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Richmond Enquirer and Examiner, then copied by Democratic papers throughout the state. After the conclusion of the canvass, Mr. Wise enclosed it to the sender, Governor Lybrook. The Demecracy of Virginia return to Governor Lybrook their sincere thanks for his efficient and timely service so considerately rendered to our gallant standard bearer.



This organization shall be known by the name and title of The Grand Council of the United States of North America, and its jurisdiction and power shall extend to all the states, districts, and territories of the United States of North America.


A person to become a member of any subordinate council must be twentyone years of age; he must believe in the existence of a Supreme Being as the Creator and Preserver of the Universe; he must be a native born citizen; a Protestant, born of Protestant parents, reared under Protestant influence, and not united in marriage with a Roman Catholic; Provided, nevertheless, that in this last respect, the state, district, or territorial council shall be authorized to so construct their respective constitutions as shall best promote the interest of the American cause in their several jurisdictions; And provided, moreover, that no member who may have a Roman Catholic wife shall be eligible to any office in this order.


SEC. 1. The object of this organization shall be to resist the insidious. policy of the Church of Rome, and other foreign influence against the institutions of our country by placing in all offices in the gift of the people, or by appointment, none but native born Protestant citizens.

SEC. 2. The Grand Council shall hold its annual meeting on the first Tuesday in the month of June, at such place as shall be designated by the Grand Council at the previous annual meeting, and it may adjourn from time to time. Special meetings shall be called by the President on the written request of five delegations representing five State Councils; Provided, that sixty days' notice shall be given to the State Councils previous to said meeting.

SEC. 3. The Grand Council shall be composed of thirteen delegates, from each state, to be chosen by the State Councils; and each district, or territory where a District or Territorial Council shall exist, shall be entitled to send five delegates, to be chosen from said Councils; and when no District or Territorial Council shall exist, such district or territory shall be entitled to send five delegates, if five or more Subordinate Councils shall exist in such district or territory; Provided, that in the nomination of candidates for President and Vice President of the United States, each state shall be entitled to the same number of votes as they shall have members in both houses of Congress. In all sessions of the Grand Council, thirty-two delegates, representing thirteen states, territories, or districts, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

SEC. 4. The Grand Council shall be vested with the following powers and privileges:

It shall be the head of the organization for the United States of North

America, and shall fix and establish all signs, grips, pass-words, and such other secret work as may seem to it necessary.

It shall have power to decide upon all matters appertaining to national politics.

It shall have the power to exact from the State Councils quarterly or annual statements as to the number of members under their jurisdictions, and in relation to all other matters necessary for its information.

It shall have the power to form state, territorial or district councils, and to grant dispensations for the formation of such bodies when five subordinate councils shall have been put in operation in any state, territory or district, and application made.

It shall have the power to determine upon a mode of punishment in case of any dereliction of duty on the part of its members or officers.

It shall have the power to adopt cabalistic characters for the purpose of writing or telegraphing said characters to be communicated to the presidents of the State Councils, and by them to the presidents of the Subordinate Councils.

It shall have the power to adopt any and every measure it may deem necessary to secure the success of the organization; provided, that nothing shall be done by the said Grand Council in violation of the Constitution; and provided, further, that in all political matters, its members may be instructed by the State Councils, and if so instructed, shall carry out such instructions of the State Councils which they represent until overruled by a majority of the Grand Council.


The president shall always preside over the Grand Council when present, and in his absence the vice president shall preside, and in the absence of both, the Grand Council shall appoint a president pro tempore; and the presiding officer may at all times call a member to the chair, but such appointment shall not extend beyond one session of the Grand Council.


SEC. 1. The officers of the Grand Council shall be a president, vice president, corresponding secretary, recording secretary, treasurer, two sentinels and such other officers as as the Grand Council may see fit to appoint from time to time, and the secretaries and sentinels may receive such compensations as the Grand Council shall determine.

SEC. 2. The duties of the several officers created by this Constitution shall be such as the work of this organization prescribes.


SEC. 1. All officers provided for by this Constitution, except the sentinels, shall be elected annually by ballot. The president may appoint sentinels from time to time, or otherwise.

SEC. 2. A majority of all the votes cast shall be requisite to an election to any office.

