Imágenes de páginas

and now it subsides into a sweet, simple melody, a lonely heart-song-a still, small voice, after the thunder and the earthquake. Now it pours forth its warnings like the trumpet of the denouncing angel, and now it whispers peace, and promises forgiveness and blessing. It dwells upon the most glorious themes, and the holiest truths-the deepest and most vital interests of the soul-the character and attributes of the Infinite Spirit-the evil of sin-the heroism and preciousness of virtue-the Paternity of God-the fellowship of Christ-the brotherhood of man, and an immortal life of blessedness beyond the grave. Its sublimity and its pathos are inimitable; and it has been said that simply because of its literary merit, it should be regarded as the choicest book the world has ever seen.

The Bible addresses the whole nature of man. It has appeals to his reason and his conscience: to his intellect and his affections; to his love of the beautiful and sublime-the true and simple -the poetic and the natural. It has a fitting word for every dispensation and trial, for every necessity and experience, for the humblest and most exalted, for the simple and learned, the child and the sage, for the evil and the good; a word for every human heart, of cheering counsel and consolation, of blessed promise and beatitude.

But we fear the first requisite for him who finds no delight or profit in the study of the Scriptures, or to examine its evidences, especially the evidences of Christianity, is to do this patiently and as an indispensable labor and duty -afterwards to read the Scriptures with the aid of a Commentary, a Bible Dictionary and maps, and a History and Antiquities of the Jews; and it would be astonishing if with these helps, our faith in the Scriptures, and our pleasure and profit should not be greatly enhanced. This auxiliary reading can hardly fail to stimulate us to a more thorough reading of the Bible, and instances are numerous in which books of the class designated have been read with great avidity and gratification by those who have previously neglected the Scriptures. The excellency of our reading depends not so much upon the amount of our reading, as the thoroughness of it, and this is peculiarly true of Bible reading. It is found also that to attempt to paraphrase the language of the Bible is a valuable exercise, as it necessitates a clear conception of its meaning; and Scripture language cannot be translated into our own speech without a definite idea of its significance. These attempts will serve also to

fix our attention, and impress the thoughts upon our memory. But in closing, we have to urge that the Bible shall be read habitually—at appointed seasons, and in some established and well devised method, and no longer in a desultory, immethodical manner, without continuity or order; and we are assured that if the Holy Scriptures be so read, we shall catch the spirit of its truth, and find it one of the most efficient means of grace, and the treasury of the Lord unto our souls.

Brooklyn, N. Y.



WHEN I was a "mere slip of a girl," I was sent to pass a Summer with some relatives on Long Island, in a village which rejoiced in the mighty name of Babylon. It was not "Babylon the great," but Babylon the little, and its spare population was made up of a curious assortment of people, some of them about as heathenish as were the denizens of its great namesake.

Whether I was sent there for the benefit of the sea breeze, or because they were tired of me at home, I cannot now exactly say; but I know I was delighted with the change; and the wonderful novelty which there surrounded me was just the food craved by my hungry imagination. I was the inmate of a hotel, where new faces, and a plenty of them, were to be seen every day. Stage loads of travelers stopping to breakfast or dinner, "high bucks," from the city, on sporting excursions, with tandem, dogs, and gun; gentler spirits with rod and line, to angle in the bright brooks for speckled trout; fine ladies, driven from town by dyspepsia and the doctor, to try rambling, riding and sailing; boat loads, or wagon loads, of country couples, on excursions from places, some of which might have been supposed near by, and others in the uttermost parts of the earth, such as "Fireplace,” “Patchogue," "Jerusalem" and "Jericho." I had myself the pleasure of visiting all those oddly named localities, with others now forgotten, and I prided myself no little upon being a traveler to such memorable places.

My time there was one continued succession of amusement; and novelty of which there was no end. Perhaps my vivid fancy lent a coloring to all I saw and experienced, for I remember that even the weather beaten stage drivers, and merry blacks in the kitchen were a study and delight

to me. Some of the ways of the latter still haunt my memory; I can see their white teeth, and "the whites of their eyes," and even the incomparable Christy's cannot drive them from my recollection, or scarcely excel them in "voice," or "ivory."

