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away-a man able in counsel, wise in debate, conciliatory in manner, possessed of a knowledge of his fellow-countrymen seldom attained by any. He secured to himself the affection, the confidence, the esteem, and the respect of the people of this country in a manner seldom if ever equalled, but certainly never surpassed, by any former statesman. At an age far exceeding that usually allotted to man, he was selected at a time of peculiar difficulty by the almost unanimous voice of the country as the one man best fitted to be intrusted with the interests of the Empire, and I am sure that his memory will long be regarded with affection and respect by the people.

Majesty the Emperor of the French, have lost no time in tendering their friendly offices to the Governments of Spain and Chili, in the hope of preventing a war between those countries. Your Lordships will be further gratified to learn that their good offices have been accepted.

Her Majesty has informed your Lordships that a Commercial Treaty has been concluded with the Emperor of Austria; and, with the example of the late treaty with France before us, I am sure we may confidently expect that the commercial intercourse between the two countries will be greatly increased.

My Lords, the next paragraph in Her Majesty's Speech is one which I approach with considerable anxiety, as it refers to a subject which has led to angry controversy before people were in possession of evidence to enable them to arrive at any decided opinion. Your Lordships are all aware of the feelings with which the first news of the outbreak in Jamaica was received, and you are also aware of the feeling of indignation with which a large and influential portion of the people in this country re

My Lords, our commercial relations with America are so vast, and, above all, the desire of this country is so general for the welfare of that great country, that I am convinced that your Lordships will hear with peculiar satisfaction of the termination of the civil war which for four years deluged her fields with blood and wasted her resources. But that satisfaction must have been greatly increased by the knowledge that the termination of that war has been hallowed by the utter ex-ceived the accounts of the severities said tinction of slavery on the North American continent. My Lords, could it be necessary to look for any means to strengthen the good feeling which exists in this country towards America, I am sure no better means could have been found than in the fact that her free institutions are no longer contaminated by slavery, and that all. within her shores, whether white or black, are by law free alike. I am sure, too, my Lords, the feeling of this country will be most general in the anxious wish that the Government of America will be successful in their endeavours to repair the damages caused by the civil war, and that the whole of the American people will in future be strengthened and united. I am sure your Lordships will give the utmost consideration to the correspondence between the Governments of the United States and of this country on the subject of the injuries which have been inflicted upon the commerce of the former country by ships under the Confederate flag.

My Lords, the renewal of diplomatic relations between this country and Brazil must have been viewed by your Lordships with great satisfaction; and your Lordships will have heard with additional pleasure that Her Majesty's Government, in conjunction with that of His Imperial

to have been exercised in the repression of that rebellion. Governor Eyre, unfortunately, unadvisedly, and unaccountably, did not avail himself of the usual means of placing before this country the full circumstances of the case. Neither did he support by evidence the opinion he had formed of the outbreak. Under these circumstances, having no evidence before them-having no means of deciding upon the merits of the case-Her Majesty's Government-I think, wisely-adopted the only course open to them in appointing a Commission to inquire upon the spot into the character of the outbreak. Of the character of the Commissioners so appointed this House and the country can have but one opinion-for the character of each and all of these gentlemen is such as to secure that any investigation they may undertake will be searching, full, and impartial; and I myself, my Lords, shall be ready to abide by their decision. But, my Lords, in the meantime, until it be proved by evidence to the contrary, I shall believe that Governor Eyre was possessed of information of which we know nothing, and that he had certain knowledge of the circumstances which he mentioned in his first despatch; for I cannot believe that Governor Eyre, whose antecedents are so opposed to such a sup

position, that the general of the forces, be brought before you by Her Majesty's that every official, and all the influential Government. persons throughout the island could have been so carried away by panic as to imagine that a general organized system of rebellion was in existence without evidence to that effect having been laid before them. Neither, my Lords, until it is proved by evidence, can I believe that the severities said to have been exercised have not been grossly exaggerated; for I cannot believe that except under circumstances absolutely necessary for the preservation of the colony and of the lives of the white inhabitants, Governor Eyre would have sanctioned severities which would have been an outrage upon humanity.

My Lords, Her Majesty has been graciously pleased to intimate that papers will be laid before you on the subject of New Zealand; and I am sure your Lordships will learn with satisfaction that a considerable portion of Her Majesty's troops employed in that island are ordered to return home. Most sincerely do I trust that it may be long before any considerable force will have to revisit that island; because not only do I believe that it is the duty of the colonists themselves in such a war to protect themselves, but I believe also that they are far better able to carry it on successfully than are regular troops whose very discipline and organization which render Her Majesty's army so effective in other parts of the world are in a war of that kind actually in the way. The colonists themselves, accustomed to a rough life in a new country, unincumbered by baggage, are far better able than any regular forces to cope with the Natives. If left to themselves they will either come to some terms of peace with the Natives against whom they are opposed, or they will soon get rid of their antagonists, fighting them in their own way upon their own ground.

