Imágenes de páginas

Hood, General John B., 348, 349.

Hooker, Rev. Thomas, 65.

Hooker, General Joseph, in command, 332.
Howe, Admiral, 152.

Howe, General, 144; leaves Boston, 147; at
Long Island, 152; at the Brandywine, 161;
in Philadelphia, 162; recalled to England,

Hudson, Henry, 38, 39.

Hudson River, 39.
Huguenots, 32, 95.
Hull, General, 242.
Hunter, General, 343.

Hutchinson, Mrs. Anne, 65, 80.


Idaho, admission of, 392.

Ill feeling among the states, 207.

Illinois, admission of, 255.

Impeachment, 368.

Independence of the United States acknowl-

edged by France, 160.

India, 13.

Indiana, admission of, 250.

Jay, John, in Paris, 187; treaty with Eng-
land, 221.
Jeannette, 381.

Jefferson, Thomas, writes the Declaration,
150; made Secretary of State, 216; leads
the Republican party, 218; elected Vice
President, 223; elected President, 226;
administration of, 227-236; death, 263.
Johnson, Andrew, 363; plan for reconstruc-
tion, 363; trial, 368.

Johnston, Albert S., in Utah, 294; in the
West, 317; at Shiloh, 319; killed, 319.
Johnston, General J. E., at Winchester, 310;
at Manassas, 311; wounded, 325; in
Georgia, 339; at Dalton, 347; retreat to
Atlanta, 347, 348; in North Carolina, 353;
his surrender, 356.

Johnstown flood, 393.

Joliet reaches the Mississippi, 106.
Jones, Paul, 170.


Kansas Nebraska bill, 291.

Kansas, war in, 291; admitted, 295.

Indian massacre, 48, 49; war, 50, 80, 96, 246, Kearny, General, in New Mexico and Cali-

[blocks in formation]

fornia, 280; governor, 282.
Kennesaw Mountain fortified, 348.
Kentucky, settlement of, 169; admitted, 222.
Kernstown, battle of, 326.
Key, Francis, 247.
Kidd, Captain, 83.

King George's War, 107.

King Philip's War, 72, 73.
Kings Mountain, battle of, 176.
King William's War, 107.
Knights of Labor, 388.
Know-nothings, 291.

Knox, General Henry, 216.
Kuklux Klan, 366.


Lafayette, Marquis de, arrival of, 161; at
Brandywine, 162, 182; visit to America,
258; at Yorktown, 185.

Lake Champlain, 33.

La Salle explores the Mississippi River, 106.
Laurens, Henry, in Paris, 187.
Lawrence, Captain, on the Chesapeake, 243.
Lee, Fort, retreat from, 153.

Lee, General Charles, made major general,
143; in command in the South, 149; at
North Castle, 153; his treason, 160; court-
martialed, 166.

Lee, General Henry, 178; at Paulus Hook,


Massachusetts Bay Colony, 58.

Massachusetts, settlement of, 55-63; govern-
ment, 59; laws, 60; cession of western
territory, 203.

Lee, General R. E., in Mexico, 282; against | Maryland, settlement of, 75-78; invasion of,
John Brown, 294; commands the army of
North Virginia, 325; in Seven Days' Bat-
tles, 327, 328; defeats Pope, 329; invades
Maryland, 329; at Antietam, 329; defeats
Burnside at Fredericksburg, 330; defeats
Hooker at Chancellorsville, 332; defeated
by Meade at Gettysburg, 334; at battle of
the Wilderness, 342; at Spottsylvania, 342;
at North Anna, 343; at Cold Harbor, 343;
surrenders at Appomattox, 355; death, 370.
Lee, Colonel Richard Henry, 150.
Legislative Assembly, First, 47.
Leisler, Jacob, 83.

Lexington, battle of, 138.

Lincoln, Abraham, election of, 295; inaugu-
ration, 305; administration of, 305-356;
assassination of, 356.

Lincoln, General, in command in the South,
167, 171.

Little Belt, 238.

Locke, John, 90.

Mason and Dixon's Line, 88.
Mason, Captain John, 70.
Mason, J. M., commissioner, 315.
Mayflower, 56.

McClellan, General G. B., in western Virginia,
310, 314; before Richmond, 317; again in
command, 329; death, 387.

McCullough, General, 314; killed, 320.
McDowell, battle of, 326.
McDowell, General, 311.
McKinley Bill, 394.

McKinley, William, elected President, 405;
administration of, 405.

McMaster, J. B., 419.

Meade, General, 324.

Mechanicsville, battle of, 328.

London Company, 37; sent out a colony, 42; Mecklenburg Declaration, 142.

[blocks in formation]

MacDonough, Commodore, on Lake Cham- Missouri Compromise, 256.
plain, 246.