Beside the many transient comers, there were always boarders, some of whom tarried weeks, and some months; and while a few of them were “easy good souls," to whom I readily attached myself, others were altogether beyond my sphere and comprehension. Among the former was one particular family, each member of which "took a liking" to me, and I to them; and of some of these I shall speak more by and by. But that which made the strongest impression upon my mind, waking thoughts which could never be expressed and never forgotten, was the great ocean, the wide and wild Atlantic; and when I stood upon the bleached sands of its barren coast, and saw the great waves breaking upon the beach with a thundering sound, I first felt a faint comprehension of infinite power, of the might and majesty of Him who holds the waters in the hollow of his hand, and could bid those noisy waves be still. Though eight or ten miles distant from the house, it would often waken me at night with its booming sound, and from my window, as I lay upon my bed, I could watch the revolving light on Fire Island, where the vessel was since wrecked, with the hapless Margaret Fuller and her family. Hapless that she could not have been welcomed once more to her native land, and blest in meeting death so nobly with those she most tenderly loved. How often when I lay there with my young eyes glued apart, watching the light which would disappear and come again continually, seeming so near and bright in the thick darkness, would my busy imagination conjure up scenes of distress upon the deep, vessels going to pieces in the night, and drowned mariners lying cold upon the sands. Never did I hear a sound so mournful, and one that would awaken such sad fancies and forebodings, as the distant booming of the wild Atlantic waves; and if in the stormless Summer their ceaseless anthem could be heard so far, and with such mournful feeling, how would it affect the spirit when the terrible winter winds should drive its waves ashore with tenfold power? I could not look and listen to the breaking of the sea, in its calmest moods, without being struck breathless with awe and terror, how then could I have borne to gaze upon it when roused to fury by the storm?

Between the long narrow beach, upon which the ocean waves thundered forever, and the south side of the island, where my relatives resided, lay the great bay, in itself almost a sea, and parties were often made up at the house to go out upon it, sailing and fishing; usually crossing over to the light-house to get dinner and bathe in the surf. But I, for one, omitted the bathing; I could never have nerve to stand the shock of one of those towering waves, even with a strong arm to hold me; I could better keep my "centre of gravity" by loading myself with the polished stones, worn into innumerable shapes by the washing of the waters, and scattered in profusion along the sands. Thus we would pass whole days, returning at night wet with the sea spray, and very much sun burned and very weary; but with wonderful appetites for our supper, and a unanimous desire to retire early to rest.

They gave me the credit of being a brave sailor, and at one time when the vessel "sprung a leak," (a small schooner carried us on these excursions) and we were obliged to be taken off by another boat, which fortunately came along; and again, when the rudder became unshipped, in a squall, floating away from us; but finally drifting back, until it was recovered, it was remarked that I appeared as undisturbed in face of the danger as the Captain himself. No doubt I was frightened, as well as the rest, but as I never saw the good of making any outcry at such times, my quietness passed for courage, which latter quality I do not think I can justly claim. I remember that one young gentleman was so beside himself, he drew off his boots, and was going overboard after the rudder, though he could not swim an inch, and was obliged to be held back and reasoned out of his rash plan.

Among the family which I have before mentioned, was a daughter but little older than myself, and we became " very intimate," as young girls thus thrown together almost invariably do. Though there was but a year's difference in our age, she was far ahead in some respects. She was tall and well formed; and very stately and young ladyfied she appeared to me, in her flounced dresses. She had the air of a woman, while I was so little, and so simply dressed, I passed for no more than a child. We spent our time very pleasantly together. I was the confidant of her love-dreams, her romance, her troubles; for she had already begun to experience those trials of the heart, to which young ladies are so subject.