My Lords, Her Majesty has informed your Lordships that the Orders which have been issued by the Privy Council relating to the disease among cattle which has devastated many parts of the country will be laid before you. By the blessing of Providence, I am happy to say that in my own immediate neighbourhood its ravages have not been felt, and I am therefore unable to speak from personal experience upon the subject. But the urgency of the case is such that I am sure your Lordships will give the utmost consideration to any measure which may The Marquess of Normanby

My Lords, I approach the subject of the Fenian conspiracy in Ireland with the deepest regret; for we must all grieve at the disloyalty, the wickedness, and the folly of those who organized and who support this foul conspiracy. But, my Lords, while we do so it appears to me that in the present condition of Ireland there are circumstances calculated to raise a lively hope of a bright future for that country. At no period of her history has there been the same combination, the same union among all the respectable inhabitants of that country. Irrespective of religion, irrespective of class, irrespective of party, all are ready to join themselves together for the protection of law, order, and the Constitution. Not one respectable individual, not one person of property, not one person of consideration in the country, has joined the Fenian movement. At no time have the juries more nobly, more justly, and more calmly performed their duties. My Lords, under these cheering circumstances, though we may regret the wickedness and the folly of those deluded men, we cannot for one moment fear the ultimate result of their conspiracy. They may injure their country, they may drive capital from Ireland, but of the ultimate result, I repeat it, there can be no doubt. I trust that sedition once banished from the land much of that unanimity, much of that combination for good which now exists may still continue, and that all may unite to promote the advancement and prosperity of Ireland. My Lords, in the full information evidently possessed by the Irish Government, in the calm, dignified, unimpassioned conduct of the Lord Lieutenant, we have the best guarantee that no outbreak can take place in that country without the knowledge of the Government; and, knowing this, knowing the overwhelming force which might be brought against them, I would fain hope that those who are engaged in this plot may be induced to see the hopelessness of their cause, and that Ireland may be saved from actual outbreak. But if they in their delusion venture to appeal to the arbitrament of arms, I trust no feeling of mistaken humanity will prevent them on the first outbreak receiving such a lesson as will show the utter hopelessness of their cause, and, by convincing them of the folly of their movement, the further effusion of blood may be prevented.

France and England in the Ports of the respec"We trust that the Meeting of the Fleets of tive Countries has tended to cement the Amity of the Two Nations, and to prove to the World their friendly Concert in the Promotion of Peace.

My Lords, the various measures which "WE rejoice to learn that Your Majesty's Rewill be brought before your Lordships lations with Foreign Powers are friendly and by Her Majesty's Government will, I am satisfactory, and that Your Majesty sees no Cause sure, receive your careful consideration. to fear any Disturbance of the general Peace. We are informed by Her Majesty that information will be laid before this House as to the rights of voting in the election of Members of Parliament, and that, when that information is complete, a measure will be brought before you on that subject. My Lords, on several previous occasions Reform Bills have been brought under the consideration of the Legislature, and at one time a Bill was brought in by the noble Earl opposite (the Earl of Derby), at the time he was at the head of the Government. I therefore think it can hardly now be said that no discussion on this subject is necessary. Neither do I think that in the present day it can well be said that no change in the franchise should take place. Of the intentions of Her Majesty's Government on that subject I can, of course, know nothing. I can only express my hope that any measure they may bring forward will, while protecting the rights of property and the intelligence of the country, secure a fair and substantial representation of the working classes.


My Lords, I thank you for the forbearance with which you have heard me. am fully aware of the imperfection of the remarks I have made, and I will not further trespass on your Lordships' time and consideration, but will move that the following humble Address be presented to Her Majesty:


"WE, Your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, in Parliament assembled, beg leave to offer our humble Thanks to Your Majesty for Your Majesty's Gracious Speech.

"WE humbly thank Your Majesty for informing us that Your Majesty has declared Your Consent to a Marriage between Your Majesty's Daughter The Princess Helena and Prince Chris tian of Schleswig-Holstein Sonderbourg-Augustenburg; and with Your Majesty we trust this Union may be prosperous and happy.

"We assure Your Majesty that we participate in the profound Grief felt by Your Majesty at the Death of Your Majesty's beloved Uncle The King of the Belgians; but we feel confident that the Wisdom which He evinced during His Reign will animate His Successor, and preserve for Belgium her Independence and Prosperity.


