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Gudin or Godwin, Earl of Kent, son of Ulfnadr or Wulfnoth, a herdsman, married Gytha, daughter of Ulf or Ulfr, a jarl, and Estritha (Astrith), daughter of Svein, King of Denmark, his wife. Godwin's wife died after 1067. Harold, their son, was the last Saxon king of England. The facts about Gytha are too meagre for 'D.N.B.' to notice, and the chronicles give various versions as to her parentage. See Lappenberg's 'History of England' and Turner's History of the Anglo-Saxons.'


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Wilde wrote nothing after his release from
prison. I may add that an advertisement in
The Publishers' Circular will probably pro-
cure for C. B. a copy of Dr. Meyerfeld's
translation of ' De Profundis.'

The English edition of 'De Profundis," published by Messrs. Methuen on 23 February last, was edited by Mr. Robert Ross, to whom the original MS. was entrusted by Mr. Wilde. Mr. Ross exercised his discretion as to what portions should be published, and the German translation was not issued till some weeks afterwards. Asterisks in several places in the English edition indicate that omissions have been made-e.g., pp. 11, 13, 15, 19, 20, &c. A short memoir of Mr. Wilde, to be published at the Holywell Press, Oxford, very shortly, will contain a complete list of his published writings, and a full bibliography is in course of preparation. STUART MASON.


50, Great Russell Street, W.C.

CHIMNEY STACKS (10th S. iv. 128). — In Grainge's 'Vale of Mowbray' appears the following statement concerning Arden Hall :

OSCAR WILDE'S 'DE PROFUNDIS' (10th S. iv. 168). The German translation of this book which is referred to by C. B. was made by The German edition was issued before the Dr. Max Meyerfeld, and contains some letters English, and it contains a large number of to Mr. Robert Ross, with personal and family passages, names, &c., not to be found in the references that were not included in the English edition. I have before me a marked English edition published by Mr. Methuen copy of the German translation, in which shortly afterwards. Dr. Meyerfeld also pro- every word is indicated in pencil that is not duced a German translation of Wilde's play to be found in the English edition, and the "The Duchess of Padua,' which has never whole of the omissions in the latter total up been issued in English, though its approach- to about sixty pages of print of the size of ing publication was announced by Messrs. the English issue. I may add that the Elkin Mathews & John Lane so long ago German edition has been long out of print. as 1894. Some 'Notes for a Bibliography of E. MENKEN. Oscar Wilde,' by W. R., in which neither of Dr. Meyerfeld's translations was included, were published in Books and Book-Plates: The Book-Lover's Magazine (Edinburgh, Otto Schulze & Co.), vol. v. pp. 170-83. This 'Bibliography was announced as merely tentative," and, while very useful on the whole, there are a few faults of omission and #commission in it. The former are of the slightest importance, such as the failure to record that seventy-five copies of 'The Happy Prince,' 1888, were issued on large paper with the plates in two states, and each copy signed by author and publisher, and also that fifty copies of De Profundis,' 1905, were issued on Japanese vellum. Amongst the latter is the attribution to Wilde of a book in which he had no share-a translation of Barbey d'Aurevilly's 'Ce Qui Ne Meurt Pas,' under the title of 'What Never Dies.' Your correspondent will find from a letter by Mr. Robert Ross, published in The Daily Chronicle for 7 February, that with the exception of two letters on prison life contributed to that journal, and The Ballad of Reading Gaol,'

"The only relics of the priory remaining, are a chimney, probably that of the kitchen, which yet retains its antique appearance, and performs the same part in the modern building as it did in the old. It is popularly said to be the title deed, by which the payment of 407. a year from the owner of the park lands of Upsall, is secured to the lord of the manor of Arden; while the chimney endures the claim holds good-when it ceases to exist, the claim becomes void. This is the common story told in the neighbourhood, if true it must certainly be ranked among singular tenures."-P. 321.