Missouri Territory organized, 250.

Madison, James, elected President, 236; ad- Mobile, capture of, 351.

ministration, 236-251; reëlected, 242.

Madison, Mrs., 247.

Mafia, 395.

Magellan, Ferdinand, 27.

Magruder, General J. B., 311.

Mail, line from Philadelphia, 78, 197.

Maine, settlement of, 69; admission of, 257.
Malvern Hill, battle of, 328.

Manassas, first battle of, 311; second, 328.
Manhattan Island, 79.

Mansfield, battle of, 341.
Mansion, colonial, 196.

Marion, General Francis, 173, 174, 175, 180.
Marquette, 106.

Martial law in the South, 364.

Modoc war, 372.

Money, continental, 205.

Monitor, 323.

Monmouth, battle of, 165.

Monroe Doctrine, 258.

Monroe, James, 251; administration, 251-


Montana, admission of, 392.

Montcalm, Marquis, 115.

Monterey, battle of, 281.

Montreal, surrender of, 119, 146.
Moores Creek, battle of, 148.
Morgan, General, 157, 178.
Morgan, John H., raid of, 337.
Mormons, 293, 294.

Morris, Gouverneur, 207.
Morris, Robert, 205, 206.
Morse, Professor, 275.
Motley, John Lothrop, 419.
Motte, Rebecca, 180.
Moultrie, Colonel, 149.
Moultrie, Fort, battle of, 149.
Mound builders, 25.
Murfreesboro, battle of, 321.


Napoleon I, 232, 238, 254.

Nashville, 315.

Nashville, battle of, 349.

National Bank, 218, 250, 269.

Navigation Acts, 51, 125.

Navy, 239; victories of, 242; new, 396.

Nebraska, admission of, 368.

Necessity, Fort, 113.

Nevada, admission of, 352.

New Amsterdam, 79.

Newbern surrendered, 324.

New France, 31.

New Hampshire, 67; union with Massachu-

setts, 71.

New Haven settled, 67.

New Hope, battle of, 347.

New Jersey, settlement of, 84, 85.

New Netherlands, 79.

New Orleans, ceded to Spain, 119; battle of,

248; fall of, 321.

Newport, Captain, 42.

New Sweden, 88.

New York, Greater, 406.

New York, settlement of, 79-83.

Niagara, Fort, 114, 115.
Non-intercourse Act, 235.

North Anna, battle of, 343.

North Carolina, settlement of, 90-92; cession

[blocks in formation]

Peace commission, 164; commissioners, 297.
Pea Ridge, battle of, 320.

Pemberton, General, at Vicksburg, 336.

Peninsular campaign, 324-328.

Pennsylvania, settlement of, 85-88.

Penn, William, 85; treaty with Indians, 86.
People's party, 397.

Pequots, war with, 70, 71.

Perry, Commodore M. C., 292.

Perry, Oliver H., on Lake Erie, 243.
Personal liberty bills, 290.
Peruvians, 24.

Petersburg, siege of, 343; mine, 344.

of western claims, 204; secession of, 308; Philadelphia, settlement of, 86; Howe's cap-

readmission of, 365.

North Dakota, admission of, 392.
Northeastern boundary, 275.

Northmen, 11, 12.

Northwestern boundary, 279, 372.

Northwest Territory, 202, 203.
Nullification, 268.

[ocr errors][merged small]

ture of, 162; British left, 165; the capital,

Pickens, Colonel, 168.

[blocks in formation]

Poe, Edgar Allan, 418.

Point Levi, Wolfe at, 117.

Resources, Northern, 357; Southern, 357.
Retreat from New York, 153.

Polke, James K., elected President, 279; ad- | Returning boards, 376.

[blocks in formation]


Sagas, 12.

Salem, 59.

Saltillo taken, 281.

Proclamation, the king's, 146; of Cornwallis, Salzburgers, 100.

Providence, settlement of, 64.

Santo Domingo, 18.

Pulaski, Count, 162; killed, 171.

Santa Anna, General, 277, 283.

San Salvador discovered by Columbus, 16.
Saratoga, battles of, 158.

Pulaski, Fort, taken, 324.

Puritans, 55-58.

Savannah, first ocean steamer, 253.

Putnam, General Israel, 143; at the battle of Sassacus, Indian chief, 70, 71.
Long Island, 152.

Savages Station, battle of, 328.


Savannah, settlement of, 98; captured, 167;
siege of, 171; evacuated, 350.
Saybrook, 65.

Quakers, 61; persecution of, 61; in New Schools, free, 54, 78; district, and “old
Jersey, 85.

field," 200.

Quebec, founding of, 33; expeditions against, Schuyler, Philip, 143, 157.

