Mr. PERRY submitted the following amendment to the amendment proposed by Mr. Ashmore, by adding thereto the following proviso: Provided, the said appropriation be apportioned among the several districts and parishes in proportion to the white population of the State. Mr. BLAKENEY moved to lay the proposed amendment on the table, and the question being put, "Will the House agree thereto?" it passed in the affirmative— The question then recurred on Mr. ASHMORE'S amendment, and the question being put," Will the House agree thereto ?" it passed in the affirmative. Yeas, 79-Nays, 32. 'The yeas and nays were requested, and are as follows: Those who voted in the affirmative are, The Hon. JAMES SIMONS, Speaker, and Mr. MAYBIN, who was absent when the vote was taken on agreeing to the amendment, was permitted to record the vote he would have given if present, and his name having been called for that purpose, he answered "Aye." The Bill was then read the second time, and ordered to be sent to the Senate. On motion of Mr. ASHMORE, it was ordered that a message be sent to the Senate, proposing to that body to rescind the Joint Resolution providing for the adjournment of the General Assembly on Wednesday 15th inst., and to substitute in lieu thereof, Friday, 17th. Mr. MCGOWAN gave notice that he will on Monday next, move to suspend the 52d Rule of this House for the rest of the session. The House was adjourned at 45 minutes past 10 o'clock, P. M. MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1852. At the hour to which the House was adjourned, the Clerk called the Roll, when the SPEAKER took the Chair, and a quorum being present, the Journal of Saturday's proceedings was read. The SPEAKER announced that Mr. O'Bryan is added to the Committee on Privileges and Elections. On motion of Mr. TILLINGHAST, leave of absence was granted to Mr. Seabrook for the remainder of the session on account of indisposition. On motion of Mr. TUCKER, it was ordered that writs of election do forthwith issue to the Managers of the Election District of Spartan, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the election of H. J. Dean to a disqualifying office. The Senate returned to this House An Act to alter and amend the law in relation to the education of the deaf and dumb of this State; which was committed to the Committee on Engrossed Acts. Mr. READ presented the petition of S. T. Gaillard and others, praying for the incorporation of Plantersville; which was referred to the Committee on Incorporations. Mr. MIDDLETON, from the Committee of Ways and Means, made reports on The report of the President of the Wilmington and Manchester Rail Road Company; |