"ACADEMY OF THE MUSES" (10th S. iii. 449; iv. 54, 177).-There is very little resemblance between this name and "The Temple of the Muses," applied by Lackington or his successors to the bookshop in Finsbury Place. I have a rough note that an Academy for Young Gentlemen," conducted in Leman Street about 1796, was so called; unfortu

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nately I omitted to record the source of this information. Of more value is the rough draft of a circular issued by "Messrs. Mensforth & Richards," announcing their intention "to engage some rooms near the Plash Dog, Bridge Street Row, wherein an Academy will be opened on Monday the 2nd of January, 1786." A later hand has written, in explanation of an asterisk placed against the name Richards, "This was the same person who is now Sir Richard Philipps [sic], 1822"; and on the next page, against the address, "An Academy of the Muses." The following is worth quoting from the same circular, although not relevant to the query: "Ladies and the Mathematics taught in a private Apartment. No entrance money, fine money, or other impositions; Rods or Canes will not be used, in their stead will be introduced rewards and a knowledge of the disgrace which attend [sic] wrong doing, and the principal cause of using the above instruments will be omitted, that is, Tasks out of School."

39, Hillmarton Road, N.


ABSTEMIUS IN ESOP'S 'FABLES' (10th S. iv. 149). In addition to the information given in the editorial note, I can supply the following. L. Abstemius did not live much after 1505, date of his preface to the Aurelius Victor printed in Venice. The Hecatomythiumn' was first printed in 1495 in Venice with L. Valla's translation of some of Esop's fables. Other editions are Strasburg, 1522; Paris, 1529; Lyon, 1534, 1544, 1545; Heidelberg, 1610; Frankfurt, 1660. Other works are his 'Annotationes Variæ in Obscura Loca Veterum,' and 'Libellus de Compluribus Verbis Communibus, quæ nunc male appellantur deponentia,' Venice, 1519. A MS. geographical work of his, 'De Totius Orbis Civitatibus,' is in the Barberini Library LUDWIG ROSENTHAL.

at Rome.

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good lady and Grandmother the Countesse of Shrewsbury." The child says:


"Good Lady Grandmother, I haue sent yor L the endes of my heare, which was cutt the sixt day of the moone, on Saturday laste; and with them pott of gelly which my seruante made; I pray Gol you finde it good....... Yor Lap humble and obbe diente childe, ARBELLA STEWARD."


In 'The Compleat Houswife: or, Accom plished Gentlewoman's Companion,' by ES- (third edition, London, 1729, p. 311), is the following:

"An Ointment to cause Hair to grow. Take two ounces of Boar's-grease, one dram of the Ashes of burnt Bees, one dram of the Ashes of Southern wood, one dram of the Juice of a white Lilly Root, one dram of Oil of sweet Almonds, and six drams of pure Musk; and according to Art, make an Ointment of these; and the day before the full Moon, shave the place, and anoint it every Day with this Ointment. It will cause Hair to grow where you will have it."


PICTURES OF SCENES IN JULIUS CAESAR' AND 'ROMEO AND JULIET' (10th S. iv. 169).If convenient, MR. HERBERT should apply

personally, if possible-at the Memorial Library, Stratford-upon-Avon, where he will probably find copies of all the graphic and pictorial illustrations which exist by wellknown artists of Shakespearian subjects For a few pence an illustrated catalogue of the gallery there can be had. The British Museum Shakespeare Catalogue may be consulted with advantage, and the Print Room there too. The Birmingham Referenc Library possesses a large number of Shake spearian illustrations, as well as the Lenor Library at New York. WM. JAGGARD.

Romeo and Juliet,' Act V. sc. iii., of which James Northcote painted a picture of I have an engraving by P. Simon.


Hildegardstrasse, 16, Munich.

R. Westall, R A., painted 'Brutus and the Ghost of Cæsar.'

John Opie, Jas. Northcote, and William Juliet.' Miller painted scenes from 'Romeo and CONSTANCE RUSSELL


GEORGE BUCHANAN (10th S. iv. 147).-"The Witty and Entertaining Exploits of George Buchanan, commonly called the King's Fool. Glasgow: Printed for the booksellers" (no date), is the first chap-book in the three volumes entitled "John Cheap the Chap man's Library: The Scottish Chap Liters ture of Last Century, classified. With Life

of Dougal Graham. Glasgow: Robert Lindsay, Queen Street. 1877."

