This of course vacates my office as one of the Law Judges of the State. I have the honor to be, most respectfully, Your obd'nt serv't, JOSIAH J. EVANS. Which was referred to the Committee on Vacant Offices SPECIAL ORDER. The Heuse then resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole House, Mr. B. J. JOHNSON in the Chair, and proceeded to the consideration of sundry Bills prescribing the manner in which Electors for President and Vice President shall be elected, submitted by Messrs. Poppenheim, Keitt, Tillinghast, Kershaw and McCrady, and after some time spent in the discussion thereof, the SPEAKER resumed the Chair. Mr MCGOWAN introduced the following resolution; which was ordered to be considered immediately, and was agreed to: Resolved, That the Hon. Mr. Miller, President of the Senate of the State of Georgia be invited to a seat on this floor. Mr. MCGOWAN gave notice that he will to-morrow ask leave to introduce A Bill to alter and amend an "Act to ascertain and define the powers, duties, and liabilities of Masters, Commissioners and Registers in Equity, and to provide for the organization and regulation of their respective offices. Mr. WAGNER introduced the following resolution, which was ordered to be considered immediately, and was agreed to: Resolved, That the SPEAKER appoint the usual Committee on the State House and Grounds, and, that a message be sent to the Senate to request that body to appoint a similar Committee to act with the Committee of this House. The SPEAKER appointed the following gentlemen of the Committee. Messrs. Wagner, Hunt and Keitt, and a message was sent accordingly. Mr. J. B. CAMPBELL introduced the following resolutions, which were ordered to be considered immediately, to be printed, and to be made the special order of the day, for Friday next, at 1 o'clock, P. M. Resolved, That the Banking Capital already invested in the Chartered Banks of this State ought not to be diminished, and, that existing Bank Charters, where no abuse of their chartered privileges, or violation of duty is charged, ought to be renewed, but where there are, or hereafter shall be, two or more banks, in the same town or city, it is good policy that the amount of capital stock of each shall be the same. Resolved, That it is against sound policy, to eneourage by chartered privileges, or otherwise, the aggregation of capital for the purpose of sending it abroad, to be engaged in adventures in no wise connected, except in rivalry with the Agriculture, Commerce or Manufactures of this State. Resolved, That the practice of sending abroad a large portion of our banking Capital, periodically, each year, for the purpose of dealing or speculating in bills of exchange, based upon the purchase of produce and merchandize, which never reaches any market in this State, would necessarily cause periodical contraction and expansion in banking affairs, prejudicial to mercantile enterprizes and to our great agricultural staples; and that such practice ought to be prevented by provisions in all future bank charters to be granted or renewed by this General Assembly. Pursuant to notice and by leave of the House, Mr. J. B. CAMPBELL introduced A Bill to establish the line of the Channel of Ashley River adjacent to the City of Charleston, and progress having heen made in the first reading thereof, on motion of Mr. ASHMORE, the House proceeded to the consideration of the GENERAL ORDERS, and resumed the debate on a Bill to divide Pendleton into two Election Districts. The question recurring on Mr. B. F. PERRY'S motion to strike out the following clause, The General Assembly shall have no power to divide any Election District for Judicial purposes, unless by a vote of two-thirds of both branches of two successive legislatures. Mr. MIDDLETON moved to strike out the words "of two successive legislatures;" which passed in the affirmative. The question was then put, "will the House agree to Mr. B. F. PERRY'S motion to strike out the clause," which passed in the affirmative. Mr. TILLINGHAST submitted the following amendment : "The future division of an Election District for Judicial purposes, shall not be construed to give a claim to a corresponding division into Election Districts." On motion of Mr. THOMSON the amendment was ordered to lie on the Table. The Bill was then read the second time, and the question being put. Will the House agree thercto? it passed in the affirmative, two-thirds of the whole representation in the House of Representatives agreeing thereto, Ayes, 91-Nays, 25. Those who voted in the affirmative are: The Hon. JAMES SIMONS, Speaker, and The Bill was then ordered to be sent to the Senate. Mr. B. J. JOHNSON, from the Committee of the whole House, to whom had been referred sundry Bills, providing for the election of Electors of President and Vice President of the United States, reported that the Committee had made progress therein, and asked leave to sit again on Tuesday next, at 1 o'clock, P. M. On motion of Mr. B. J. JOHNSON, leave was granted to the Committee to sit again on Tuesday next, at 1 o'clock, P. M. The following message was received from the Senate, which, on motion of Mr. TRADEWELL, was ordered to lie on the Table. IN THE SENATE, December, 2, 1852. Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen of the House to go into an election for a Law Judge, House of Representatives: Senate proposes to your to fill the vacancy occasioned by the acceptance of the Hon. Josiah J. Evans of the office of United States Senator, to which he has been elected, on Saturday next, at half past 12 o'clock, M. By order of the Senate, ROBT. F. W. ALLSTON, President. On motion of Mr. ASHMORE, Ordered, that when this House adjourns, it shall be adjourned to meet at 12 o'clock, M. to-morrow. On motion of Mr. ASHMORE, the House was adjourned at 40 minutes past 4 o'clock, P. M. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1852. At the hour to which the House was adjourned, the Clerk called the Roll, when the SPEAKER took the Chair, and, a quorum being present, the Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read. The Senate returned to this House with their concurrence the following reports: Reports of the Committee on Claims; On the account of R. M. Stokes; On the petition of Dr. Josiah B. Fishburne ; On the account of Britton & Mickle; On the petition of the Palmetto Standard, and the report of the Committee of Ways and Means on the petition of Weyhe and Wessels. The Senate sent to this House for concurrence the following reports: Of the Committee on the Library on the memorial of G. E. Walker and John Johnson, asking aid in the publication of a Map of the State, and the message of the Governor in relation thereto; which was referred to the Committee on the Legislative Library; Of the Committee on the Military and Pensions on the petition of Robert Hopton, a free person of color, praying exemption from capitation tax; which was referred to the Committee on Colored Population; and Of the Committee on Claims and Grievances, on the account of Isaac |