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should it become law, I cannot see that any man in the country, as far as the boroughs of England and Wales are concerned, would have reasonable ground of complaint on the score of exclusion. I will now notice, very shortly, the objections which have been made, in conversation, to my scheme, and which-some of them at least-may be made during its discussion here. I have been reminded that, more than thirty years back, an educational test was a favourite idea with Lord Brougham and other political thinkers of the day, and that it was abandoned as impracticable. And this is true, but these great authorities proposed their test as the basis and sole title to the elective franchise. It was objected to this idea, and the objections prevailed-first, that to obtain a sufficient number of voters the test must be so lowmere writing the name perhaps that practically it would amount to universal suffrage; secondly, that the conduct of such a vast number of examinations would be so troublesome and so expensive as to be almost impossible. But these objections, cogent or otherwise-as to which there may be much difference of opinion-do not apply to my proposal. The examinations under my Bill, though doubtless very numerous in the first year or two, would not be, as I have endeavoured to show, in such numbers as to present any very serious difficulty, and as I only propose a new franchise in addition to those which exist, it is not necessary to put the test very low. Again, I have been asked why my Bill does not extend to the counties. Well; it seems to me that, in that which I have proposed, I have gone to the extreme limit to which a private Member of this House should venture, and that it is more fitting that the county franchise should be dealt with by county Members. But beyond this, my plan is not as applicable to the county as to the borough franchise. The inhabitants of all towns have easy and very cheap access to the schoolmaster. Not so with a rural population, who would probably have to go so far-to encounter so much trouble and expense-in order to find the instruction they need, that, as regards them, my plan would be almost inoperative. Not a few have suggested to me that, if one man is to be examined, all should be So. That all should be passed through the same sieve. This idea I wholly dissent from, and conceive that it would be the same mistake, which, to my thinking, we make at present-namely, to recognize but one title to the franchise. We now, with

the exception of our freemen, admit no title except property. I wish to establish a second title-intelligence. Let a man pay in some shape for this privilege. If he cannot pay in money let him pay in mind. Under our present system we do not require property to be intelligent. I shall not ask intelligence to be rich. Some tell me that my scheme is almost universal suffrage; others, that it sounds well enough, but that practically it would admit scarce any of the working-men, who would not take the trouble which this Bill imposes on them. In this conflict of opinions I might almost leave the one to answer the other, and flatter myself with the belief that I had hit on a happy medium between the two. I will, however, admit to the first objection, that it is possible enough that in years to come-years which none of us may expect to see-the principle which I seek to introduce, even with a higher test, may lead to something like universal suffrage. But it would be by a slow and safe progress, such as has gradually made our Constitution that which it isa progress to which our institutions would gradually and safely adapt themselves, much more gradually and safely than to the same result, arrived at in a much shorter time, by a constant lowering of the property qualification, which I take to be inevitable, if you are resolved to retain property as your sole title to a vote. I may be asked, where is the condition of permanence in my scheme? I may be told that my test may be as gradually lowered as a property qualification. I deny it. I see permanence in this. My test is so low that no man would have any ground of complaint on the score of exclusion, which he would not be ashamed to urge. I see permanence in the well-known tendency of examinations rather to become more strict than more easy. More than in either of the foregoing reasons, I see permanence in the double title to a vote. Each would take care of the other. The householder would oppose any debasement of the educational test. The man who voted in virtue of his certificate would oppose any lowering of the property qualification, and would say, "Let my neighbour take the same trouble which I have taken, and obtain a vote as I have done." But now as to those who allege that practically scarce any of the working men would avail themselves of the advantage which this Bill offers to them. I do not believe that it would be so, and my hon. Friend the Member for Leeds, who knows the working men well, will be as

