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The members elect were called to order by John S. Nafew, Clerk of the last House.

The proceedings were opened with prayer by the Rev. Dr. Wyckoff.

The Hon. Elias W. Leavenworth, Secretary of State of the State of New-York, adininistered to the members present the oath of office prescribed by the 12th article of the Constitution of this State, and the said oath was thereupon subscribed by the members.

On motion of Mr. D. P. Wood,

Resolved, That the House now proceed to choose a Speaker, that the list of members be called, and that each member, as his name is called, rise in his place and openly nominate the person whom he desires for Speaker.

The Clerk then proceeded to call the list of members, and they rose in their seats and nominated as follows:

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Mr. Pruyn having received a majority of the whole number of votes cast, was declared by the Clerk duly elected.

Messrs. Clinton and Littlejohn conducted the Speaker to the chair, whereupun he delivered the following address, to wit.

Gentlemen of the Assembly-I thank you for the honor you have conferred upon me by selecting me to preside over your deliberations. I am deeply sensible that this honor is attended with weighty responsibilities; and that in the discharge of the delicate duties of the Chair, I shall need your kind indulgence.

If, at any time, the rules which you shall adopt for your government, shall appear to any of you to impose unnecessary restraint, I ask you to remember that a rigid adherence to them is necessary for the protection of the rights of the minority, and for the prompt and satisfactory discharge of the legislative duties of all. If their administration by myself shall be characterised by firmness without severity, and by strict impartiality, I shall expect and feel assured that I shall receive your cordial co-operation and support.

In all your deliberations I humbly implore the guidance of that Almighty Power without whose favor all human effort is unavailing; so that at the end of the session, we shall be able to present a record of acts which will reflect credit upon ourselves and promote the well-being of this great and growing State.

On motion of Mr. Sessions,

Resolved, That the House now proceed to choose a Clerk, that the list of members be called, and that each member, as his name is called, rise in his place and openly nominate the person whom he desires for Clerk, which was adopted.

The Clerk then proceeded to call the list of members, and they rose in their seats and nominated as follows:

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Mr. Speaker thereupon declared Richard U. Sherman duly elected Clerk of this House.

Mr. Sherman appeared and took the constitutional oath of office, and entered upon the discharge of his duties.

On motion of Mr. Benedict,

Resolved, That the rules of the last House be adopted as the rules of this, until otherwise ordered, provided there shall be a committee of five appointed to revise them, which committee shall have power to report at any time, and their report shall be acted on by the House until approved of, to the exclusion of other business, anything in any temporary rules to the contrary notwithstanding.

On motion of Mr. Benedict,

Resolved, That the clergymen of the various denominations in the city of Albany be requested to open the daily sittings of the House with prayer.

On motion of Mr. Clinton,

Resolved, That the thanks of this House be, and they are hereby, presented to John S. Nafew, late Clerk of the Assembly, for the very able, courteous and impartial manner in which he has discharged his duties at the opening of the present session. And that in retiring from his official duties, he carries with him our best wishes for his future success and welfare.

Mr. R. J. Baldwin offered, for the consideration of the House, a resolution in the words following, to wit:

Resolved, That Silas D. Nichols, of Chenango, be and he is hereby appointed sergeant-at-arms of the Assembly.

Mr. Clinton moved to amend by substituting the name of Curtis Barnes for Silas D. Nichols.

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