Imágenes de páginas
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109. To alter and amend so much
of the 10th section, 1st article of the
Constitution, as relates to two days of
election of members of the House of
Representatives, .

110 To compel each district and
parish of this State to pay the ex-
penses of their contested elections for
members of either branch of the Le-

111. To alter and amend an Act,
entitled "An Act to authorize the
State to aid in the construction of the
Spartanburg and Union Rail Road,

112. To incorporate Carolina Mu-
tual Insurance Company of Charles-


113. To alter and amend the Free
School Laws of this State,.

114. To exempt Robert Hopton,
a free person of color, from capita-
tion tax,.-.

115. To alter and amend an Act
to ascertain and define the powers,
duties and liabilities of Masters,
Commissioners and Registers in
Equity, and to provide for the or-
ganization and regulation of their
respective offices,--

116. To release from pledge the
Rail Road shares belonging to the

117. To authorize the convey-
ance of lots No. 29 and 30, in the
town of Columbia, to James Fuller,
on certain conditions,.......

118. To provide for the Savannah
River Valley Rail Road Company,-

119. *To authorize the State to
aid in the construction of the Pen-
dleton Rail Road,---

103 124

104 125

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122. To exempt apothecaries from
liability to perform militia duty.---- 125 140
123. To define the principles on
which joint stock banks shall be in-

124. To authorize a subscription
and loan on the part of the State to
the Blue Ridge Rail Road Company
in South Carolina,...

125. To incorporate Blue Ridge
Rail Road Company in South Caro-

126. To extend the charter of the
Bank of the State of South Carolina,

127. *To amend the charter of
certain towns and villages heretofore

128. To incorporate certain Reli-
gious and Charitable Societies, and
Societies for the advancement of
Education, and to renew the char-
ters of others heretofore granted,-

129. To re-charter the Planters'
& Mechanics' Bank of South Caro-

[ocr errors]

130. To re-charter Commercial
Bank of Columbia, South Carolina,.
131. To re-charter the Union
Bank of South Carolina,--

132. To incorporate certain Socie-
ties. Associations and Companies,
and for the re-charter of others,--

133. To establish certain roads,
bridges and ferries, and to amend
the laws respecting Commissioners
of Roads in certain particulars,----|

274 288 289



212 214




142 240 260

264 287 289

143 245 268

274 287 289


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Other proceed-

1st Reading
2d Reading...

3d Reading..

1. To change the day for the
election of, and term of office of, the
Mayor and Aldermen of the city of

2. *To vest in Thomas Bennett,
his heirs and assigns, all the right,
title and interest of the State of South
Carolina in two lots of land on
Charleston Lines,-

3. To incorporate Johnson Fe-
male University,-

4. To release to Catharine Mc-
Donald all the right and interest of
the State to certain property,---

5. To confer certain rights on the
Hebrew Congregation of Charleston
in relation to a piece of land by
them held,---

6. To release the right and inter-
est of the State in certain property
to Levi Gibson,--.

7. To amend an Act, entitled
"An Act to provide for the inspec-
tion of flour,".

8. To repeal all Acts and parts of
Acts authorizing Ordinaries to take
possession of, and administer dere-
lict estates,-

9. To amend an Act, entitled
"An Act to amend the laws in rela-
tion to the harboring of deserted

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97 268 273

288 289


115 186 209

123 288 289



115 197


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

22. To renew the charter of the
Planters' & Mechanics' Bank of
South Carolina,- -- -


149 236 261

23. To renew the charter of the
Union Bank of South Carolina,---- 150

24. To prevent obstructions to the
passage of fish up Lynch's Creek,- 150

25. To alter and amend 6th section
of ar. Act, entitled an Act to amend
an Act, entitled an Act to authorize
the formation of the Greenville and
Columbia Rail Road Company, and
an Act to amend an Act to authorize
the formation of the Greenville and
Columbia Rail Road Company, and
for other purposes,

26. To confer on Joseph Frank
certain rights and privileges in rela-
tion to a piece of land by him pur-
chased,- -





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