109. To alter and amend so much 110 To compel each district and 111. To alter and amend an Act, 112. To incorporate Carolina Mu- ton,-- 113. To alter and amend the Free 114. To exempt Robert Hopton, 115. To alter and amend an Act 116. To release from pledge the 117. To authorize the convey- 118. To provide for the Savannah 119. *To authorize the State to 103 124 104 125 122. To exempt apothecaries from 124. To authorize a subscription 125. To incorporate Blue Ridge 126. To extend the charter of the 127. *To amend the charter of 128. To incorporate certain Reli- 129. To re-charter the Planters' 130. To re-charter Commercial 132. To incorporate certain Socie- 133. To establish certain roads, 274 288 289 168 141216 212 214 141 141 141 142 240 260 264 287 289 143 245 268 274 287 289 143 BILLS OF THE SENATE. TITLE. Ratified ings.---- 1st Reading 3d Reading.. 1. To change the day for the 2. *To vest in Thomas Bennett, 3. To incorporate Johnson Fe- 4. To release to Catharine Mc- 5. To confer certain rights on the 6. To release the right and inter- 7. To amend an Act, entitled 8. To repeal all Acts and parts of 9. To amend an Act, entitled 97 268 273 288 289 97 115 186 209 123 288 289 115 153 115 197 153 22. To renew the charter of the 149 149 236 261 23. To renew the charter of the 24. To prevent obstructions to the 25. To alter and amend 6th section 26. To confer on Joseph Frank 150 150 168 194 |