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Greek, obscure Armenian, Turkish subject, nondescript, &c. In answer to these assertions it is but just to a very deserving public servant to say what Mr. Rassam really is. He was born at Mossul, of Christian parents (his brother is British Vice Consul there), he received his education in England, he is a gentleman in manners and conduct, and his qualifications for the peculiar line in which he has been employed during the last ten years cannot be surpassed. I speak with confi

keeping these men prisoners he would coerce the British Government into his policy. Therefore, I think that every man belonging to such a mission as the noble Lord suggested would have been thrown into chains; and I need not say how much the difficulties of the case would have been aggravated by such an event. That Consul Cameron had fallen into a state of cap-dence on this point, for Mr. Rassam was my astivity was his own fault; but if the Queen had sent from this country an important mission, and if all the members of it had been thrown into chains, it would then have been necessary to adopt every measure to obtain their release, or the prestige of England would have been at an end throughout the East. When, therefore, in the case of the present prisoners we had to decide on the selection of an efficient agent, our choice fell on Mr. Rassam. I am at a loss to account for the hostility which the noble and learned Lord has now, and in the previous Session, displayed towards Mr. Rassam.

LORD CHELMSFORD: I have invariably said that I had no doubt Mr. Rassam was a man of very great ability. My only objection to his appointment was -and I considered it a conclusive objection that he was not a European.

THE EARL OF CLARENDON: The noble and learned Lord may have said that, but he has also always contended that he was an unfit person to be sent out on his present mission.

LORD CHELMSFORD: Only on that ground.

sistant at Aden during many years of trouble; a part of that time he held charge of our political relations at Muscat, and acquitted himself to the entire approval of the Government which placed him there. In short, Mr. Rassam's whole previous career well justified the expectation which Her Majesty's Government entertained in appointing him to the delicate and difficult mission on which he is now employed. The disappointment of that expectation is not attributable to any fault of his."

I think your Lordships will scarcely, after that statement of Sir William Coghlan, be of opinion that Mr. Rassam was not a proper person to send on this mission. Besides, he was at Aden, near the spot, and much delay was obviated by his appointment. He was therefore ordered to go in charge of a letter from the Queen, and requested to put himself in communication with the Emperor of Abyssinia, and to ask for a safe-conduct. It was deemed necessary that he should do this; because if, being the bearer of a letter from Her Majesty, he happened to be put in chains and thrown into prison, an additional insult would be offered to this country. He, moreover, managed to place himself in communication with Consul Cameron, and THE EARL OF CLARENDON: Only was warned by him not to enter the Emon that ground! The noble and learned peror's dominions unless he had a safeLord could have said nothing more de- conduct. This he succeeded in getting; cisive such language, I maintain, calcu- but the document was of a somewhat suslated to lead the Emperor of Abyssinia, if picious character, inasmuch as it was not his words reached him, to think that to signed by the Emperor himself. He was, send Mr. Rassam on this mission was an however, advised by Consul Cameron to insult towards him on the part of this accept it. Considerable delay took place country. The noble and learned Lord and in Mr. Rassam's departure for the interior the press have thus, I am sorry to say, while he waited for answers to the letters done their best to second the failure of which he had written to the Emperor. that mission. One would suppose, too, The public at home became very anxious from what has fallen from the noble and on the subject, and my noble Friend (Earl learned Lord, that Sir William Coghlan Russell) did accept the offer of Mr. Palshared with him the opinion that Mr. Ras-grave, who was, however, informed that sam was not a proper person to select, but his mission was not to interfere with that It was afterwards reI will read to the House what it is that Sir of Mr. Rassam. William Coghlan really thinks of that presented that the Emperor might feel gentleman. He says— insulted if the two missions were to go out at the idea of having what he might suppose to be an inferior person, not the bearer of a letter from the Queen, sent into his dominions, and it was decided that

"Mr. Rassam's antecedents, his status, and his qualifications are greatly misunderstood and misrepresented by a portion of the press of this country. He has been variously styled Levantine, VOL. CLXXXI. [THIRD SERIES.]


