee on Claims and of the committee on Ter ritorial Affairs; and, Of Mr. Schoolcraft, to the committee on the Judiciary, to the com. mittee on Schools, and to the committee of Enrolment. On motion of Mr. Drake, the "bill to prevent Justices of the Peace from keeping taverus, and for other purposes," was taken up and read the second time. On motion of Mr. M'Donell, the further consideration of the bill was postponed until Wednesday next. On motion of Mr. Lawrence, the Council then adjourned. SATURDAY, May 17, 1828. Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Cadle. Mr. Drake presented the petition of Jesse Decker, and others, inhabitants of township 4th, range 10 east, in the county of Oakland, to be set off and attached to the township of Pontiac. Read and referred to the committee on Territorial Affairs. Mr. Lawrence, from the committee on the Judiciary, to whom had been referred certain petitions from the inhabitants of the village of Monroe, reported "A bill to amend an act, entitled "an act to incorporate the village of Monroe," and for other purposes;" which was read the first time and laid on the table. A message by Ir. Forsyth: "Ar President-The Governor has this day approved and signed in act for the relief of the township of Tecumseh, in relation to Mill-Ponds." Mr. Noble, from the committee on the Judiciary, reported "A bill to prevent forcible entries and detainers;" which was read the first time and laid on the table. Mr. Drake, from the committee on the Judiciary, reported "A bill concerning Grand and Petit Jurors;" which was read the first time and laid on the table. A message on Executive business was received by the hands of Mr. R. A Forsyth. Mr. M'Donell, from the committee on Territorial Affairs, to whom had been referred the petition of sundry inhabitants of the county of Wayne, upon the subject, reported "A bill to provide for the erection of a County Poor-House, (and for other purposes,) in the county of Wayne;" which was read the first time and laid on the table. Mr. Lawrence submitted the following resolution, which was laid on the table: Resolved, That a committee of two members he appointed, to be called a "Committee on the Library," whose duty it shall be to examine the situation of the Library, the number of volumes of statutes of the several States and Territories, and other books belonging thereto; and make report to the Council whether any, and what uumber of volumes are missing from the Library; and also report such rules and regulations as they may deem necessary to prevent any loss or damage to said Library. Mr. Drake submitted the following resolution, which was read the first time and laid on the table: Resolved, by the Legislative Council of the Territory of Michi gan, That Charles C. Trowbridge, Cashier of the Bank of Michigan, be fully authorised and empowered to receive such sums of money as are, or may hereafter be appropriated by Congress for the expenses of the Legislative Council, to be deposited, when drawa by said Cashier, in said Bank, subject to the direction of the proper authority; and that the President of this Council be, and he is here by authorised and empowered to draw upon the Secretary of the United States' Treasury, in favor of said Cashier, for the moneys contemplated in this resolution. Mr. M'Donell submitted the following resolution, which was laid on the table: Resolved, That the committee on the Judiciary be instructed to bring in a bill, so far to repeal the act concerning the Supreme, Circuit and County Courts, as it relates to the organisation of County Courts in Michigan proper; and to abolish one annual term of the Supreme Court; and also to provide for the appointment of two associate Justices, in each of the Counties, to sit with one of the Judges of the Supreme Court, when sitting as a Circuit Court: Provided, That the expenses attendant on said Circuit Courts shall not exceed that which is allowed by law to the several County Courts in this Territory. On motion of Mr. Lawrence, the Council went into the conside Dation of Executive business; and having disposed thereof, MONDAY, May 19, 1828. Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Richard. Mr. Trowbridge, from the committee on Territorial Affairs, to whom was referred the petition of Jesse Decker, and others, upon the subject, reported "A bill to set off and connect township four, in range No. 10, in the county of Oakland, to the township of Pontiac in said county ;" which was read the first time and laid on the table. The "bill concerning Grand and Petit Jurers," was taken up and read the second time. Said bill being then in committee of the whole, Mr. Lawrence moved that it be laid on the table for further consideration; and the motion was agreed to, The bill to prevent forcible entries and detainers," was taken up, read the second time, and considered in committee of the whole. On motion, said bill was then laid on the table for further consi deration. The "bill for the relief of Bethuel Farrand," was taken up, read the second time, and considered in committee of the whole; and, on motion, laid on the table for further consideration. Mr. Irwin, from the select committee to inquire into the expedi ency of appointing a Printer or Printers to the Council, &c. reported: "That the committee have had the same under consideration, and would report, in part, that they deem it expedient that a Printer should be appointed to this Council, whose duty it shall be to do all the printing, of every description, that may, from time to time, be required during this session; the Council reserving the power, after the appointment, to make such allowance, for the execution of the work, as circumstances may require." The engrossed "bill to amend an act entitled "an act to incorporate the Bank of Monroe," was taken up and read a third time; and Mr. Lawrence then moved to amend said bill, by adding at the close of the 3d section thereof, the following proviso: "Provided, That a majority of the said Directors shall be resi dents of the Territory of Michigan." And the motion was decided in the affirmative. Mr. M'Donell moved that the bill be further amended, by adding thereto the following sections, to stand as the 9th and 10th sections thereof: "SEC. 9. That said Bank shall, as an equivalent for the privileges and advantages conferred on it by the provisions of this act, pay |