incredulous as I am. I should be very | from the franchise. Expect them to pass sorry that this objection should turn out to an examination which not more than one be correct, for I admit that my first wish in 5,000 of them could master, and your in making this proposal has been to benefit proposal is a delusion-almost an insult. the working-man. But if this objection If you shut the door so close, you may as should be well-founded, what would it well double-lock it at once, and leave the prove? That the working classes have no working classes to find their way in by great anxiety to possess the franchise. some access more easy, and less safe. I That their smarting sense of injustice at have now, I think, trespassed as long on being excluded from it-their abiding feel the patience of the House-a patience for ing of injury-has no foundation in fact, which I am very grateful-as it is at preand exists only in the imagination of those sent necessary that I should do. I am who profess to speak in their name. aware that the novelty of my proposal may Lastly, there are not a few who tell me, startle the timid, while its moderation may Why do anything at all? The country is fail to satisfy the rash. But I am myself prosperous and contented. Poll it from honestly convinced that it is a wise and one end to the other, and a large majority safe measure-but that I fear to be charged will be found in favour of leaving things as with presumption, I would say the safest they are. This may be true. I believe and the wisest. However this may be, I that it is true as regards existing con- offer it as my contribution to the great stituencies. But, though a large majority discussion of Parliamentary Reform, and of the country may prefer to leave things with sincere diffidence, but not without as they are, it is impossible to do so. A hope, I commit it to the consideration of large party in the country do ask for Par- the House. liamentary Reform, and to that party all MR. GREGORY: Sir, whatever may of us, so to speak, are pledged. It is be the judgment of the House with regard true that our pledges have been chiefly to the expediency or the practicability of given when the state of feeling in the the Bill of my hon. Friend there can be country was very different from that which no difference of opinion upon this pointit is now, and when there were practical that this is a question deserving the most grievances to be redressed. Still we have serious consideration, and one which well given pledges from which we should be warrants a searching discussion in this ashamed to escape-we have raised hopes House. I respond entirely to the words which we may well be afraid to disappoint. of the hon. Gentleman's speech in which Our position is this: suppose a dozen men, he has expressed an opinion that the senof whom eleven owe a debt to the twelfth. timents of Her Majesty's Government, so No doubt a large majority of this body far as they can have formed an opinion up would prefer not to pay. But they must to this moment, should be given in the pay, or be dishonoured. Let no man please course of the evening with regard to the himself with the belief that it is possible to proposition of my hon. Friend. The House shuffle this matter off, and let it be forgot- will bear in mind that this is no effort of ten. Rather let him consider in what coin mere political dilettantism; that this is not it is most wise and honest to pay a debt the speech of some new Member anxious from which there is no possible escape. to obtain a name for originality and for As to the details of my Bill, I shall listen daring. It is a proposition from a Gentlewith interest and respect to the suggestions man who has long been in this House; of my friends; but there is one point on who represents a large and intelligent conwhich I should be unwilling to give way at stituency; who has himself taken part in all, but as to which any material change almost all the great business of this House would affect the principle of the Bill, and for many years; and who has brought to destroy its purpose. I mean any proposal bear upon every question which he has materially to raise the standard which I treated an amount of practical good sense have suggested. Raise the standard of your and solid judgment which has always obexamination, carry your arithmetic to fractained for him the attention and respect of tions, and ask for some knowledge of history, &c., and you will no doubt get a valuable addition to your constituent body; but you will not do that which this Bill proposes to do. You will not take away the ground of complaint on the part of the working classes that they are excluded Mr. Clay

the House. Moreover, my hon. Friend has always taken his stand in what I may call the ranks of the most advanced portion of the Liberal party, and therefore no one can throw out the imputation against him that he has made this proposal for the purpose of endeavouring to shelve or

stifle this question of Reform. This Bill may be looked upon, as the hon. Gentleman described it, from a two-fold point of view. We may look upon it either with regard to its own intrinsic merits or as an alternative to the Bill which has to be proposed by Her Majesty's Government. I do not hesitate to say that I accept it as a good Bill in itself, and I am bound to say so because, having voted last year against the Bill of my hon. Friend the Member for Leeds (Mr. Baines), I might possibly be open to the suspicion that in supporting this proposal I am actuated by an endeavour to throw confusion into the Liberal ranks and to impede the Bill to be proposed by Her Majesty's Government. I may, however, state that in the conclusion of my remarks last year upon the Bill of the hon. Member for Leeds I said that although I would oppose that Bill, yet I would say "aye" without misgiving or hesitation to any Bill which would have for its object the enfranchising of those of the working classes whose enfranchisement would be for the benefit of the country. The time has come when I am able to redeem that pledge, for I think that the Bill proposed by my hon. Friend is one that will enfranchise that portion of the working classes whose enfranchisement will be for the benefit of the country. I think the Bill hits precisely that class of workmen alluded to by Earl Russell yesterday in his answer to a Scotch deputation that went to him. He said there was a certain class of intelligent and skilled artizans, each of whom were debarred from the franchise, because he was obliged to live in a house the rental of which was less than £10, inasmuch as he had not the means of taking a larger house and providing, at the same time, for the education of his children. This Bill will admit that man to the suffrage. Not only, therefore, do I advocate it upon that ground, but I advocate it upon the broad ground that it would be advisable and expedient to admit, if they are not already admitted, the élite of the working classes to the suffrage. I entirely agree with some observations made by the noble Lord who proposed the Address to Her Majesty at the opening of this Session. The noble Lord said that-" The greater the number you admit to the suffrage the greater the power you confer upon the decisions of this House." I adopt that expression of the noble Lord, but with certain qualifications, and those qualifications are these :-that those num VOL. CLXXXI. [THIRD SERIES.]