There was a certain Dr. Swain, who attended to the health of the village; and I do not know but it may be the same Swain who has become famed for his "panacea" and "vermifuge," for of his history after my sojourn in Babylon, I know nothing. However at that time he was very much enamored of my friend, and she "returned his affection;" but papa and the brothers were decidedly opposed to the swain, and the young lady was commanded to give him no encouragement. Poor Julia, she thought herself a martyr to the tyranny of the higher powers; but they were not prohibited from meeting, as he was in the habit of coming to the house every day, indeed he had a "patient" there, beside my friend, and it would have been difficult to prevent their seeing each other; but their interviews were generally in the presence of some of the family.

I was brimfull of sympathy for the "unhappy lovers." I thought the doctor a very "nice man," though not handsome, according to my taste; but he raised himself to a high place in my estimation, when he appeared in the character of a poet, and addressed his lady love in verse, the opening stanza of which production I recollect to this day.

Hush, ye winds, nor dare to murmur !
Cease, ye songsters, to rejoice!

Whether awake, or in a slumber,

I think I hear my Julia's voice."

This was a gem, and this a bard, for whom any girl might brave the displeasure of friends, and I do not know but if he had taken a fancy to me, I might have been captivated too, though he did not come up to my standard of manly beauty.

But I, too, had my "conquests," and if I do not myself chronicle them, who will? My very simplicity I believe was my great attraction. There was a fine old gentleman, very fond of me, and of fishing, I am not sure which he liked best, but I know that his good natured and delightful wife did not appear to be at all jealous of my attractions; then there was a widower, whose children were as old again as myself, very much devoted to me; but, as in the former case, I cannot be said to have entirely monopolized his affections, for I shared them with Shakspeare, who was his prime favorite, and whose words were ever in his mouth. Then there was a younger gentleman, who petted me; but I fear he loved wine better; but he was very interesting, and I liked and pitied him; and last, and least, was my friend's youngest brother, a boy in his first "jacket and trowsers," and his affection

for me was genuine and undivided, I am sure. How he wept and sobbed, and would not be comforted, when we parted on the morning of his return home! How he clung to me, with his arms around my neck, in impassioned grief, till they were obliged to take him away! Dear little Alfred! I wonder what has been his fortune since he became a man!

The Summer passed away in riding, rambling, sailing, and the like recreations; but when the days grew shorter and cooler, and the waters were not so placid, nor the air so bland, we were separated, and scattered abroad to our several homes. My friend Julia left the place most reluctantly of all, for did it not contain "the chosen of her heart," her second self, parted from whom she must be forever unhappy? Ah, poor Julia! did she really love him, or was it all imagination? This question has never been satisfactorily answered; for when we met again; I do not recollect the exact period of time which had passed, but it might have been two years; when chancing to be in the city where she resided, I went to call upon her, and found her bending over the eradle of a second Julia; for she was a wife and mother; but alas, for woman's constancy! she had married another doctor!

Hartford, Conn.

M. A. H. D.

THE Editor of the "National Era" furnishes the following to his readers:

"A valued friend, in a recent letter stating the particulars of a swindling case, by which a whole county in the State of Ohio suffered, adds the following pertinent comments.

'This man has had no character for years, except for boldness as a money operator. He is vulgar, profane, licentious, and notoriously profligate; and yet, by dint of assurance, he has managed to get such a hold upon the confidence of men as to nearly ruin scores of them. How long will it take to convince the world that a man who is false to truth, false to good morals, and false to the wife of his bosom, is seldom any thing but false, in the end, to his commercial engagements?

I have been a somewhat close observer of men for more than thirty-five years, during all which time I have been engaged in commercial pursuits; and I set it down as an axiom, that the man who is false to his wife, is not to be trusted. He may be punctual while it suits his interest, and may seem honest; but he is a knave, and will inevitably fail.'



NEW WORKS IN PRESS-soon to be Published. Quite a number of new works are announced as soon to be published from the Denominational press.

1. THE LIFE OF REV. STEPHEN R. SMITH, by Rev. T. J. Sawyer, D. D. We anticipate an exceedingly rich volume, so abounding in incident was the life of that excellent servant of God-a pioneer of our cause in the State of New York, and who lived, in all the efforts of his industrious and energetic life, for his Master and humanity in the distinct and comprehensive advocacy of Universalism.