I do not find the story alluded to by W. B. in this edition of the chap-book, unless it be that about the French king's puzzling letter saying, "Will I come? Will I come? Will I come?" The last but one of the chap-books in the first volume of John Cheap' is 'Grinning Made Easy,' on p. 8 of which is an anecdote about Buchanan, when he was tutor to James I., giving "his most sacred majesty a flogging." This story is told more fully in Chalmers's Biographical Dictionary.' The following story appears in "The Scotch Haggis' (Edinburgh, 1822), p. 66: Buchanan, when travelling in Italy, owing to the freeness of his writings, was suspected of heresy, and taken hold of by the inquisition. By writing this distich to his Holiness the Pope, he was

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Laus tua, non tua fratus, virtus non copia rerum, Scandere te fecit hoc decus eximium.

Thus Englished:

Thy praise, not fraud; thy virtue, not thy store, Made thee to climb that height which we adore.

Being out of the Pope's jurisdiction, he sent to his Holiness, and desired, according to his true meaning, to read the same verses backwards-thus: Eximium decus hoc fecit te scandere rerum, Copia, non virtus, fratus tua, non tua laus. Englished:

The height which we adore, what made thee climb? Not virtue, not thy worth, rather thy crime." "Fratus" is evidently a misprint for fraus.

Is it not probable that there were two George Buchanans, one the historian, the other the jester, and that some of the jokes of the latter were foisted on the former? Many of the stories in the chap-book could not, one would think, have ever been supposed to have anything to do with the George Buchanan. ROBERT PIERPOINT.

REV. WILLIAM HILL (10th S. ii. 427, 490).At the first of these references I craved information concerning this once well-known leader in the Chartist movement, and at the second I received a useful item. But in the meantime there had come direct to my address from another of your readers a mass of biographical information enabling me to compile the article 'The Rev. William Hill: New-Churchman and Chartist,' which occupies the first place in the number of The New-Church Magazine for July. To you and to your two contributors I render hearty



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of Strowan, in which the information as recorded in Douglas's' Baronage' was given, and the following question asked: "Was William Robertson, who married Helen Millar at Ferryport-on-Craig in 1650, not a son of this James?" This has, so far as I am aware, neither been confirmed nor contradicted. James is said to have settled in Forfarshire, but where I have been unable to trace, and am doubtful if he ever had any connexion with this county. I trust PERTHSHIRE'S query will elicit some definite information about this member of one of the most important Scottish families. YARROW.

THE WAR OFFICE IN FICTION (10th S. iv. 127).-One such allusion as is sought may be found in Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice' (chap. xlii.), where it is recorded that "Elizabeth [Bennet] hoped that by the following Christmas [Kitty] might be so tolerably reasonable as not to mention an officer above once a day, unless, by some cruel and malicious arrangement at the War Office, another regiment should be quartered in Meryton." ALFRED F. ROBBINS.

BENBOW (10th S. ii. 29, 111). Some particulars of the descendants of Admiral John Benbow might be obtained from his will. It is in the P.C.C. and registered 47 Degg The following three Chancery suits should throw some light on this family-Series 1714-58, Benbow v. Benbow, bundle 1360 Benbow v. Benbow, bundle 1201; Shepherd v. Benbow, bundle 1208.

GERALD FOTHERGILL. 11, Brussels Road, New Wandsworth, S.W.

ORIGINAL REGISTERS SOUGHT (10th S. iv. 167).-All the documents stored in St. Mary's Tower at York were destroyed at the siege of York in the seventeenth century. Copies of many of these documents will be found in vol. vii. of the Dodsworth MSS. in the Bodleian Library at Oxford.

The register of Archbishop William Greenfield is in the office of Mr. H. A. Hudson, the Archbishop's registrar, at York.


Hon. Sec. Yorkshire Archæological Society. Whitehouse, Northallerton.