bers whom you introduce into the suffrage should either bear with them that interest in the institutions of the country which is derived from property, or that they should bear with them that interest which primá facie men of intelligence and men of education in the mass may be presumed to take in all questions affecting the State policy of the country. I think my hon. Friend's Bill hits that case precisely, for the existing franchise provides for the property qualification, and the Bill of my hon. Friend provides for the question of education and intelligence. My hon. Friend in the course of his speech has referred to certain difficulties which have been alleged against the Bill, and the most important of these seems to be that one Gentleman says the franchise would be too narrow, while another says it would be too wide. With regard to the charge of its being too narrow, I am quite prepared to go with my hon. Friend, and to say I do not believe that, at the present moment, the adoption of his Bill would admit a very large or at all a preponderating portion of the working classes. I believe my hon. Friend the Secretary for the Treasury if he were in his place would bear out this assertion. Without attempting to compare the standard of English with Irish education, I know that the Secretary for the Treasury is too often obliged to write letters expressing the deep regret with which he announces to myself, or to some other Gentleman, that some young person in whom we have taken an interest has not been successful, notwithstanding many months of preparation, in obtaining the desired appointment of an outdoor officer of Customs. If that be so on the one hand, look on the other at the number of persons-a most valuable class of competent men of business-engineers, lawyers, attorneys, and clerks-every one of whom, if they have not already obtained the franchise, would be admitted to the suffrage according to the scheme of my hon. Friend. And thus you get rid of all those multitudinous and intricate schemes of "fancy franchises" which have been raised within the last few years. On the other hand, there are those who say that in a short time this franchise would be so extensive that it would almost amount to a universal suffrage. I quite agree with my hon. Friend that a very long period indeed must elapse before that takes place but even if it should come to universal suffrage, all I can say is, "so be it." All I can say is, that if you do come to universal

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suffrage by this Bill you will have taken the danger out of it, because universal suffrage will then be divided amongst an educated and reflecting body who have been long in training in a course of political education. If we are to be smothered or to be swamped, I had much rather be drowned in a butt of malmsey than in a barrel of swipes. No doubt there are many difficulties connected with the measure which has been called "Chinese,' pedantic, coxcombical, with a variety of other uncomplimentary terms. The worst thing I have heard about it, however, is that it is a new thing. I have heard the expression, when my hon. Friend has been passing, "There goes Confucius," meaning by that that my hon. Friend was or would be a lawgiver who would administer this country on the Chinese system, that of literati and competitive examinations. I think the discussion upon this Bill ought not at the present to extend to its machinery, but should be confined to the broad principle of it as to a theory deserving consideration. I think I may quote, and call as advocates for the Bill, all those Gentlemen who have taken the most prominent part in the discussions on Reform. I think I may call my hon. Friend the Member for Leeds himself an advocate for the Bill, for in all his speeches the main point he has alleged has been the amount of instruction possessed by the upper portion of the working classes. He has referred to the extension of mechanics' institutes; to the number of cheap periodicals they take in; to the newspapers exclusively representing; and to the quantity of literature consumed by the working classes. It is their intelligence and not their wealth that has moved the heart of my hon. Friend. Though perhaps he may naturally prefer his own £6 Bill, comparing it with this Bill, still I think I may quote him as an advocate. There is a gentleman, however, who knows as much of the working classes as my hon. Friend, who might be described, as I saw a statesman defined in a passage I read in an American paper the other day, as a "stock, lock, and gun barrel Radical." I mean Mr. Holyoake. He wrote a pamphlet last year -a pamphlet in which I found much to disapprove, I am bound to say, but which I may describe as being both spirited and honest. I quoted a passage from it last year, and I will now venture to quote a portion of it again, because there are a great number of Members of this House now who did not bear me read it then, and it is a good

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thing that will bear repeating. Mr. Holyoake says, with reference to the £6 franchise

"I know towns where ardent Reformers are afraid of an unqualified suffrage. Good Radicals, the most thorough of their class, have said to me, There is a mob in our town (there is in every principle. Had they voted, our Liberal Members town), ignorant, selfish, venal, and reckless of would be unseated at the next election. They would vote against those who seek to raise them.' This is the general feeling in Liberal boroughs. Now there is no plan of a £6 suffrage which selects the worthy and excludes the base. All £6 suffrage is blind, and hence we have Radicals arguing feebly, and fearing much the result of the very measure they plead for. Surely, this is political imbecility."

We might next call upon the Chancellor of the Exchequer to support the Bill. We all have engraven on our minds the celebrated speech of the right hon. Gentleman, in which he said—

"If we debar a man from the suffrage, the onus of proof rests on us to show that he is incapacitated by some considerations of personal unfitness or political dangers."

