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O most pitiful LORD JESUS CHRIST, I, miserable sinner, call to Thy Memory all the good and health-giving Words which Thou ever utteredst on earth.

I pray Thee humbly, O good JESUS, forgive me all the words which up to this time I have uttered against Thy Will, or have caused others to utter.

O Lamb of GOD That takest away the sin of the world, have mercy upon me.


O most loving LORD JESUS CHRIST, I, unworthy sinner, yet redeemed by Thy precious Blood, call to Thy Memory all the good Works which for our salvation, Thou wroughtest in the earth.

I beseech Thee, most pitiful LORD, pardon me whatsoever by my ill-doing I have knowingly, or unknowingly, committed against Thy Law and the glory of Thy Name, or have caused others to commit; and all that by neglect of good works I have left undone.

And now, O most kind LORD, direct and order all my thoughts, words, and works according to Thy good pleasure, to the praise of Thy Name, and conform them to the perfect rule of Thy most holy Life and Conversation. Thine I am, O LORD, and will be, in life and in death. Into Thy Hands I commend myself and all I am.

O Lamb of GOD That takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon me.

Our FATHER, &c.

A short Litany of Repentance.

LORD, have mercy.

CHRIST, have mercy.

LORD, have mercy.

O GOD, Who wouldest not the death of a sinner, but his repentance,

Who calledst Adam after his fall to acknowledge his guilt,

Who forgavest the sins of Thy disobedient people at the prayer of Moses,

Who sparedst the Ninevites when they repented,

Who broughtest David to confess his sin, Who didst put away his sin upon his confession,

Who sparedst Ahab when he humbled himself,

Who camest into the world to save sinners, Who broughtest Salvation to the house of Zaccheus, when he restored fourfold,

Who heardest the Canaanite, when she persevered in prayer,

Who forgavest the many sins of Mary Magdalene, who loved much,

Who didst forgive and heal the sick, bidding them "sin no more,"

Who looking upon Peter didst call him to confess his fault, and weep bitterly,

Who didst promise Paradise to the penitent Thief on the Cross,

Who didst bear our sins in Thine own Body on the Tree,

Who after repentance rememberest all our sins no more,

Have mercy upon me.

O Lamb of GOD That takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon me, and grant me Thy peace.

Our FATHER, &c.


For Love.

O LORD JESUS CHRIST, make me to love Thee fervently and perseveringly, make me to feel with what a boundless Love Thou hast loved me. 0 LORD, I desire to love Thee, which without Thee I cannot do. Give me, O LORD, my GOD, a reverent, humble, grateful love; a love sorrowing for all mine offences for love of Thee Who hast so loved me, and a humble confidence in Thy Passion; Who livest and reignest One God for ever and ever. Amen.

For the Love of GOD-Collect for Sixth Sunday after Trinity.

For Love of our Neighbour-Collect for Quinquagesima.

Against Evil Thoughts.

Almighty God, unto Whom all hearts be open, all desires known, and from Whom no secrets are hid; cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of Thy HOLY SPIRIT, that we may perfectly love Thee, and worthily magnify Thy holy Name; through CHRIST our LORD. Amen.

In Anxiety.

O good JESUS, Who didst say to the troubled waters, "Peace, be still," still my heart in this[Name the trial]—that it may rest in Thee. May

the thought of Thy Will cheer the past, calm the present, give me rest of soul in fear of the future, quietness in anxiety, simple dependence upon Thee, Thy good Pleasure, Thy Providence, and Thy Love; that whatsoever befall me I may be patient and still from love of Thee, and in patience may Amen. possess my soul.

In any Trouble-" We humbly beseech Thee, O FATHER." Litany: Prayer Book.

For Patience-Collect for Sunday next before Easter.

For Deliverance- "O GOD, Who despisest not the sighing," &c. Litany: Prayer Book. Also Collects for Second Sunday in Lent, Eighth Sunday after Trinity, and others.

A Prayer for Christian Courage-Collect for S. John Baptist's Day.

For Perseverance-Collect for Holy Innocents' Day.

For a Fast Day-Collect for First Sunday in Lent.

For the Ember Weeks-Prayer in the Prayer Book, or the Prayer "for the Clergy," page 99. [Note.-You will find amongst the Collects a Prayer for every circumstance and need.]

THE MINISTRY OF HOLY ANGELS. "Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?"-See Ps. ciii. 20, 21; xxxiv. 7; and xci. 11. S. Matt. xviii. 10. S. Luke xvi. 22. S. Mark xiii. 27. Dan. vi. 22. Acts xii. 7, &c. &c.

A Prayer for the Guardianship of Holy Angels.

O Everlasting GOD, Who hast ordained and constituted the services of Angels and men in a wonderful order; Mercifully grant, that as Thy holy Angels alway do Thee service in heaven, so by Thy appointment they may succour and defend us on earth; through JESUS CHRIST Our LORD. Amen.


O ALMIGHTY GOD, Who didst send Thine Angel to bless Jacob in his journey, remember me in Thy mercy, and be with me in my going out, and my coming in. Preserve me from dangers and all accidents, and bring me again to my home in peace and safety, with Thy favour and blessing; through JESUS CHRIST our LORD and SAVIOUR. Amen.

[When you return do not forget to thank God, for His preservation of you.]


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'If ye love Me, keep My Commandments."

"Not every one that saith unto Me, LORD, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doeth the will of My FATHER which is in heaven."

"What is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"

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