Imágenes de páginas
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

53. To alter and amend the law
in relation to the collection of debts
from free persons of color,---

54. To prevent the marital rights
of husbands from attaching on the
estates of married women,-

55. In relation to the execution of
slaves and free persons of color,----|
56. To open and extend Pitt st.,
in the town of Mt. Pleasant, to Hib-
ben street,-- - -

57. To alter the Constitution of
this State so as to divide Pendleton
into two Election Districts,--.

58. Making it the duty of Magis-
trates in their respective Beat Com
panies to enforce the laws relating to
traffic with slaves,-.

59. To provide for the establish-
ment of a general system of births,
deaths and marriages in the State of
South Carolina,..

60. To establish boards of direc-
tion for Commissioners of Common
Schools, and for other purposes, - - -
61. *To aid in the construction
of the Pendleton Rail Road,- .

62. To incorporate German Ar-
tillery Company and Charitable So-
ciety of Charleston,..

63. To appropriate $3,500 for the
purpose of erecting a suitable build-
ing for the education of the deaf and
dumb of this State, at Cedar Springs,
Spartanburg District,--.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][subsumed][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

64. To renew the charter of the
Bank of the State of South Carolina, 62 88 198241

65. To define the power of Judges
to take the property or imprison the
person of citizens without trial by

62 169

101 189

109 264 287 289
120 121 198
200 201 202 289
203 204 206

208 250 287

[blocks in formation]

66. To vest the right, title and in-
terest of the State in the personal es-
tate of Danl. McGill, deceased, in C.
McDonald, wife of D. D. McDonald,
67. To amend an Act to provide
for the inspection of flour,..

68. To prevent obstructions to the
passage of fish up Lynch's Creek,..

69. To alter the sittings of the
Courts of Law on the Northern Cir-

70. To alter and amend the law in
relation to the granting of licenses to
sell spirituous liquors,---

71. To define the liabilities, duties
and obligations of Magnetic Tele-
graph Companies, - -

72. To incorporate Beaufort Fe-

male Seminary,-

73. To incorporate Beaufort Loan
and Building Association,..

74. To punish trespasses on real

[blocks in formation]

75. To reduce the number of pet-
ty musters, and for other purposes,- 72
76. To ascertain the will of the
people of this State as to the manner
in which the Electors of President
and Vice President shall be made,.. 73
77. To amend an Act, entitled "An
Act to amend the law in relation to

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

82. To incorporate the village of

83. To authorize the formation of
a Volunteer Company within the lim-
its of the 23d Regiment of Infantry,

84. To allow William Langston
to hawk and peddle in Union Dis-
trict without the payment of the tax
now imposed by law,.

85. To amend the law in cases of

86. To alter and amend the char-
ter of the city of Charleston, so as to
make the election of Mayor and Al
dermen biennial, and fixing the time
for the first Wednesday in November,

87. To amend the charter of the
city of Charlesion, in relation to the
qualification of voters at city elec
tions for Mayor and Aldermen,---

88 To authorize the South Caro-
lina Rail Road Combany to build a
certain bridge over Congaree river, 82
89. To diminish the duties and di-
minish the salary of Adjutant and
Inspector General,..

90. Giving to the officers com-
manding companies the right to hold
Courts Martial for trial of all de-
faulters in company and patrol duty
in their respective commands,------

91. To vest all the right, title and
interest of the State in and to a cer-
tain lot, situate in the town of Green-
ville, in Willis Allen,...

92. To alter and amend the law
concerning the office, duties and lia-
bilities of Sheriffs,- .

93. To alter and amend an Act,
entitled "An Act to regulate the si-
ting of the Court of Appeals, and for
other purposes,"

[blocks in formation]

82 87

83 90





108 164 230

108 229

83 103


[blocks in formation]

97. To amend the charter of the
North Eastern Rail Road Company. 89 103

98. To alter and amend an Act,
entitled "An Act to provide for the
defence of the State,"

99 To incorporate the village of
Bluffton, in St. Luke's Parish, S. C.

100. To amend an Act, entitled
"An Act to incorporate the Com-
mercial Insurance Company,'

[ocr errors]

101. To Incorporate Beaufort Fe-
male Seminary, - -

102. To incorporate the Colum-
bia and Beaufort Building and Loan
Associations, -

103. In relation to the qualifica-
tion of jurors, and for other purposes,

104. To alter and amend the
amendment to the Constitution of this
State, ratified 19th December, A. D.

105. To alter and amend an Act,
entitled an Act concerning the office
and duties of Magistrates,--

106. To arrange this State into
districts for the election of Repre-
sentatives to the Congress of United
States, and for other purposes,--.

107. To establish the line of the
channel of Ashley River, adjacent to
the city of Charleston,..

108. To permit Joseph R. Beare,
an alien, to apply for admission to
practice in the Courts of Law and
Equity in this State,---

100 186 266



272 287 289


100 188 266

240 286 289

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