United States, and to notify him, that, unless he may have further communications to make, the two Houses of Congress, having completed the business before them, are ready to close the present session by an adjournment; and have appointed a committee on their part. And then he withdrew. Mr. Dwight, from the said joint committee, reported that the committee had, according to order, waited on the President, and made the communication to him; and that the President answered that he had no further communications to make to either House of Congress. It was then Ordered, That a message be sent to the Senate, to notify that body that this House, having completed the business before it, is now ready to close the present session by an adjournment; and that the Clerk do go with said message. The Clerk having delivered said message, and being returned, A message was received from the Senate, by Mr. Lowrie, their Secretary, notifying the House that the Senate, having completed the legislative business before it, is now ready to close the present session of Congress by an adjournment. And thereupon, The Speaker rose from his chair, and addressed the House as follows: GENTLEMEN: I receive, with sentiments of profound respect and grateful feeling, the renewed expression of your approbation and confidence in my administration of the arduous duties of this high office. The character and power of this House, the rank which it holds in the eyes of the world; the deep and abiding confidence of the nation in the intelligence, virtue, and patriotism of its Representatives, must ever render the approbation or censure of this House a matter of no ordinary importance to those who fill high places of public trust and confidence. This station, justly esteemed among the first in distinction and honor, has always been regarded, not only as one of elevated character, but of severe responsibili ty and labor, and of extreme delicacy. In discharging its arduous and multifarious duties, no man can hope to free himself from error, or to give unqualified or universal satisfaction. In times even of profound tranquility and repose, to please every one cannot, and ought not to be expected. Amid the storms of political and party excitements, it would be idle and vain to expect it. My path here, for the last four years, has not been strewed with roses. I have had, as you well know, my full share of responsibility, embarrassment, and toil. I can say, however, with truth, that I have endeavored to meet your expectations by a zealous devotion of my time, and even of my health, to your service; and by a faithful and independent discharge of my public duty. This, gentlemen, was all that I promised when I received this high appointment at your hands; and in laying it down, I feel a proud consciousness that I have redeemed my pledge; and if the trust has not been ably, it has, at least, been ho nestly discharged. During the entire period of my service, and under all the agitations of the times, it has been my peculiar good fortune and pleasure to receive, in an almost unexampled manner, the kindness and support of the members of this House; and in proof of it, I may be permitted to remark, I hope without vanity, that in all the numerous and important decisions which I have been called upon to pronounce from this chair, but one has ever been reversed by the judgment of the House, and that under circumstances which can cause me no regret. Can I, then, feel otherwise than gratified and flattered, cheered and consoled, by this renewed and distinguished evidence of your confidence and favor? I receive it, gentlemen, in the spirit in which it has been offered. I cherish it in my heart. It is the highest and the only reward that I either sought or expected; and I shall cherish it through life with feelings of the deepest respect and the most affectionate gratitude. God grant that you may long live to serve and benefit your country, and enjoy its undiminished confidence; and, in bidding you an affectionate, and perhaps last farewell, accept, I pray you, my cordial and best wishes for your individual health, prosperity, and happiness. And thereupon, The House adjourned sine die. INDEX. Absence, leave of, granted Mr Martio, Academy, Military, inquiry into propriety of reducing number Page 319 168, 172, 226 of cadets to be educated at, 197, 199, 261 Accountability. Statement called for of improper allowances to public officers, &c., Achafalia river, improve navigation of, Acken, William D. (See bills Senate, No. 118.) Adjourned, 12 o'clock fixed as the hour to which the House shall stand, 11 o'clock fixed during trial of Peck's impeachment, Adamson, John, his patent renewed. (See bills Senate, No. 128.) R. E. B. Baylor, Clement C. Clay, Dixon H. Lewis, report on claims of citizens on account of Indian de- boundary of. (See Boundaries.) paid 3 per cent. of proceeds of sales of lands. (See abolish district court at Blakeley. (See bills Senate, No. 138.) Aliens, proposition to extend patent laws to those who have applied, &c. Alleghany river, improve navigation of, R. No. 614.) Annapolis, survey bar at entrance of harbor of. (See bills H. Appalachicola river, remove obstructions in. (See bills H. R. Appropriations, estimates for 1831 laid before the House, for support of Government for 1831, (see bills 258 236 413 342 87 121 for the naval service for 1831, (see bills H. R. 129 No. 531,) for payment of pensions in 1831, (see bills H. 144 Appropriations, for military service for 1831, (see bills H. R. for fortifications in 1831, (see bills H. R. Nos. for Engineer, Ordnance, and Quartermaster's - for harbors and rivers in 1831, (see bills H. R. for light-houses, beacons, buoys, &c. (See bills for improvement of harbors and for surveys. for internal improvements. (See bills H. R. for carrying into effect Indian treaties. (See Page 150 156 182 182 191 for arrearages in Indian Department. (See bills for Penitentiary in District of Columbia. (See for public buildings in District of Columbia. Arkansas Territory, A. H. Sevier appears as delegate from continue act respecting settlement of land 52 claims in, (see bills H. R. No. 513,) 78, 83, 104 river, land granted for seat of Government of. Arkansas river, improve navigation of, (see bills H. R. No. 614,) dismiss brevet second lieutenants, 79 77 408 226 148 197, 199, 261 appointments may be made from the non-commissioned 197, 199, 261 report of officers on duty with companies and regiments, provision for mounting a portion of the, (see bills Senate, 341 144 430 58, 64, 180 appropriations and expenditures under each head in 1830, Ashtabula creek, Ohio, remove obstructions at mouth of. (See bills H. R. No. 566.) Assays of foreign coins in 1830, 305 |