Mr. Rassam should proceed on his mission. I can assure the noble and learned Lord that Her Majesty's Government are as anxious as to the result of that mission as he can possibly be, and since he gave notice of putting a Question on the subject on the first night of the Session, I have received letters relating to it which I shall be glad to read to the House, although, I am sorry to say, they do not contain proofs of the deliverance of the prisoners. The first is from Colonel Merewether, and is dated Aden, January 21. It is as follows:

"The Victoria returned from Massowah this morning, bringing news from Rassam up to the 8th of November, and from Cameron to the 28th of September. I enclose copies of Cameron's letters to Rassam; also one from Mr. Stern to Rassam. These letters from the prisoners were received by M. Munzengen on the 16th of December. The delay on the road was caused by the messengers being afraid of the cholera, which they were told was raging at Massowah. M. Munzengen adds that he had received no news direct from the prisoners later than the 28th of September. It was said that King Theodore had come to Godjan, and M. Munzengen thought the

news was authentic. When the King had come so much nearer to Metemneh, Mr. Rassam could not delay to enter into communication with him, and M. Munzengen felt sure that decisive news would very shortly be received. It was given out that the King was taking the prisoners with him, but that required confirmation. Rassam will have told you all about his own progress in his letter to you. M. Munzengen reports that Rassam left Kasala on the 9th of November, and was exthis I hope he has had an interview with the King and effected the release of the captives. Dr. Beke arrived here on the 10th, and, as the Victoria was proceeding to Massowah on the 11th, I gave him and an Abyssinian priest he had with him a passage in her. Some of his stores had not arrived here yet, and he cannot go up country without them, he told me; so I hope before they reach him we shall hear of Rassam's complete success, so as to render any further attempts of Dr. Beke's unnecessary."

pected to reach Metemneh by the 20th. Long ere

The next is from Mr. Rassam himself.

The next letter which I shall quote is from Mr. Cameron to Mr. Rassam, and is dated from Magdala Prison, Abyssinia, September 18, 1865. It says—

"We have had some trouble in getting comfortably through the winter, owing to the difficulty of getting provisions, but there has been no one ill except Rosenthal, who has been shut in for about ten days with neuralgia and sore eyes. I am stronger and better than I have ever been since leaving England. Please God, all may end well. Pray send the two accompanying letters to England, and God bless you, my brave Rassam, and grant that we may leave this horrid country together."

Although, therefore, I cannot communicate to your Lordships the gratifying news that these prisoners have been set at liberty, it is still some satisfaction to know that they are in better health than could have been anticipated. I think the policy which has been pursued by Her Majesty's Government in sending Mr. Rassam, who is as fitted for the task as any could be, is better than would be the tempting of Providence by sending out agents who would probably share the fate of the captives already in the Emperor's power.

LORD CHELMSFORD, in explanation, disclaimed having said anything in hostility to Mr. Rassam, but quoted the opinion of Sir William Coghlan, to the effect that Mr. Rassam's endeavours had failed; that there was nothing for it but to make another effort from England; that the long delays which had taken place had added to the difficulty incident to this matter, but that that difficulty must be encountered.


LORD BATEMAN rose to put the Question to the noble Earl at the head of the Government of which he had given notice, but said that he desired to preface it by

Mr. Rassam, writing from Kasala on the a few observations on the subject to which 8th of November, says—

it referred. A very large and influential "The head cameleer, who has been ordered to turists from every part of the kingdom, meeting, composed of eminent agriculget camels for me by the Governor, hopes that we shall start this afternoon, or at the latest early with a deputation from forty-four or fortyto-morrow morning; if so, I hope to be at Me- five counties in England and Scotland, temneh on or about the 20th instant, five days later had been held on the previous day in St. than I calculated upon when I left Massowah, as James' Hall, in order to confer together I did not expect to have had so much difficulty in obtaining camels. You may get this on the subject of the cattle plague, and letter about Christmas time, when I hope to be to determine what representations they enjoying myself with His Majesty of Ethiopia. should make in regard to it to the Govern[This letter was received on the 7th of February.] ment. Certain resolutions of the strongest I trust that I shall yet succeed in accomplishing nature were passed at that conference. what is required of me, and I have not the least doubt of that end through the good wishes of my Although all parties and shades of opinion,


The Earl of Clarendon

as well as all classes interested in the cattle

EARL RUSSELL: In reply to the Question of the noble Lord, I have to say that my right hon. Friend (Sir George Grey) has not given any formal answer to the deputation this morning. He received them, but he did not state what was the intention of the Government. The better and certainly the more regular and convenient course to pursue when a measure is about to be proposed to Parliament is to allow the Minister who is charged with the introduction of that measure to explain its provisions, and state the views of the Government on the subject to which it refers. It is, no doubt, important that there should be no unnecessary delay; but it was only last Tuesday that Her Majesty delivered Her Speech from the Throne, and the interval between that day and Monday is, I think, not unreasonable. The noble Lord says, and I agree with him, that the measure of the Government ought to be discussed with an absence of party spirit, and I trust it will be discussed in such a way that the Legislature may come to a right decision. In France and Belgium measures have been adopted by the Governments of those countries which have been in a great degree successful. I hope that the proposals made by Her Majesty's Government will be equally wise, and in the meantime I trust that the delay from this day to Monday will not be productive of inconvenience to the interests concerned.

