PETITIONS. Lenawe, certain inhabitants of, relative to mill-ponds at Tecumseh, Monroe, sundry inhabitants of the village of, praying for the repeal Oakland, sundry inhabitants of, relative to township, Oakland, sundry inhabitants of, for prohibiting Justices of the Peace from keeping taverns, &c. Page. 14 72, 78 22 Pelletier, Ch. and others, to prevent riots, &c. at taverns, on the Sabbath, 61 78 Petit Jurors, in the case of Levi Willa d, paying for compensation, 78 13 St. Clair, sundry inhabitants of, for extending the navigation of cer- 111 Spears, Moor, and others, praying for the establishment of a new Sheldon, Thomas C. for an increase of compensation as Sheriff, 63 75,88 81 85, 100 Smith, Timothy S. for compensation for transporting the laws to St. Josephs, 93, 100 Sheldon & Wells, praying for release from the Territorial tax on sta- 100, 103 113 31 Shover, Simon, for remuneration for certain losses, &c. Wayne, sundry inhabitants of, relative to poor laws, and persons im- Wayne, sundry inhabitants of, praying for the repeal of certain parts Wayne, sundry inhabitants of, for the repeal of the law adjourning Washtenaw, sundry inhabitants of, praying for the establishment of Washtenaw, sundry inhabitants of, praying for a repeal of a certain 1. Relative to printing the Governor's Speech, 6. Relative to the rate of taxes, 7. Reiative to the act to regulate highways, 8. Relative to the Governor's Speech, 9. Relative to to bridges, 10. Re ative to the receipts and expenditures of the Territorial Trea 12. To repeal the law relative to interest on County orders, 17, 16 17, 18 II. Relative to the Supreme, Circuit, and County Courts, RESOLUTIONS. Page 21. Relative to certain penalties on townships, 22. Relative to forcible entry and detainer, 15. Relative to the Judges of the Supreme Court, 26. Relative to Farmer's Map of the Territory, 17. Relative to Masters in Chancery in Detroit, 48. Relative to the petition of Roswell Root and Bethuel Farrand, 18, 27 18, 29 19, 20 19, 20 20 20, 28, 29 21, 29 21 23. Relative to the Library of the Council, 23, 36 24. To appoint C. C. Trowbridge agent to receive the moneys appropriated for defraying the expenses of the Council, 27. Relative to extending the provisions of the act for the support and 25. Relative to the establishment of Territorial Roads, &c. 26,28,30,31,39,44,98 26. Relative to altering the terms of the County Court in the county of Chippewa, 32. To authorise the publication of the laws in the newspapers, 33. Relative to locks and sluiceways in mill-dams, 35. To authorise Commissioners of Bail to take the acknowledgment of deeds, &c. 29, 31 29, 30 30 40. To authorise the raising of a tax in the county of Chippewa, for lay ing out a certain road, 41. Relative to ordering certain periodicals for the use of the Council, 39, 43 42. To prevent tavern-keepers furnishing :quor to Indians, 43 Relative to the situation of the Capitel, 37, 44 39, 47 39 44. Relative to publishing the laws in the French language, 43, 45 48. For the establishment of a Library for the Council, 49. Relative to appointing a Librarian to the Council, 45. To authorise the purchasing of chairs for the committee-rooms, 44 44 46, 48 47, 48 52. For increasing the rate of interest to seven per cent, 50. For repealing certain parts of the act regulating marriages, 51. To amend the act regulating taverns, 53. Relative to amending the militia law, 52 55. For equalising Territorial taxes, 51. Relative to the act concerning appeals, &c. 53, 54, 56 54 56. Relative to the approval of security in Chancery proceedings, 55 63. Relative to an additional legislative body, 57. For the purchase of periodicals for the Library, ap. 58, 61, 64, 72, 78, 94 58. Relative to arms and ordnance received from the Generai Gov. 59. To furnish Churches, &c. with the laws of the Territory, 69. Relative to compensation to Grand and Petit Jurors, 61. Relative to the survey of a Canal route, (report thereon, &c.) 79,86,121,12 62. Relative to School lands, 71, 103 76, 87 77 82, 88 65. To provide for a special election in the county of Chippewa, 69. Relative to the county site of Lenawe, 67. Relative to the appointment of an additional Judge of the District Court of the United States, 89, 94 61. Relative to taxes due previous to the passage of the township laws, 92 65. To forward the Governors of States and Territories, the laws, ap. 94,110,120 66. To provide for publishing the laws in pamphlet form, 94 98, 104 99 108 70. To provide for the distribution of the revised laws, op. 112, 121, 123, 126 1. Fixing the compensation of the recording Clerk of the Council, 128, 129 OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL OF THE TERRITORY OF MICHIGAN, BEING THE SECOND SESSION OF THE THIRD COUNCIL. BEGUN AND HELD AT THE CITY OF DETROIT, SEPTEMBER 7, 1829. MONROE, PRINTED BY EDW. D. ELLIS. |