Now, I think this Bill meets that expression of the Chancellor of the Exchequer to a hair. Here you have expressly excluded, by the Bill of my hon. Friend, those two qualities which would most conduce, in my opinion, to "personal unfitness and political dangers," namely, ignorance and guilt. Now, I would go farther than my hon. Friend, and touch upon another point, to which he did not allude, but which I think is a recommendation to the Bill. I think a franchise of this description would have the greatest tendency to check venality and corruption. I am not prepared to say that because a man is able to do a sum in multiplication he would not take a bribe; but I do say that when you have men in the suffrage who can read and write and reflect, and who can canvass among themselves the merits of a candidate-I do say that these men are less likely to be actuated by degrading and venal considerations, and that they would be more likely to return representatives of a higher class to this House, than a constituency formed by a mere lowering of the suffrage. I was travelling only recently with a gentleman from Australia-the Mayor of Melbourneand he said to me, before I knew of the principle of my hon. Friend's Bill, "We are endeavouring in our Australian colonies, and a great number of enlightened and thoroughly liberal men are working, to establish, if possible, an education franchise in lieu of that almost universal suffrage

which has become almost intolerable." barrelled Bill, they know that there are a Now, I say, if you give your countenance number of hon. Gentlemen in this House, to a measure such as this which we are representatives of the doomed boroughs, discussing, and do not throw it lightly who, notwithstanding their political allegion one side, you will add materially to the ance, are not prepared to march before the efforts of those people in Australia. And Treasury Bench and to say to the Chancelnow let me say a word with regard to Ire- lor of the Exchequer "Ave Cæsar Imland. If you are going to give England a perator! morituri te salutamus." Rely on Reform Bill I am convinced you will not it, they will die hard, and perhaps a great deny it to Ireland, and if you brought in a deal harder than the Bill. Well, then, double-barrelled Bill-a Bill for the re-dis- which is the next process? We go to the tribution of seats as well as dealing with country, which is indifferent if not hostile, the franchise-I do not suppose you would jogging along in the old rut, in which you refuse a similar Bill to Ireland, where you have already upset the coach, and what have a number of small boroughs, com- have you to rally round you the intelliposed of less that 150 or 200 voters, many gence and enthusiasm of the nation? Have of them notoriously the hot-beds of corrup- you no other standard than that wretched tion. You would be, of course, prepared £6 old Aunt Sally, which has been so to sweep away a number of these small pelted with mud and battered now boroughs, and to add their representatives rental and now rating-that it has lost to great and populous counties, and to the all identity, and no one can tell what to large towns, such as Kingstown and Belfast. make of it. What we want is something I presume you would also have something that will hold out to us a prospect of finality to do with the franchise. Now, I have something that will settle the questionheard many a complaint made of the want something that will rid us of this endless of independence of thought in some of the annoyance and interruption of all business constituencies, but I have never heard any and I think I see some prospect of that man in Ireland, however Radical he might be, try to remedy that want by advocating the lowering of the suffrage. But were you to give such a suffrage to Ireland as that advocated by my hon. Friend, you would greatly strengthen the intellectual capacities of the constituencies. I will now turn from Australia and from Ireland to that small geographical point in which we on this side of the House are sitting. As for our own position, I cannot look on it with much hopefulness or satisfaction ominous indications rise around me everywhere; strange whispers reach me from very Liberal mouths of a deep aversion to a £6 franchise, whether it be rating or whether it be rental. We do not know the Government proposal as yet. It may be a very beautiful composition, endowed no doubt with all those charms which the mature experience and the youthful ardour of the Cabinet can confer upon it. But "those whom the Gods love die young "--and I am sorry to say that I have heard on too many occasions that a considerable number of its nurses, if they only get a chance, are prepared to "overlie" and suffocate it. If the Government bring in a single-barrelled Bill, they know very well that they and their Bill will be as dead as Julius Cæsar within a month of its birth; shot down in the rear by your own men. If they bring in a double

in the proposal of my hon. Friend. I met an American gentleman the other day, and he said to me, This Reform Question of yours is something like an attack of the gravel-it utterly diverts your mind from everything else, and when other business is proposed it becomes a mere excuse and obstacle." I am looking for something which partakes of the quality of permanence, something large and liberal and yet thoroughly safe, something that will touch a stronger and higher chord throughout the country, if you appeal to the country, than this unseemly apologetic ad misericordiam plea of

"We must do something!" I wish for something that will arouse the enthusiasm and intelligence of the country-some measure calculated to elevate the character of the constituencies rather than debase it— and because I think I find these elements and qualities in the Bill of my hon. Friend, I shall give it my cordial support.

LORD ELCHO: Sir, I do not rise to enter into the general question of Reform, as I know that the House is anxious to resume the discussion of the Cattle Plague Bill, but I am anxious to say a few words with reference to the Motion of my hon. Friend, because the measure he proposes is a novelty in this House, though the idea that pervades it has pervaded the writings of great political thinkers. Accustomed as we have been, on the subject of Reform, to

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