[blocks in formation]

Reasons for war, Southern, 308; Northern, Sedition Law, 224.

[blocks in formation]

new Republican party, 292.

Resaca de la Palma, battle of, 280.

Serapis, 171.

Seven Days' Battle, 327-328.

Seven Pines, battle of, 325.

Seven Years' War, 114.

Kings Mountain, 176.

Sharpsburg, battle of, 329.

Republicans, 218, 223, 259; National, 265; Sevier, John, governor of Franklin, 204; at

Resaca, battle of, 347.

Shays's rebellion, 207.


Sherman, William F., at Vicksburg, 337; | Steamboats, invention of, 235; in the West,
from Chattanooga to Atlanta, 347-349;
march to the sea, 350; through the Caro-
linas, 353; captures Johnston's army, 354.
Sherman Silver Bill, 394, 399.

Sheridan, General, in the Shenandoah valley,


Sherman-Johnston convention, 356.
Shields, General, 326.

Shiloh, battles of, 319.
Ships, Confederate, 330.
Sigel, General, 342, 343.
Silk, production of, 102.

Silver, demonetized, 374; Bland Bill, 379;
Sherman Bill, 394; repeal of Silver Bill, 399.
Six Nations, or Iroquois, subdued, 113, 166.
Slavery, introduced, 48, 93; forbidden, 101;
profitable in the South, 255; agitation of the
slavery question, 285-298.

Slave trade, 59, 209.

Slidell, John, commissioner, 315.
Sloughter, Governor, 83.

Smith, Captain John, 42-45, 57.
Smith, Colonel, 138.

Smith, General Kirby, at Manassas, 311; in
Kentucky, 320; in command of Trans-
Mississippi department, 341.
Smith, Governor Henry, 277.

Smith, Joseph, founds Mormonism, 293.
Smuggling, 126.

Social life in the colonies, 195.
Soldiers' Aid Societies, 331.
"Sons of Liberty," 129, 142.

South Carolina, settlement of, 93-96; con-
quest of, 172; cession of western claims,
204; secession, 295; readmission of, 365.
South Dakota, admission of, 392.

South, development of, 412, 413.

Stephens, Alexander H., 296.
Steuben, Baron, 164.

Stockton, Commodore, 282.

Strikes, in 1873, 377, 378; in Chicago, 402.
Stuart, General J. E. B., 327; succeeds
Jackson, 333.

Stuyvesant, Governor, 82.
Subtreasury bill, 273.

Sullivan, General, 166, 167.
Sumter, 315.

Sumter, Colonel, 173; defeat, 175.

Sumter, Fort, 306; fall of, 307; bombard-
ment, 339.
Sunbury, 168.

Supreme Court, 212.

Surrender of Lee's army, 355.
Sympathy for Boston, 185.


Tariff, 216; protective, 263, 264, 391, 394;
revised, 399, 405.

Tarleton, Colonel, 175, 178, 179.
Taxes, 51, 131, 132.

Taylor, General Richard, at Mansfield, 341;
succeeds Hood, 349.

Taylor, Zachary, in the Seminole war, 270;
in the Rio Grande, 280; administration of,
286-288; death, 288.

Tecumseh, 237; killed, 244.

Telegraph, 275; message sent around the
world, 404, 405.
Telephone, 375.

Tennessee, admission of, 222; secession, 308;
readmission, 364.

Tenure of Office Bill, 368.

Southern Confederacy, 295, 296; navy of, 315. Territorial growth, 412.

Southern writers, 420.

Specie payments resumed, 379.

Spoils system, 266.

Spottsylvania, battle of, 343.

St. Augustine, colony at, 30.

St. Clair, 157.

St. Johns River, 32.

St. Lawrence, discovery of, 32.

St. Leger, Colonel, 157.

Stamp Act, passed, 128; repealed, 131.

Standard time, 383.

Standish, Captain Miles, 57.
Stanwix, Fort, 157.
Stark, General, 158.

"Star-Spangled Banner," 247.
"Starving time," 45, 46.
State rights, 267.
Statue of Liberty, 390.

Territory of the Southwest, 204.

Texas, 106; settlement of, 276; independence

of, 276; annexation, 277; secession, 295;
readmission of, 369.

Thames, battle of, 244.
Thanksgiving Day, 58.

Thirteenth Amendment, 364.

Thomas, General, in Kentucky, 318.

Ticonderoga, Fort, English campaigns
against, 117; Allen and Arnold's capture
of, 143; Burgoyne's capture of, 157.
Tilden, Samuel J., 376.

Tinder box and matches, 198.
Tippecanoe, battle of, 237.

Tobacco, first used, 36; in Virginia, 47, 125,
126; carried to market, 197.
Toleration Act passed, 78.
Tomochichi, 99, 101.

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