In Chester, petition for... See Senate Bill, No. 22. PAGE .190, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236 Another in Columbia, memorial for........5, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236 See Senate Bill, No. 22. Commercial, in Columbia, petition for re-charter of.. 15, 232, 233, 234 See Senate Bill, No. 22. Of Hamburg, petition for re-charter of. In Newberry, petition for... .......37, 232, 233, Planters' & Mechanics'.... See House Bill, No. 51; and Senate Bill, No. 22. 235, 236 .85, 271, 280 334, 235, 236 15 People's, of South Carolina.......167, 185, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236 See Senate Bill, No. 22. South Western Rail Road, report of State proxies in. In Sumterville, memorial for. See Senate Bill, No. 22. .49, 290 49, 142, 164 Of State of S. Carolina, report of President and Directors of.36, 271, 290 66 66 40 Union, of South Carolina, petition for re-charter of.. See House Bill, No. 77; and Senate Bill, No. 22. Bailey, Nancy, petition of.... Bailey, R. S., account of.... Barnett, Dr. J. R., account of. Beck, Charles, account of.... Benson, George, petition of. .37, 102, 160, 210 ..99, 216, 281 ...37, 59, 91 ..50, 69 .88, 104 Blackledge, William, petition of... PAGE ..37, 59 Blackledge, William, report of Comptroller, on account of..67, 87, 160 Bowman, Elizabeth, petition concerning property of. See Burbridge. Branch, Sarah, petition of. Britton & Mickle, account of.. See House Bill, No. 43. 66 .36, 69, 145, 191 4.7, 39, 84, 114 ..99, 107, 160, 283 ......151, 211, 282 .151, 169, 277, 290 *The titles of Bills marked with an * were changed either by the members intro- 14. *To fix the term of office or 15. *Relative to the more perfect 16. To regulate the practice in the 17. To simplify the practice and 18. To alter and amend the 10th 32 40 19. To authorize the State to grant 21. To define the principles on 22. To abolish the laws against 122 153 107 225 226 241 242 250 289 107 76 77 110 32 41 153 32 59 141 33 24. To repeal an Act, entitled 27. To secure planters and factors 41 31 To charter the Lancaster 32. To alter and amend the Free 33. Further to amend the law in 34. To provide for the appoint- 35 To amend the charter of the 36 To incorporate the Columbia 37 To aid in the construction of a --- 41 3 41 73 42 61 42 104 38. To provide for the future elec- 168 76 77 110 60 113 154 159 431 |