Mr. B. F. PERRY moved to strike out the following clause of the Bill. "The General Assembly shall have no power to divide any Election District for judicial purposes, unless by a vote of two thirds of both branches of two successive Legislatures ;" and, after discussion thereon, On motion of Mr. ASHMORE the debate was adjourned to 2 o'clock, P. M., to-morrow. On motion of Mr. GREEN it was ordered, that when this House adjourns, it shall be adjourned to meet at 12 o'clock, M. to-morrow. On motion of Mr. GREEN the House was adjourned at 12 minutes past 4 o'clock, P. M. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1852. At the hour to which the House was adjourned the Clerk called the roll, when the SPEAKER took the Chair, and, a quorum being present, the Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read. The Senate sent to this House the following Reports: Report of the Committee on Commerce, Manufactures and the Mechanic Arts, on the memorial of the officers and directors of the South Carolina Institute; which was referred to the Committee on Internal Improvements; Report of the Committee on the Judiciary on the memorial of the Clerk of the Court of Appeals at Columbia, asking an increase of compensation; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary; Reports of the Committee on Claims and Grievances on the account of the Charleston Mercury for printing; on accounts of the Carolinian, for public printing, and on other accounts of the Carolinian for printing done for the State; which were severally referred to the Committee on Claims. Report of the Committee on the Military and Pensions, on the petition of Delilah Williams for arrears of pension; which was referred to the Committee on Pensions. Mr. HEARST presented the petition of the Philomathian Literary Society of Erskine College, praying an act of incorporation; which was referred to the Committee on Incorporations. Mr. BLAKENEY presented the petition of John C. Coit and others, praying for the grant of a right to construct a free bridge across the Pee Dee river near Cheraw; which was referred to the Committee on Roads, Bridges and Ferries. Mr. ALLEN presented a petition praying the incorporation of the "Bethlehem Church Camp Ground," in Edgefield District; which was referred to the Committee on Incorporations, Mr. MOBLEY presented the petition of sundry citizens of Edgefield District, praying a Charter for a new road, leading from Martin McCartey's to Jackson Holmes, and also a counter petition thereto of sundry other citizens Mr. CHARLES presented the petition of Daniel Hughey, praying for a renewal of the charter to a ferry over the waters of Broad River. Mr. DUNCAN presented the petition of the citizens of North Carolina, praying that a certain road down the middle fork of the Saluda may be opened and chartered, and Mr. B. F. PERRY the petition of the City Council of Augusta, praying for the renewal of the Charter of the Augusta Bridge; which were severally referred to the Committee on Roads, Bridges and Ferries. Mr. CURETON submitted the presentment of the Grand Jury of Lancaster for Fall Term, 1852. So much as recommends but one day of Election for members of the Legislature, and So much as recommends a change in the time for electing members of Congress; were referred to the Committee on Privileges and Elections, and So much as recommends an increase of the appropriation to Free Schools, was referred to the Committee on Education. Mr. GARLINGTON presented the petition of E. P. Lake, Ordinary of Newberry District, praying to be paid rent for office, which was referred to the Committee on Claims Also the petition of the Commissioners of Public Buildings of Newberry District, praying an appropriation to build a new Jail; which was referred to the Committee on Public Buildings. Mr. McKNIGHT presented the petition of sundry citizens of Williamsburg District, in reference to the killing of deer in the said District; which was referred to the Committee on Grievances. Mr. MAYBIN presented the petition of the Commissioners of Free Schools of the Town of Columbia; which was referred to the Committee on Education. Mr. MIDDLETON from the Committee of Ways and Means, to whom had been referred the memorial of, and A Bill to grant additional aid in the construction of the Spartanburg and Union Rail Road, made a report, which was ordered for consideration to-morrow; and Reported a Bill to alter and amend an Act, entitled "An Act to authorize the State to aid in the construction of the Spartanburg and Union Rail Road, which was read the first time, and ordered to be read a second time to-morrow. Mr. HUNT, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom had been referred A Bill to alter and amend the law in relation to the collection of debts, of color, from free persons A Bill to secure planters and factors from frauds, under pretence of cash sales of produce; and A Bill concerning derelict estates, and the partition and sale of real estate by the Ordinary; and also The petition of Michael Lorick; made reports, which were ordered for