The Poems of John DrydenH. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1929 - 606 páginas |
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ABSALOM AND ACHITOPHEL Amyntas Arms bear Beauty behold betwixt blest Blood Breast call'd Chaucer Church Cinyras cou'd Coursers Crime Crowd Crown dare Death design'd Dryden e're Earth EPILOGUE ev'n ev'ry Eyes Face fair Faith Fame Fate Father fear Fight Fire Flames Foes Fools forc'd Friend Gods Grace Hand happy hast Head Heart Heav'n Honour Jebusites JOHN DRYDEN Jove kind King Laws liv'd live Lord lov'd Love Lucretius mighty Mind Muse Name Nature never Night Numbers Nymph o'er o're once Ovid Pain Peace Persius plain Play pleas'd Poem Poet Pow'r Praise Pray'r Prince PROLOGUE publick Race Rage rais'd receiv'd Reign rest Sacred Satyr Seas seem'd Sense shou'd sight Soul stood sweet Text thee Theseus thou thought Throne true try'd twas TYRANNICK LOVE Verse Vertues Virgil Wife Winds words wou'd wrongly give Youth