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" Said lands shall be surveyed and sold, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, on the most advantageous terms, for cash, as public lands are surveyed and sold under existing laws, including any act granting lands to the State of Kansas in... "
Report of the Department of the Interior ... [with Accompanying Documents]. - Página 72
por United States. Dept. of the Interior - 1876
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Cases Decided in the Court of Claims of the United States, Volumen66

United States. Court of Claims - 1929 - 868 páginas
...Secretary of the Interior may from time to time direct. Said lands shall be surveyed and sold, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, on the...claim or homestead settlement shall be recognized : And after reimbursing the United States the cost of said survey and sale, and the said sum of three...
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Cases Decided in the United States Court of Claims ... with ..., Volumen119

United States. Court of Claims, Audrey Bernhardt - 1951 - 968 páginas
...lands ; we have said to them "we will take them and sell them for your benefit, for cash, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior on the most advantageous terms." That is the solemn contract we made with them. Have they not a right to rely upon our good faith to...
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Senate Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Public Documents and ..., Volumen3

United States. Congress. Senate - 1870 - 550 páginas
...contained within certain described boundaries ; eaid lands art' tobe "surveyed and sold, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, on the...most advantageous terms, for cash, as public lands arc surveyed and sold under existing laws, including any act gran t ing lands to the State of Kansas...
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Miscellaneous Documents: 30th Congress, 1st Session - 49th ..., Volumen2

United States. Congress. House - 1874 - 1174 páginas provided that said lauda shall be surveyed and sold, under the Secretary of the Interior, on tbe most advantageous terms, for cash, as public lands are surveyed and sold under existing laws; but no pre-emption claim or homestead settlement shall be recognized ; and after re-iinbursing the...
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Reports of Cases Ruled and Adjudged in the Several Courts of the ..., Volumen92

Alexander James Dallas - 1876 - 856 páginas
...treaty added, immediately after the provision for the survey and sale under existing laws, the words " including any act granting lands to the State of Kansas...the construction of a railroad through said lands ; " so that the provision required that the sale of the lands of the Osage Indians should be made in...
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Report from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, Communicating the Annual ...

United States. General Land Office - 1876 - 436 páginas
...under the direction of the Secretary of tho Interior, on tho most advantageous terms, for са.чЬ, as public lands are surveyed and sold under existing laws, [including any act granting lauds to the State of Kansas in aid of the construction of a railroad through said lands,] but no pre-emption...
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Decisions of the First Comptroller in the Department of the ..., Volumen3

United States. Comptroller of the Treasury - 1882 - 676 páginas
...tary of the Interior may from time to time direct. Said lands shall be surveyed and sold, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, on the...public lands are surveyed and sold under existing laws, but no pre-omption claim or homestead M'tllcment shall be recogni/.ed; and, after reimbursing the I'nited...
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Decisions of the First Comptroller in the Dept. of the Treasury

United States. Comptroller of the Treasury - 1882 - 668 páginas Said lauds shall be surveyed and gold, ui'der the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, ou the most advantageous terms for cash, as public lands are surveyed and sold under existing laws, but no preemption claim or homestead settlement shall be recognized; and, after reimbursing the United...
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Decisions of the First Comptroller in the Department of the Treasury, Volumen3

United States. Comptroller of the Treasury - 1882 - 682 páginas
...snrveyi-d and sold, n> der the direction of the Secretaryof the Interior.on advant»ge«aii terms for cash, as public lands are surveyed and sold under existing laws, lint no preemption claim or homestead settlement shall be recognized; and. after rcimlmrMng the United...
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Senate Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Public Documents and ..., Volumen3

United States. Congress. Senate - 1883 - 1028 páginas
...Secretary of the Interior may from time to time direct. Said lands shall be surveyed and sold, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, on the...public lands are surveyed and sold under existing laws, but no preemption claim or homestead settlement shall be recognized; and, after reimbursing the United...
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