GARIBALDI: ORIGIN OF THE NAME (10th S. iv. 67, 132).-The Garibaldi are a very ancient Ligurian family. The first who used the Duke of Bavaria, A.D. 584. name would seem to have been Garibald, From him descended Grimaldus, King of Lombardy, A.D. 673. His son was Garibaldus. Then the name disappears. But it is early found among the nobles of Genoa, and at the institution of the Liber Aureus,' in 1528, its


members are recorded as of the ancient published anonymously, but attributed to nobility. From 1528 to 1751 the successive John Galt. It contains well-executed stipple generations of the Garibaldi are recorded in portraits of all the king's children. the Libro d' Oro'; and the last name but one there entered is Joseph Garibaldi, born 1792, probably an ancestor of the dictator. In 1685 Jeannetia Garibaldi was one of the four senators who accompanied the Doge of Genoa to Versailles, after Louis XIV. had nearly destroyed Genova la Superba by bombs, to apologize to the ruthless tyrant. See The Standard, 29 September, 1860.

The famous Golden Book' of Genoa has never been printed; but as I possess one of the very few MS. copies of it, I transcribe the entries of the Garibaldi family. The names occur on leaf 172, and are placed one under another. D. M. J. [We have forwarded the transcript to MR. HEBB.]

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SHEPHERD'S BUSH (10th S. iv. 89).-It may be well to remember, in connexion with this question, Milton's testimony that

Every shepherd tells his tale
Under the hawthorn in the dale.

'L'Allegro,' 67-8.

I may also profitably note the annexed passage from the preface of the Townleey Mysteries, published by the Surtees Society (p. xv), which mysteries contain references and expressions that affiliate them to the neighbourhood of Wakefield, in Yorkshire:

"When the two Shepherds appoint to meet the place which they appoint is the crokyd thorn. Now though it cannot, perhaps, be shown that there was any place or tree then precisely so denominated, yet it can be shown that at no great distance from Horbury there was at that time a remarkable thorn tree which was known by the name of the Shepherd's Thorn. It stood in Mapplewell, near the borders of the two manors of Notton and Darton. A Jury in the 20th of Edward IV., on a question between James Strangeways of Harlsey and the Prior of Bretton, found that the Shepherd's Thorn was in Darton'; and in the time of Charles I., one John Webster, of Kexborough, then aged 77, deposed that the inhabitants of Mapplewell and Darton had been accustomed to turn their sheep on the moor at all times, and that it extended southward to a place called The Shepherd's Thorn,' where a thorn tree stood."

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W. B. H. See 'Memoirs of George III.,' by R. Huish, pp. 666-7 (London, 1821), for details of the illness and death of the Princess Amelia, 1783-1810, and for the "pretty plaintive lines" by her, quoted by Thackeray in The Four Georges as being "more touching than better poetry" :


laughed, and danced, and talked and sung, &c. Unthinking, idle, wild and young, WM. H. PEET.

M. REBOUL will find portraits and biographies of nearly all the daughters of George III. in La Belle Assemblée of 1806 and 1808, several of the portraits being after the pictures of Sir W. Beechey, R.A., now at Buckingham Palace. W. ROBERTS.

THE ALMSMEN, WESTMINSTER ABBEY (10th S. iv. 168).-Like your querist, I was for a long time seeking information upon this subject, and have only just found it in the Report made to the Charity Commissioners concerning the Endowed Charities within the with the parishes of St. Margaret and Administrative County of London connected St. John, Westminster, and ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 25 FebThe information is rather

ruary, 1901.

scanty, but we may gather that
"King Henry the VIIth founded an Almshouse in
the Little Almonry, for 13 poor men, to whom he
appointed certain allowances in money, coals, and
clothing, to be made by the Abbot of Westminster,
with further allowances to three women, who
dressed their meat and tended them in sickness."
The Report goes on to state that

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by the charter of 2 Elizabeth, which established the present Chapter of Westminster, these Almsmen were incorporated into the collegiate church, and we are therefore precluded from any further inquiry concerning them."