2. GRACES AND POWERS OF THE CHRISTIAN LIFE, by Rev. A. D. Mayo. This volume is to be composod of twenty sermons, which we are sure will exhibit the truth that "Strength and Beauty are in His sanctuary." We like the title of this book, as it is suggestive at once of the two-fold aspect of the Christian life and character, reminding us of the many associatious in the Scriptures of Beauty and Bands, the Lily and the Cedar, and other comparisons that speak of grace and energy.

3. THE VISION OF FAITH, by Rev. I. D. Williamson. This work will, as the prospectus informs us, "treat of the Lord's Prayer and the Decalogue, showing that the former contemplates the fulfilment of the latter, and that both are high forms of prophecy. What Moses announces as the irrevocable law of God, Jesus teaches us to pray for, with earnest faith, in its final and perfect accomplishment."-All that Br. Williamson has heretofore published has been received with great favor. He always has a good thought to utter, and makes his utterance intelligible to the reader without difficulty,


4. AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY, by Rev. A. C. ThoNo announcement has been made by which we can judge what will be the precise character of this book. It is intimated that it will be something after the style of Roger's Memoranda, and will contain sketches of the eventful life of the author, and be illustrated by his portrait and that of Rev. T. B. Thayer.

5. GLEANINGS AND GATHERINGS, DURING A VOYAGE AND VISIT TO LONDON AND THE GREAT EXHIBITION, IN THE SUMMER OF 1851, by William A. Drew. This will be a very interesting volume, giving, just what general read

ers want, a detailed account of what a quick, keen and thorough observer of men and things actually saw, and not a mixture of remembrances and book stories. Br. Drew says of this volume: "There will be a copious index to the work. Strange as the fact may seem, we believe no person who went out from America labored so much in the work of observations in London and the Crystal Palace, or gathered up so many facts of interest and importance to the public, as ourself; and this circumstance, it is hoped, may give the book a wide circulation."

6. THE LIFE OF REV. WALTER BALFOUR, by Rev. Thomas Whittemore. We presume that Br. Whittemore has been a long time gathering materials for this book in anticipation of the labor that would most fitly fall to his lot. It will undoubtedly be a volume of great interest-the biography of a thoroughly honest man, a true Christian.

7. LIFE SKETCHES OF REV. GEORGE H. CLARK, by Rev. Uriah Clark. We anticipate a book of great interest, for the subject of these sketches was a man of more than ordinary character, deeply loved by those most familiar with him, and intensely devoted to the work of the ministry. The early death of his wife undoubtedly was a procuring cause of the disease that torturingly wasted away his mortal life. The author of the volume is a brother of the subject of the sketches.

8. We see announced, as in preparation, a BIOGRAPHY OF REV. H. B. SOULE, by his Widow.. Those who may persons have letters, or other matters, which may contribute to the materials of such a work, are requested to forward the same to Mrs. C. A. Soule, Granby, Conn.

We have thus in view quite an array of volumes of peculiar interest, and to these may be added, THE ROSE OF SHARON for 1853, which is announced to be ready in July, and promises to rival in interest and beauty any previous volume of that popular annual. Abel Tompkins, 38 Cornhill, Boston, is the publisher of the Life of S. R. Smith, the Discourses by Mr. Mayo, the Sketches of G. H. Clark, and the Rose of Sharon. He also publishes, in connection with. the publishers of the "Gospel Banner," the work by Mr. Drew. He will have on sale all the other volumes as soon as they are issued.

