The Bill was then read the second time, and was ordered to be sent to the Senate. The Senate returned to the House an Act to repeal all Acts and parts of Acts authorizing the ordinary to take possession of, and administer Derelict Estates, and an Act to Extend the Charter of the Bank of the State of South Carolina; which were committed to the committee on Engrossed Acts. The following Message was received from the Senate : IN THE SENATE, December 14th, 1852. Mr. Speaker, and Gentlemen of the House of Representatives: The Senate asks leave of your House to amend the report of the Committee on Public Buildings on the petition of the Commissioners of Public Buildings, for Richland District, by adding the following proviso: Provided, No application shall hereafter be made to this Legislature for an appropriation to erect, or to assist in erecting the new jail proposed and referred to in the said petition. By order of the Senate. ROBT. F. W. ALLSTON, President. A Bill from the Senate to authorize the South Carolina Rail Road Company to build a certain bridge over the Congaree River, was called for a second reading, and progress having been made thereon, under the order of the House, business was suspended at 4 o'clock, P. M., until 6 o'clock, P. M. RECESS. The SPEAKER resumed the chair. The reading of a Bill from the Senate to authorize the South Carolina Rail Road Company to build a certain bridge over the Congaree River, was continued. Mr. TUCKER moved to amend the Bill by adding the following proviso: Provided, The said South Carolina Rail Road Company do transport merchandize and other articles of freight at the same rates, and with equal promptness, from Charleston to Columbia, as it does from Charleston to Hamburg. Mr. RICE moved to lay the amendment on the table; and the question being put, Will the House agree thereto? it was passed in the affirmative. Yeas, 57-Nays, 44. The Yeas and Nays were requested, and are as follows: Those who voted in the affirmative, are The Hon. JAMES SIMONS, Speaker; and, A Bill to authorize the State to aid in the construction of the Pendleton Rail Road, was read the second time. On motion of Mr. MIDDLETON, its title was amended so as to read, "A Bill to authorize aid in the construction of the Pendleton Rail Road;" and the Bill was then ordered to be sent to the Senate. A Bill to authorize the State to afford aid in constructing the Pendleton Rail Road; and, A Bill to authorize the State to grant aid in the construction of the Cheraw and Darlington Rail Road; were ordered to lie on the Table. A Bill to provide for the formation of the Savannah River Valley Rail Road Company; was read the second time, and was ordered to be sent to the Senate. A Bill to authorize the State to grant aid in the construction of the Cheraw and Darlington Rail Road was read the second time. On motion of Mr. MIDDLETON, the title was amended by striking out the words, "State to grant;" and the Bill was then ordered to be sent to the Senate. A Bill from the Senate to incorporate the Blue Ridge Rail Road Company in South Carolina; was read the second time. Mr. B. F. PERRY submitted the following amendment, as an additional section of the Bill: Sec. 13. That the faith and funds of the State of South Carolina be, and the same are hereby, pledged to secure the punctual payment of any contract which shall be made for borrowing money by the "Blue Ridge Rail Road Company in South Carolina," from any person or persons, company or companies, corporation or corporations, to any amount not exceeding one million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, either in the United States or in Europe; and when such contracts shall be made by bond or bonds, signed by the President of the said Company, under its seal, and countersigned by the Secretary or Treasurer thereof, it shall be the duty of the Comptroller General of this State to endorse thereon, that the faith and funds of the State of South Carolina are pledged to the faithful performance of the said contract or contracts, as it respects the punctual payment, both of the principal and the interest, according to the terms of the said contract or contracts. Provided, that the interest to be made payable thereon shall not exceed six per cent per annum, in quarterly or half yearly payments; and, provided also, that the Comptroller General shall not endorse any such contract or contracts, until satisfactory proof is produced to the Governor of the State or the Comptroller Gene ral, that five hundred thousand dollars are duly subscribed by responsible persons, companies or corporations, to the capital stock of the said "Blue Ridge Rail Road Company in South Carolina ;" and, provided further, that such endorsement shall not be made until the Governor or Comptroller General shall have satisfactory proof that such subscriptions have been made, or aid furnished to other Rail Road Companies in North Carolina and Tennessee, designed to connect the said Blue Ridge Rail Road with the "Georgia and East Tennessee Rail Road," as shall give reasonable assurance of the construction of the said North Carolina and Tennessee Rail Roads. any Sec. 14. That as soon as the Comptroller General shall have made such endorsement on any h 211 t, the whole estate, property and funds within the St, ch the said Company may then possess, or shall afterwards acqu..'e, shall thenceforth stand pledged and mortgaged to the State, without any further act or deed on the part of the Company, for the faithful and punctual performance on the part of the said Company of such contract, in priority and preference of any other debt which the said Company may then or at any other time owe; Provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the said "Blue Ridge Rail Road Company in South Carolina," from applying the proceeds of the loan so made by them, and the instalments which may be called for and paid in, on the stock of the Company, for the purpose of constructing, equipping, and working the Road, and for no other purpose except to pay the interest on the said loan or loans, and the ultimate extinguishment of the principle thereof. And, provided further, that so long as no part of the principal of the debt of the Company, under the contracts aforesaid, shall be due and unpaid, it shall be lawful for the Company to divide among its stockholders its surplus nett income, after payment of the interest due upon its debts. The debate thereon was suspended, and The following message was received from the Senate : In the Senate, December, 14, 1852. Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen of the House of Representatives : Senate asks leave of your House to amend the Bill to make appropriations for the year commencing October 1852, by striking out the following words," for pay and mileage of the Electors of President and Vice President of the United States, at the late election, two hundred dollars, if so much be necessary," and also by striking out the following," for print |