"WE humbly assure Your Majesty that we learn with Satisfaction that the United States, after terminating successfully the severe Struggle in which they were so long engaged, are wisely repairing the Ravages of Civil War; and that with Your Majesty we regard the Abolition of Slavery as an Event calling forth the cordial Sympathies and Congratulations of this Country, which has always been foremost in showing its Abhorrence of tice and Humanity. an Institution repugnant to every Feeling of Jus

"WE humbly convey our Thanks to Your Majesty for informing us that the Exertions and Perseverance of Your Majesty's Naval Squadron have reduced the Slave Trade on the West Coast of Africa within very narrow Limits.

"WE thank Your Majesty for directing Copies to be laid before us of the Correspondence which has taken place between Your Majesty's Government and that of the United States with respect to Injuries inflicted on American Commerce by Cruisers under the Confederate Flag.

"We express our Thanks to Your Majesty for informing us that diplomatic Relations with Brazil have been renewed; and that the good Offices of Your Majesty's Ally The King of Portugal have contributed essentially to this happy Result.

"WITH Your Majesty we regret the Interruption of Peace between Spain and Chili; and we earnestly trust that through the good Offices of Your Majesty's Government, in conjunction with those of The Emperor of the French, the Causes of Disagreement may be removed in a Manner honourable and satisfactory to both Countries.

"We thank Your Majesty for informing us that the Negotiations which have been long pending in Japan have been brought to a Conclusion which has received Your Majesty's entire Approbation; that the existing Treaties have been ratified by the Mikado; and that Stipulations have been made for the Revision of the Tariff in a Manner favourable to Commerce, and for the punctual Discharge of the Indemnity due under the Terms of the Convention of October 1864.

"WE humbly express to Your Majesty our Thanks for informing us that Your Majesty has


concluded à Treaty of Commerce with The Em-| Your Majesty's Privy Council, by virtue of the peror of Austria, which Your Majesty trusts will Powers vested in them by Law, with a view to open to that Empire the Blessings of extended prevent the spreading of this Disease, to be laid Commerce, and be productive of important Bene-before us; and we humbly assure Your Majesty fits to both Countries. that our best Attention shall be given to the Ex

pediency of an Amendment of the Law relating to a Subject so deeply affecting the Interests of the People.

“We humbly thank Your Majesty for informing us that in consequence of the deplorable Events which have occurred in the Island of Jamaica Your Majesty has been induced to provide at "WE humbly express our Thanks to Your Maonce for an impartial Inquiry, and for the Main-jesty for informing us that a Conspiracy, adverse tenance of Authority during that Inquiry, by ap-alike to Authority, Property, and Religion, and pointing a distinguished Military Officer as Governor and Commander of the Forces; that Your Majesty has given him the Assistance of Two able and learned Commissioners, who will aid him in examining into the Origin, Nature, and Circumstances of the recent Outbreak, and the Measures adopted in the course of its Suppression; and that the Legislature of Jamaica has proposed that the present Political Constitution of the Island should be replaced by a new Form of Govern


"We assure Your Majesty that we will give our careful Consideration to the Bill on this Subject which is to be submitted to us.

"We thank Your Majesty for directing Papers on these Occurrences, and on the present State of New Zealand, to be laid before us.

"WE convey to Your Majesty our Thanks for informing us that Directions have been given for the Return to this Country of the greater Portion of Your Majesty's Regular Forces employed in the Colony of New Zealand.

disapproved and condemned alike by all who are interested in their Maintenance, without Distinc. tion of Creed or Class, has unhappily appeared in Ireland, and that the Constitutional Power of the ordinary Tribunals has been exerted for its Repression, and the Authority of the Law firmly and impartially vindicated.

"WE humbly assure Your Majesty that our serious Consideration shall be given to the Bill to be submitted to us, founded on the Report of the Royal Commission, on the Subject of Capital Punishment; to the Bills for amending and consolidating the Laws relating to Bankruptcy, and for other Improvements in the Law; to the Measures for extending the System of Public Audit to Branches of Receipt and Expenditure, which it has not hitherto reached; and for amending the Provisions of the Law with respect to certain Classes of Legal Pensions; and to the Subject of the Oaths taken by Members of Parliament.

"We thank Your Majesty for having directed that Information should be procured in reference to the Rights of Voting in the Election of Members to serve in Parliament for Counties, Cities, and Boroughs; and we assure Your Majesty that when that Information is complete our earnest Attention will be given to the Result thus ob

"WITH Your Majesty we watch with Interest the Proceedings which are still in progress in British North America with a view to a closer Union among the Provinces, an Object to which Your Majesty continues to attach great Import-tained.