A PILGRIMAGE TO EGYPT. By J. V. C. Smith. Boston: Gould & Lincoln. 1852. p. 383. Dr. Smith is the well known editor of the "Boston Medical and Surgical Journal," and one of the most captivating of all popular lecturers. Ten or fifteen years ago he was the most acceptable of all speakers who appeared before Lyceums, and could give to such a subject as Comparative Anatomy, a fascination that was truly wonderful. He was the editor of that excellent series of papers, the Scientific Tracts, and has always spoken to the people with effective power. The volume before us is what might be expected from his pen after his return from foreign travel. He furnishes a bountiful amount of pictorial illustrations, and a full index of subjects. The volume embraces "a Diary of Explorations on the Nile, with observations illustrative of the manners, customs and institutions of the people, and of the present condition of the Antiquities and Ruins."

The conversational tone, and the graphic picturings of this volume, make it exceedingly agreeable; and we are sure our readers will be pleased with it, as the records of what was seen by one who has, acquired and used most admirably "the Art of Seeing." It is published in a handsome style.

THE WAY TO DO GOOD. By Jacob Abbott. Very greatly enlarged and improved. With numerous Engravings. New York: Harper & Brothers. 1852. Boston B. B. Mussey & Co., Cornhill.

This volume completes "The Young Christian Series," and abounds with excellent thoughts and happy illustrations. Mr. Abbott discusses Faith and Works, Motives, the duties to Self and the Poor, personal piety, public morals, the Church, Christian Union, and other themes of great and enduring interest. We need not only the Truth and the Life, but to know the Way, and here is an admirable treatment of the Way for those to whom Mr. Abbott's theology is acceptable, and rich instruction for those who do not receive that theology. The style of printing and illustration is exceedingly beautiful.

DARIEN; OR THE MERCHANT PRINCE. By Eliot Warburton. New York: Harper & Brothers. 1852. Boston: B. B. Mussey & Co., Cornhill.

This is an historical romance, by the author of that fine volume, "The Crescent and the Cross," who was one of the victims of the burning of the Amazon at sea. It was written during a Summer spent on the banks of the Tweed and Yarrow, and is a work of interest for the novel reader.


PRAYERS FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. N. Tillinghast, Principal of the State Normal School, Bridgewater, Mass. Boston: B. B. Mussey & Co. 1852. pp. 95.

These prayers are well adapted to the purpose for which they are published. They have been used by the author more than ten years in his own school, and may be introduced without offence, we should suppose, any where. They are printed in bold, clear type, each prayer limited to a single page. With very slight variations, they may be used with great fitness in the family for morning devotions.

TRUE MANHOOD. A Sermon delivered in the Calvert Street Church, Baltimore, Md. By G. T. Flanders. pp. 17.

This sermon sketches the Man of the World, of the Press, and of the Church, in order to set forth the character of the bad, unprincipled man, and then is given a picture of True Manhood. It was undoubtedly an effective discourse.

LETTER TO LADIES IN BEHALF OF FEMALE PHYSICIANS. By Samuel Gregory, Secretary of the American Medical Education Society. Boston Published by the Society. pp. 48.

This most excellent letter on an exceedingly important claim, may be ordered for 12 1-2 cents, of Bela Marsh, or A. Tompkins, Boston, Fowler & Wells, New York, and other booksellers. Send Post Office stamps and you can receive it by mail. It is worthy of being read by every woman, and we earnestly commend it to our readers. We do think that the education of females as physicians to their own sex, is one of the best efforts of modern times. We give it all the favor we have to


MUSIC. Published by Oliver Ditson, 115 Washington Street, Boston.

Mr. Ditson sends forth very elegant sheet music. We acknowledge the receipt of The Jubilee Polka, by T. Bissell; First Lessons for the Piano Forte, to be published in four Nos., containing a selection of beautiful and easy airs from eminent composers, by J. B. Duvernoy; Moonlight Fairy Waltz, by J. W. Turner; and The Dying Exile, words by Miss H. F. Gould, music by Dr. Hook.

DEVOTIONAL SONGS. By Geo. G. Corrie. Published, for the author, by A. Andre & Co., 229 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.

The second No. of this serial has been issued containing four compositions. The work embraces a collection of Anthems, Chants, and Hymn Tunes, designed for public and private worship, and we should be pleased to find attention drawn

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