SEC. 3. All officers and delegates must be full degree members of this organization.

SEC. 4. All vacancies in the elective offices shall be filled by a vote of the Grand Council, and only for the unexpired term of the said vacancy.


SEC. 1. The Grand Council shall entertain and decide all cases of appeal, and it shall establish a form of appeal.

SEC. 2. The Grand Council shall levy a tax upon the State, District or Territorial Councils, for the support of the Grand Council, to be paid in such manner and at such times as the Grand Council shall determine.


The Grand Council may alter or amend this Constitution, at any regular

annual meeting, by a two-thirds' vote of the members present; provided such amendment shall be adopted by a two-thirds' vote of the Grand Council at its next succeeding annual meeting.

On page 11 commences the "General Rules and Regulations," which occupy pages, 11, 12 and 13, and are as follows:


RULE ONE. Each state, district or territory in which there may exist five or more Subordinate Councils working under dispensations from the Grand Council of the United States of North America, or under regular dispensations from some state, district or territory, are duly empowered to establish themselves into a State, District or Territorial Council, and when so established, to form for themselves constitutions and by-laws for their ernment, in pursuance of and in consonance with the Constitution of the Grand Council of the United States; provided, however, that all district or territorial constitutions shall be subject to the approval of the Grand Council of the United States.


RULE TWO.-All State, District or Territorial Councils, when established, shall have full power and authority to establish all Subordinate Councils within their respective limits; and the constitutions and by-laws of all such Subordinate Councils must be approved by their respective State, District or Territorial Councils.

RULE THREE.-All State, District or Territorial Councils, when established and until the formation of constitutions, shall work under the Constitution of the Grand Council of the United States.

RULE FOUR.—In all cases where, for the convenience of the organization, two State or Territorial Councils may be established, the two councils together shall be entitled to but thirteen delegates in the Grand Council of the United States-the proportioned number of delegates to depend on the number of members in the organization; provided, that no state shall be allowed to have more than one State Council without the consent of the Grand Council of the United States.


RULE FIVE. In any state, district or territory, where there may be more than one organization working on the same basis (to wit: "Lodges" and Councils,") the same shall be required to combine; the officers of each organization shall resign, and new officers be elected; and thereafter these bodies shall be known as State Councils and Subordinate Councils; and new charters shall be granted to them by the Grand Council.

RULE SIX. It shall be considered a penal offence for any brother not an officer of a Subordinate Council, to make use of the sign or summons adopted for public notification, except by direction of the president; or for the officers of a council to post the same at any other time than from midnight to one hour before daybreak; and this rule shall be incorporated into the by-laws of the State, District and Territorial Councils.

RULE SEVEN-The determination of the necessity and mode of issuing the posters for public notification shall be entrusted to the judgment of the State. District or Territorial Councils.

RULE EIGHT.-The respective State, District or Territorial Councils shall be required to make statements of the number of members within their respective limits at the. next annual meeting of the Grand Council, and annually thereafter at the regular annual meeting.

RULE NINE.-The Grand Council of the United States shall pay from its treasury the necessary expenses of its members in attendance upon its sese


RULE TEN.-Each State, District or Territorial Council shall be taxed ten dollars per annum for each Subordinate Council under its jurisdiction, said

tax to be paid in semi-annual instalments of five dollars each, payable in the months of June and December.

RULE ELEVEN.-The following shall be the key to determine and ascertain the purport of any communication that may be addressed to the president of a State, District or Territorial Council by the president of the Grand Council, who is hereby instructed to communicate a knowledge of the same to said officers:

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RULE TWELVE.-The clause of the article of the constitution relative to belief in the Supreme being is obligatory upon every State and Subordinate Council, as well as upon each individual member.

Pages 15 and 16 treat of "Special Votos,” viz:


FIRST. This Grand Council hereby grants to the state of Virginia two State Councils-the one to be located in Eastern and the other in Western Virginia, the Blue Ridge mountains being the geographical line between the two jurisdictions.

SECOND. The president shall have power, till the next session of the Grand Council, to grant dispensations for the formation of State, District or Territorial Councils, in form most agreeable to his own discretion, upon application being made.

