Imágenes de páginas

Criminal Law

of the Indians, 302.

[References are to pages.]

federal, statutory in character, 1019.

Criminal Suits

against federal officials, removal of, to federal courts, 128.

state common-law remedies and punishments adopted in federal courts,

[blocks in formation]

status of, during occupation by the United States, 384, 389, n.


Danbury Hatters' Case

doctrines of, 759.

Dawes Act

provisions of, 310.

Dawes Commission

work of, 312.


in constitutional conventions, interpretative value of, 30.
legislative, interpretative value of, 33.

[blocks in formation]

[References are to pages.]

Delegation of Legislative Power — Continued
power of president under tariff laws, 1319.
power to issue administrative ordinances, 1318.
power to establish railway rates, 1323.
referendum as a, 1324.

· Departments

executive, of the United States, 1125.

relation of, to the president, 1159.
mandamus to heads of, 1304.


definition of, 324.

see "Territories."

Direct Tax

definition of, 603, 613.

tax on carriages not a, 614.

tax on land is a, 614.

capitalization tax is a, 614.

tax on insurance companies and on succession to real estate, not a, 615.
income tax, 616.

sales or exchanges, G18.

tobacco, 618.

sugar, 619.

[blocks in formation]

full faith and credit clause does not apply to, 196.
citizenship in, 273.

power of inhabitants to sue in federal courts, 374.

delegation of legislative power to, 375.

status of, 406, n.

civil rights of inhabitants of, 426.

commerce with, 773.


congressional, 536.

District Courts

organization of, 972.

appeals from, 976.
jurisdiction of, 981.

Diversity of Citizenship

[References are to pages.]

jurisdiction of federal courts based on, 984.

suits by or against corporations, 984.


decrees of, relation of full faith and credit clause to, 205.
suits for, held actions in personam, 210.

[blocks in formation]

Due Process of Law

[References are to pages.]

Slaughter House Cases, 177.
taxation and, 583, 621.
collection of taxes and, 624.
legal tender and, 627.

definition of, 856.

historical meaning of, 858.

requirements of, not unchangeable, 859.

rules as to evidence and procedure may be changed, 680.

appeal not essential to, 862.

confronting witnesses, 863.

trial in courts of law not essential to, 863, 1278.

statutory formalities and, 864.

fixed interpretation of law not guaranteed by, 864.

substantive rights and, 865, 868.

meaning of per legem terræ, 865.

distinction between American and English doctrines as to, 865.

all departments of government are bound to provide, 866.

erroneous interpretation of law as a denial of, 868.

[blocks in formation]

does not apply to suits instituted by a State, 122, 1070.

see "Suability of States."

Eminent Domain

federal exercise of, in the States, 119.

federal power of, 378.

and obligation of contracts, 910.

Employers' Liability Law

federal, 741, 743.

Enabling Acts
province of, 321.


[References are to pages.]

in army and navy, obligations assumed by, 1193.


in taxation, 593.

of the States, 239.

Equal Protection of the Law

constitutional guarantee of, 186.

taxation and, 593.

constitutional provision as to, 873, 881.

definition of, 881.

corporations entitled to, 882.

administrative discretion and, 885.

political rights not concerned, 886.

classifications and, 886.

classifications must be reasonable, 887.

laws and judicial systems not required to be uniform throughout the
State, 888.

similar, but not the same, privileges required, 889.


in federal courts, 1024.


writs of, from federal to state courts, 120.

Established Religion

prohibited to the United States, 841.


rules of, in federal courts, 1026.


bills of, not articles of commerce, 633.


defined, 582.

Exclusion of Aliens

power of United States as to, 25, 452.

Exclusion of Commodities

power of States as to, 678.

from the mails, 784.

Exclusive Powers

federal, 73.

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