trade, were represented at that meeting, | State for the Home Department to the and although there might have been some Deputation from the Cattle Plague Conslight difference of view manifested on ference held at St. James' Hall? certain minor points of detail, yet he thought he was justified in saying that there could not possibly have been greater unanimity displayed than was exhibited at that conference. It was arranged that a deputation should wait upon the right hon. Gentleman the Home Secretary on that morning; and the object of his present Question was to ascertain from the noble Earl the nature of the reply given by Sir George Grey to the members of that deputation. He wished to impress on the noble Earl that that deputation was not the first by a great number which had already attended at the Home Office. The county with which he was connected-one of the largest cattle-breeding counties in the country (Herefordshire)-had made representations of the same kind to the Home Secretary without the slightest result. He therefore now desired, if possible, to extract from the Government some indication of what their policy with reference to that fearful scourge was likely to be. There had already been far too much delay, and the great interests involved could not continue to wait while the Government were hearing this person and that person, and making a party question of that subject. It was not a party but a national question. Those with whom he acted did not wish to make it a party question, but to press their views with respect to it upon the attention of the Government, and to elicit some answer to the representations daily being made to them from all parts of the kingdom. If he was not misinformed, the Royal Agricultural Society of England applied a few days ago to be received as a deputation, and the Government told them that they must put it off till Monday next. Now, they had had too much put ting off; and that was the very thing they complained of. There was, certainly, the promise that a Bill should be introduced into the other House. It might not be in strict accordance with the usages of Parliament that some idea of the nature of a measure about to be brought into the other House should now be given to their Lordships; but on a vital question of such extreme urgency as that, he really thought the Government might, without impropriety, afford some intimation of their probable policy. The noble Lord concluded by asking the noble Earl the First Lord of the Treasury for the Answer of the Secretary of

THE EARL OF DERBY: There is one very good reason, as it seems to me, why this question should not be considered a party question, and that is, because the feeling seems to be unanimous-even the general supporters of the Government concur-in deprecating the course which the Government have pursued. I cannot help adverting to what seems to be an inconsistency in the course taken by the noble Earl at the head of the Government. During the whole of the autumn and winter the various Orders in Council have been justified by saying that it was neces sary to ascertain the views of the country, and that the Government had to feel their way in order to know how far they might go-so that if they found the feelings to be strong and general they might adopt more stringent measures. Now, if there is anybody able to speak with authority on this question and represent the opinion of

the country, it is the Royal Agricultural | their minds to see this terrible plague Society of England. If, however, I un-ravage the country during the whole of the derstand aright, they requested the honour summer. During the discussion in the of an interview with the noble Earl at the head of the Government in order to lay before him the unanimous opinion of the Society. I should have thought that the noble Earl would have been glad to receive such a body; but the noble Earl, I am informed, has told them that although he will be very glad to hear what they have to say, he cannot receive them until two o'clock on Monday-that is, two or three hours before the measure of the Government, which will then be cut and dried, is submitted to the House of Commons. If the noble Earl was really desirous to obtain the opinion of the Royal Agricultural Society, it appears to me he ought to obtain it before Monday, so that if desirable the Government might act upon their representations. Seeing them on the very day the Government measure is to be brought in does not, I confess, seem to me a very advantageous mode of profiting by the advice of the Royal Agricultural Society.

EARL RUSSELL: With regard to the first observation of the noble Earl, I am informed that a very distinguished member of the Royal Agricultural Society, the hon. Member for Aberdeenshire, has expressed an opinion that Her Majesty's Government have done all that they ought to have done. No doubt others are of opinion, on the contrary, that the Government ought to have taken more vigorous measures. I have this very day presented a petition from an association in that county -Aberdeen-which has shown so much vigour and energy in taking measures against the cattle plague, suggesting that the measures adopted in that county are worthy of consideration. If the Royal Agricultural Society had come to me a fortnight ago I might have appointed an earlier day to receive them, but when they applied to me I was unable to see them before Monday next.

EARL SPENCER said, he would endeavour not to weary their Lordships, but he hoped to be allowed to make a few observations upon the subject introduced by the noble Lord (Lord Bateman). He was of opinion that we had come to a great crisis in the matter of the cattle plague. In a very short time the grass would begin to grow, and it was necessary to act with great vigour during the short interval that remained, unless their Lordships made up The Earl of Derby

