53. To alter and amend the law 54. To prevent the marital rights 55. In relation to the execution of 57. To alter the Constitution of 58. Making it the duty of Magis- 59. To provide for the establish- 60. To establish boards of direc- 62. To incorporate German Ar- 63. To appropriate $3,500 for the 64. To renew the charter of the 65. To define the power of Judges 62 169 101 189 109 264 287 289 208 250 287 66. To vest the right, title and in- 68. To prevent obstructions to the 69. To alter the sittings of the 70. To alter and amend the law in 71. To define the liabilities, duties 72. To incorporate Beaufort Fe- male Seminary,- 73. To incorporate Beaufort Loan 74. To punish trespasses on real 75. To reduce the number of pet- 82. To incorporate the village of 83. To authorize the formation of 84. To allow William Langston 85. To amend the law in cases of 86. To alter and amend the char- 87. To amend the charter of the 88 To authorize the South Caro- 90. Giving to the officers com- 91. To vest all the right, title and 92. To alter and amend the law 93. To alter and amend an Act, 82 87 83 90 83 87 883 107 108 164 230 108 229 83 103 122 97. To amend the charter of the 98. To alter and amend an Act, 99 To incorporate the village of 100. To amend an Act, entitled 101. To Incorporate Beaufort Fe- 102. To incorporate the Colum- 103. In relation to the qualifica- 104. To alter and amend the 105. To alter and amend an Act, 106. To arrange this State into 107. To establish the line of the 108. To permit Joseph R. Beare, 100 186 266 100 142 272 287 289 186 100 188 266 240 286 289 |