There are still twelve pensioners supported from the funds of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster. These pensioners of the present day (who are doubtless the successors of the warrant on the recommendation of the Dean. former almsmen) are appointed by royal The charity is confined to old sailors and old soldiers, there being six of each, but no residential qualification is required. Each pensioner receives 127. 17s. per annum, and a purple or violet gown every two years; but I believe gowns are in future only to be given when the previous one is too shabby to be worn. This garment has long hanging loose sleeves; upon the left one is placed the Tudor


adge of the rose and crown in solid silver. am informed that Canon Hensley Henson as stated that these badges are not improbably the original ones; if this should not be the case, they are undoubtedly of very ncient make, massive, and of much interest. The pensioners are required (if in good health) o attend divine service at the Abbey on Sunday morning and afternoon, excepting on two Sundays in the year. They are further expected and enjoined, as part of their of duties, to be present at any State ceremonials there. They have also to assist in conducting the Dean into the Abbey upon various occasions when it may be ordered for them to do so.


was composed (music and, I think, words
also) by James Corfe. I do not recognize the
fourth and fifth lines. I always heard them
What arts might he know,
What acts might he do,

And all without hurry or care.

And so it reads in the only book which con-
tains it, printed in 1795. Here is the rest of
it, if I rightly remember:-

But we that have but span-long life
The thicker must lay on the pleasure;
And since Time will not stay,
We'll add the night unto the day;
Thus, thus we 'll fill the measure.


It may be stated that the almshouses in Izard is familiar to students of American IZARD (10th S. iv. 47).-The name of Ralph the Little Almonry were taken down between revolutionary history. He was born near fifty and sixty years ago, under an Act of Charleston, South Carolina, in 1742. His Parliament for improving the City of Westminster, one of the first actions of the West-grandfather was one of the founders of that minster Improvement Commissioners being the formation of Victoria Street, the line of which was through the Almonry and a large number of equally insanitary and ill-favoured courts and alleys, which were thereby blotted out of existence. W. E. HARLAND-ÖXLEY.

Henry VII., early in his reign, erected an almshouse north of the Almonry, close to the dwest end of the Abbey, near the Gate House, and endowed it for thirteen almsmen, whose blue-gowned successors may still be seen at the Abbey services, though the almshouse was destroyed long ago, and the pensioners no longer live in the precincts. Near unto this house westward," says Stowe,


was an old chappell of St. Anne, over against the which the Lady Margaret, mother to King Henry VII., erected an almeshouse for poore women. The place wherein this chappell and almeshouse standeth was called the Eleniosinary or Almonry, now coruptly the Ambry, for the almes of the Abbey were there distributed to the poore."


The following extract from Seymour's Survey of London and Westminster,' 1735, vii. 499, may be what MISS LAVENDER requires :

"Queen Mary brought in the Monks again, with an Abbot named Feckenham, to the Monastery of St. Peter, Westminster, who not long after being expulsed by Act of Parliament, Queen Elizabeth converted it into a Collegiate Church in 1560. For there she ordained a Dean, twelve Prebendaries, &c., and twelve Poor soldiers."

Walford's 'Old and New London,' viii. 404, gives it as twelve almsmen.


AUTHORS OF QUOTATIONS WANTED (10th S. iv. 168, 197).—The duet MR. PICKFORD quotes!

colony. Ralph inherited a large estate, and
was educated in England, as stated in the
went to London, where he associated with
query. After graduating at Cambridge he
Burke and other distinguished men. In 1774
he went to France, and in December, 1776,
the American Congress appointed him a
Commissioner to the Court of the Grand
Duke of Tuscany. He spent his time, how-
ever, at Paris, and severely censured the
negotiations of Franklin and other American
agents. Izard returned to America in 1780,
was a delegate to the Continental Congress
in 1782, and a senator from South Carolina
from 1789 to 1795. He was a man of con-
siderable ability and eloquence, but his native
pride and hasty temper marred his success.
He died near Charleston in 1804. His 'Cor-
respondence from 1774 to 1784' was published,
with a brief memoir by his daughter, at
Boston in 1844. His son George entered the
army, and became a major-general in the
war of 1812. George's son James was also a
soldier, and was killed in a war with the
Seminole Indians in Florida in 1836. Other
members of the family held public positions.
I do not know the career of Walter Izard.


DARWINIAN CHAIN OF ARGUMENT (10th S. iv. 169).-Darwin, aided by Col. Newman, connects clover with cats in the third chapter of 'The Origin of Species' (pp. 57, 58, sixth edition):

"We may infer as highly probable that if the whole genus of humble-bee became extinct or very rare in England, the heartsease and red clover would become very rare or wholly disappear. The number of humble-bees in any district depends in a great measure on the number of field mice, which

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