consideration to-morrow. Mr. HUTSON from the same Committee, to whom had been referred A Bill to declare and amend the Law in relation to the words of limitation in Deeds and Wills; made a report which was ordered for consideration to-morrow. Mr. LEITNER, from the Committee on Internal Improvements, to whom had been referred A Bill to amend the Charter of the Wilmington and Manchester Rail Road Company, and A Bill to authorize the South Carolina Rail Road Company, to build a certain bridge over Congaree River, made reports, which were ordered for consideration to-morrow. Mr. ASHMORE, from the Committee on Claims male reports On the petition of Benjamin Perry ; On the petition of J. R. Poole ; On the account of Gilbert & Fraser; On the Senate's Resolution in relation to claims for public printing; On the petition of Jesse E. Dent; On the petition of B. E. Sessions; and, On the report of the Senate's Committee on the account of Harrison & Norris; which were ordered for consideration to-morrow. Mr. ASHMORE, from the same Committee, made an unfavorable report on the petition of B. J. Ramage; which was ordered to be considered immediately, and was agreed to. Mr. GARLINGTON obtoined leave to withdraw the said petition. Mr. MCGOWAN, from the Committee on the Military, to whom had been referred The petitions of the Edgefield Flying Artillery, and the Washington Light Infantry, and the following Bills: A Bill to alter and amend the 97th section of the Militia Law of this State, so as to authorize Colonels of Regiments to appoint their own Collectors of Fines; A Bill to give to the officers commanding Companies the right to hold Courts Martial for the trial of all defaulters for company and patrol duty, within their respective limits; A Bill to reduce the number of petty musters, and for other purposes; and, A Bill to diminish the duties and reduce the salary of the Adjutant and Inspector General; made reports, which were ordered for consideration to-morrow. Mr. CROSSON, from the same Committee, made a report of a minority of the Committee, on a Bill to diminish the duties and reduce the salary of Adjutant and Inspector General; which was ordered for consideration to-morrow. Mr. CHARLES, from the Committee on Public Builings, made reports on the petition of the Commissioners of Public Buildings for Pickens District, praying an appropriation to erect a portico and steps to the Court House of said District; On the presentment of the Grand Jury of Orangeburg District, Fall Term, 1852, on the necessity of an appropriation to enlarge and improve the Court House of said District; On the presentment of the Grand Jury of Williamsburg, Fall Term, 1852, recommending the enlargement of the Court House of said District; which were ordered for consideration to morrow. Mr. McCRADY, from the Committee on Incorporations, made a report on the petition for an Act to incorporate the town of Walhalla; which was ordered for consideration to-morrow. Mr. POPPENHEIM, from the same Committee to whom had been referred the petition of sundry citizens, praying an Act of incorporation of the Insurance Company of Charleston, reported a Bill to incorporate the Carolina Mutual Insurance Company of Charleston; which was read the first time, and ordered to be read the second time to-morrow. Mr. SULLIVAN, from the Committee on Education, to whom had been referred A Bill to alter and amend the Free School Laws of this State, made a report which was ordered for consideration to-morrow; and, reported A Bill to alter and amend the Free School Laws of this State; which was read the first time and ordered to be read the second time to-morrow. Mr. SULLIVAN, from the same Committee, to whom had been referred A Bill to appropriate the sum of three thousand five hundred dollars for the erection of a suitable building for the education of the deaf and dumb of this State, at Cedar Springs, in Spartanburg District; and, A Bill to establish Boards of Direction for Common Schools and for other purposes; made reports which were ordered for consideration to morrow. Mr. READ, from the Committee on Colored Population, to whom had been referred the petition of Robert Hopton, reported A Bill to exempt Robert Hopton, a free person of color, from the Capitation Tax; which was read the first time and ordered to be read the second time to-morrow. Mr. CURETON, from the Committee on Grievances, to whom was referred so much of the presentment of the Grand Jury of Georgetown, as relates to the use of decoys and nets for ducks and fish, made a report which was ordered for consideration to-morrow. The SPEAKER announced that Mr. Laurens is added to the Committee on Agriculture, and to the Committee on Colored Population. The SPEAKER laid before the House the following communication : COLUMBIA, December 2, 1852. To the Hon. James Simons, Speaker of the House of Representatives : DEAR SIR,-Having been notified that I have been elected to represent this State in the Senate of the United States, I take the earliest opportunity to signify to the Legslature, my acceptance of that appointment. |