other House of Parliament, frequent remarks had been made upon the Report of the Royal Commission. He thought it his duty to make a few observations upon those remarks, and he only regretted that their Lordships had not the advantage of hearing some member of the Commission better able to explain their views. It had been asserted that the Government were justified in not taking more stringent measures by the very great division of opinion that existed among the members of the Commission. It was true that as many as four reports were appended to the Report of the Commission; but if these reports were examined it would be found that there were not such great and important differences as were alleged to exist. It was true that Mr. M'Clean, an eminent engineer and a member of the Commission, differed from his colleagues in not attaching so much importance to the cattle plague as they did. With regard to the other eleven Commissioners, they agreed as to the identity of the disease with the rinderpest, which was so well known in Germany, Prussia, and Russia, and known not only to history, but by sad and constant experience every year. All the medical men and veterinary surgeons abroad had studied the disease, and the only thing they were agreed in recommending was the adoption of the most repressive and stringent measures. As to the cure of the disease, when it once broke out they gave it up. The Commis. sioners were, therefore, of opinion that strong and stringent measures must at once be adopted in this country to stop the disease. They did not wish to leave the adoption of these measures in the hands of the local authorities, believing that the Government were better able to carry them out and to instruct the country in regard to what was necessary to be done. On this point they were all agreed; and they were also unanimous in thinking that the only measure likely to be really efficacious was in putting a total stoppage to the movement of all the stock in Great Britain. Then came the difference between the Commissioners to which he had adverted. The minority of the Commis. sion-and he was one of that minorityshrank from advising the Government to adopt a measure so novel and so gigantic in its proportions as the majority


thought the Commissioners ought to recom- he was bound to confess that a measure mend. The minority were of opinion that restricting the locomotion of cattle could they were called upon to recommend some not now be recommended with the same practical measure which the Government confidence as a cure for the cattle plague could put into execution. The arguments as it could have been six months ago. He that weighed with them were that to stop especially doubted very much whether the the trade in cattle was impossible, that total stoppage of cattle traffic would put there were many parts of the country in an end to the disease in Cheshire, because which the disease had not appeared, and he believed the air of the district was so that the country at that time was not thoroughly impregnated with it as to be aware of the importance of the subject. past cure, until the infection actually died The minority considered that the course out of itself; he felt, therefore, that this and custom of so important a trade could measure alone would not be sufficient. not be revolutionized by a stroke of the would, therefore, ask the Government seripen under such circumstances. They, ously to consider the proposals of so large therefore, recommended measures which and influential a meeting as that held yeshe admitted were not so efficacious, but terday. He thought it would be necessary which they thought were more useful be- to go as far as to cleanse all the places cause they would be carried out. It was where any diseased animals had been. He thus only as to the degree of stringency agreed with Dr. Lyon Playfair who had that the Commissioners differed. This was stated that if the recommendations of the in the month of October. He must say Commission were to be carried out with he still entertained the opinion that the the intention of doing good, it would be minority of the Commissioners were right absolutely necessary for Government to in the view they took and the recommen- give the strictest instructions to disinfect dations they made at that time. But every shed where diseased cattle had been. matters had now changed. On the 4th of In referring to Dr. Lyon Playfair, he must November the total number of cattle that allude to what had fallen from the noble had died of the plague was not more than Duke (the Duke of Argyll) on a previous 10,000, while the number of deaths was occasion, with reference to a letter which now 11,000 a week, and the deaths al- Dr. Playfair had written to Lord Grenville together amounted to 120,000. The on this subject; and which the noble Duke country was now thoroughly alarmed. stated had influenced the Government in Another circumstance favourable to the not acting on the Report of the Commisre-consideration of the subject was, that a sioners. He felt certain that Dr. Playfair change was taking place in the meat had written that letter not to deter the Gotrade. There had been of late an en- vernment from adopting the Report, but, ormous increase in the dead meat of the on the contrary, to incite them to greater country, and the result was that, if it were exertion. But time was wanted to do this, indispensable to stop the movement of and the proposed suspension of all cattle stock in the country, the trade would be traffic would give time for the cleansing able to accommodate itself to the change, not only of the market places and sheds, while in October they would have been but also of the railway trucks, so that in unable to do so. Another point was de- the spring there would be no fear of serving of consideration. In two months' animals catching the infection by being time the grass would be growing, and the placed in infected places. He had had farmers would be obliged to purchase their considerable difficulty in bringing himstock and replenish their herds. After that self to see the necessity of such stringent had been done the adoption of restrictive measures; but when he saw an influential measures would be almost impossible. Was meeting such as that of yesterday, repreit, therefore, too much to ask the large senting all the counties in England, agreetowns to put themselves to some slight in- ing upon the question, he was willing to convenience for only six weeks? He con- waive his own opinion, and consent with ceived that a vast difference existed between the rest to the course proposed. And even that proposition and what was contemplated if the stoppage of cattle traffic and other in October last, when the large towns would measures for the period suggested failed to have had to submit to stringent measures accomplish the one great object all had in for six months without having any very view, still the advantages which would reclear idea as to what the result would be sult from the arrangement would be very upon the supply and price of meat. Still, great. The disease would certainly be

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