"We have observed with great Concern the extensive Prevalence, during the last few Months, of a virulent Distemper among Cattle in Great Britain, and it is with deep Regret, and with sincere Sympathy for the Sufferers, that we have learnt the severe Losses which it has caused in many Counties and Districts, whilst it is satisfac

tory to know that Ireland and a considerable part of Scotland are as yet free from this Calamity, and we trust with Your Majesty that by the Precautions suggested by Experience, and by the Divine Blessing on the Means which are now being employed, its further Extension may be arrested.

"We thank Your Majesty for directing the Orders which have been made by the Lords of

"WITH Your Majesty we fervently pray that the Blessing of Almighty God may guide our Counsels to the Promotion of the Happiness of Your People."

THE EARL OF MORLEY: My Lords, in rising to perform the duty which has on the present occasion devolved upon me, I am fully sensible how greatly I stand in need of that leniency and indulgence which your Lordships are wont to extend to those Members of your House who are for the first time addressing you; and I would venture to say that I have a more than ordinary claim on your indulgence, in consideration no less of my own want of experience in public affairs than of the wide range and the varied and important

nature of the subjects to which I have to call your Lordships' attention. Before, however, I proceed to these subjects, I cannot but most heartily congratulate your Lordships upon one circumstance which characterizes the present occasion. It is, I am confident, with feelings of the sincerest pleasure and gratification that you have seen Her Majesty so far restored to health and strength, after her severe afflictions, as to be enabled again to perform the functions of her high office, and in person to open her newly-assembled Parliament. Irreparable as is the loss which she and, in common with her, the nation | have suffered, it may be that the very affliction itself, and the universal sympathy which it has called forth, will be the means of still further intensifying those sentiments of loyalty and attachment which England has ever felt towards her Sovereign, and which cannot fail to receive a fresh impulse from her re-appearance in the sphere of public life.

perience and political sagacity, gained for himself the respect and the confidence of the whole nation. I will, my Lords, leave it to those better qualified than myself to pass an eulogium upon his life, devoted for more than half a century to the service of his country. All that I will say is that his memory will long be cherished with affection by the nation which now deplores his loss.

My Lords, I will, in the next place, refer to our foreign relations. Throughout the civilized world peace and tranquillity again prevail. The Chilian and Spanish difficulties, it is true, threatened at first to give rise to a war; but it may reasonably be hoped that, before any further acts of hostility are committed which may tend to exasperate both parties, and to render an amicable solution of the question at issue impossible, the friendly interposition of the Great Powers may effect a reconciliation between the contending nations. In North America your Lordships will have heard My Lords, the speech from the Throne with great satisfaction that the last year contains matter both for congratulation and has been signalized by the termination of for condolence with Her Majesty-matter the deadly fratricidal contest which has for congratulation in the approaching mar- for four years devastated that country. riage of the Princess Helena-an event Our nation, it is true, was personally inwhich, I am confident, your Lordships terested in the event; but the joy which will cordially welcome, as contributing to it experiences at the restoration of peace is Her Majesty's gratification, and, I trust, not of a purely selfish nature. It unfeignto the happiness of a member of the Royal edly rejoices that a nation possessed of Family; matter for condolence in an event boundless resources, and endowed with inwhich has at once deprived our Sovereign domitable energy, has again freedom to deof a revered and beloved relative, and a velop its constitution, its industry, and its neighbouring and friendly nation of a commerce. It rejoices that the conclusion wise and sagacious ruler, whose prudent of the war is the signal for the abolition of policy advanced it to its present state of negro slavery-an institution which is the prosperity, and whose counsels spread their bane of civilized society and a barrier to all influence far beyond the comparatively true social progress. It rejoices, further, narrow limits of his own Kingdom through that the victorious have known how to use the whole length and breadth of Europe. their victory with clemency, and to follow The Belgians will, I doubt not, have your a moderate and wise line of policy in the Lordships' sympathy and your best wishes reconstruction of the Union; and, finally, that their present Sovereign, wisely follow- it sincerely hopes that no untoward events ing in the footsteps of his predecessor, may may tend to counteract the ties of race, of be enabled like him to preserve and to pro- amity, and of interest, which should ever mote the welfare and independence of his connect us with the re-United States. Our subjects. My Lords, there is one more sad relations with other foreign Powers are no event which has occurred since we were less calculated to contribute to your Lordlast assembled here which I cannot pass ships' satisfaction. With Brazil we are again over in silence, even though I only echo on terms of amity. With France our union the sentiments expressed by the noble was never more cordial, never more firm. Mover of the Address. This country has The mutual hospitalities which our fleets lost one of its most venerable and one of its have interchanged tend, in no slight demost popular statesmen. It has lost one gree, to quicken those friendly feelings, who, by his affability and by his tact, and to strengthen the entente cordiale becould conciliate all those with whom he tween the two nations, and in so doing came in contact, and who, by his wide ex-give us the surest hopes that peace will

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