So the House postponed the amendment, and the question being put, "Shall the Bill be sent to the Senate ?" it passed in the affirmative. Yeas, 74-Nays, 33. The Yeas and Nays were requested and are as follows: Hon. JAMES SIMONS, Speaker, and Messrs. Alexander, Anderson, Ashmore, Bates, Beaty, Blum, Boykin, Boylston, Brown, Messrs. Durant, Elliott, Fox, Gadberry, Garlington, Gourdin, Green, Hammond, Hampton, n Broyles, Burt, Byrd, J. B. Campbell, Cash, Cauthen, Charles, Clarke, Clawson, Crosson, Cruikshank, Cureton, Hearst, Hope, Howell, Hudgens, Hunt, J. I. Ingram, Tillman ngram, W. R. Johnson, Kershaw, King, Lanneau, Lawton, Leitner, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1852. At the hour to which the House was adjourned, the Clerk called the Roll, when the SPEAKER took the Chair, and a quorum being present, the Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read. Mr. BLAKENEY, who was absent on the taking of the vote, to send to the Senate a Bill to recharter the Bank of the State of South Carolina, asked and obtained leave to record the vote he would have given if present, and his name being called he answered "Aye." Mr. J. I. INGRAM obtained leave of absence for Mr. Epps, for the remainder of the session, on account of illness in his family. Mr. OWENS, obtained leave of absence for Mr. A. R. Johnston, for the remainder of the session. The Senate returned to this House the following Acts, which were committed to the Committee on Engrossed Acts: An Act to prevent the passage of fish up Lynch's Creek. An Act to appoint Commissioners to ascertain and define the proper dimensions and directions of the streets in the town of Moultrieville, and to remove all obstructions in such streets. An Act to exempt the surviving officers and members of the Palmetto Regiment from ordinary militia duty. An Act to authorize the formation of a new Volunteer Company within the limits of the 23d Regiment of Infantry. An Act to relieve plank road companies from the necessity of making returns unless specially called for by the Legislature. An Act to charter the Lancaster Rail Road Company and for other purposes. An Act to incorporate the Village of Cokesbury, and An Act to arrange the State into Districts for the election of Representatives in the Congress of the United States and for other purposes. The Senate sent to this House a Bill to extend the charter of the Bank of the State of South Carolina, and to prevent the circulation within the State of bank notes of a less denomination than five dollars, issued by persons or corporations of other States, which was read the first time. Mr. WINSMITH moved to refer the bill to the Committee of Ways and Means, and, the question being put, "Will the House agree thereto ?" Tellers were called for, and the House divided-Messrs. Hunt and Win smith were appointed to count the House. The tellers reported 25 in the affirmative, and 42 in the negative. On motion of Mr. HUNT, the Bill was referred to a Special Committee of three, whereupon the SPEAKER appointed Messrs. Hunt, Winsmith and Sullivan of the Committee. Mr. ASHMORE obtained leave for the Committee on Claims to sit this day while this House is in session. The Senate sent to this House A Bill to incorporate the Carolina Blues, a Volunteer Company in the Town of Columbia, which was read the first time and referred to the Committee on the Military. The Senate also sent to this House A Bill to incorporate the Town of Bluffton; which was read the third time, Resolved, That the Bill do pass, that the title thereof be changed, that it be called an Act; Ordered, That it be returned to the Senate. The Senate returned to this House A Bill to alter and amend the law in relation to the education of the Deaf and Dumb of this State; which was read the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass, that the title thereof be changed, that it be called an Act, Ordered, That it be sent to the Senate. The Senate returned to this House A Bill to alter the Constitution of this State so as to divide Pendleton into two election districts; which was referred to the Committee on Engrossed Acts. The Senate sent to this House, with their concurrence, the following reports: Reports of the Committee of Ways and Means; On the petition of J. D. Allen, On the memorial of City Council of Charleston, praying an appropriation for Transient Poor. Report of the Committee on Colored Population, on so much of the Governor's Message as relates to the imprisonment of Colored Seamen. Reports of the Committee on Claims; on The account of William Blackledge, The account of Palmetto Banner, The account of Jesse E. Dent, and |