PAGE Rail Road, South Carolina, report of State proxies in......49, 271, 290 See House Bill, No. 111. ..56, 107 Rail Road, Wilmington and Manchester, report of........116, 224, 285 Proxy for State. See W. C. Beaty. Resolutions on..... Delivery of freight by... Retailing Spirituous Liquors. (See Licenses and Negroes.) Reporter, State, report of.. Road Law.... Road Laws, Evans' Digest of... .41, 102, 271 ..86, 124 .30, 47, 49, 68, 118, 144, 163 186, 282 -116, 225, 285 .13, 35, 115 31 48, 117, 161 ...11, 99, 36, 117, 163 48, 68, 144 66 66 for, in Anderson... concerning, in Clarendon. 47, 115, 118, 163, 106, 142 50 183 75 31 31 30 106 39 for and against, in St. Bartholomews. 183 Roads, petitions of Commissioners of, in St. Bartholomews....151, 190 Rule of the House, 53d, motion to alter,.... PAGE ..59, 82 60th, amendments to....73, 89, 90, 120, 121, 124, 125, 138, 139 Reporters of Newspapers allowed seats on floor.34, 37, 39, 57, 103, 104 ..167, 216, 282 ..38, 59, 95, 120 .74, 87, 160, 284 .85, 108, 164 .85, 164 Charleston Mercury .85, 117, 165, 170, 181, 196, 241 Committee on College, Education and Religion, On Ludlam School Fund... On fixed rate of tuition in Free Schools.... .193, 210, 281 .243, 265, 285 On presentment Grand Jury of Charleston, presenting debts of minors at College............. On annual returns of Free Schools.. .243, 265, 285 .289, 291 PAGE Committee on Commerce, Manufactures and Arts, On memorial of South Carolina Institute......105, 123, 164, 178 Committee on the Judiciary, On memorial Clerk Court of Appeals.. On report of State Reporter. Committee on Internal Improvements and Agriculture, 105, 153, 178 ..265, 267, 285 On report of Anson and Cheraw Plank Road Company. 243, 265 Committee on the Library, On memorial of G. E. Walker and John Johnson......114, 162 On Walker's Theory of Common Law.. Committee on Lunatic Asylum and Medical Accounts, On account of Dr. George Pelzer... 289 289 ..120, 169, 277 -.120, 168, 277 On report of Regents of the Lunatic Asylum.....193, 265, 285 Committee on Privileges and Elections, On abolishing place of Election in All Saints..........265, 271 Committee on Agriculture and Internal Improvements, On petition of John Gibbes and J. W. Hodge.. PAGE .275, 279 RESOLUTIONS FROM THE SENATE. Providing for presenting a Sword to Col. Huger... .56,96 For sending certain books to the Mercantile Library of ..85, 119, 165 For publication of Calhoun's Life and Speeches.. 115, 153, 168, 277 For the adjournment of the General Assembly.....115, 127, 129 131, 132, 134, 135 For printing done by order of Judges... ..227, 266 Carolina ...264, 273 Houses and Jails..... ..264, 273 --265, 267 Plans and estimates accompanying petitions for new Court Of inquiry concerning the Bank of the State. Concerning the boundary line between Georgia and South Carolina, 275, 280, 289 Concerning the appointment of proxies to represent State stock in .275, 280 279 138 Seamen, colored, imprisonment of. See Governor's Message, No. 1. Seamen, deserted, petition concerning harboring of........... See Senate Bill, No. 9. Seats. See Members, seats of, Senator of United States, from March, 1853, voted for..75, 88, 89, 90 Messages to elect... Elected Sheriff, bond of, of Georgetown.. Simonton, C. H. See Clerk, Assistant. Solicitor of Northern Circuit, vacancy in office of.. 91, 95, 100 .88, 89, 90, 95, 100 101 ..103, 272, 280 66 66 .67, 70 70 72 15 Elected Slaves, unlawful traffic with... South Carolina College, invitation to attend Commencement of. See Governor's Message, No. 4. South Carolina College, Commencement of.... 138 South Carolina College, new Chapel of.........138, 169, 170, 182, 191 South Carolina College, report of Treasurer of......139, 211, 281, 290 South Carolina Institute.. Spartanburg, petition respecting town of..... See House Bill, No. 127. ..123, 164, 178 ..99, 142 St. Bartholomews, petition of Commissioners of Roads of. See Roads. State House, report on House and keeper of... Stuart, Captain, resolution concerning. St. Luke's Church, petition of..... Sumter District, Magistrates of. See Magistrates. Sams, Lewis R..... Servis, Ellen, petition of... 195, 281, 290 .63, 64, 74 14 ..69, 145 |