THIRD.-The delegates from the several states, districts or territories, who were elected for, or in attendance upon, this Grand Council, shall hold their seats for one year; and the State, District or Territorial Councils are hereby authorized to fill up their respective delegations; provided, that when there are two or more organizations in any one state, district or territory, the delegation shall be chosen after the union, as provided for by the Constitution of this Grand Council.

FOURTH.-The next meeting of the Grand Council shall be holden at Cincinnati on the third Wednesday of November, 1854, at 3 o'clock, P. M. FIFTH.-Messrs. D of New Jersey, Dand Sof Massachusetts, are appointed a committee to examine, revise, correct, and prepare for publication, the constitution, general rules and regulations, and special votes of the Grand Council, with a list of the officers and members, with their autograph address in full, and the states, districts or territories they represent, and such other necessary matters as may be deemed expedient and judicious to publish, and forward the same to the printer; when issued, to the number of five hundred, a copy to be sent to each member of this Grand Council, and the residue to be placed at the disposal of the president.



Marshal.-Gentlemen: Are you candidates for admission to this organization? [Each answers, "I am."]

Marshal.—Before proceeding further it is necessary that you take an obligation of secrecy.

Are you willing to take such an obligation? ["I am."]

Marshal. You will now place yourselves in a position to receive it. [Position.-Place the right hand on the Holy Bible and Cross.]

Obligation. You do solemnly swear* upon this Holy Bible and Cross,

*In cases where candidates are known to be conscientious about taking an oath, they may be allowed to make solemn affirmation-this provision to be understood as applying whenever necessary in either obligation.

before Almighty God and these witnesses, that you will not divulge any question now proposed to you, whether you become a member of this organization or not, and that you will never, under any circumstances, mention the name of any person or persons you see present, nor that you know such an organization to be in existence, and that you will true answers make to every question asked you to the best of your knowledge and belief; so help you God. ["I do."]

First Question.-Are you twenty-one years of age? ["I am."]

Second Question.-Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Being, the Creator and Preserver of the Universe, and that an obligation at this time taken will be binding upon you through life? ["I do."]

Third Question.-Were you born within the limits or under the jurisdiction of the United States of America? ["I was."]

Fourth Question.-In religious belief are you a Roman Chatholic? ["No."]

Fifth Question.-Have you or have you not been reared under Protestant influence? ["Yes," or "No."]

Sixth Question.-Are, or were, either of your parents Roman Catholic in religious belief? ["No."]

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Seventh Question.-If married, is your wife a Roman Catholic? ["No,' or "Yes," the answer to be valued as the Constitution of the State Council provide.]

Eighth Question.-Are you willing to use your influence and vote only for native born American citizens for all the offices of honor or trust in the gift of the people, to the exclusion of all foreigners and aliens, and of Roman Catholics in particular, and without regard to party predilections? ["I am."]


Marshal.-Worthy President: I have examined these candidates, and finding them duly qualified, present them for obligation. [If the examination in the ante-room gave evidence of even partial objection to any candidate the Marshal should state it to the President, before introducing the candidates.]

President. My friends: Previous to your uniting with and becoming members of this organization, it will be necessary for you to take upon yourselves a solemn obligation-one which we have all taken and intend sacredly to keep through life. It will not conflict with the duties you owe to yourselves, your families, your country, or your God. With this assurance are you still willing to proceed? [Each answers, "I am."]

Obligation.-You and each of you, of your own free will and accord, in the presence of Almighty God and these witnesses, your right hand resting on this Holy Bible and Cross, and your left hand raised towards Heaven, (or if it be preferred, your left hand resting on your breast and your right hand raised towards Heaven,) in token of your sincerity, do solemnly promise and swear* that you will not make known to any person or persons any of the signs, secrets, mysteries, or objects of this organization, unless it be to those whom, after due examination, or lawful information, you shall find to be members of this organization in good standing; that you will not cut, carve, print, paint, stamp, stain, or in any way, directly or indirectly, expose any of the secrets or objects of this order, nor suffer it to be done by others, if in your power to prevent it, unless it be for official instruction; that so long as you are connected with this organization, if not regularly dismissed from it, you will, in all things, political or social, so far as this order is concerned, comply with the will of the majority, when expressed in a lawful manner, though it may conflict with your personal

* See prior note relative to affirmation.

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