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and Mr. R. L. Tillinghast, a member elect from St. Luke's, produced

his credentials, was sworn and took his seat.

On motion of Mr. ASHMORE,

Ordered, That a Committee be appointed to wait on his Excellency the Governor and inform him that a quorum of the House of Representatives had assembled, was ready to proceed to business, and to receive any communication he would be pleased to make: Whereupon the SPEAKER appointed Messrs. Ashmore, Keitt and Boylston of the Committee.

Mr. KEITT submitted the Presentment of the Grand Jury of Orangeburg District at Fall Term of 1852, presenting the condition of the Court House, and recommending the enlargement thereof; which was referred to the Committee on Public Buildings.

Mr. PATTERSON submitted the Presentment of the Grand Jury of Barnwell District for Fall Term, 1852.

So much as relates to the Free School system and to a digest of the Poor and Free School Laws, was referred to the Committee on Education: So much as recommends the establishment of a Penitentiary was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary:

And so much as relates to navigable streams was referred to the Committee on Internal Improvements.

Mr. HAMPTON presented the memorial of sundry citizens of Columbia and its vicinity, recommending the incorporation of another Bank in the town of Columbia: which was referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.

Mr. POPPENHEIM gave notice that he will ask leave to-morrow to introduce a Bill prescribing the manner in which the Electors of President and Vice President of the United States shall hereafter be elected in South Carolina.

Mr. TUCKER presented the petitions of sundry citizens of Spartanburg, praying the establishment of new places of election; which were referred to the Committee on Privileges and Elections.

Also, the claim of Dr. P. M. Wallace, for printing; which was referred to the Committee on Claims.

Mr. TUCKER submitted the following Resolution, which was ordered to be considered immediately, and which was agreed to:

Resolved, That a Special Committee of five persons be appointed by the Chair to take into consideration the subject of Common School Education in South Carolina, with a view to the improvement of the same,

and that said Committee be permitted to report the result of their investigation to this house by Bill or otherwise.

The SPEAKER appointed the following gentlemen of the Committee:-Messrs. Tucker, Melton, Garlington, Hutson, and Manigault.

Mr. GADBERRY presented the petition of John Gibbs, Sheriff o Union District, praying compensation for conveying prisoners to and from Columbia, and for blankets furnished the Jail; which was referred to the Committee on Claims.

Mr. MAYBIN presented the memorial of John Bryce and others, praying a charter for the "Columbia Gaslight Company;" which was referred to the Committee on Incorporations.

Mr. GARLINGTON gave notice, that he will to-morrow ask leave to introduce a Bill, to establish a Bank in the town of Newberry.

Mr. BRADLEY gave notice, that he will to-morrow ask leave to introduce a Bill, to afford aid in constructing the North Eastern Rail Road. Mr. LEITNER gave notice, that he will ask leave to-morrow to introduce a Bill, providing compensation for Managers of Election:

Also a Bill, to restore the Law, authorizing the appointment of Sutlers at Muster grounds upon certain conditions:

Also a Bill, to alter and amend the Law, in relation to the Education of the deaf and dumb of this State; and

Also, a Bill to enable planters and farmers to prove accounts made by them in the sale of their own produce.

Mr. KEITT gave notice, that he will ask leave to-morrow to introduce a Bill to alter and amend the Constitution so as to change the name of the Election District of Saxe Gotha to that of Lexington, and to extend its boundaries to its present judicial limits.

Mr. ASHMORE, from the Committee appointed to wait on his Excellency, the Governor, reported that they had performed that duty, and that his Excellency would communicate to this House to-morrow, at one o'clock, P. M.

Mr. HAMPTON gave notice, that he will to-morrow ask leave to introduce a Bill to incorporate the Exchange Bank in the Town of Columbia.

Mr. HUTSON gave notice, that he will to-morrow ask leave to introduce a Bill to declare and amend the Law in relation to words of limitation in deeds and wills.

Mr. SULLIVAN gave notice, that he will ask leave on Wednesday

next to introduce a Bill to alter and arrange the times of the sitting of the Courts of Equity in the fifth Circuit.

Mr. HUNT gave notice, that he will ask leave to-morrow to introduce a Bill to provide for dispatch of business in cases of appeals from the Circuit Courts:

Also a Bill to prescribe the mode of carrying appeals from the Circuit Courts of Law, and bills of exceptions:

Also, a Bill to fix the term of office of all persons officially entitled to receive the money of citizens, and to secure more perfectly money in the hands of public officers:

Also, a Bill relative to the more perfect administration of the Estates of Intestates, and derelict Estates:

Also, a Bill to regulate the practice in the Court of Equity, and,

Also, a Bill to simplify the practice and expedite the final disposition of cases in the Courts of Law.

Mr. HAMPTON presented the return of the Commissioners of Free Schools for Richland District, for the year 1852;

And, Mr. WAGNER presented the return of the Commissioners of Free Schools for Christ Church for the same year; which were severally referred to the Committee on Education.

Mr. BOYLSTON presented the account of Britton & Mickle for public printing, which was referred to the Committee on Claims.

Mr. THORNWELL presented the return of the Commissioners of Free Schools for Marlborough District, for the year 1852; and,

Mr. DUNCAN, the return of Commissioners of Free Schools for Greenville District for the same year; which were severally referred to the Committee on Education.

On motion of Mr. POPPENHEIM, ordered that when this House adjourns, it shall be adjourned to meet at 12 o'clock, M., to-morrow. On motion of Mr. TUCKER, the House was adjourned at 50 minutes past 12 o'clock, M.


At the hour to which the House was adjourned, the Clerk called the Roll, when the SPEAKER took the Chair, and a quorum being present, the Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read.

The following additional members attended and took their seats:

From Charleston-Messrs. J. Charles Blum, A. W. Burnet, J. B. Campbell, T. O. Elliott, Fleetwood Lanneau, H. D. Lesesne, E. McCrady, J. Seigling, jun., Peter D. Torre, and G. A. Trenholm.

From Abbeville.-Messrs. S. Jordan, S. McGowan, and J. K. Vance.
From Chester.-Messrs. W. A. Rosborough, and C. D. Melton.
From Lancaster.-Mr. T. K. Cureton.

From Liberty.-Mr. W. S. Mullins.
From Pendleton.-Mr. J. T. Sloan.

From Spartan.-Mr. H. J. Dean.

From St. Andrews.-Mr. W. B. Seabrook.

From St. Bartholomews.—Messrs. Josiah B. Perry and Peter Stokes. From St. George's, Dorchester.-Mr. A. E. Moorer.

From St. James, Goose Creek.-Mr. J. Murray.

From St. John's, Colleton.-Messrs. J. J. R. Wescoat and W. M. Bailey.

From St. Pauls.-Mr. W. E. Haskell.

From St. Peters.-Mr. A. R. Johnston.

From Union. Mr. B. H. Rice.

From York.-Messrs. W. J. Clawson, A. B. Springs, A. S. Wallace, and G. W. Williams.

Mr. Henry Gourdin, a member elect from Charleston, and Mr. D. H. Ellis, a member elect from Prince Williams, appeared, were sworn, and took their seats.

The SPEAKER then announced the appointment of the following Standing Committees of this House:

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